Xmlhttprequest Object

Apr 24, 2005

function XML_request(func) {

var onreadystatechange= func;
this.method = "GET";
this.get = function(url) {

var request = null;
var state_change = function() {
if (request.readyState==4) {
if (request.status==200) {
} else {
return null;

try {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e) {
try {
request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch(e) {
return null;
if (request===null) {
return null;
request.onreadystatechange = state_change;
request.open(this.method, url, true);
var req = new XML_request(function(response) {
response = response.responseXML


i didn't like the examples I found so this is suitable.. I only tested in ie and firefox though.. so let me know what I may be missing.. or criticism in general.

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Retrieving RSS Data Using XMLHttpRequest Object

May 9, 2010

I am having trouble populating elements from the following Yahoo RSS feed: [URL] I need to show the current weather conditions when a button is clicked. Here is what I have so far.


I need to populate the <h1> and two <p> elements. I know that the copyWeatherData() and getWeatherData() functions are not coded properly.

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Ajax :: Create An Xmlhttprequest Object ?

May 7, 2011

I am trying to create an xmlhttprequest object to update the shopping cart on my web page without submitting the entire page to the server for processing. However, what I have done so far is not working. All that is happening when I click the "update cart" button is the page sort of flashes and the check marks in the remove item check boxes disappear. The first code snippet is the "traditional" way of submitting the whole page to the server for processing - and it works. The second snippet is what I have done to try and implement AJAX to submit only the shopping cart - and it does not work.


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Adding Property To XMLHttpRequest Object In IE

May 1, 2007

I've created a small AJAX library for our application. We send the response data back as JSON in responseText. So far so good.

Before we invoke the response handler, I'm putting the eval'ed responseText in the request object like so:

req.respText = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');
This works in FF but breaks in IE 6. (*gasp*)

I finally got the Microsoft Script Editor yesterday, so I could play with the values and see what was going on. Kind of... I'm still in the dark. For some reason, it won't let me add a property to req. Can anyone explain why/how it prevents me from doing so?

Conceivably I could add the eval'ed responseText to the response handler function, but that would break the API, and would require us to modify a bunch of existing functions.

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Set Request Header Of My XMLHttpRequest Object?

Jul 10, 2009

Im trying to set request header of my XMLHttpRequest object.

xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
and it gives this exception


Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIXMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: http://************ :: process :: line 52" data: no]

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How To Read The Streaming Data From IE Xmlhttprequest Object

Apr 3, 2006

I am going to use the server push

for streaming the data by keeping the connection open. At client side,
i am having the XMhttprequest object (i.e ActiveX object of IE). When
the data comes, onreadystatechange method get callback on state 3 but
it doesn't allow me to read the data from the object. It says 'The data

necessary to complete this operation is not yet available'. Is it
possible to read the streaming data from the XMLHttprequest object in

I know Mozilla supports to read the data, when the ready state is 3. In

Internet Explorer, how we can use the XMLhttp Active object to read the

streaming data.

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JQuery :: Ajax - Don't Declare XMLHttpRequest Object

Mar 16, 2011

I find ajax with jquery more confusing than with regular JS, b/c in jQuery you don't declare XMLHttpRequest object.. so how do you do something like:

In example I mention here,[url] namely [url] I don't understand where var 'msg' is declared, I know it comes from the back-end, but HOW is it passed to the front-end? (how do you do this w/o responseText or something similar?)

I'm trying to connect to a send-mail jsp with ajax.. the email is not getting sent.. I want to test if the ajax connection is being made at all.. don't know how do it w/o something like xmlHttp.responseText

This is my jQuery ajax code for connecting to send-email jsp:

var dataToSend = "name=sName&email=sEmail&msg=sMsg;

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Extract HMTL Content Through The Use Of XMLHttpRequest Object?

Aug 1, 2009

Say I have 2 HTML pages. In page A, I want to display part of page B.(content between a div tag pair with ID in B) Now I was able to use the XMLHttpRequest object to get the complete page B, namely, through the reponseText property of the XMLHttpRequest object. But my goal is only part of page B, not the entire page. I tried to use XML DOM tree node methods to extract the wanted part from page B, but it does not work. I think the problem is that page B is a HTML page, not a XML page. Is there a work around on this?

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Inline Javascript Not Working While Reading From XMLHttpRequest Object

Jun 9, 2006

I stumbled upon a strange behaviour of the XMLHttpRequest.. Maybe I'm
just not well informed enough about its possibilities, so could someone
please confirm my question?

When I put plain javscript in a file that is read-in through a
XMLHttpRequest-object, it's like it is totally ignored. Eg. I have the
file ajax_include.html with in it's body the following lines
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
alert('some alert');

when I directly surf to the file, the alert pops up as expected, but
when I use a simple XMLHttpRequest to replace the contents of a div
with the contents of this page, the alert is not popping up, although
when I view the selection's source (Thank you, Firefox!), it is there!

When I place an anchor with an onclick-action (eg. alert('onclick')),
it works when I click it.
So my "conclusion" is that it seems like inline javascript commands are
ignored (functions not recognized etc.). All actions assigned to other
events work nice though.

Can someone confirm this strange behaviour? Or is it just normal with
the use of an XMLHttpRequest opbject?

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JQuery :: Getting Status Code From XMLHttpRequest Object Returned By AjaxSubmit

Mar 12, 2010

I am submitting a form using ajaxSubmit and trying to read back the status code.For a error case it is showing HTTP Status 404 in responseText but not xhr.status is undefined.If i use complete callback then xhr.status 0 So how to handle case when there is some error like 404..[code]

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Ajax - Create An XMLHttpRequest Object But Getting A Syntax Error "missing } XML Expression (on Column 56)"

Feb 14, 2010

I'm try to create an XMLHttpRequest object but getting a syntax error with this code:

var XMLHttpRequest;
XMLHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

syntax error: missing } XML expression (on column 56)

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Oo Xmlhttprequest

Mar 13, 2005

Yesterday I started rewriting the xmlhttprequest functions to an oo equivalent, but as it turns out, I don't get it right:


function Request()
this.req.onreadystatechange = this.processedRequest;
//addEventHandler/attachEvent alternative
//doesn't work either

function init()
return new XMLHttpRequest();
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

this.req.open("GET", url, true);

if (this.req.readyState == 4)
if(this.req.status == 200)
expected usage:


var x=new Request();
x.send(url); //the processing function
//the eventtrigger should activate the callback function
//when the xml has been returned

It seems like the problem is that I don't get to my "this.req" in the processedRequest function. Can anyone see where the problem lies, it has been turning me crazy all weekend already.

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XMLHttpRequest() In FF Not In IE?

Jul 6, 2010

1. - I am new to this
2. - Using the following .js file:

function makeObject(){
var x;
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
}else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
x = new XMLHttpRequest();

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XmlHTTPRequest Problem

Sep 12, 2005

Ive been playing around with xmlHTTPRequest and was wondering if i was
programming a part of my code wrong.

what i want to do is have the browser access another part of my site
using xmlhttprequest.

however, when i use xmlhttp.open("POST",
it fails, but if i use xmlhttp.open("POST",
'http://www.mysite.com/test.php') it works. Is access to another url
restricted in xmlhttp?

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XMLDocument And XMLHttpRequest ?

Dec 29, 2005

I have something like this:

var xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);

but in opera xmlDoc.load(...) won't work, so I use:

XMLHttpRequest, and I have all needed code... let's say it works...

So I got serviceRequest.responseXML and is there a way to initialize xmlDoc
in my case ? I am asking because I have code that uses xmlDoc.load(...) in
FF and all code that's need to futher work with XML written. So this would
be comfortable for me to use xmlDoc instead of creating everything from

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? In XMLHttpRequest.ResponseText

Feb 25, 2006

I'm fetching some HTML files with XMLHttpRequest and dumping the
ResponseText into block elements; works fine except that single and double
quotes are being displayed as question marks (inside of a black diamond in

What's going on ? What is the workaround ? I've tried this:

divElement.innerHTML = x.responseText.replace(/?/g, "'")

but it does nothing ... even if it did work it would not be distinguishing "
from '

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XmlHttpRequest Is Not Working

Jan 19, 2007

I would like to use the xmlhttprequest-object to send an http request
to my server. The http request is used to switch the light on through
home automation.

However it's not working, and I can't find the problem.

Could it be that the apache-server is located on and that
the http request is sent to

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XMLHTTPRequest Compatibility

Oct 26, 2005

I'm working on an application that uses ajax and we are going to have a version that people with browsers that don't support the XmlHttpRequest object. My problem is what's the best way to check this.

I have tried the following

var xmlreq = new new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!xmlreq){
// handle the browser stuff

In netscape 4.7 this results in an error that I don't seem to be able to recover from and I don't think this is the best approach to this problem.

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Getting XMLHttpRequest Status=0 Or XMLHttpRequest Status=406?

Sep 11, 2011

While accessing my web service i am getting XMLHttpRequest status=0 in Crome/Mozilla and in IE getting XMLHttpRequest status=406. What is the solution for it so that i will successfully get responseText from server? I have tried accessing my html code with localhost but its getting same error,while when i run my code in that localhost location through local drive then it's working. why this is happning i didn't get?

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Execute After XMLHttpRequest?

Feb 3, 2010

I got a javascript function to pull contents from a php page, let's call this page B to the actual page, let's call this page A.

As I know when a page gets loaded the javascript on that page won't execute, am I right?

Now I need the javascript code on that page B to get executed. Is that somehow possible?

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Problem With XMLHttpRequest

May 21, 2006

I'm loading a javascript within a webpage on domain A from domain B like this:


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="http://domainB/path"></script>

Works perfectly, the script loads and executes. But calling XMLHttpRequest.open accessing Domain B from within this script doesn't work: Permission denied.

Now, I know of the cross domain security rule, but why can I load a script from Domain B, but not make a request with XMLHttpRequest to Domain B? Alle the counter scripts do exactly this... Any advice?

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XMLHttpRequest And Firefox 1.5

Dec 12, 2006

I'm using Firefox 1.5 and FCKEditor in a CMS app. Everything works in older versions of Firefox but in 1.5 I get a javascript error saying that the XML file holding the styles can't be loaded. Here is the code where the xml request is made:Code:

FCKXml.prototype.LoadUrl = function( urlToCall )
var oFCKXml = this ;

var oXmlHttp = FCKTools.CreateXmlObject( 'XmlHttp' ) ;
oXmlHttp.open( "GET", urlToCall, false ) ;
oXmlHttp.send( null ) ;

if ( oXmlHttp.status == 200 )
this.DOMDocument = oXmlHttp.responseXML ;
else if ( oXmlHttp.status == 0 && oXmlHttp.readyState == 4 )
this.DOMDocument = oXmlHttp.responseXML ;
alert( 'Error loading "' + urlToCall + '"' ) ;

Everything works in IE but Firefox just gives the error that is set in the final else. Any ideas on how to debug further or fix (preferrably fix).

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XMLHttpRequest Exception 101?

Feb 22, 2010

The code I am writing fetches a csv file with weather data and updates the contents of the page every 5 seconds. It works correctly as far as I can tell in Firefox, IE, and Chrome. In Safari it works correctly the first time it loads but gives the following error any time after that.

Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101 I've searched for this but couldn't find anything that seemed to be similar to the issue I'm having. The error occurs on the xmlhttp.send(null); line.

function getFile(url)
var file_url = url + '?t=' + ((new Date()).valueOf());
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();


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XMLHttpRequest() And Persistent Connections

Jul 23, 2005

I have a web app, written in Javascript, that communicates to a back-end
server via XMLHttpRequest.

The logic goes:

* Login
* Perform transaction
* (delay while the user does something)
* Perform transaction
* ...
* Logout

It would be really convenient if I could make the whole thing a single HTTP
connection. That way, I avoid needing IPC and session management at the
server end, and a single instance of a CGI script can represent the entire
session. When the socket gets closed, the CGI script terminates and
implicitly logs the user off. All very simple.

Can I use HTTP pipelining with XMLHttpRequest to do this? The docs seem to
say (it's quite hard to tell) that I have to call open() after each send(),
which will presumably create a new HTTP session. Can I 'persuade' the
browser to reuse an existing session?

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XMLHttpRequest Not Working As Expected

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to implement XMLHttpRequest to a new website, but when I
include HTML, the code appears as is, instead of the formated HTML. Please
have a look and click the 1st link ("L'Association") on top (yello
horizontal bar on top): Code:

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POST A Form With XmlHttpRequest

Jul 23, 2005

I have a form in a webpage that I want to submit
and get the result back without reloading the page.

I've seen many times ppl using text/x-www-form-urlencode but I was
wondering if it was possible somehow to submit the form element
directly so I wouldn't have to process the form to put it in a string.

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