XMLHttpRequest Hangs On ReadyState 3
Aug 11, 2006
I'm using the XMLHTTPRequest JavaScript object to fetch updated info
from the server.
The problem I'm having occurs on Windows 2000/IE 6. There is a very
long pause on readyState 3 (close to a minute, maybe more) but it
eventually gets to readyState 4. I have no idea why. The page works
just fine on Windows XP/IE 6.
There is no delay or hang up on the server side as far as I can tell
(if we get to readyState 3 is because the server already sent its
Does anyone know what takes place between readyState 3 and 4 and why
does this happen on Windows 2000 but not on Windows XP? Code:
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Jul 19, 2011
how to get DWR readyState as in AJAX. I am using Springs.
Problem for me is sometimes the Flow continues even before Ajax values being returned and hence ends up in some error. If I can get the readyState, then i can check whether it is 4, so that I can make the flow to continue further.
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Apr 20, 2011
I am using object tag and have attached onreadystatechange event to a function. in this function i want to check object.readystate value and perform some operations. but it seems object.onreadystatuschange and object.readystate is not supported in Firefox.
Is there any alternative to have readystate available or onreadystatechange event available in Firefox? my requirement is to perform certain operation once element being loaded inside <object> tag is fully loaded and available.
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Dec 4, 2006
I have several functions with code along the lines of:
var xmlDoc = requestXML("ajax.asp?SP=SelectRelatedTags&tag=" +
The requestXML() function includes the code:
var xmlDoc = null;
http_request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
if (http_request.status == 200) {
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
} else {
alert('There was a problem with the request.' +
http_request.open('GET', url, true);
return xmlDoc;
However, the last line (the return) executes before the readyState
reaches 4. How do I return the xmlDoc to the functions only once the
xmlDoc has been assigned? I tried putting the return statement in a
while loop with the condition that the readyState must = 4 - this
worked, but makes the browser popup a message saying the script is
slowing down the system.
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Nov 3, 2010
i use the getJSON function to get some data from another link here is the function
$.getJSON( site_url , function(data) {
site_url is a link to tinyurl script which return a tiny url in this form [URL]now this working very fine with firefox but not with IE and google chrome sometimes it working and always get error " j.readyState is null or not an object
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Jan 28, 2011
I'm having a little bit of a problem with some ajax on my page.Below is the code in it's current state (with debugging info included):
function setrating(id)
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm trying to make it so when I click a image it prints out the image
again and a load of other stuff. So far i've got this far.
<script language="JavaScript" type="">
document.onmousedown = onmousedown;
function onmousedown(e)
<body bgcolor="FFFFFF">
<img border="1" src="iecadaptor.jpg">
but in Mozilla it prints out hello then hangs looking like it's doing
something then I have to press back. In Explorer it works doesn't hang.
Any ideas anyone why it's hanging in mozilla(linux)?
Also if I change the document.writeln("hello"); to
document.writeln("<img border="1" src="iecadaptor.jpg">");
it doesn't print out an image just hangs in mozilla. Any ideas?
Ideally I would like it so document.writeln doesn't have to reload to a
new page and just uses a layer using <div stuff but that's next.
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Jul 28, 2009
We are using a javascript code which is setInterval("window.clipboardData.setData(' ')",20)in our application for managing clipboard content. While accessing our website via Internet Explorer 7, system will prompt a warning message �Do you want to allow this web page to access your Clipboard?�. This confirmation message will have two buttons �Don�t Allow� and �Allow Access� . Suppose if I click the input field in the Application, system will prompt this confirmation message , and I can continue by click on any of the button. but sometime it happens that the CUSTOMER NOT ABLE TO CLICK ANY OF THE CONFIRMATION BUTTONS, AND BROWSER WILL HANG ON. customer will not allow to disable/enable clipboard access properties via IE Tools->Internet options. THIS IS VERY VERY URGENT FOR ME.. Can anyone give a solution for this.
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Mar 2, 2010
In one of my project I require to open new window on button click which uses images and CSS. After clicking on the button it shows all the things perfectly the only problem is the progress bar on on the window never show 100%. [code]...
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Oct 13, 2009
XP IE6 virtual PC for test, latest version of jquery the browser hangs after an ajax request. $.get("/myurl", {random: $.random()}, mycallback); I read that IE6 hangs for some cache searching stuff, that is why I added a randomstring with my $.random() but keeps hanging the browser.
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May 28, 2011
[URL]how I can get the form to validate it hangs up on password.
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Jan 27, 2011
This code allows me to make a drop down menu when the cursor hovers over a link.
I have a horizontal menu, so when I hover over a certain link, I get a drop down menu, but the problem is that it won't go away if my cursor is still around the horizontal menu. It will go away if my cursor is outside of the menu.[code]...
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a sidebar application, I am using an IM functionality inside this sidebar. When a user is logging in, the connection with chat server will generate on this sidebar.The sidebar itself acts as a parent window. When a user click on the IM icon inside the sidebar, a child Pop up window will open. The child Pop up window uses the connection objects from the Parent sidebar. When closing this child Pop up window, the sidebar hangs. When I tried to reopen the child Popup window, the Pop up window also hangs for a long time. But I can not find the exact reason behind this hanging of sidebar, after closing the Pop up window.
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Feb 5, 2011
I am trying to get an exec to work on the following code:
alert("before exec");
while ((result = /\r\n ?w:/g.exec(lines)) != null) { i++; } //Counts number of lyric lines
if (i > 1) lyricRegExp=/\r\n ?w:([^\]*)/ ;
alert("after exec");
If I find more than one occurrence of a line starting with "w:" (or has spaces before the "w"), I will need to change a regular expression used. The exec() runs fine in Firefox but hangs in Internet Explorer. The whole script I'm trying to test is abctst.htm on line 494. If anyone tries to run this click on Submit, my testing code is already filled in. The alerts shown will run first followed by about six more alerts before highlighted code is created in the bottom textarea.
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Jul 20, 2009
I'm currently working on a PHP project, in which i have a search form for users to set search criteria and displays the result. for each result row i have created a checkbox for the user to select that row such that they will be able to identify which rows to export out.
now, as this could be a potentially generate a huge list of results, individually selecting each checkbox can be a pain. so i created a "toggle" checkbox which will toggle the checkboxes "on" or "off" using a javascript function.[code]...
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Apr 12, 2010
I've got a jQuery ajax call to a php script which gets aborted when a user clicks on any link on the page.
The ajax call aborts ok, but the php script, which includes a sleep() function is not aborted until after the sleep() has finished sleeping.
Does anyone know if there's any way to make the sleep() function also abort when a user cancels / aborts the ajax request?
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Oct 16, 2010
I have a php page which returns a table representing a query sent to a MySQL database. So far it has worked in every case except now that I'm trying to use it to call a stored procedure, in which case the readystate is staying at 1 and never completing.
I have logged the results of the php file both in an error log and looked at the response from the request using firebug, both of which show a correct result.
Why isn't this returning properly?
Here are the relevant javascript functions:
function customizeType()
$("custom-header").innerHTML = "";
$("custom-top").innerHTML = "";
After the page loads, the error log shows correct results for all queries.
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Dec 22, 2010
I have put together a script which does this:
1. Make ajax request (via getHTTPObject(), no libraries is used)
2. Create an iframe with script, src is "blank.html".
3. use iframe.document.write() to execute scripts (inkluding document.write based scripts) in the iframe.
4. call parent window's document to clone the iframe content.
5. Append the content clone to parent body.
Works like a charm in all browsers but IE, where every version - including IE9 beta - hangs on iframeWindow.document.close() with empty cache, leaving the window/tab unresponsible. When I force quit, restart and load the page again (now in cache) it works.What I've tried already:
* Googled.
* called the ajax request callback manually with string instead of request.responseText - it works even with empty cache here.Removed document.close() - resulting in scripts in iframe not executing at all (again, only with empty cache, cached pages works fine).
* Tested to make the ajax request synchronous - no difference.
Console.log trace:
append() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:160 install() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:194 iframe begin[code].....
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Mar 13, 2005
Yesterday I started rewriting the xmlhttprequest functions to an oo equivalent, but as it turns out, I don't get it right:
function Request()
this.req.onreadystatechange = this.processedRequest;
//addEventHandler/attachEvent alternative
//doesn't work either
function init()
return new XMLHttpRequest();
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
this.req.open("GET", url, true);
if (this.req.readyState == 4)
if(this.req.status == 200)
expected usage:
var x=new Request();
x.send(url); //the processing function
//the eventtrigger should activate the callback function
//when the xml has been returned
It seems like the problem is that I don't get to my "this.req" in the processedRequest function. Can anyone see where the problem lies, it has been turning me crazy all weekend already.
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Jul 6, 2010
1. - I am new to this
2. - Using the following .js file:
function makeObject(){
var x;
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
}else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
x = new XMLHttpRequest();
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Sep 12, 2005
Ive been playing around with xmlHTTPRequest and was wondering if i was
programming a part of my code wrong.
what i want to do is have the browser access another part of my site
using xmlhttprequest.
however, when i use xmlhttp.open("POST",
it fails, but if i use xmlhttp.open("POST",
'http://www.mysite.com/test.php') it works. Is access to another url
restricted in xmlhttp?
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Dec 29, 2005
I have something like this:
var xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
but in opera xmlDoc.load(...) won't work, so I use:
XMLHttpRequest, and I have all needed code... let's say it works...
So I got serviceRequest.responseXML and is there a way to initialize xmlDoc
in my case ? I am asking because I have code that uses xmlDoc.load(...) in
FF and all code that's need to futher work with XML written. So this would
be comfortable for me to use xmlDoc instead of creating everything from
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Feb 25, 2006
I'm fetching some HTML files with XMLHttpRequest and dumping the
ResponseText into block elements; works fine except that single and double
quotes are being displayed as question marks (inside of a black diamond in
What's going on ? What is the workaround ? I've tried this:
divElement.innerHTML = x.responseText.replace(/?/g, "'")
but it does nothing ... even if it did work it would not be distinguishing "
from '
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Jan 19, 2007
I would like to use the xmlhttprequest-object to send an http request
to my server. The http request is used to switch the light on through
home automation.
However it's not working, and I can't find the problem.
Could it be that the apache-server is located on and that
the http request is sent to
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Apr 24, 2005
function XML_request(func) {
var onreadystatechange= func;
this.method = "GET";
this.get = function(url) {
var request = null;
var state_change = function() {
if (request.readyState==4) {
if (request.status==200) {
} else {
return null;
try {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e) {
try {
request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch(e) {
return null;
if (request===null) {
return null;
request.onreadystatechange = state_change;
request.open(this.method, url, true);
var req = new XML_request(function(response) {
response = response.responseXML
i didn't like the examples I found so this is suitable.. I only tested in ie and firefox though.. so let me know what I may be missing.. or criticism in general.
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Oct 26, 2005
I'm working on an application that uses ajax and we are going to have a version that people with browsers that don't support the XmlHttpRequest object. My problem is what's the best way to check this.
I have tried the following
var xmlreq = new new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!xmlreq){
// handle the browser stuff
In netscape 4.7 this results in an error that I don't seem to be able to recover from and I don't think this is the best approach to this problem.
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