JQuery :: Using A Regular Expression As A Selector?
Oct 15, 2010Does jQuery support a regular expression as a selector? eg: so I can get every element with a id beginning with "test"
View 2 RepliesDoes jQuery support a regular expression as a selector? eg: so I can get every element with a id beginning with "test"
View 2 RepliesI would like to validate a textbox that numbers cannot be entered into the text input, how do i do this??? With regular expression??
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have function code...
I want to remove all parameters, but first. I don't know what's wrong .
Does anyone know if it is possible to use your own regular expression for fields with the JQuery Validation plugin?I have previously used Live Validation (standalone) which allows you to do this kind of thing:var loginpass = new LiveValidation('loginpass');loginpass.add( Validate.Format, { pattern: /^[A-Za-zd]+$/i } );
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am stuck on this seemingly simple validation loop.I want to iterate through a list of comma separated emails entered in a textarea input and check their validity before submitting the form.For some reason even when I enter all valid emails every other email doesn't pass the validation test!
var okEmailArr = badEmailArr = new Array();
var emails = $('#emailList').val(); // Get email list from text are
is there a way to select elements that match a regular expression? I have a set of divs with id = "wrap_n" where n is a progressive and I need to select them and for each 1 I have to add a function that togggle the "elem_n" div.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have seen lot of reg. expession with ?:
For dummy eg
The above expression is modified as
Although both the above expr. gives same result. (RegExp.match() gives
same o/p), most of the places , i have seen second option.
Yes, but different matches r shown (using RegExp.exec())
Is the second expr. most efficient or in particular scenarios?
Any comments???
I Use the regular expression to find the html tags present in the input box, It works properly in IE & FF but in chrome it works fine when use first time for an input box but not again, below my code...
function IsWithinTags(inputString) {var regExp = /</?[^>]+(>|$)/g;
inputString = inputString.replace(/&(lt|gt);/g, function (strMatch, p1) {
return (p1 == "lt") ? "<" : ">";
At the moment my code is like:
function telValid(inString) {
var regexp = /^[0-9 +()]+$/;
return (inString.match(regexp,''));
which is use to validate phone numbers (UK at the moment)
this works ok, but wont allow - (Dashes) which i need..
tried doing:
function telValid(inString) {
var regexp = /^[0-9 +-()]+$/;
return (inString.match(regexp,''));
I am finding it difficult to find a regular expression for following situation(replace)
a b c d = a,b,c d
a b c = a,b c
regular express to get the file name from a URL?
It has to be flexible in that the extension can be either 4, 5, or 6 chars (.php, .html, .shtml for example) and needs to cater for and whether querystring parameters exist too.
So, both
The regex should return newthread for both.
Windows Internet Explorer
<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/JTmM3jut05Q&hl=en&fs=1& width=500 height=200 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
how can i get "src" value in above code using regular expression?
<object width="500" height="200"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JTmM3jut05Q&hl=en&fs=1&"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JTmM3jut05Q&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="200"></object>
how can i get "src" value in above code using regular expression?
what will be the regular expression for this line:
Code JavaScript:
var id = $(this).attr("href").substring( $(this).attr("href").lastIndexOf('#'), $(this).attr("href").length);
Basically it gets the string after # in href attribute of clicked anchor tag.
I have this expression:
/(19|20)dd/)[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])
to detect if my date:
is valid. It's not working. What do I have wrong?
When Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows hits the regular expression:
it complains about an unexpected quantifier. In fact, it seems to complain whenever I use a lookahead expression. Is there any way around this?
does anyone know how I can build a regular expression e.g. for the
string.search() function on runtime, depending on the content of
variables? Should be something like this:
var strkey = "something";
var str = "Somethin like this";
if( str.search( / + strkey + / ) > -1 )
I need a regular expression that will validate a double quote comma
delimited list where the odd entries are numeric and the even are
alphabetical. Each pair must also be on a separate line. For example:
I've used the following expression to validate comma delimited lists, but
without the double quotes, numeric/alpha pairing and line return
Normally I can write regular expressions decently well but for some
reason I am having trouble getting this to work. I am validating form
data and need to throw an error if there are ANY spaces in the field.
abc123 is fine, abc 123 is not. Any character is fine, just not a
All I'm trying to do is delete the lines which don't contain a particular
string. Actually a filter to edit a log file. I can find and replace a thing
with null, but can't figure out how to find the lines which do not contain
the thing.
Going further, I want to generalize and use a JavaScript variable containing
the decision string, but first I need to worry about the not-within-a-line
I've got a somewhat cumbersome function that looks like this.
parseCSVLine = function (line)
var tmp = [];
var inQuote = false;
Here is the form in question: spraytechDOTcom/download_form.asp I am so close to getting this to work the way that I want, but here is what I am having an issue with: I cannot seem to make it look for the 12 digits that are in the phone numbers that we are going to collect. Ex. 800-123-4567
It doesn't have require 12 characters if there is another way to get the number to validate looking like the example above. Here is my regular expression that I am struggling with:
var re = /[^d-]$/ It seems to block any letters, but it will accept only 1 number. I would really like it to make sure that the phone number is only entered like this: 800-123-4567.
I have looked for days trying to figure this out and have only gotten close.
I'm trying to validate data in a textbox for township (usually written as 12N or 23S for Township 12 North or Township 23 South). In Utah the townships range from 01N to 15N, and 01S to 44S. The expression "/[0-9][0-4][ns]/i" will allow 01n (or s) through 94n (or s). If I change it to "/[0-4][0-4][ns]/i" to limit it to 44n (or s), I then am not allowing for 05, 06, 07, 08, and 09. I hope the above is not too confusing. I'm just starting to work with regular expressions.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to perform a regular expression on a string and if TRUE do something.
I have huge amounts of knowledge doing this in PHP but trying out javascript.
This is my first serious attempt at using a regular expression.My first name field should allow alpha characters only [A-Za-z], but it seems to be testing for the presence of 1 alpha character. If one is found in the string then anything else is allowed.Bob returns valid which is what I need.Bob1 returns valid but should NOT be valid..1 returns valid not valid which is what I need.My code.
function isValidFirstName(p1_firstName) {
var re = new RegExp("[A-Za-z]");
I am creating a regular expression for a URL where the domain name (i.e. .com|.edu etc) is optional. That is both http://xyz and http://xyz.com should be valid. If <.> is present then com|edu|.. will be there; but if <.> is absent then com|edu|.. will not be there. Also there can be any number of <.>, but every <.> will be followed by characters. So in other words the string can't end with <.>, it should only end with [a-zA-Z0-9]. So far I have created the following part -
var url=document.myform.addr.value;
var str="^(http|https)://(([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.(com|edu|gov|[a-zA-Z]{2})|[a-zA-Z0-9]+$)";
var regEx = new RegExp(str);
I have the following string "d3-23-76-546"
I'm looking for a regular expression that will match everything in this string before 546 so that I can replace it with an empty string and just be left with 546. The string could be of any length and contain any number of hyphens.