I'm working on a upload script that uses javascript, and a hidden iframe to upload the files. It all works up until the iframe finishes and needs to send the javascript function call back to the parent page, nothing happens, when it should hide the upload progress bar. I've searched and searched for the answer, along with trying different alternative to window.top.window, such as window.top, parent, and parent.document and so far nothing has worked, I've even tried the onLoad on the iframe with no success.
Parent Page function:
function stopUpload(success, ups, file){
var result = '';
var uploaded = '0';
if (success == 1){
result = '<span class="msg">The file was uploaded successfully!</span><br>';
uploaded = uploaded ++;
if (uploaded == document.getElementById('numflowers').value){
document.getElementById(finish).style.display = 'block'; .....
else if (success == 2){
result = '<span class="msg">There was an error during file upload! The file has a size of 0</span><br> File: <input name="ufile[]" id="ufile[]" type="file" size="30"> <input type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Upload">';
}else if (success == 3){
result = '<span class="msg"> We only allow .png, .jpg, .gif, .zip, .rar, and .7z files to be uploaded. If you think we should allow other please make a suggestion on the forums.</span><br> File: <input name="ufile[]" id="ufile[]" type="file" size="30"> <input type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Upload">';
var uploadp = "upload_process" + ups;
var uploadf = "upload_form" + ups;
document.getElementById('uploadp').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('uploadf').innerHTML = 'result';
document.getElementById('uploadf').style.display = 'block';
Function call inside iframe (example)
window.top.window.stopUpload(3, 1, test.txt)
I have an webbpage, and in the middle of it there is an iframe to a php site. So i have used this code, so after some seconds the iframe will send the guest to another page. <meta http-equiv="refresh" traget="_top" content="5 url=http://mypage.com"/> But the thing is that i want the WHOLE page to reload, and go to that page after 5 seconds (we can say). With that code, only the iframe are going to another page. Is it possible to make the whole page send the user after some seconds, to another page and not only the iframe?
I'm new to JavaScript and i have hit a slight problem with a project. basically, my issue is with iFrames - in particular, passing a value from an iframe to the parent page. i am trying to find a way for to pass the url of an iframe source back to the parent. hardcoding the source, or using a form within the iframe is ok - however i want to be able to view any page on the web within the frame, and for the parent page to be bale to identify what url is being loaded within it.
My main browser page has an iframe. Whenever the iframe is reloaded (updated), I want to automatically refresh the main webpage as well. How can this be done, preferably using javascript?
i have a page containing an iframe somewhere in the middle of it. the iframe stretche to the end of the page and its height is calculated from its content with javascript.
i want some of the pages i load into the iframe to have a "back to top" link at the bottom. but i can not put the anchor inside my iframe because my iframe doesn't start at the top of the page.
so i put the name linke of the anchor at the top of the parent page which has the iframe inside. but i couldn't find a way to call that anchor from within the iframe.
i'm sure this could be done with a simple code of javascript. how do i get to the parent frame within the iframe?
My site has a menu + iframe layout. Clicking on the menu link loads a page in the iframe. The iframe is set to a specified dimension.
I only have a single page that loads in the iframe. Clicking on the menu link loads a specific section on the page using the name anchor. The specified dimension of the iframe allows for the selected info to be visible.
I can create a new page for every link, but to the site's nature (its like a catalogue), I rather have it on a single page and have it called by the name anchor. I am trying to set it so that every time a menu link is clicked, the single page refreshes itself, and then goes to the anchored location. I need this for a reason.
I have tried many things but I have not got it working.
I have an instance where I do some work in a page contained in an iframe and then need to either outright move or just copy the resulting page elements into the parent page. All of the back end stuff works fine, but the Javascript just runs and doesn't produce anything. The script in question:
Code: var AddressListDiv = parent.document.getElementById("AddressListDiv"); var ListPanel = document.getElementById("ListPanel"); for(var LPC = 0; LPC < ListPanel.childNodes.length; LPC++) {
I think I'm running into a restriction in Javascript, but I'm not 100% sure.
I have a parent page containing an iframe. The parent page has a menu in it which opens links in the iframe. I want to highlight different bits of the menu according to which page has loaded in the iframe.
So I would like to do something like this:
1. Use PHP to extract the file name (minus 'php' at the end, of the page loaded within the iframe (which I can do fine).
2. Use javascript onload so that the iframe sends this value (say 'pagename') to the parent page when it loads any page in the iframe.
3. The parent page, having received that variable into its header, will adjust a line of css to something like: .pagename {background-color:red;}
And so the menu link for pagename.php will be colored red
4. When pagename1.php is loaded into the iframe, that will send 'pagename1' to the parent page, change the CSS in the head, and therefore change the highlighted menu item from pagename to pagename1
Is this possible? And easy? There seems to be a lot of stuff online about moving variables from iframes, but mainly in the context of form entries from an iframe to a parent, eg here:
parent.function_name(); seems to be needed along the way. But I am not sure how to proceed.
I have a page A and inside it I have an iframe B. B points to another php file that shows a form (so basically in the iframe we see a form). When I submit the form, I call to another page C that verifies the fields of the form and if they are ok I redirect to page X, if not I redirect to page Y. The problem is that I see page X and Y inside the iframe, and I want to see them in the parent page.
I have a page which has a form and also one iframe in the same. there is a button on the parent form.when the button is clicked, i am submitting the iframe and parent both. forms are getting submitted. but when i do print_r for iframe values, it is blank
seems like my iframe is not getting along with its parent.I have been scratching my head about this and finally have the iframe calling the image in the parent and making it popup on click. HOWEVER I can not make that image draggable which is driving me bonkers.This is the iframe script
I am using jQuery.The user clicks a link in the iframe and it toggles an image which makes it appear in the parent. This image that does appear however is not draggable and I am uncertain on how to go about this.
Inside my iframe when someone clicks on a thumbnail, I want to change the value of imageon in the parent window.
Here is what I am doing
//I will hardcode the #4 here for this example i_imageon =4;
/* here I have to tell my parent page that they clicked on a thumbnail so my parent page knows where to pick up when they start hitting the next or prev arrows */ parent.document.imageon = i_imageon;
This is not working. Any ideas? Onclick, I can alert i_imageon and it shows what I need. The problem is, it is not setting the var imageon to this value in my parent frame.
I have one page which have two ifrmaes, parent iframe contains no of child iframe. Now oncliking child iframe check box, I have to get that value into parent iframe, I managed to create array of parent iframe but can't get child ifrmae's control. I used like this: document.getelementbyid("iframeparent1).document.getelementsbyname("Check1") but it doesn't work.
I need to execute some code after the page loads. So I'm having the code execute in an iframe. Now, the iframe contains JS vars and/or page elements that I need to use in the parent frame. How can I gain access to either of these in the parent?
I've tried all sorts of combos of frames[0].document.getElementById('name').innerHTML and so forth and I just can't seem to gain access to the document in the iframe from the parent.
What I want to be able to do from within an iframe is: check if parent.window.document.getElementById("autoloadpop") is null I guess that would be: if (parent.window.document.getElementById('autoload') == null) { etc
But then I want to add: <a href='popup.php' id='autoloadpop' onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: 'popup', objectType: 'iframe', width: 620, maxHeight: 400} )"></a> to an existing div with the id 'main-header' in the parent page. And then make the following call: parent.window.document.getElementById('autoloadpop').onclick();
Normally this would be pretty straight forward, but I've tried a bunch of examples and none of them work.
I am attempting to refresh a menu I have in an iframe. I will explain. I have a index.php page with 3 iframes in it (this is the parent). The top frame is for the site logo, the left frame is the menu (I call it menuframe) and the frame beside that is for the page content (contentframe).
I have the menu with various options, when the user logs in it should refresh and show some addition options (logout, admin area, etc).
The login page appears in the contentframe, once the user logins I want the menuframe to refresh to list these new admin options. I know my php session is working fine because if I manually refresh the menuframe it shows the items.
I load jQuery.js in a.html.In a.html ,there is a iframe that its src is b.html.I want to use parent.jQuery in b.html.But when I use parent.jQuery.find('.abc').It dose not find the elements with class abc in b.html.It find elements in a.html.The maybe some problem.Because there is a lot of iframes on a.html.So I do not want to load jQuery.js in each iframe.How could I do to use parent jquery in those iframes?