Submit Form And Return To Anchor?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm taking over an almost-finished project. The form 'grows' by adding certain includes and/or fieldsets based on radio button selection. When 'yes' is selected the from does submit, and shows the new fieldset, but the user would need to scroll back down to where they selected the radio button. I'm sure that what I want to do is submit the form then move down to an anchor, but I just can't seem to make it work. Here is the code, including the anchor-

<a name="name="a1" id="a1" href="#a1"></a>
<p style="background: #F5F5DC; color: black; font-size: 1.0em; ">
<img src="spacer.gif" alt=" " width="10" height="1"/><?= $REQUIRED ?>
<!-- using "this.form.submit()" instead of "document.form.submit()" to avoid error -->
<b>Does the vendor have an existing state contract for these services?</b>


I'm frustrated and at a loss. Any idea of how I can solve this seemingly simple problem?

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Form Submit Using An Anchor?

Jan 7, 2010

I need to do a form submit using an anchor. The code I found on the web which works is as follows:

<a href="javascript:{}" class="link" onClick="var form=document.forms.fname; form.action='/my_url_here/'; form.submit();return false">Submit it</a>

Without the javascript:{} the form is not always submitted. What does javascript:{} mean or what does it do ? And why should there be a 'return false' at the end!

Furthermore, I also found (not tested)

<A HREF="javascript:Form1.submit()"> Something </A>

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Click An Anchor To Submit A Form But It Fails?

Aug 3, 2010

I am missing something *super simple* it seems: I have a <form...> like so:

HTML Code:

<form id="fromPreview2commitForm" action="[thisurl]" method="post">

..on a page with JS like so:


function userBackingOutFromPreviewing() {

and an anchor like so:

HTML Code:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="userBackingOutFromPreviewing()">here</a>

but I am getting this error in FF3/Mac: document.forms.fromPreview2commitForm.submit is not a function Why?I just want the anchor (when ciicked) to submit the form.I have been over several examples I found while googling.. and I follow them.. but still getting this error.

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Return False On A Form Submit?

Jul 18, 2009

This is my first post here, but reading through the others I'm sure someone will be able to help me.I trying to build a client-side validator before running my validation in php. I have a <form onSubmit="function(login name, login password)"> type deal and in my function, I'm returning false if certain criteria aren't met.

the form's action runs it back to the current URL where I have a php validator activated if the post data is recognized. As of now, both are running, which tells me the form is being submit regardless of that return false.


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Return False After Form Submit Function?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm working through this example in a book I'm reading. I can't get the "return false" to stop the form from submitting, when the text input is empty.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Ajax :: Jquery Validating Form After Submit Is Clicked - Return False

Jun 19, 2010

im trying to learn how jquery ajax function works by validating some form after submit is clicked.


the alert didnt pop until i added the registration_ok = false; right before, so im assuming it has something to do with the ajax functions's scope.... why does the ajax function not affect the registration_ok variable outside the function? and how should i solve this problem? any better way of doing it?

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JQuery :: Whenever A User Submit The Form In The #loginForm Div, The Page Refresh And The Main Div Return Invisible?

Jun 7, 2010

i've a div that contains a form, each of these elements have their own id; the structure is something like this

<div class="art-Block-body">
<div class="art-BlockHeader">
<div class="art-header-tag-icon">[code].....

I'd want that: at the first user's click on the #register div, the div #registerForm become visible, it should remains visible also when the user click the submit button within and it should disappear if the user click a second time on the #register.I partially solved my problems with this:


but i can't resolve the submit issue: whenever a user submit the form in the #loginForm div, the page refresh and the main div return invisible.

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Press Return In Text Box Doesn't Submit Nor Warning Box - But When Click Submit It Ok?

Aug 7, 2009

I have a form that when you click submit gives a warning box asking if to continue code below Now when I type in the text field and press enter it doesn't submit nor does it pop up the warning box, how would I do this

Code for submit button
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function submitMyForm()
var agree=confirm("ARE YOU SURE ?");


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JQuery - "return False" When Submitting Form (stopping The Submit)?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm running into a bit of trouble while trying to cancel the submit of a form. I've been following this tutorial (http:[url]....) (even though i'm not making a login script), and it seems to be working for him.Here's my form:

<form action="index.php" method="post" name="pForm">
<textarea name="comment" onclick="if[code]....

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Count Anchor Tags From Text And On Submit?

Aug 25, 2010

I want to count anchor tags from text and on submit alert me how many tags in text.

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Use Return Key To Submit

Jan 17, 2007

I have a form on a web page that requires to click on a button to
submit the information. I have two questions about changing this form:
1. Is there a way that I can change the script so that the form can be
submitted by hitting the enter key?

2. Is there a way that I can have the Username and Password boxes
cleard after the form is submitted?

You probably don't need the code for the form as it is pretty basic but
here it is just in case.

<form name=login>
<table width=225 border=1 cellpadding=3>
<tr><td colspan=2><center><font size="+2"><b>Bombers Only
<tr><td>Username:</td><td><input type=text name=username></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type=password name=password
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=button value="Login!"

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OnSubmit After Checking Return False And Still Submit

Jan 16, 2008

I am building a registration form and have some javascript that checks the forms user input. This is all activated when the submit button is pressed and the forms onSubmit event is called and runs a function.

I have tested me functions and even when it returns false the form still submits?

Im not sure how i can stop it submiting even if it returns false.

Then onSubmit called this function:

function subForm(theform){
alert("it is false");
return false;
alert("it is true");
return true;

checkForm is working and is throwing alerts when certain criteria is not correct in the form, and then i will get an alert "it is false" so i know that the script is running until then, but the form will still submit?

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3 Submit Buttons - Stop Or Continue Form Execution With A Confirm Box On The Third Submit Button ?

Apr 23, 2009

On my form I have 3 submit buttons which handle different things.I am looking for a way to stop or continue form execution with a confirm box on the third submit button and the third only.I can't use onsubmit because that will trigger on all three buttons.

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JQuery :: Submit And Reloading Form Values After Submit Button Is Clicked?

Jul 13, 2011

In the following .submit function, I am attempting to grab the value of the selected option in the facilityCodes dropdown list when I click the submit button and then during the submit function,select the facilityCode again in the dropdown list when the page reloads and then disable the list so that the user cannot change it.However,the situation is when I reload the page after the submit button is clicked the dropdown defaults to the first option and the list is enabled.I apparently am not understanding how.submit works so that I'm selecting the option I'm defining in my code below and then disabling the list AFTER the page reloads due to an error on the page. My question is how can I accomplish this?Here is my code:

$(function() {
$("#ARTransferForm").submit(function() {
var msgsCount = 0;[code]....

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Submit The Form Data To The Popup Window Without A Submit Button

Jul 23, 2005

The following will submit the form data to popup by clicking the submit button. I want it will submit the form automatically to the popup, there is no submit button in this page. Basically this page should not show up.

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitmyform(f) { = 'foo''',,'menubar=no,scrollbars=no, width=800,height=800');
return false;

<form name="myform" action="popup.asp" target="_blank" method="post"
onsubmit="return submitmyform(this);">
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="item"/>
<input type="submit" value="submit to popup"/>

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JQuery :: Submit Form Using Text Link Rather Than Submit Button?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm using mailchimps signup box (they don't have a decent forum to ask on) on my website and want to adjust the submit button and change it to a normal link. Here's the button that submit's the form:


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JQuery :: Disable Submit Button On Form Submit?

Jan 31, 2008

I have a page with many forms that I need to change from a post to an ajax call. That part is working, no problem, but now I want to disable the submit button while it's waiting on the server response and then re-enable it when the response comes back.

Here's what I have:

$(function() {
$('form').each(function() {


I can't figure out what my selector should be to get the submit button of the form that's being submitted. What should I be using instead? Also, if the call errors out, I'd like to just post the form as usual.

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Check Which Submit Buttand Then Confirm Submit Form?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a php form and it has 3 submit buttons namely "delete" , "update_quantity" and "place_order".They all work fine but I want to build in a check for each one just in case the user click one of the buttons by mistake.So Each one must have a different message like for delete it must be, "Are you sure you want to delete Record nr ......" OK or Cancle.
And for update " Are you sure you want to update Quantity to....." OK or Cancle.

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Disable/reenable Form Submit With No Submit Button?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a form without a submit button. It gets submitted programmatically with document.form.submit().

What I need is to be able to disable this form's submit capability on page load and then reenable it at some later point. Remember there is no 'input' button element.

What I've tried so far is like this:
savedSubmit = document.inputs.submit;
document.inputs.submit = None;
then later:
document.inputs.submit = savedSubmit;

but this does not work. How can I do this?

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JQuery :: Reload Page With Anchor When Anchor Link Is Clicked?

May 26, 2011

I need to get the page to reload with the anchor in the link when it is clicked in a dropdown menu. For example if I am on '' and I then click on '' the url changes but the page doesn't reload so I need the page to reload, but keep the new anchor (#3).I gave the links with anchors a class of 'reload' and tried this:

$('a.reload').click(function() {

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Script-Added Anchor Preventing Jump Of Doc-Coded Anchor?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a script that scans an HTML document for headers and special comment tags for the purpose of generating a left-floating/position-fixed DIV that contains the document's outline or "table of contents." Within the DIV are lists (UL element by default) whose items (LI elements) are jump-to links (A elements) to the points (headers, special points marked for inclusion in table of contents) in the document. The problem is this. I have typical HTML document with links that jump to points (usually headers) inside the document, as shown below:


<p>This is addressed <a href="#later-text">later</a> in this document
<h1><a id="later-text"></a>Header Text</h1>

But my script, being a document outliner that finds headers in a document, inserts another anchor as a jump-to point just before the first occurrence of text in the header (inserted A element shown in red below). This somehow disables the document-coded jump anchor (shown in blue below). And it occurs in FF and IE, which suggests it is not a browser-specific issue. Why does it occur? Is there something in the HTML spec that states that two anchors to which a jump occurs are not allowed to be adjacent elements in the document?


<p>This is addressed <a href="#later-text">later</a> in this document
<h1><a id="later-text"></a><a id="jump-1"></a>Header Text</h1>


To reproduce what I am seeing, search for the text "Why Is A Survey Done". The first occurrence is a within-document jump-to link, which should jump to a header below it. If the script execution to generate a document outline is disabled, the jump works. But if the script is executed and the document outline generated, the jump-to link does not work.

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Javascript Submit Problem : Form Won't Submit

Jul 23, 2005

So, here's my problem :

I've created a table in my document, presenting a list of items, one
can 'select' by clicking on it... (Kinda like a menu, you make your
choice from) But since this table can get very long, I've put
something of a 'search-form' on top, which enables the user to make a
selection of products from the list.

Now, the form uses a "post" method, and submits to itself, using the
form action. Some PHP script will make sure that the form is filled
out already, the next time it's presented.

The table, containing a list of products is presented, below the form.
When a user clicks on a product, the product should be "selected". At
first i just used a <a href="zoeken.php?prod_id=24"> link to do this,
but the problem is that my form won't remain in tact.

So now, the global idea is to submit the form after setting a hidden
form-field using JavaScript, using a onClick event.

Here's my code :

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How To Submit A Form Using A Link, Not A Submit Button?

Apr 16, 2004

I've got a pretty basic form that i need to be able to "submit" by simply loading it in the browser address, not click the submit button. is there a way to do this? Here is the code:

<form name="newform" action="/dir/submition.cfm?z=1&Myid=1" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="userID" value="27566">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

if i load just, it doesnt do anything because it doesnt have the userID variable, but im not sure how to include that into the address...

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Using Anchor Jumps With 'instant' Anchor Based Navigation?

Sep 4, 2011

Having a little bit of trouble with a site I'm currently working on I'm using some AJAX for the instant g-mail/facebook style navigation, you know the kind, with no refreshes, etc. Problem is, to allow for back/forward and bookmarks, I currently use a URL that looks like:[URL].. This is fine, not a problem... The issue comes into play when I want to open up the news.html page, from my home.html page, and have it open to news item #6 (for example).

I can't add a #, because one is already being used to reference the anchor for the content div. Has anyone run into a similar problem before? If so, how did you resolve it? Can some jQuery be used to find the location of the news item div in question, on load, and scroll to it like that?

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Submit Form Without Submit Button?

Feb 5, 2009

I have a form where i use normal buttons with javascript so i can have multiple actions and I don't use a submit button. I can submit the form fine using document.adminform.submit(); but i have an onsubmit="return submitForm"; attached to my <form> tag.

If i had a submit button, it would call the javascript function, but seeing as i don't have a submit button, how can i call that function. here is the bits causing problems

PHP Code:
<form name="adminform" id="adminform" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>"  onsubmit="return submitForm();">
<p><input type="button" class="back" id="backbutton" title="go back" onclick="performAction('back');" />
<input type="button" class="save" id="savebutton" title="save" onclick="performAction('save');" /></p>


when the save button is clicked, a javascript function is called which does the ocument.adminform.submit(); but i need to do call the submitForm() function at the same time

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Form Submits On Return False?

Mar 26, 2009

I have run into this problem before, but i cant quite remember how i fixed it. Here is a simple validation check:

<script type="text/javascript">
function validateMe(){
if (document.form1.LoanAmount.value == '') {


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