Replace All <br> In A Div In Current Document
Jul 20, 2005
I have done this simple function, it seems to work as intended, to
solve a problem i have had for a while. I couldnt find any sample
around that was working for me.
It should be fast and if possible compatible with todays modern
browser-standards. It should be activated by the onload-event. Code:
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Mar 3, 2011
I need to do is take the current page's url and replace/add a bit into the URL at the appropriate place.For Example, if this is the Current Page URL:http:[url]...I want to be able to use the bookmarklet to change it to:http:[url]....This is all I've got for it so far. Probably botched that up too. : javascript:(function(){var%20a=document.URL.split([url]....
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Sep 1, 2009
I am trying to define an "onclick" event to a form button, so that when I click this button, content from another webpage will overwrite this page (not open a new webpage). I've tried the below code (sample) which is not working.
<form action="/script" method="post">
<..other elements../>
<input type="button" name="jump" value="Jump" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(':button[name="jump"]').click(function() {
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Oct 14, 2010
I am using an ajax call to generate a new image with some text across it. How can I "replace" the image in the current page with the one I just generated, they will have the same name.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have page with an Ajax request which returns an entire <hml>..</html> page and I would like to use this response data to replace the current page. I wrote the following :
type: "POST",
url: URL,
data: formData,
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Jul 20, 2005
document.write will flush current document content. I've found I can use DOM to append some element to the document, but I think append html text directly is better. Is it possible to append html text to current document?
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Jan 25, 2011
I'm designing a website and I would like to add a certain class to a navigation element based on the document title. I currently have the following javascript. The nav elements have separate ids (the About Us nav element has the id="about" and so on)
var docTitle = document.title;
var about = document.getElementById("about");
var advising = document.getElementById("advising")
The problem seems to be that the if statement is true whether or not the document.title ="about" or anything else, (if I remove the return, both about us and advising elements have their class changed.
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Feb 15, 2012
I have developed an website with drupal 7.10. I want this should be in bengali language. everything is ok but problem with numerical system. for example: date,time,points etc.
Now I have decided to add java code at the bottom of the theme. so that after loading the page javascript with replace those text. This replacement should be limited to some span not in all document.
I have this as below code in the document
<span class="submitted">, 12/20/2011 - 07:10 <a class="username" title="" href="/user/4">afshalur</a></span>
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear). However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably. I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
- I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
- I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Jul 20, 2011
structure a jQuery line to replace a string within a page? Basically, I want to use jQuery to set up an environment variable, like this:
<a href="_TEDDYBEAR/images/brownbear.jpg">Brown Teddy Bear</a>
Then, on page load, replace all instances of _TEDDYBEAR with My current effort stands at:
$(document).load( function {
// replace _TEDDYBEAR with "" )
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Aug 5, 2002
Why doesn't this work? The input field doesn't show up at all. I know I'm just missing something really simple here.
<script type="text/javascript">
day = day.getDay()+1;
month = day.getMonth()+1;
year = day.getYear();
newdate= month + '/' + day + '/' + year;
document.write('<INPUT name=Date value='+ newdate + '>');
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear).
However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably.
I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Mar 16, 2009
I'm trying to create two bookmarklets:
1. Take the current URL of the page and open a new window with a URL based on the current page. Some examples (I use "->" to mean "this URL turns into that URL"):I plan to use these bookmarklets in sequence, first pressing 1 to log into the CMS, then pressing 2 to edit the current page.
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Jul 27, 2010
Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Welcome to Microsoft! Microsoft Microsoft";
var stringToBeFound = 'Microsoft'
var ReplaceString = 'site'
document.write(str.replace(stringToBeFound , ReplaceString ));
My problem is im trying to use string.replace that is not case sensitive and replace every string found. I could use regular expression with it but my stringToBeFound is a dynamic variable im getting it from my database
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Sep 6, 2009
Suppose a HTML document has a iframe. Using javascript,I want to detect ,on load of the html document, whether the body of the iframe document is ready to be displayed.I want to be able to overwrite the the body contents (before it actullay loads) of the iframe.can I do it with jquery? say if ,HTML doc is
<html><head></head><body><iframe id="ifrmId" src="" ></iframe></body></html>
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Feb 9, 2010
i want to save my html document as an microsoft word document will
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Mar 17, 2007
Normally an SVG document is loaded/parsed/interpreted inside an HTML
document using an 'object' (or 'embed') element, although there are
supposedly other ways too. The problem is, the SVG document must be
static this way.
I want to use the DOM interface to build SVG dynamically inside an HTML
document. I am guessing I can build it inside HTML within an 'object' (or
maybe 'iframe'?) element.
My intentions/goals:
In Javascript, I construct an object 'embedSVG' which has properties and
methods for creating valid SVG elements and setting their attributes and
attribute values.
During construction, the SVG document is created with its root element.
During debugging in FF 2.0 (I'll work on an MSIE-compatible format later),
I am using the Mozilla DOM Inspector and comparing nodes when the
'object' element is loading a valid external SVG document, and when I am
appending the child representing the SVG document created by the DOM
However the child node (#document) does not specify 'svg' as the root
element, but instead 'HTML'. Something is not working.
Here is the relevant code in 'ScriptTest.html' which is the HTML in which
the SVG is supposed to be embedded. Below it is the relevant code for
'svglib.js' which is supposed to contain code for building the SVG
What this code is supposed to do is load the HTML page and execute the
anonymous script, and draw a navy blue-bordered yellow rectangle on a
blank page. This is similar to the example in the SVG 1.1 W3C
Recommendation on page 202 of the 719-page PDF.
I am getting an exception when embedSVG object placeInHTML() method is
called: NS_ERROR_DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. I find in DOM Inspector in
spite of or after the exception that a document is placed as a child of
the object element, but it is HTML, with a default 'head', 'title',
'body' elements placed.
Where am I blowing it?
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Jul 24, 2001
Determine what the previous page was that the user was viewing, even if the user arrived at my site by through the use of a browser function (history, location bar, refresh, etc.). Is this possible?
I'm not wuite sure how document.history functions - what degree of privacy is given to the user and to what extent can web pages get URLs from the user's history?
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Dec 6, 2010
I am trying to make a function run if the mouse is moved over the document but when using the object onmousemove it seems to run the code even if the mouse is still over then document, how can I make it so if the mouse is over the document but isn't moving then don't run the code but once the mouse moves run the code? This is the code I made to handle the mouse move collections.
But with this code it runs even when the user doesn't move their mouse and the notification box pops up every second as the code seems to think a still mouse is a moving mouse.
I was thinking about having a run once system but that would mean if the mouse moves it runs once and then if the mouse moves again the code will not run as it has already ran before.
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Dec 20, 2009
i am trying to make an online graphing calculator with javascript. dont ask how because i dont know. but there is an annoying error in a do...while loop. although it should break out of the loop when the |'s (absolute value signs) are replaced with Math.abs( and ). here is the code.
var initec = function(){
var rg = {
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Oct 26, 2007
I want to switch a big function from a document.onkeydown = function to a document.onkeypress = function, or vice versa depeding on the type of browser.
However it is quite a big function so it's pretty much out of the question to have it appear in full twice.
Any ideas how to change the target event (onkeydown/onkeypress) without writing the whole function twice?
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Apr 22, 2006
I am working on creating a document where you check a bunch of checkboxes to select what to include, then click on a button. A function then opens a new window and writes the HTML code to run scripts in .js files to populate the page. Code:
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Jun 5, 2006
I have been searching for a way to trap changes done to the document object (mainly by the function document.write();).
Example of code that doesn't work:
function myFunction() {
ed.document.onchange = doFunction(document.body.innerHTML);;
function do_function(body) {
It only fires when the page loads, not when I change the text. You are free to use any event that works, but i think onchange was the one to fit this problem. The alert will write the initialpage, but will never write the tekst 'Hello' that is the new change.
Any javagurus out there know a solution to pick up any fired events triggered by document.write();
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Jul 16, 2010
I am trying to write a bunch of text onto a new document using document.write() and somehow need to format it to include line breaks.
For example:
Code JavaScript:
document.write(Line 1);
document.write(Line 2);
I have tried including and it does not work. I have also tried document.writeln() and that also does not work. From what I have found on the Internet, one (if not both) of those methods should have worked.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have created a servlet that does nothing more than create a XML file.i have got some JQuery code that reloads the servlet to get the XML data.This works fine and i am able to load the data i want, the problem i have is that when the data is loaded to the jsp page it displays [object Document] in front of my output.
Code JavaScript:
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval(function() {[code]....
XML file only has one value, called row 1 with the data, "wow this is cool", but my output is: [object Document]
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Sep 19, 2005
does anyone know of any javascript method that does the same job as
document.write(), but not necessarily at the end of the document? For
instance, insert some text inside an element that has a specific ID
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