Absolute Or Relative Path For Slideshow Images
Dec 14, 2011
I found an jQuery/javascript slideshow which I try to duplicate. You can find the one I'm talking about here. I downloaded the files needed jQuery, slideme and script but I can't get it to work. In other words the pictures simply don't show. The funny thing is though that when you look in the slideme library they refer to the pictures.I have tried everything but the pictures simply don't show. Does anybody have any experience with this kind of slideshow an see what i'm doing wrong?
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Apr 27, 2009
I'm using a script to include images into a slide show using direct URLs to the image files, but I am using fckeditor (PHP) for my users to edit their content. The script in the .js file that pulls the images into the slide show.The user's image file is going to be named something like, "userImage01.php". Inside that file would be their image location path ~ "images/user/image1.jpg".Therefore, I need the above javascript to pull-in "userImage01.php" INSTEAD OF the image's location path.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to create a menu system.
The mainmenu is a table
No I try insert the submenu so that it becomes relative to the main menu
item. For menu1 the relevant code then becomes:
<td style="position:relative;">menu1<div style="position:absolute; top:20;
<a href=x.htm>option1</a><br>
<a href=y.htm>option2</a>
This works fine in IE: the div is positioned relative to the td of menu1.
However, in Mozilla it doesn't work. The div becomes relative to the top of
the page.
What am I doing wrong?
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Jul 23, 2005
how can I get the absolute position of a relative element?
We dynamically create a page with multiple segments which are relatively
ordered among each other. In these segments we have input fields.
When such an input field is focused I need it's absolute position.
Is there a way to do so with IE > 6?
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Aug 9, 2011
I'm just figuring out how to use absolute inside a relative element to shift an image without changing the flow of the rest of the html. It's working for Firefox 4, but not IE 9.
In firefox the div element doesn't cause a hole in the flow. The div and the image inside is simply moved over to where they should be. But in IE, the image is sitting there as part of the flow bumping down the next things (the text and span tags) and the image isn't moving over to the right at all.
I've tried wrapping the div in an another div but that made no difference. Am I crazy to think this is supposed to work? I'm inserting the div and image tags dynamically in the client in javacript.
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Mar 21, 2011
I'm having an issue using .get and a callback. Basically, unlessI use a fully quantified path when I deploy my site the call doesn't work. When I'm developing on localhost, the site works fine. It's an ASP.NET MVC site. I'm fairly new to jQuery. If I replace the code with an absolute path, all seems fine. Obviously I'd rather use relative paths. I'd be grateful for any insight you could offer.
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Apr 16, 2007
1. I have some links that open with Javascript. The HTTP links work just fine, but I have one link that is supposed to open a picture in a new window. The picture is stored in the root/images folder. So it's supposed to be a relative path, but no matter what I do, I get an error page. (images/snailmail.jpg)
2. I have added a mouserollover funtion to change a small picture on the page. I am trying to add a second function to that function, to stop the scrollbar in the lower left corner as long as the mouse hovers over the picture. For the first picture, it works fine, but with the 2nd picture which allready has a mouseover function, I am not sure what to do.
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Dec 1, 2006
In short, is there any way to have a js file know the location on the server where it is stored.. I can only find the domain/location of the current web page URI.
I have a bunch of javascript and php files that are in one location and are shared across a whole bunch of subdomains (each on their own folder on the root). I call the script through a "scripts" subdomain (this is so all the subdomains can access them in one shot).
A couple of the js files are ajax incorporated and I want to call a php script. Obviously, I can't call to the "scripts" subdomain, nor can I use the root webserver (as it is detected as the calling subdomains root). The only thing I can think of is if I can call the php file RELATIVE to the JS file... but all I can seem to get is RELATIVE to the calling script, which won't work since the js file won't know where it's being called from.
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Apr 21, 2010
I need to write to certain element on web page through some kind of absolute path access.
Example structure code...
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Feb 18, 2010
I had askedthis question on another forum but unfortunately I was unable to find a fix. I have a select and drag code that works well until in selection is added a position relative div. Here is the code and you can see a working demo at [URL] To see the problem just mouse select span 1, span 2 and the nested span 4 You can see the code and demo at http://jsbin.com/azeli/2
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Mar 20, 2010
I managed to get my hover over text pop up to work but now I would like the text box to pop up in the same location relative to the text As you can see here, when you hover over any text not within the first row, it is a bit all over the place. Is there any way making the text pop up the same way it does for the first row for the other rows?
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Dec 13, 2011
I have a relative path issue when using jQuery in that I am using the same ajax function sitewide and I don't know how I can send a request to a PHP file without needing to provide the full absolute path. For example, the below code works at top level, but will not work if called from inside a sub folder.
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Sep 19, 2005
I built my company's website and the content portion of the site uses
text with styles with relative values and the navigational part of the
site uses text with styles with absolute values. The purpose of this
was so that the end user could increase the size of the text on the
webpage and only the content portion of the page would scale or resize
but the navigation would not. This works as expected on a pc but the
entire page scales on a MAC. Does MAC not support text with styles the
same as pc so that the only scalable text is that with relative values
(ie: small, x-small, medium, large, etc)? Absolute values conist of
point sized text. Code:
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Nov 5, 2010
I tried to add path to images but nothing i do seems to work. I dont know if im adding wrong code or not removing brackets or whatever but i cant get it to work. Please show me how the code should look so that i can get a better understanding of what m doing wrong. An example code of sorts. Thx.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have to do a slideshow with images of different widths... am using cycle plugin, which I like very much... I have a little test slideshow here, http:[url]....it's not centering imgs in containing div (I made div width of widest image.. this will work for my situation, in which imgs will be hard-coded..)if you inspect img element in firebug (#slideshow img), it shows that the plugin adds a style of position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px .to the img; why does the plugin do this.. how can I center the images in containing div...
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Dec 10, 2010
Iīve just launch my website-portfolio, well itīs not yet the final version but it is almost and despite I am satisfied with the final result Iīve detected a really strange bug that only happens sometimes. The thing is when the first introduction Slide appears (the one with the hand-made drawings), sometimes the images shrink from the normal size to small tiny images. This doesnīt happen always and if you refresh the page it disappears.
Follow the link to the page were the bug happens - [url]. I'm using jquery cycle plugin, check it out.
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Sep 3, 2010
I need some help with a path change. It works for just one image but when I use it for multiple images they all change to the same one. I need the src images/fr to change to images/en with a click.
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Apr 8, 2010
Im looking at a pretty old table driven site for a client. Its an affiliate based site so affiliates of the company can use their booking engine. They want to be able for affiliates to change some of the hardcoded images so as to use their own coloured ones.Is it possible with Jquery to change the image path on all of the images. So for example from:[code]Unfortuntly due to the nature and size of the company I cant use htaccess or do any real code changes hence i thought a JQuery would do it
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a jquery slideshow on a webpage. It works fine. No problem. how I could load the images by an XML file?
The code is:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
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Jul 25, 2011
I have written a javascript slideshow with pause-play-next-previous buttons, but the images are too many and users have to wait too long especially with slower connections - i wonder if anybody can suggest a way to implement the script with fast preloading of the first few images, increment preloading or a similar trick. I will copy my code below but i also copy first this link:
which is an example of increment loading slideshow working fine! javascript and i wouldnt know how to customize it in order to take away the link function, that i dont need, and add captions and buttons etc.
I do know some jquery plugin could do but i am trying to go more into the code, even though i still need a lot of advices and tutorials, the goal is solving this specific problem but also learning! Thx a lot in advance.
Here my code (just 2 images here in the list to make it shorter for you, the complete list is more than 50 pics!):
<script language="JavaScript">
var interval = 8000;
var random_display = 0;
var imageDir = "portraits/";
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Nov 11, 2011
Okay, so I've been trying to pick up JavaScript and JQuery. And I have a few questions, would be very grateful for answers: -If I'm making a sliding image gallery with JQuery, how do I store my images in an array? I take it this is the best way? I've made a JQuery gallery by assigning each image an ID, and hiding the ones that aren't required. This looks like bad practice though.
I take it it should work with a standard JavaScript array, then reference the position of the image I've loaded? like [0][1][2] etc, but something must be amiss in my code. So basically, I've animated my image in, and there's a next button that I want to take me to the next image in the sequence.
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Dec 17, 2003
only 4 changes to make and your ready to go! Faster than naming all your pictures one by one in an array. You just need to name your pictures 001.jpg, 002.jpg and so on...
<!-------------- Begin Slideshow ------------------->
<!-- change the path and name of your first image -->
<!-- if your images don't all have the same size, just leave out the width and height-->
<img src="../images/005.jpg" width="640" height="480" name="photoslider">
<form method="POST" name="rotater">
<H6 ALIGN="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
//from 005.jpg to 018.jpg, change to yours.
var begin=5
var end = 18
var which = begin;
function geturl(n){
n = String(༼' + n);
//change "../images/" to your path
return '../images/' + (n).substring(n.length - 3, n.length) + '.jpg'
//do not edit after this point
function backward(){
if (which>begin){
function forward(){
if (which<end){
else window.status='End of gallery'
<input type="button" value="<< Backward" name="B2"
onClick="backward()"> <input type="button" value="Forward >>" name="B1"
<a href="#" onClick="which=begin+1; backward();return false>Start over</a></h6><br>
<!---------------------------- End of slideshow ----------------------->
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Jun 13, 2011
I want to store my images in a folder images/slideshow/1.jpg for all my images up to 10.jpg. I have tried to adjust the code so i can store the images in a folder but the code cant find the images.
I have this code in the head section:
<script type="text/javascript">
function newSlide(direction) {
thisImg = thisImg + direction;
if(thisImg <1) {thisImg = imgCt;}
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Jun 21, 2010
I am at a loss for what to do next to get these slideshows functioning. You can see the current iteration here[url]...
I am using hte plug in galleria, and I have got it working in a stand alone version with the same images and and folder structure. The difference may be that I have the content nested in these div tags? to create tabs. i really don't know.
Here is the structure within the portfolio tab, under the Identity heading: ( there will be more images once I get this working [code]...
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Jun 15, 2010
I have preloaded the images i want to use into an array and want to cycle thruindefinitely each image in the array, and use the each function on the array. The array isvar imgs = [];
I have a div such as this
<div id="mydiv"></div>
& with current styling such as this -
background-image: url(myimg.jpg);
only the last image shows up... I am going around the bend ( turning green, red, and face rgb (255,255,255)
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Jun 11, 2009
I know that Picasa does give the facility of exporting images as a slideshow, but their version contains user controls which we don't want and it is also in Flash - our IT dept don't really support Flash!
Anyway, the slideshow I would like to use and the image gallery display using Picasa images that I have already done can be seen on this test page [URL].
The gallery pulls the images from Picasa using the API in the page body:
<script src="http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/cycletheyorkshiredales/album/CycletheDales1?authkey=Gv1sRgCKuzudmF-bC5aA&kind=photo&alt=json-in-script&callback=output&access=all">
- so that the slideshow can be called using the images from the array called fadeimages.
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