Resetting Position Of Object?
Mar 15, 2010
I am currently making a frogger game and I have code that allows him to move all over the game at the moment using keystrokes. I am trying to write code that causes the frogs position to be reset to his starting place when he reaches a certain area on the screen.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have simple table
<table id = "mytable" ....>
I want to get the left position of the table.
Everything I did getting wrong :
mytable.left doesn't work, neither,
mytable.getAttribute("left") ...
What is the correct syntax for getting the position of the table element
(and others ...) ?
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Sep 7, 2006
I have a calendar inside a div on my webpage which will show /hide when
user click a button. but the button is almost at the bottom of my
webpage, I am using position :absolute for the div so everytime when
the div shows, it will "drop down" cause the vertical scroll bar
appears on web browser and the user have to scroll down to see the
whole calendar. I was trying to change the div position (e.g if it is
near the bottom of webbrowser then "drop-up") when the div is showing.
My question is How can I know its position is near the bottom of web browser? (how can
I know the height of the browser) How can I change the position of this div?
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm trying to apply the "absolute" position to the DOM object for non-IE browsers but Mozilla (or Firefox) does not recognize it. But the top and left position works for the "div" tag though. The IE browser works fine though.[code]...
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Oct 19, 2011
I display tooltips on my page that appear to the right of form elements. But if the element is too far to the right, the tooltip gets cut off. in that case i would like it to appear to the left.
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Nov 23, 2011
i,m trying to make a map who show me as position A and a target adress as point B.I have made it so i can choose adress a and adress b from a dropdown but i want to automaticly load my position as possition A then choose position B from a dropdownlist. How can i do this ?
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Oct 21, 2004
I have a search page where i have like 10 combo boxes and some radio buttons and check boxes.
Now when the page loads, i do some selection in the combo boxes and when i press reset button it clears all data in the form elements.
But when i select things in combo boxes and do a search by clicking OK button then the search results are displayed there and now if i want to clear all the form elements , i tried to click reset button, but when ever i did a search ie click ok button and after than press reset button reset button is not clearing the form elements.
Reason for this problem: Reset button resets the form to it's state when it was loaded (as opposed to clearing the values) so if the page loaded with the search values in it, when you hit Reset nothing will happen if you haven't changed anything. Code:
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Feb 10, 2010
I have been searching high and low and I can't seem to find an answer. I am new at JS and I have created an form and when I click the on submit button it resets all the fields. The fields are always blank after I click reset. I have been working on this for 6 hours.
<script type="text/javascript" src="H10.js"></script>
It just keeps resetting when I click Submit. I see for a millisecond that the total appears but then disappears along with the amount I put in the input text box.
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Apr 14, 2011
I have simple piece of Javascript that enables/disables fields depending on input in others.How can I reset the fields to their original state using the reset button?
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Oct 24, 2011
First time back here in a while, but I'm trying to get proficient in JS. I want to make my input element reset its value attribute to blank, which is originally set to "your e-mail". You know the effect you see on forms that have text in them, then with the onclick attribute, you can clear the text in the box.
So, after looking around trying to find out what to do, here's what I've attempted.
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Dec 28, 2009
I have a page where a user can select (via check boxes) several categories. Each category is related to a set of possible options (radio buttons) that have numeric values. When one of the options (radio button) is selected, the amount will appear in a text box (input type="text"). The numeric value in the text box will update depending on what category options are selected. However, when the checkbox is deselected, the radio boxes in the <div> are not displayed and I need to remove (reset) the radio button values from the value seen in the text box.
<script type="text/javascript">
var amountNotice = 0;
function notice(options)[code]....
Everything works except for my uncheckRadio function - not sure if I am identifying the elements correctly, or if I need a totally new approach. My thinking is that the function must be accessed by the checkbox onClick call. Previously I had tried calling uncheckRadio from the notice function before I recognized is was not an appropriate location.
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a form with a text box that is greyed out unless a checkbox is checked. The problem is if the checkbox is checked and this enables the text box to enter data and I hit reset, the text box does not reset and turn grey. It allows data to be entered. I have both the html reset button and the javascript clear form, but neither seem to work. How do I reset the text box to grey as well if reset is hit?
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a form with a text box that is greyed out unless a checkbox is checked. The problem is if the checkbox is checked and this enables the text box to enter data and I hit reset, the text box does not reset and turn grey. It allows data to be entered. I have both the html reset button and the javascript clear form, but neither seem to work. How do I reset the text box to grey as well if reset is hit? code...
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Jan 29, 2007
I have been playing with and changing here there and everywhere with the help of sitepoint people The code works as it should but the problem im having is that im setting some variables to yes after a certain action has been performed then doing a check to see if its yes or no, when I get to the end of my script I need to reset the variable to no but I cant seem to get it to work correctly. Here is my code:
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Dec 23, 2010
I'm trying to set up an form validation through ajax and php. My goal is to have the php script called after the user stops typing, but without the need to exit the field (so, I don't want to use onChange or onBlur). I would like to use an "onKeypress" (or onKeyup/onKeydown) command with a delay (setTimout) of about a second or so. This way, the php script will not be called on every key stroke, but once the user pauses typing long enough for the setTimout to expire, and only then will it call the php script and perform the validation check.
Part of the script I'm having problems with is resetting the setTimout after each key stroke. I've got this much working:
function execute() {
setTimeout("validate()", 1000);
how to properly reset the timer after key strokes?
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Jul 20, 2005
If an <IMG> specifies a WIDTH but not a HEIGHT, then height is internally determined so as to maintain the image's aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is also preserved if HEIGHT but not WIDTH is specified.
What is the value of an unspecified HEIGHT or WIDTH attribute. How do I dynamically set the attribute to unspecified, after having previously used the <IMG> with explicit HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes?
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Nov 17, 2010
I have some panels - they slide out when the corresponding tab is clicked. I've used .toggle() to get this working, and animate the right (absolute) position to move the panel left or right. This works fine on it's own, but within the panel, I have to have an additional 'close' button. My script, and I'm sure it's really convoluted, but with my limited knowledge it was the only ways I could think to achieve what I wanted:
$(function() {
function() {
right: '+=580'
return false;
}, function() {
right: '-=580'
}, function() {
$('#hiddenDiv').hide(); });
return false;
}); });
$(function() {
$('#hiddenDiv a.xclose').click(
function() {
$('#containerDiv').animate({right: '-=580'},
function() {
return false;
<div id="containerDiv">
<span><a href="#" id="tab">Tab text</a></span>
<div id="hiddenDiv">
<p><a href="#" class="xclose">Close</a></p>
<p>Nisi natoque rhoncus dictumst enim odio? Arcu ac et, hac in ridiculus dolor placerat, parturient etiam mattis pid nunc tortor quis tincidunt porta sit elementum etiam penatibus, porta augue penatibus sed.</p>
Is there some way to either:
Check the position ofcontainerDiv before executing the .toggle - so, if right = 0 (set by a.xclose), then start the toggle from the beginning position?2. saying that after #hiddenDiv a.xclose is clicked, reset the position to what's default in the css?
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Mar 2, 2010
If I try to reset the css-properties of the body of my page with this line of code:
It sets the background-color correctly, but the background-image isn't set.
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Apr 25, 2011
I have 3 images that I am trying to swap in and out with eachother. It starts off with the "Good Afternoon.gif" then I have a checkbox that changes it from and switches between the "Eyeball.jpg" and the "Smileys.gif" without going back to the "Good Afternoon.gif. That works perfectly fine and as intended. What does not work is my reset button, it unchecks the checkbox that I created as it should be does not set the image back to the "Good Afternoon.gif". I created goodAfternoon and a goodAfternoonFinal images because I am telling the code to to goodAfternoon.src=Eyeball.src; so I have the goodAfternoonFinal to change it back to the original pic.
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Nov 3, 2011
I am having trouble with figuring a way to set my loop up to reset values of the different coin values. Example, when I put in 78, and click calculate, it tells you how much of each coin would be given back. My problem is that I set it up and run it, but when I put different values in back to back to calculate, some of the fields don't reset.
var change_out = function(){
do {
var money = document.getElementById("cents").value;
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Nov 4, 2011
how to reset both my text boxes when I click a different radio button so that I can give another value in the textbox area. I am trying to do it without a reset button. I am just confused with the process of resetting the values of both the text boxes in the code. I feel like the answer is to put it inline in the <input> tag...
<div id="content">
<h1>Convert temperature</h1>
<input type="radio" name="conversion_type" id="to_celcius" onclick="document.getElementById('degrees_celcius').disabled=this.checked;"
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Feb 24, 2010
How to auto refresh my web page every 10 seconds without resetting all the checkboxes?
This will auto refresh my web page every 10 seconds but will reset (uncheck) all the checkboxes
<body onload="timedRefresh(10000);">
<script type="text/javaScript">
function timedRefresh(timeoutPeriod) {
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Feb 24, 2010
How to auto refresh my web page every 10 seconds without resetting all the checkboxes?
This will auto refresh my web page every 10 seconds but will reset (uncheck) all the checkboxes[code]...
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Apr 14, 2010
I am using jQuery with jEditable and jQuery UI confirmation dialog. What I am trying to do, it to restore contents of the table cell if user hits Cancel on jQuery UI dialog, or just hits Esc.jEditable has "onblur" option that i can set to "cancel", and it works if uses clicks out of the field, so I am trying to achieve something like that with jQuery UI, because currently it just leaves an empty table cell.
I am pretty sure the logic of my script is wrong somehow, so I am trying to figure out what to do to fix it.
Here is the flow of the script:
1. User clicks on a table cell and edits data in jEditable
2. User clicks save, jEditable doe POST to my php script and gets results, which a passed to jQuery UI confirmation dialog.
3. User either confirms or cancels changes. In case of Cancel or Esc, the user presented with a page, as it was before any editing has occured
$(".editable_textarea").editable("/path/to/my/php_script.php", {
indicator : "<img src='/am/images/indicator.gif'>",
type : 'textarea',
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Oct 2, 2009
This is probably noobalicious so apologies, i have a checkbox i am checking on and off and then setting a readonly input with a value depending upon if it is checked on/off
This works fine for one click on or off but then how do i get back out of the function once this cycle has been done once? Set something to null?
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May 13, 2010
I'm new to javascript and am not sure why this works in firefox and not chrome. I am trying to create a script that keeps an object fixed horizontally while bing positioned absolute vertically. if I replace the toPP variable in document.getElementById('fire') = toPP; with say '50px' it will move the element down 50 pxs, but how I have it currently it doesn't do anything in chrome
<script type="text/javascript" >
window.onscroll = function()
if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
var x = 0 -document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var toP = String(x);
var toPP = toP + "px";
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