The File Input Goes Blank When Trying To Submit Form?

Dec 21, 2010

I have one document that resides in an iFrame, and it contains anywhere from 1 to 4 forms, depending. There is a dynamic content area that will display between zero and three forms, each named uniquely, associated with files that exist in a database. Regardless of the number of forms associated with a file, at the bottom of the document is one last form named NewDoc - this last form is used for uploading a new file into the database, or replacing a file.With one exception, this is working flawlessly.The user is supposed to choose a file for upload, use a SELECT input to say what document type it is, then click on the submit button.

What is actually happening, however, has me confuzzed. When the submit button is clicked the first time, the value of the input="file" element becomes blank and nothing happens. If a file is chosen, again, and the submit button clicked, it uploads with no problem and the database does what it's supposed to. But if I refresh the document and try, again, same thing - the file disappears from the form element and the form does not submit.First, the forms (all three, just in case):

<form name="updateDocs_1" id="updateDocs_1" method="post" style="margin:0px; padding:0px; border:0px;"
action="supplier_docs.cfm?vid=122" enctype="multipart/form-data">


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JQuery :: Form.submit() Submits To Blank Page

Feb 15, 2010

var checkStock = function(){

As you can see it retrieves data with json so it makes an invoice. If the items that er in stock are smaller then the items that are ordered the paga can not be send. This part works BUT if everthing is ok and we get to our submit, it submits but goes to a white/blank page ?

I tried everything i could think of, no luck, even in the IRC no luck.

Live example: [url]

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JQuery :: Send A Input File From A HTML Form To A PHP File Using The Load?

Mar 20, 2010

I wanna send a file thru the JQuery.load, I want it to work exactly like the regular post without the JQuery. So I can check the $_FILES['file']['error'] in PHP and all its features like I do without using JQuery.

$("#load").load('gerenciar_itens.php',{/* This is where I wanna pass the file. */}, function(data){

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Submit Form, Validate Form, Set Cookie, Send Email, Download File

Jul 23, 2005

I have a form built and on the onclick event I validate all of the
fields and then if the form is ok, on the submit event I run a
javascript function to set a cookie and download a file from the
current window.

I have a cgi script provided by my web host to send the contents of the
form through email but they only show me how to use the cgi script to
send email through the submit event of the form.

ie. <form name="downloadform" method="post"
action="/cgi-bin/cgiemail/mailtemp.txt" onSubmit="return

Can I utilize the cgi script/link from my javascript function and still
send the contents of the form through the cgi email??

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Call A Php File After Submit Button (in Form)

Jun 20, 2011

<script type="text/javascript">
function validform(){
var x=document.forms["form3"]["name"].value;
var y=document.forms["form3"]["f_name"].value;


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Submit Form On Number Of Characters In Input Text

May 28, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to submit a form via javascript, when a user enters in 9 characters into a text field. Can't seem to find out how to do this...

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Set Html File Object Reset On Form Submit

Nov 1, 2011

I'm developing a web app in which I have a file upload option. The thing is, my file input is hidden, and instead, a textbox and a button are used, in order to style the input, copy the file input's value and allowing the user write a link address into the textbox (the php upload page recognizes the text in the textbox and takes action if the text is a hyperlink or a file upload).

The problem is, when I submit the form, the php is catching the file input's value as empty. So I removed the hidden property of the file input, in order to check what was wrong, and I noticed the input's value is being reset on form submit. When not hidden it takes me two button clicks to submit the form, being the first one the responsible for cleaning the file input. Though, if I assign it's value directly from the input object, it works perfectly.

Here's the code:

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JQuery :: Adding A File Upload To A Simple Form Submit?

Jan 13, 2012

I'm a CSS and PHP developer, finding myself using jquery and AJAX more and more, of course, and learning a little about it as i go. but only a little. :o)i have a client who's asked me to add an image upload feature to a simple comments post script i've "built". i can see, kind of, how this jquery is posting the form text inputs, but have no idea if this thing can even be made to post a file at the same time.Hoping someone might add a function for me to do this if it can be done?

/* The following code is executed once the DOM is loaded */
/* This flag will prevent multiple comment submits: */


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JQuery :: Submit Form And Upload File Without Page Refresh

Jan 11, 2012

I've a form having input feilds name , email, image and comments. I want to submit the form without page refresh and upload the file on server using ajax jquery in php language. i

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Need File Input Cloned From 1 Form Into Another?

May 17, 2009

I have an <input type="file" name="image" /> in an html form that get's submitted via method="POST". But I can't submit this normally, since this is all I want submitted, and there is already a <form> tag defined above the code and than below the code, closes the form with </form> that must remain there. Since, there is no way to have forms inside of forms, I am using Javascript to create a form and submit it on the fly. But I need to get a copy of the file input element defined in the document.forms.creator form.

I handle the action with a php file that calls $_FILES['image']['name'] and $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']. The problem is I need to create the form on the fly, must clone the <input type="file" name="image" /> so that it obtains the $_FILES['image']['name'] and $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] and submits it all on the FLY! Here's what I got so far, coded in php, but you can see the Javascript in there as well. It submits it fine, but $_FILES['sigImg']['name'] and $_FILES['sigImg']['tmp_name'] are NOT SET for some reason...

echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#" name="sig' . $user_info['id'] . '"></a><center><b>Signature Image Rotator</b></center><br /><center>
Add Image: <input type="file" size="48" id="imagefile" name="image" />  <input type="button" value="Upload" onclick="createFormAndSubmit()"></center>';


I have tested this in IE 8 and doesn't set $_FILES['sigImg']['name'] and $_FILES['sigImg']['tmp_name'] to anything. I don't want the value of the file input, since this will be different depending on the browser. And in IE 8, you'll need to have some settings enabled to be able to get the full path, otherwise will return "fakepath".

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Moving File Input To Different Form Doesn't Work In IE7

Mar 3, 2010

I have form inside iframe. I want to copy form to parent window after user entered data and then submit. Everything works fine, except with file input. It seems impossible to move file input(after user selected file) to different form in different document (only ie7). Here is javascript code im using inside iframe to move form elements:


var parentForm = parent.document.getElementById('editGallerieFormParent');
parentForm.ordering.value = form.ordering.value;
parentForm.catname1.value = form.catname1.value;
parentForm.description.value = form.description.value;


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Clear Dependent Select Input If Parent Changed To Blank?

Mar 3, 2011

I have an ajax dependent drop down set up for location fields and am having trouble figuring out how to clear the dependent selects if the parent select is changed to blank.I set up a function to clearFields:

function clearFields() {
document.getElementById('cb_state').value = "";


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JQuery :: Possible To Empty File Input In Form With .click / .focus?

Oct 12, 2009

My image upload form has a choice of either upload image by entering url or by browsing for a file, I'm trying to empty the file-input input if you focus on the url-input. I've tried bother these events on click/blur but neither seem to work like they would for a checkbox or text input. [code]...

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CSS And Form Validation - Changing The Font Color Of Labels ONLY When Stop The Form From Submitting Due To Blank Fields

Nov 2, 2011

I'm having trouble changing the font color of my labels ONLY when I stop the form from submitting due to blank fields. I'm not sure whether if just changing my CSS will achieve what I want, or am I going to have to add somethig to my if else statement, or both? I would think I would need to change CSS to :

label.onfocus {

but a little confused on what else.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

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Search The Index.xml File Throu Diff Input Like Combo Box And Input Text Shown In The Search.html File?

Jan 24, 2011

i want to search the index.xml file throu diff input like combo box and input text shown in the search.html file and output the result in a tale.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
<script type="text/javascript" src="search%20xml/search%20xml%20with%20mouseover%20table/searchindex.js"></script>


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JQuery :: Form Validation Error Messages Not Showing / When Using File Input Plugin

Aug 8, 2011

I'm using the jQuery form validation plugin along with the fileinput plugin which hides the initial input area, but uses <divs> and some styling /javascript to show the file input field.The issue I am having, is that the 'this field is required' text that is meant to show on submission, doesn't come up for the file input field, nor some checkboxes that I have in a table. I am guessing that this is because the code is needing the label to be RIGHT next to the element (in this case the file input or the checkbox) in order for the validation message to show..Are there any work arounds that anyone knows of so that I can get the error message to show?Is there a way to show the error message for required fields when they have a div wrapping them or anything wrapping them?

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Show File Content When File Is Selected Using Input Type File

Sep 21, 2007

I have a <input type = file> button for uploading a file in my php page. As soon as i select a file from the button, i need the file data to be displayed so that i check whether the file selected has the correct data. How can i do this.

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Form Sending Blank Emails After Validation?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a couple of forms which use JS validation and if the validation checks out the forms action is a new php page which sends the form (see code below). It all works fine but occasionally blank emails come through. After researching some people say I shouldn't use client side validation. Is there an easier way by tweaking the code I have rather than changing it all completely?

<script language="php">
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email];
$mailto = "";
$mailsubj = "mail form";


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Hiding File And Submit Field After Submit

Jun 18, 2010

I've got the following 2 fields in my form:

Now I want to hide both of them as soon as the submit button is pressed.

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Jquery :: Ajax Validation - How To Blank Out Field In Form

Feb 28, 2011

I have a scenario where I have the following jquery
$("#frompdc<?php echo $JavaCnt;?>").change(function(){
var id = $('#id<?php echo $JavaCnt;?>').attr('value');
var frompdc = $('#frompdc<?php echo $JavaCnt;?>').attr('value');
var topdc = $('#topdc<?php echo $JavaCnt;?>').attr('value');
type: "POST",
url: "AJ_Update.php",
data: "firm=y&id="+ id + "&frompdc=" + frompdc&topdc=" + topdc

And some php to insert this data
mysql_query("UPDATE TBLTRANSFERS SET FROMPDC = ".$_POST['frompdc'].", MOD_TS = '". $timenow ."' WHERE ID = ".$_POST['id']);

I'm trying to throw some validation in here which I can do in php (a language that I'm much more proficient in) but can't figure out how to get the two together. I want to be able to do a select against another table I have for both the frompdc and the topdc.
$tofpdcresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbltransferspdcexclusions where FROMPDC = '".$frompdc."' AND TOPDC = '".$topdc."'");
$tofpdcnum_rows = mysql_num_rows($tofpdcresult);
And if it exists I want to give a popup message to the user as well as blank out the field.

I'm struggling with two things:
How do I get ajax to run two queries and return the results to a popup window?
How do I blank out the field in the form?

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How To Eliminate Blank Spaces Between Elements In A Dynamic Web Form

Sep 22, 2004

I am designing a dynamic web form, and all works fine except that I can’ t eliminate the ‘blank’ spaces that appears between the form elements when these are displayed or hidden. I mean for example, the long blank space that appears between the form submit button and the table rows displayed, because the other tables and form elements are hidden.

I attached the complete sample page so that you can see the ‘blank’ spaces I want to eliminate. These are the 'blank' spaces I want to eliminate:

1. When the page loads, a long blank space appears between the submit button and the table rows displayed.
2. When you select only the ‘Quality B’ checkbox, a long blank space appears between the ‘Product details’ title and the table rows displayed.
3. When you select both ‘Quality A’ and ‘Quality B’ checkboxes, a blank space appears between the table rows displayed. I want a blank space there, but smaller.

In all the cases I want the submit button just below (with a little blank space) the table rows displayed.

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Populate A Form Input Of Type "file"?

Aug 20, 2009

Is is possible to populate a form input of type "file" with javascript?

Here is the code snippet from the form:

Media file: <input type="file" name="mediaFile[]" id="mediaFile1" onChange="duplicateEntry(this.value);" />


keep in mind that these are just code snippets and if this is possible, I'd just like to know how to do it.

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Validate A Web Form - Sending Email Alerts With Every Field Blank

Jul 13, 2011

I am trying to validate a web form. Someone else wrote the Html code and implemented it with an iframe using asp and php. I didn't want to mess too much with the code so I decided to use javascript to make the form validate, before it was sending email alerts with every field blank. For the most part the validation works but it skips the email field for some reasons and is really bugging me to death. this is the code:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/style.css"/>
<title>Bid Form</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script src="gen_validatorv4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Check File Extension When User Sets It In The File Input?

Apr 20, 2010

is there a way to assign an event to a file input so that when a user selects a file to upload the event is triggered and i can check out the file extension? The reason why is simple, i want to perform different actions depending on the type of the file.

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How To Check The Input File Object File Size On Client Side?

Dec 20, 2004

I have a form with three Input File form objects in which the user can add image files. But I am worried about the problems these controls can lead, because to check the file size the server needs to receive the entire file, so serious problems may happen, for example:

1. Malicious user trying to collapse the website sending big files.

2. Users that have not seen the warning “Maximum size: 100 KBâ€&#65533; for each image, and try to send three image files consisting in 1,5 MB each one. These users will have a bad experience waiting one hour or more to upload the images, and after that receive an alert saying “Oooops! Your image files are too big.â€&#65533; And also, web server will waste an important amount of resources. The same case with 100 users at the same time can be a nightmare!

I have been searching a way to check the file size on client side without having to force user to install anything, but I think that there isn’ t nothing to do with javascript. But I found an interesting PHP article that explains a way to do it with this server side language. The technique consists in:

“A hidden field (measured in bytes) that precede the file input field, and its value is the maximum filesize accepted. This is an advisory to the browser, PHP also checks it. This form element should always be used as it saves users the trouble of waiting for a big file being transferred only to find that it was too big and the transfer failed. Code:

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JQuery :: Finding Out Size Of A File In Input Type=file In IE?

Nov 29, 2011

I've got a major headache with IE in that I have a support form that allows users to submit tickets with files which is then emailed off.

Using javascript, jQuery and PHP I have everything under control with all of our favourite browsers - but then comes along IE.

<!-- file -->
<div class="fileUploadEntry">


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