Superfish: Automatically Expand 3rd-level Menu
Mar 19, 2009I have a 3-level menu using JQuery-Superfish. I would like to hover over the top-level menu item and have BOTH the 2nd and 3rd-level menus open automatically.
View 1 RepliesI have a 3-level menu using JQuery-Superfish. I would like to hover over the top-level menu item and have BOTH the 2nd and 3rd-level menus open automatically.
View 1 RepliesHow can I set the menu to automatically expand on mouse rollover instead of click? Here is the code as it stands right now:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('img.menu_class').click(function () {
Second Question: For some reason, the menu is appearing behind a table row when it expands, thus hiding a good portion of the menu. Here it is: [URL]
Try clicking on 'Products & Services', and then clicking on "Centerfire Rifle Suppressors" from the dropdown menu. When it takes you to that category page, click the menu again and you will see that the menu hides behind the <h1> table row.
can i tell superfish menu to open a specific submenu manually (without mouseover or click, just static, until you change it)
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make the Superfish menu expand up instead of down (I would like to use it as a menu on the bottom of the page)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have inherited a site with superfish used as the menu which seems to work fine except that I wish to disable the links at the top level so that a click on the top level of the menu goes nowhere only clicks on the sub menu list. At the moment each top level menu item is a section and the sub menu list categories. There is nothing I need or want to place in the Section heading so a link from this is unnecessary but at the moment clicking on the top level (section) leads to a page i do not want.Example:-Top Level Section (no link to anywhere)2nd level Category 1 (link to article)3rd level Category 2 (link to article)etc.
Is this possible to do. I feel sure it should be as it is a normal facility on a drop down menu but I cannot find anywhere in the options which enables this. I am not sufficiently conversant with CSS to try playing with the current layout which other than this seems to be working ok.
I have implemented Superfish in SAP Portal. there is a small issue when I take a print using the browser's print option. When I try printing the Web Page from the browser, the Top Level Navigation Menu appears as a list of links (vertical). This is happening in both IE as well as Firefox.
I have seen the same issue in the website from where I downloaded Superfish :-|
1. Goto: [URL]
2. Click on 'Print Preview' button in your Browser.
3. The Superfish Menu below the text 'The result:' will appear as a list of links in the print preview.
I am trying to turn a single level flyout menu into a multi level one.
It uses a dt for the title, and a ul within the dd for the menu items. The dd opens to the right of the dt.
The problem is that the second level menu (a dl within an li within another dl) [URL] - flyout4 & subflyout5.
The z-index is increased each time. I just can't figure why the area is limited.
javascript, css & html follow -
Code JavaScript:
/** FLYOUT = vertical dropdown **/
var Flyout = {
I was able to achieve Collapsing/Expand at Project Level but not at the vendor level. However, same HTML works fine with IE 8 and FF. The Expand/Collapse at the Vendor Level fails with XHMTL Strict 1.0 and IE 7.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to use this menu but i have so many main items that there are 2 rows. The first row is always on top. How can i get the second level menu to be on top of the fisrt item menu-item1 menu-item2 menu-item3 menu-item4 menu-item5 menu-item6 menu-item7 menu-item8 menu-item9
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm in trouble implementing superfish in a website project. My problem is: I have a category based menu item that has two sub-levels set to display horizontally. I hover the first menu item and the first sub- level shows. Then I click the first sub-level and both it and its parent-item get highlighted and stay visible.Then I do the same to the sub-level below these but it doesn't work. This second sub-level gets the right class ('current') but the first level loses its 'current-cat-parent sfHover sf-breadcrumb' classes causing all levels to disappear.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe problem is that the height of the second level menu results in their being gaps in between each menu item so that as you move your mouse down the second menu items it quickly closes again. scripting novice fix this by telling me which variable I need to change either in the Java script or the CSS files.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would very much like to be able to click to expand a submenu in Superfish, rather than the default hover to expand. How can I achieve this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI`m using superfish menu. Could you please help me out with it? I need to display also the third level on horizontal, not vertical as it is now. I used the instruction on superfish page so the second level uses now sf-navbar and now it is displayed horizontally. how to display the third level (tier) horizontally?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just discovered that Internet Explorer is not showing the 3rd level of the menu. [URL](very much a work in progress) I believe it's a js issue and not a css one. I've removed all js/ jquery except the menu stuff and the problem still exists. I'm not sure what to do now. I know it should work because the examples on the superfish site do. Also, I just pulled up my test page that I made before integrating the CMS and they don't work there either. Maybe there will be some clue
here because it's the only js/jquery involved. [URL]
I'd like to be able to get Superfish to expand the entire menu and show the current active link in pathlevel 2. I'm using the nav-bar style and it seems that only pathlevel 1 is visible:
I have trouble with SuperFish Menu, of course it looks very nice and is good solution, but I am not advanced in CSS to change space between menu and submenu in Navi-bar type menu? Now sobmenu hide part of menu, I have to must space.....
Size : 11.4 KB
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how to make the menu items a fixed width in a horizontal Superfish menu . I've tried mucking about with the CSS but no luck so far. I'm sure it's easy, but I can't seem to work it out.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm using superfish menu jquery plugin, and I'm wondering if someone know how to update plugin that you can decide if sub - sub menus wil be shown on the right (that is in the original) or on the left side of the parent menu.
The problem is, that if the last menu is near the end of the browser, than the sub - sub menu will go off side the browser.
I'm thinking of using this plugin for my menus. Is there an easy way to display a menu item in a disabled state?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan we keep different color for different menu items .
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm curious if anyone knows how to fix this. Most of the content of my page is 940px wide. The superfish menu, expanding as it should to fit my drop-down heading text, is only about 700px wide. I want to apply a color background to the div that the superfish menu is housed in so that the menu appears to be 100% width.
For some reason, in webkit and firefox, the color of the div that the menu is contained in does not show up, so there's just an empty space in that last 25% or so of the bar.
In IE, it looks correct, though. (the color of the containing div shows through the blank space in the menu, making the menu bar appear to fill the entire width).
Am I missing something in the Superfish menu that makes it appear at 100% width?
I would like to use the menu that is linked below. I implemented it on my website but I discovered that it can only go 2 levels deep. I would like it to go one more level and I think that would be done in the javascript but I can't tell for sure. Could someone steer me in the right direction? [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using the Jquery Superfish menu within a struts 2 web app. As seen in the attachment, The menu is appearing and the hover delay is working but there are gaps between each menu and its sub menu. Also the root menu items are not all the same with. I am using the example code without changing it. how to get rid of these gaps ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedTested in IE6 and Firefox. Hover on main menu items, sub-items are displayed. Main menu items are not required to have sub items.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
var response = "";
var nContainer = "";
var mainItemsText = [];
var mainItemsLink = [];
var subItemsText = [];
var subItemsLink = [];
var mainItemsWithSubs = [];
var IE = true;
if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){IE = false}
function hideSubs(nMain){
var nSubs = nMain.getElementsByTagName('dd');
for (i=0; i<nSubs.length; i++)
nSubs[i].style.display = 'none'
function showSubs(nMain){
var nSubs = nMain.getElementsByTagName('dd');
for (i=0; i<nSubs.length; i++)
nSubs[i].style.display = ''
function setHoverDisplay(){
if (IE)
for (i=0; i<mainItemsWithSubs.length; i++)
for (n=0; n<subItemsText[i].length; n++)
nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].childNodes[n+1].style.display = 'none'
nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].onmouseover = function(){showSubs(this)}
nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].onmouseout = function(){hideSubs(this)}
else {
for (i=0; i<mainItemsWithSubs.length; i++)
for (n=0; n<subItemsText[i].length; n++)
nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].childNodes[n+1].style.display = 'none'
nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].onmouseover = function(){showSubs(this)}
nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].onmouseout = function(){hideSubs(this)}
function buildMenu(){
nContainer = document.getElementById('menuContainer');
mainItemsWithSubs = [];
var n = 0;
for (i=0; i<mainItemsText.length; i++)
var nItem = document.createElement('dt');
var nLink = document.createElement('a');
if (mainItemsLink[i] != undefined)
nLink.onclick = function(){return false;}
mainItemsWithSubs[n++] = i;
for (i=0; i<mainItemsWithSubs.length; i++)
for (s=0; s<subItemsText[i].length; s++)
nItem = document.createElement('dd');
nLink = document.createElement('a');
if (IE){nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].appendChild(nItem)}
else {nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].appendChild(nItem)}
function parseResponse(){
var n = 0;
var s = 0;
var mainItems = response.getElementsByTagName('main');
if (IE)
for (i=0; i<mainItems.length; i++)
mainItemsText[n] = mainItems[i].firstChild.text;
if (mainItems[i].childNodes[1].nodeName == "link")
mainItemsLink[n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[1].text;
else {
for (i=0; i<mainItems.length; i++)
mainItemsText[n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[1];
if (mainItems[i].childNodes[3].nodeName == "link")
mainItemsLink[n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[3];
for (i=0; i<mainItems.length; i++)
if (IE && mainItems[i].childNodes[1].nodeName == "sub")
subItemsText[s] = [];
subItemsLink[s] = [];
for (n=0; n<mainItems[i].getElementsByTagName('sub').length; n++)
subItemsText[s][n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[n+1].childNodes[0].text;
subItemsLink[s][n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[n+1].childNodes[1].text;
if (!IE && mainItems[i].childNodes[3].nodeName == "sub")
subItemsText[s] = [];
subItemsLink[s] = [];
var subs = mainItems[i].getElementsByTagName('sub');
for (n=0; n<subs.length; n++)
subItemsText[s][n] = subs[n].childNodes[1];
subItemsLink[s][n] = subs[n].childNodes[3];
function getMenuTree(){
var request = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onreadystatechange = function()
if (request.readyState == 4)
if (request.status == 200)
response = request.responseXML;
else {alert('Error MenuTree.xml '+ request.statusText)}
var forceGET = "?n="+ parseInt(Math.random()*999999999);"GET", "MenuTree.xml"+forceGET, true);
<style type="text/css">
dt {background-color:#b0c4de;text-indent:5px}
dd {background-color:#87ceeb}
a {color:#00008b}
<div id='menuContainer' style='border:1px solid black;background-color:#afeeee;height:200px;width:150px;font-size:12pt;padding:5px;overflow:auto;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;line-height:140%'>
What I need to happen is say the user clicks on 'About' then clicks on 'Services' I need the 'About' menu to fold up so it shows not of its sub menus. Hope that makes sense. I would like to tinker with this but I no nothing about javascript.
View 10 Replies View Related I've been asked to create a site for my younger sister and she's requested a horizontal pull-down menu using graphics for the links instead of simply text. This is my first time trying to code such a menu (topic not covered in class) and I'm having some difficulty getting it to work completely.
Right now it's partially working. The various sub menus do show up when clicking or rolling over the previous menu item. However all menu items past the one clicked jump down one line when expanding instead of simply showing the sub menu under the main line up. The rollover also has issues but mostly because I haven't finished coding the onmouseout part, so it doesn't go away. I'm trying to get the main pull down working before tackling that part. Below is the JavaScript function I'm trying to use as well as a part of the menu. I've already spent months trying to get this working and am not making much headway.