I have a webpage with an IFrame in it. The content for the IFrame could change per page and with it size. I don't want scrollbar's inside the IFrame but rather for the whole page. To accomplish this I must resize the height of the IFrame (width = fixed). But I can't seem to accomplish this. The links within the Iframe load the new content but I have to access the parent document to be able to resize the IFrame height. How I can resize the iframe from within javascript in the IFrame.
Ive written some code to try and resize a page dependant on the content oof an iframe. Code is as follows:
window.onload=sizeAdj(); function sizeAdj() { var elFrame = document.getElementById('theFrame'); var elTable = document.getElementById('tableGrab'); var elDivMain = document.getElementById('main'); var elDivWrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper'); [Code]....
I originally thought that I would just be able to resize the iframe and the other elements would follow suit but as you can see Ive tried to resize the other encasing elements also. The code resizes partially in chrome but only to a certain point and not to the full height of the doc content.
I've been able to get the iFrame to resize to the content - see this link - it's pretty simple. My only problem, is if the user clicks a link so that another page is displayed, the iFrame doesn't resize. It will only resize when the parent page is reloaded. So, not sure what to do about that.
(I do work with someone who writes Javascript and PHP, so they would know how to implement it if I found a solution).
I am using a WYSIWYG web editor (Serif WebPlus X4; for a whole range of reasons - please don't turn this thread into a discussion of the pros and cons of WYSIWYG! ). It has a tool to create a site search facility, whereby you add a text box to accept the search terms, and specify an iFrame in which the results appear. The source of the iFrame is not specified as a page, but rather the content is generated and inserted by the search JavaScript that runs when the user searches the page.
I really don't want the results to be in an iFrame, because I think it looks a mess when the page and the iFrame both scroll. To avoid this, I'm trying to get the iFrame to resize to fit the results, so it won't need to scroll. (Of course, the alternative would be to change the JavaScript so the results are placed directly onto a page rather than in an iFrame, but because of the way the WYSIWYG editor works, that's less straightforward).
I've found many scripts online that would let me change the size of the iFrame based on its content, but they all assume that the content is coming from a file saved on the server, and work by checking the height of the file's content, and inserting that value as the height of the iFrame. Now, the problem is that when I use these scripts they cause the iFrame to become 0px high, I assume because the frame doesn't have a fixed source that can be measured, but rather gets its content fed in from the search JavaScript.
Can anyone help me figure out a way to resize the frame even though its content is dynamically generated as the page with the frame is loaded? I've copied below the search script and the html page with the iFrame that needs to resize. Ideally, whatever solution I use shouldn't involve editing the .js file I've attached, since this is generated automatically by the WYSIWYG program.
I have been having an issue with this script to resize my iframe(ifr) based on the content loaded in it.I am half bald from this issue. Works perfect in IE7 & 8 but not in FF or Chrome.FF works "almost" - It resizes on first page loaded but doesn't resize if the iframe content is changed until refreshed. (example: If I load search results which shows 10 results and then click one and it loads the page which isn't as high as the search results page was then it just stays at the larger height until I refresh and then resizes correctly.)
Basically I created a nice Jquery function to resize a window to the content on an Iframe. Because the Iframe has PHP in it which pulls a list of stockists and Iframes dont Auto resize to fit its contents if it pulls extra info.
So this bit of code is embedded into my Iframe, all its suppose to do is get the documents (the Iframe's) current height then it selects the parent document ( the one containing the Iframe ) then it basically adds the height to the attributes.
THE PROBLEM: It works great, the first time you use it. BOOYAKASHAA. However when you click a another stockist on the list. A smaller list for example... it keeps the height of the document really big. So it initially makes the space bigger to accomadate the list. But does not go smaller afterwards?
I have a web page which will display another web page in an iframe. But the content inside the iframe may change while the user interacts with it so I need to be able to resize the iframe height from code on the page inside the iframe. Any tips on how I can do that? I am using php and javascript.
I have this.. the src is file go.jsp in go.jsp changes occur..jsp the iframe so that there wont be scrolling dont give me solution use scorlling="no".. simply..data will be hidden below..I want to resize the page...
I have an webbpage, and in the middle of it there is an iframe to a php site. So i have used this code, so after some seconds the iframe will send the guest to another page. <meta http-equiv="refresh" traget="_top" content="5 url=http://mypage.com"/> But the thing is that i want the WHOLE page to reload, and go to that page after 5 seconds (we can say). With that code, only the iframe are going to another page. Is it possible to make the whole page send the user after some seconds, to another page and not only the iframe?
I am currently trying to use Javascript to dynamically resize a navigation div (that is present on every page) according to the size of the main content div.
I am currently using the following code;
This works the first time I go to the site and if I refresh a page. However, if I use my on site navigation to switch between pages the div simply uses the height variable defined within my CSS (this needs to be here for users with JS disabled)
Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem might be. It's as if the script is only executed the first time any page on the site is loaded, but then not again.
I'm working on a upload script that uses javascript, and a hidden iframe to upload the files. It all works up until the iframe finishes and needs to send the javascript function call back to the parent page, nothing happens, when it should hide the upload progress bar. I've searched and searched for the answer, along with trying different alternative to window.top.window, such as window.top, parent, and parent.document and so far nothing has worked, I've even tried the onLoad on the iframe with no success.
Parent Page function: function stopUpload(success, ups, file){ var result = ''; var uploaded = '0'; if (success == 1){ result = '<span class="msg">The file was uploaded successfully!</span><br>'; uploaded = uploaded ++; if (uploaded == document.getElementById('numflowers').value){ document.getElementById(finish).style.display = 'block'; ..... }} else if (success == 2){ result = '<span class="msg">There was an error during file upload! The file has a size of 0</span><br> File: <input name="ufile[]" id="ufile[]" type="file" size="30"> <input type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Upload">'; }else if (success == 3){ result = '<span class="msg"> We only allow .png, .jpg, .gif, .zip, .rar, and .7z files to be uploaded. If you think we should allow other please make a suggestion on the forums.</span><br> File: <input name="ufile[]" id="ufile[]" type="file" size="30"> <input type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Upload">'; } var uploadp = "upload_process" + ups; var uploadf = "upload_form" + ups; document.getElementById('uploadp').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('uploadf').innerHTML = 'result'; document.getElementById('uploadf').style.display = 'block'; } Function call inside iframe (example) window.top.window.stopUpload(3, 1, test.txt)
I'm new to JavaScript and i have hit a slight problem with a project. basically, my issue is with iFrames - in particular, passing a value from an iframe to the parent page. i am trying to find a way for to pass the url of an iframe source back to the parent. hardcoding the source, or using a form within the iframe is ok - however i want to be able to view any page on the web within the frame, and for the parent page to be bale to identify what url is being loaded within it.
My main browser page has an iframe. Whenever the iframe is reloaded (updated), I want to automatically refresh the main webpage as well. How can this be done, preferably using javascript?
i have a page containing an iframe somewhere in the middle of it. the iframe stretche to the end of the page and its height is calculated from its content with javascript.
i want some of the pages i load into the iframe to have a "back to top" link at the bottom. but i can not put the anchor inside my iframe because my iframe doesn't start at the top of the page.
so i put the name linke of the anchor at the top of the parent page which has the iframe inside. but i couldn't find a way to call that anchor from within the iframe.
i'm sure this could be done with a simple code of javascript. how do i get to the parent frame within the iframe?
My site has a menu + iframe layout. Clicking on the menu link loads a page in the iframe. The iframe is set to a specified dimension.
I only have a single page that loads in the iframe. Clicking on the menu link loads a specific section on the page using the name anchor. The specified dimension of the iframe allows for the selected info to be visible.
I can create a new page for every link, but to the site's nature (its like a catalogue), I rather have it on a single page and have it called by the name anchor. I am trying to set it so that every time a menu link is clicked, the single page refreshes itself, and then goes to the anchored location. I need this for a reason.
I have tried many things but I have not got it working.
I have an instance where I do some work in a page contained in an iframe and then need to either outright move or just copy the resulting page elements into the parent page. All of the back end stuff works fine, but the Javascript just runs and doesn't produce anything. The script in question:
Code: var AddressListDiv = parent.document.getElementById("AddressListDiv"); var ListPanel = document.getElementById("ListPanel"); for(var LPC = 0; LPC < ListPanel.childNodes.length; LPC++) {
I think I'm running into a restriction in Javascript, but I'm not 100% sure.
I have a parent page containing an iframe. The parent page has a menu in it which opens links in the iframe. I want to highlight different bits of the menu according to which page has loaded in the iframe.
So I would like to do something like this:
1. Use PHP to extract the file name (minus 'php' at the end, of the page loaded within the iframe (which I can do fine).
2. Use javascript onload so that the iframe sends this value (say 'pagename') to the parent page when it loads any page in the iframe.
3. The parent page, having received that variable into its header, will adjust a line of css to something like: .pagename {background-color:red;}
And so the menu link for pagename.php will be colored red
4. When pagename1.php is loaded into the iframe, that will send 'pagename1' to the parent page, change the CSS in the head, and therefore change the highlighted menu item from pagename to pagename1
Is this possible? And easy? There seems to be a lot of stuff online about moving variables from iframes, but mainly in the context of form entries from an iframe to a parent, eg here:
parent.function_name(); seems to be needed along the way. But I am not sure how to proceed.
I have content coming in from an Ajax request. There are internal js variables being set on the page that don't seem to be registering. As a matter of fact, as a test, I can't even get an alert box to fire up.Though, when I run the page directly the alert triggers fine.
It's obvious I'm misunderstanding some basic information about Ajax calls, haha. What am I missing?
Is there a way to resize an iframe dynamically so that you never get the scroll bar and essentially hide that there is an iframe? Better integration really.Basically I want to iframe a forum into my site so that the design down the sides and top which my friend does using iweb are not messed with.We have a central area which can be longer or shorter depending on the forum.
I have a simple page with an iframe on; frame.html Inside this frame is a simply page; page1.html. Page1.html has a link to a stylesheet called style1.css.There is also a hyperlink to page2.html. Page2.html has a link to a stylesheet called style2.css.Now what I want to achieve is for the main page, frame.html, to style itself according to whatever is contained in page1.css, as it is page1.html on the frame. When the user uses the hyperlink and jumps to page2.html, frame.html should automatically restyle itself according to page2.css.