Here is the form in question: spraytechDOTcom/download_form.asp I am so close to getting this to work the way that I want, but here is what I am having an issue with: I cannot seem to make it look for the 12 digits that are in the phone numbers that we are going to collect. Ex. 800-123-4567
It doesn't have require 12 characters if there is another way to get the number to validate looking like the example above. Here is my regular expression that I am struggling with:
var re = /[^d-]$/ It seems to block any letters, but it will accept only 1 number. I would really like it to make sure that the phone number is only entered like this: 800-123-4567.
I have looked for days trying to figure this out and have only gotten close.
I'm developing a web app and I want to validate a users input on a form. I need a regular expression to validate a string which must begin with a letter (i.e. A-Z or a-z) and must have 5 numbers (0-9) after it....
I'm looking to use Javascript to pull apart a page of HTML I have already fetched. The page contains a table, within which there are rows containing...
0000000 - 0000000<some html>00<some html>0
0000000 - 0000000<some html>00 - 00<some html>0
I'm interested in extracting only the numbers (which may not always be 0!), in each case. I bet this can be done using a regular expression (or two). Can anyone help?
I need a regular expression to validate a string which consists of numbers, seprated by a period. For example: 123.456.7890.123 or
Basically, its a set of any amount of numbers, seperated by a period, ocurring any number of times. Now this is my first time dealving into regular expressions, and after reading some tutorials i came up with this:
provide regular expressions for Phone and Postal Code for the specified formats only? My phone # format is 416-642-3481(3digits-3digits-4digits). Please make sure I need a regular expression to satisfy only this format 416-111-1111. I don’t need any brackets, spaces, and country code. My Postal Code format is M4A-2S3 or m4a-2s3. Please make sure I need a regular expression to satisfy only these 2 formats M4A-2S3 or m4a-2s3. I don’t need any brackets, spaces, and country code.
have a form with three fields for home phone, work phone & mobile phone.I've got jquery to validate that the numbers entered are the right format, i.e. using the following with custom methods for the phoneUK etc.The thing is I only need one of these numbers. I have been trying *all day* to try and get this to work but no joy. I know I need to group them somehow but can't figure it out.I want it so I get a single message if all fields are left empty and then if a field does have an entry then it's validated to ensure its a number.
I tried searching for this but couldn't find anything that looked correct (Although, I might not have a clue what I'm actually looking at!) I have a fairly simple forum system running as part of my site as part of the member system memberkit. I would like the forum to be public - members can post to the forum, and the public can post to the forum by putting in a name and email address.....
but....I would like some simple code to either block out, xxxx out, or remove entirely email address and phone numbers from forum visitors that are not members. I'd really like to show a gray block over the phone or email address that says "please login to view this information"
Now as part fo the system, I do have IFEQ tags available to determine if the user is a member or not, so I've got somethnig to execute the code on, but I just don't know what the code needs to be.
I've seen this done on other forums before for links and such, I'm just not sure how to do it. I'm guessing it would need to read the whole post message and look for certain strings of characters, etc. [URL]...
It has to be flexible in that the extension can be either 4, 5, or 6 chars (.php, .html, .shtml for example) and needs to cater for and whether querystring parameters exist too.
--------------------------- Windows Internet Explorer --------------------------- <EMBED src= width=500 height=200 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
how can i get "src" value in above code using regular expression?
does anyone know how I can build a regular expression e.g. for the function on runtime, depending on the content of variables? Should be something like this:
var strkey = "something"; var str = "Somethin like this";
I need a regular expression that will validate a double quote comma delimited list where the odd entries are numeric and the even are alphabetical. Each pair must also be on a separate line. For example:
"1","Peter" "2","Paul" "3","Mary"
I've used the following expression to validate comma delimited lists, but without the double quotes, numeric/alpha pairing and line return restriction.
Normally I can write regular expressions decently well but for some reason I am having trouble getting this to work. I am validating form data and need to throw an error if there are ANY spaces in the field. abc123 is fine, abc 123 is not. Any character is fine, just not a space.
All I'm trying to do is delete the lines which don't contain a particular string. Actually a filter to edit a log file. I can find and replace a thing with null, but can't figure out how to find the lines which do not contain the thing.
Going further, I want to generalize and use a JavaScript variable containing the decision string, but first I need to worry about the not-within-a-line problem.