Script For Image Scrolling With Mouse?
Mar 10, 2011
get an image scroller by dragging of the mouse (like you have with Google maps for example).Right now I'm using a script that does the job perfectly fine under IE, but not so much under FireFox, and definitely not under Chrome.
Here's a hands-on example of what I mean (only works under IE): [URL]This is the script I'm using now:
<!-- <script type="text/javascript">
document.onmousedown = function(){
var e=arguments[0]||event;
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Jun 1, 2011
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<img width=100 height=9000>
document.onmousewheel = function()
First of all, my code only needs to be compatible with IE8 (it's for a limited group of people). My code is intended to detect the rotation direction of the mouse wheel. It fortunately accomplishes that task perfectly fine. But unfortunately it also blocks the mouse wheel default behavior, which is not my intention. How should I change the code so it does not block normal scrolling of the page with the mouse wheel?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a JavaScript routine that runs on a timer and updates the position of a
background image using the CSS background-position property. In Internet
Explorer, it changes the mouse pointer to an hourglass when it refreshes the
screen, and this is really annoying since it happens on the timer, about every
100 milliseconds or so. Is there anything I can do about this?
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May 21, 2009
Anybody know how to create this effect on mootools? code...
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Aug 9, 2009
I've got to have a typo somewhere, but i can't seem to find it. I need a new pair of eyes to point it out for me. background: trying to code a mouseover link for a nav bar. everything is working( hyperlink, normal image shows up) but when i mouse over the image swap doesn't happen.
I have 2 parts of code. 1st preloads images and does the swap function. loads in <head> See below:
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Jun 20, 2010
I am in the process of developing a website. I would like to use some images. The image should zoom on mouse over and mouse click i.e the image should zoom to h:100*W:100 on mouse over and on mouse click it should be zoomed to h:1000*w:1000. Also I would like to change the mouse over image and mouse click image before zooming.
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Jul 2, 2010
I'm trying to "smooth" ("ease") mouse movement while dragging orscrolling.Is there any jquery plugins for managing something like this?
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Oct 25, 2011
The objective is to have an image fade to another one progressivly while the mouse is over, when its not it fades back to the original, whether or not it faded to the target completely or not. That is, if it takes 1 second to fade completely to the other image, and you take your mouse off it at 0.5 seconds, it will begin to fade back to the original. I have a problem where I want to give this ability to multiple images (thumbnails) on a page, without having reams and reams of code and instead just have one function accomadate any number of images.
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Mar 12, 2011
I've been trying to have an image be placed during a mouse over or mouse click event. The closest to accomplishing this is having the image be replaced by the image I want to overlay.
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Feb 27, 2010
I am still designing the website and want some flexibility. I am capturing the mouse clicks fine on top of an image, but the coordinates are absolute and not relative to the image. How can I capture mouse clicks relative to the image so that I can move the image anywhere in my website?
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Aug 24, 2009
[URL] check the above website. on mouse over of any image a pop up appears and displays the image information i want to achieve the same thing in my project which language is used for this purpose and how to do that.
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Nov 9, 2009
i want to change the image of image button on mouse over and mouse leave.
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May 4, 2007
Does anyone know of a script that will allow me to display an image at the bottom right of the browser and will scroll as the page scrolls?
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May 2, 2010
I was wondering if its possible (or prefferably if anyone has heard of a plugin that does this) to use jquery to slideshow a repeated image across the width of a webpage. IE to take a 50x50 background image that is repeat-x and have the looped image look like its scrolling from left to right at variable speeds?
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Feb 25, 2010
What I have is a string of 5 images that have .hover functions attached to them. so when you hover over a caption DIV pops up over it. But, the whole img/caption div is wrapped in a href tag to that when you click it will go to X URL. So 5 images, wrapped with a URL, and have a hover function to show caption over image. What I need to to is have these 5 Images auto scroll from right to left, 100% width, so it seems like the images are scrolling on the screen then off the screen. But, what I would like is for one of the images (lets say img1.jpg) to start out at the center of the page (50% of the width). Then have a time set so that within (x)milliseconds (lets say 5000) image 2 (img2.jpg) will scroll to 50% of the page and img1.jpg gets push to the left.
So 5 images, wrapped with a URL, hover function to show caption, scroll from right to left, scroll to 50% width for 5 seconds then move on to the next image in the string of 5 pushing the images from right to left. I would like "hot spots" for user control. Hover over the right hot spot and the function speeds up by 50%, so it will take 2500milliseconds to perform the scrolling function. I would like to have hover right to scroll right 50% faster, hover left to scroll 50% faster and when you are hovering over the image pausing the function. Also, I would like to have it "endless" so if the user keeps scrolling one direction it will just have a loop of the 5 images.
So in the end:
5 images-
Wrapped with a URL
Hover to show caption DIV
Scroll on a timer-
Start with img1.jpg at 50% page width (with endless loop of images img5.jpg would be on the left of it, img2.jpg would be on the right if it)
Have a function that auto scrolls to the next image in line after (x)milliseconds
Endless loop of the images
User control of the scroll time using hot spots
Left/right 50% faster (2500 milliseconds)
Hover on center image pause auto scroll function; hover off resumes the auto scroll
This is what I have so far, but I really think it is in the wrong direction: [URL]. I'm not really looking for a "scroll" pugin. I'm really trying to do is display this image at (x) time at (x) location then move on to the next image and perform the same task. What really interested me in Thomas's plugin is the hot spots, but I bet there is a simpler way. Really if you take the hover function out of the equation all I want is the "right"/"left" button is perform the task (x) times faster, then with the "center" button just pause the timed function.
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Feb 28, 2009
in the right direction on how this can be done, I got the idea from some ad company. I hover over the link, the thing pops up.All I really want is that once someone hovers over a link, a small image pops up beside their cursor until they scroll off it.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have an img of a map of Europe in a div. I want to plot routes between cities in Europe as dotted lines. The image is scrollable and I want the routes to scroll with the image. So the routes should be attached to the image. Furthermore, when drawing routes outside of the viewable area, the routes should be clipped so they don't show up outside of the image. but when the image is scrolled, the routes should appear.
Here's a link to the dev site: [url]
Here is my code:
FBJS (Facebook JS)
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Oct 21, 2010
I am working on a small project using Dreamweaver. I have a marquee with many images. Everything works fine in Dreamweaver Live View ( images keep coming out from the right end and disappear into the left end).
In IE8 (which supposedly fully support marquee, right?) , once the first image hits the left end, all the images disappear and restart from the rigth end.
I also have a button that changes direction of the marquee. In Dreamweaver view, when I hit the "right" direction button, the last image comes out from the left(then the second last, third last...etc) and continue on. (which is perfect !)
In IE8, the first (not last few) few images come out and start going right.
I have encountered a lot of problems and been able to find solution by googling.
not to use the marquee tag...>.< I am not good enough in JS to manuelly make a marquee..
<marquee id="mainMarquee" scrollamount="3" >
<img id="Putin" src="Putin.png" alt="" class="marqueeImage" onmouseover="GoSlow(this);" onclick="DoTheseThings('Putin.png','hello from putin',this,5); " onmouseout="GoNormal(this);"/>
//I have 20 + images at the exact same format.
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Jul 26, 2011
I'm optimistically hoping that someone has already created a plugin for my desired effect, I think I've seen it in the past but can't recall where..
Essentially, I have a 'website'/'book' being loaded by an iOS app in a uiwebview 'browser', which uses floating images for controls (back/contents/next)
I would really like for the controls to fade out when no scrolling has occurred for say 5 seconds, and fade back in when the screen is touched or scrolled.
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Aug 7, 2009
So i am working on my horizontal website layout, and I am pretty happy with my concept and design, but it seems that there is one issue with the smooth scrolling plugins.. I am using [URL].. here called Tiny Scrolling and I was able to get it to work using an image as the link and the <a href="#first"> coding you can see it working by clicking on the floating navigation you see on the example page.
My issue is that I wanted to use an image map to create a link for the first page.. So i created the map and linked the same way but instead of using <a href> i used <area map> which basically disables the smooth scrolling.. it also does something weird where when you land on that other page, you are already scrolled a little bit down so you are not at the complete top of the time
So i am sure that the reason this is happening is because this plugin relies on the anchor (<a href) to complete the effect.. and since i am not very good with javascript, i can not figure out how to change it
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Apr 1, 2011
I have to design a website for my friend and I have no clue how to change the menu image if the page scrolls down, for example If the person clicks on a submenu it will take them to a specific anchor within a page, I have setup a custom jquery scroll bar so all the contents are in the Div that is scrollable.
If you can see that if you click on the submenu which is 2nd hand and repair and rebuild the content will scroll to specific area, but the clients don�t know there location as once the sub menu is clicked the original submenu image appears.So I want them to be able to see if they selected the 2nd tab, the button will stay highlighted and if they scroll down the page when they reach another heading with an anchor the corresponding submenu tab becomes highlighted.
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Jan 29, 2011
I looked everywhere for a image slider with continuous warp horizontal scrolling. I seen many sites in the past that kept scrolling client logos etc... like that. The ones I found mostly continue scrolling once all set of images disappear e.g.if there are three image,they scroll and disappear and then they start from the beginning.What I'm looking for is image 1, image 2, image 3, image 1... I hope I'm explaining myself well.Initially I was looking for joomla component/plugin, but i decided if I went for jQuery it'll broaden my choices.
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Nov 4, 2010
I have 2 images, Image A and Image B. I need to mouse over Image A and have Image B change.
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Apr 3, 2010
I'm looking for a javascript script that will load a small image where the mouse is, then it would go away after a couple seconds.
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Dec 2, 2009
How to mouse over the image then the words will appear below it?
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Aug 10, 2007
I used to know the coding for image rollovers in html but forgot and I am dealing with a php script this time. Can anyone help me with the code to have it switch images when you put your mouse over it and change back when you take your mouse off of it? they are jpg extensions. I have 2 buttons to link to different websites.
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