Script Onload Not Working IE7 Localhost / Solve This?
Jul 15, 2010
Any of you smartypants know why my javascript onload function (inside the body tag) is not working (alert pop up box). Using localhost as server and no my pop ups are not blocked
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Mar 29, 2009
I have been searching for days for a solution to this problem and I'm hoping someone here can help.
I have some .html files on my local machine that don't seem to want to recognize .js files
I have XP Pro and IIS 5.1
It works fine in FireFox but not IE7, If I put the javascript in the head of the .html doc it works fine in IE7 but not if I try to access it from an external .js file
If I run it on the internet it works fine so the problem is my local setup
I have even tried setting the mime type in IIS but that didn't work either
I have tried to use the full URL and that didn't work code...
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Apr 27, 2011
I'm try to get the values to add correctly and just not sure what i'm doing. (novice).
i have 3+ sets of 9 with a answer box. just wanted to get the values to add. code...
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Mar 20, 2010
I have an html form where IE and Firefox work very differently. So, it'd be useful to know what browser is in use. I found this script and put it in my html code...
In the php I do a echo code... but it's always empty... I figure I've got something obvious goofed up, but what?
ALSO, when I run it in IE 8.0, on screen it says "Microsoft Internet Explorer", but it SAYS Browser version: 4 - But I'm using version 8.
AND, when I run it in Firefox version 3.5.5 it SAYS "Netscape" and Browser Version: 5.
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Sep 7, 2011
I was writing some jQuery here code...
but it doesn't seem to be working at all.
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May 29, 2007
I am trying to create a web poll and use the Yahoo UI Library (YUI) to put some action in the percent bar when showing the poll results. It will start the bar at 100px wide and the retreat back to the percentage of the results. This works in Firefox (although once in awhile it stays at 100% and I need to hit refresh, don't know why) but it will not work at all in IE.
The example the yahoo people give is very similar to what I have here, but they use document, 'click' while I use window, 'load'. I don't want to make someone click on it in order for the movement to take place. So I figured just adding window, 'load' would do the trick. It does in FF, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work in IE. I do not get any error messages. Hoping there are some people that have worked with the YUI before. Code:
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Sep 1, 2007
I am having two divs with ids nav and navLinks, that contain unordered lists of hyper links. I am calling a onload function named displayID that accepts div's id as a argument/parameter (nav and navLinks) twice with different parameters. the function is firing only once with the parameter that i first specify, even though i call the function twice. Am i doing anything wrong in calling the same function twice with different parameters? Code:
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Nov 1, 2007
I am sure this is an easy problem, but I am just getting started with Javascript and can't seem to find the problem. I have spent a lot of time on the net looking for answers, but can't find the solution. I am trying to execute a simple window.onload command to launch a picture rotator. Code:
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May 7, 2010
I'm using ajax to display the xml file. On my html i put <body onload="sendRequest(Display)">
so everytime users go to the main.html, all the information in xml will be displayed after transformed by XSL Now the problem is it gets the error Display is not defined While i did define it in js file this is what I do in js;
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a frameset with 2 frames. From one frame I am changing the URL of the second frame and I want to know when the second frame has loaded. I have tried the following but it doesn't work.
parent["targetFrame"].onload = function()
alert('frame loaded');
parent["targetFrame"].location = "";
The content of the targetFrame changes but the function never gets executed. I have tried various variations such as parent["targetFrame"].document.onload
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Jul 26, 2006
I have dynamically named form elements set in divs based on a
server-side language. I am displaying these using DHTML in a
display:none, display:block format.
Due to some code (and deadline) issues I do not have the total number
of form elements set by the time the body tag is run. I wanted to have
a script tag later on in the document which reads something like:
<builds div element1i1, element1i2, etc>
<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById(' query variable '+1).style.display = 'block'
However the JavaScript code does not run. Alerts run inside the code
consistently, but the other code does change the display to block.
also tried running this same code as on OnFocus...
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Sep 14, 2010
I've been developing an application that uses a combination of Javascript and PHP. It's a sizeable form that includes the option for the user, on certain form objects, to add additional text boxes for multiple answers. I created a Javascript function that uses the insertRow() method. The user can click on a link which adds a row with a text box for an additional response. My function works great and, after some work around I got the values to post correctly, but where I'm running into trouble is re-populating those additional fields if I have to bring the user back to edit input that was not put in correctly.
My solution was to have create a PHP varible which is a javascript function call, e.g.:
$var = "js_function('varName1','varName2', 'varName3', 1 , '" . $post_val . "')";
Using the posted variables that apply and then echoing that into the onload event handler in the body tag. This calls the same function that was originally used to add the row to have it add the row again and populate it with the already submitted data. It all looks great, like it should work, but it doesn't and I'm wondering if there is something about the onload event handler which I don't know about. It was my understanding that the event handler executes when the page is fully loaded. If that is the case, my solution should work.
I don't know if there's some error I'm not seeing or if I'm trying to make the onload event handler do something it's not supposed to. I used a similar solution on another application and it works there. To give a better understanding, here is the function:
function appendIaRow(tblId, valID, oName, Nbr, populate1, populate2) {
var tbl = document.getElementById(tblId);
var newRow = tbl.insertRow(tbl.rows.length);
var numi = document.getElementById(valID);
var num = (document.getElementById(valID).value -1)+ 2;
numi.value = num;
var rowID = 'Row'+num;
var newCell = newRow.insertCell(0);
newCell.innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" name=\""+oName+"Name["+num+"]\" value=\""+populate1+"\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"150\"/> <a href=\"Javascript:;\" onclick=\"deleteLastRow('"+tblId+"','"+rowID+"');\" style=\"text-decoration:none\">X</a><br /><br />";
var newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(1);
if (Nbr == 1){
newCell2.innerHTML = "";
newCell2.innerHTML = "# <input type=\"text\" name=\""+oName+"Number["+num+"]\" value=\""+populate2+"\" size=\"17\" maxlength=\"17\"/><br /><br />";
Here is the coding for the event handler('initialize()' is a different function altogether - that works):
<body onload="initialize(),<?php echo $init ?>;">
And here is what it looks like from the source code when the page is displaying in a browser:
<body onload="initialize(),appendIaRow('AdmTbl','AdmValue','Administrator', 1, 'Joan'),;">
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Jun 26, 2011
I have this test code for saving panel state using cookies:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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May 1, 2011
I was wondering if using ajax-jquery was possible with 'localhost' as url ?
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Sep 7, 2010
For Ubuntu 10.04, Apache 2, PHP5 and MySQL 5, Firefox 3.6. (I already had Apache, Mysql and Firefox installed, so only added PHP5 via the synaptic manager a couple of days ago).
I have only just started with Ajax and PHP and obtained some demo files from (by googling on 'Ajax PHP database') that I named w3.html and getuser.php. These show how to find person details in a MySQL data base and send them back to be displayed by a browser. They work when Firefox accesses the demo at
I put these files into directory /var/www on my PC (the upload file directory) and tried via Firefox, but got this error showing in the Firefox Error console:
I also obtained a similar demo from [url]. It failed in the same way, but worked when accessing directly.
I googled on permutations of 'Ajax', 'XMLHTTPRequest' and 'no element found' and noticed that many have had this problem. A few said that this problem occurs when the Ajax-side expects XML but gets HTML from the server, but did not give any solutions.
PHP works when I put 'localhost/getuser.php?q=2' into the Firefox addressbar. It generates the result table which looks well-formed to me.
I then modified the eventhandler onreadystatechange to
And found:
i) The status code returned is always 0 (not 200 or any other 3-digit http return code).
ii) The text returned is the content of the getuser.php file, not the content generated by executing the PHP code.
iii) The 'no element found' error is still shown
My intention was to learn and experiment with Ajax and PHP on my local PC, but it did not work. Can it be done, or do I have to get a website and use FTP to upload?
Use mysql command source w3demo.sql from the MySQL command line.
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Nov 23, 2011
Firefox works a dream, but in IE, Google Chrome, Safari and Avant javascript does not run at all. Looking at the code it may be the body 'onload' that is not firing?the javascript
/*Script by FPMC at http://jsarchive.8m.comSubmitted to JavaScript Kit ( this and 400+ free scripts, visit*/
src = ['../images/Intro_01.png', '../images/Intro_02.png', '../images/Intro_03.png', '../images/Intro_04.png', '../images/Intro_05.png', '../images/Intro_06.png'];//set image paths
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Apr 24, 2006
Is it possible to run an HTML file from "localhost" and bypass the
various security checks in place for cross-frame scripting? For
example, on a 2-frame page loaded locally:
a) frame 1 includes a form that accepts the name of a web site
(example:, which a script or perhaps a "target" attribute
then loads into frame 2
b) frame 1 waits for frame 2 to load, then reads (for example)
top.frame2.document.images.length and displays the total in frame 1
I realize that "localhost" is not going to match the domain appearing
in frame 2, but as I myself am running the script, logically, where is
the harm?
I haven't done much testing with this yet, but am planning an
application around this concept and am hoping I can make it work. Any
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Sep 19, 2009
In which ways can I use javascript to detect if the page was coming from localhost.
I know I can search for localhost in string from location.href, but that would miss instances where pages comes from let say: or similar
where are added to the hosts file (windows)
Is there a way to detect this that will allways work?
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Jun 30, 2010
I'm pulling data from a database using a RESTlet server, and using Flot to produce a graph.
My problem is that whenever I make the following AJAX call, I get an "Access to restricted URI denied" error on Firefox. On Internet Explorer I have other problems, but I can tell by my server logs that at least the AJAX call happens, which is more than I can say for Firefox. code...
The url is correct, and the server is hosted on this machine, but Firefox thinks it's trying access another domain. The html file containing this code is located on my hard drive.
How can I get Firefox to allow this AJAX call?
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a problem, when I load jquery.js from local, my test server is Apache 2.2.14 and PHP 5.3.1. The code is :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>jQuery Starterkit</title>
<script language="javascript" src="lib/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$(function() {
alert('Hello World!');
<lable>pwd : </lable><input type="text" name="text" value="name"/>
The browser alert (Missing Objects) in localhost. But if I change src to '[URL]', or double click html and run in the browser, it takes effective. So I think there are some problems in my Apache conf file.
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Jun 23, 2009
I've got jQuery and 2 plugin libraries running on my website. One runs the navigation and the other runs a dropdown search box. Everything works great on my localhost, but when I copied the directory to the external server none of the jQuery worked. I'm not getting any Errors in my error log, and the directory has been copied exactly. [URL]
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having a hard time figuring out why the onload event is not being
called for the frameset window in the following simple example. It is
being called for each of the component frames. Code:
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Dec 3, 2005
I wander what gets loaded the fastest (1-2 or 3) in what succession:
<script type="text/javascript">
function andAction() {
// doing stuff
<body onload="andAction();">
<script type="text/javascript">andAction()</script></body>
just in the head and nothing more
This I am sure off:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function andAction() {
// doing stuff
<script type="text/javascript">andAction()</script></body>
just in the head and nothing more (should be 1)
Third and last which is faster:
body onload or window.onload
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm seeing a difference in behaviour between
window.onload = f();
<body onload="f();">
Specifically, window.onload appears to fire before all the elements of
the page have been rendered. As the difference is consistent across
IE/Moz/Opera, I'm assuming it's deliberate - can anyone point me
towards where this behaviour of window.onload is defined in the
documentation? TIA. Code:
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May 22, 2010
I writed the following HTML code code...
I want to delete first row of table, but it happens nothing.
How can solve this problem?
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Aug 11, 2009
This is the program.and here is the script.
I have tried all I know without success. This Sources program is on another css/html forum for another issue.code...
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