Prompt The User To Save Changes?
Jul 20, 2011
I need to write code to prompt the user to save the changes before the user session expires. And this should happen only when the user makes any changes, if he doesnt make any changes, I should not be prompting him. For this I need to check if any fields are modified in the page. I need a generalised code that goes in the header or footer page of the application, so that I dont have to make any changes to the existing 100 pages.
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Sep 7, 2009
I wish to give the user the ability to download a file. The variable "url" is set to the url of a file on the server. I want to give the user the ability to either open it (if known type) or save it.
The following works for documents such as MS Word, but not for images (jpg, etc):,'Download');
Any suggestions how to not just create a new window for images, but give the choice whether to save it or view it?
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Dec 4, 2009
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Jun 10, 2009
The application works fine but it makes the user enter the answer twice before it brings up the question "Would you like to continue?". I thought the fix would be to just call "myMH.checkAnswer(studentAnswer);" straight from the method in the "appclass" but that didn't fix it I m so lost on this problem. This problem most likely is right in front of my face but don't see it lol. I have another question as well but I think if I get this one figured out first it might answer my other one.
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Sep 21, 2009
How can i "prompt the user for the sales tax rate as a percentage"? this is what i have so far....
var tax = prompt("What is your tax rate percentage?", "")
document.write("Return Value: "+tax,("<br />"));
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Nov 20, 2010
My group is working on a basic document management system that includes four users. staff member, department director, division chief and clerk. The programming language that we used is PHP.when staff member logs-in on his homepage and uploads a file he must choose reviewer from a dropdown menu that consists of dep. director and div. chief.When he clicks the upload button the homepage of who he chose as reviewer should receive a prompt/alert box upon log-in saying "you have a document to review".For example:if he chose division chief as the reviewer when the person logs-in on his homepage a prompt/alert should display that he has something to review.The code for uploading file is already up and working.
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Dec 7, 2009
Doing web page with ASP/VB.NET. Have text boxes for UI on page. Two command buttons - Submit (for db update) and Cancel. I need the Cancel button to prompt the user to verify cancellation. Need OK/Cancel buttons on alert. If user selects Cancel-no action. If user selects OK then I want the text boxes cleared of user text input and focus returned to first text box. I think this may be the code but do not know how to apply it.
function Clear()
var res=window.confirm("Please confirm cancellation-text boxes will be cleared"); [code].....
Is this code valid or invalid for the events I need? How do I set it to fire when user clicks the ASP Cancel button?
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Feb 19, 2011
It will be best to use server side scripting like php for it , because user can disable his javascript in that condition your code won't work
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Oct 11, 2011
I've wrote what (at least in my mind) and awsome report generator for a group who uses my server. The user gets all the data from the server via the server's normal reporting tools, and then sorts/shows/hides/formats columns using javascript/jquery (saves server cycles). There is only one slight problem (think "grand canyon" slight), once a user has a form he or she wants, then the user needs to save the tab separated value form of the report to disk.
I can output the TSV into a DIV (and probably an IFRAME I'm guessing), and do for display purposes. However, the users need to copy/paste at this point, which is rather user-unfriendly. Is there a way to either prompt a file download/save (without making a call to the server and wasting time), or opening up a new tab with just the desired text, so the user can save it?
EDIT: I'd rather not replace the whole page that generates the report, as the user probably doesn't want to lose his or her work in formatting setings, and my want to generate multiple reports from one dataset/query, without having to rewrite the query.
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Jun 30, 2009
I have a confirm message box which asks the user whether they wish to take a survey. At the moment the confirm box appears each time the page is loaded. Would there be a way that when the user selects OK to take the survey this is remembered, so when the users next visit the page the box doesn't appear?
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Feb 26, 2007
On one of my sites, I have a reather involved page (searchable map).
When the person leaves the page then all the AJAX generated
information is lost. Is there a way that I can retain all this data
in a cookie or so or how would you recommend I saved all the users
information (perhaps using a database on the serverside).
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Jul 22, 2009
I am trying to design a system that allows users to draw on a whiteboard with different colors, save their drawing into hidden input boxes in the form on the page, then they can click Save Logo to save it to process it through PHP. I have the whiteboard that allows them to draw, but I am lost as to how to get the thing to populate the hidden input boxes.
So, I have the following code:
What I am trying to do is use the function mousedown(e) to include an event to update a hidden input box with the value of the TD's background color that the hidden input field is attached to, so that it can be tracked when the user hits Save Logo at the bottom of the page. When they hit Save Logo, I want the form to post to itself, go through each of the input hidden fields and capture the color for each table cell, then generate an image based on the generated array, save it to a file on the server with the user's $_SESSION['userid'] as the filename + .jpg.
The problem is, though, that I do not know how to tell JavaScript to do this in the function mousedown(e) code. Also, look in the function table_create and see if I am naming the hidden input boxes correctly; not sure if it will generate the wanted result.
Just a note: I can handle all the PHP handling of the form, I just need help with the Javascript.
Edit: I attached the entire script/page to this post because so many functions rely on each other to operate, and I'm not exactly sure which function will need to be modified to get the desired result. Also, you can copy the code to a .php file to see what it looks like (as that may assist in demonstrating exactly what I'm trying to do, visually).
Edit 2: I suppose what I need to find is how to get the JavaScript to assign a value to the hidden input field that has the same id as the TD field that it needs to be linked to.
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm working on a webpage which is completely self-sufficient. This means if you copied the source you would be able to load it locally without any glitches from your computer. I want to embed a "Save As" feature into this document using only javascript or jquery. For various reasons I do not have access to a server-side language to perform this action. I've done some research but can't seem to find a definitive way to do this.
My goal:
User clicks "Save As HTML" button which triggers jquery to copy the source of the page and present it to the user as a mypage.html download. My fall back approach will be to open a new tab with just the desired html and instruct the user to manually "File -> Save As". However, this is very undesirable and I would like to find a solution to fulfill the goal above.
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Jul 20, 2005
In my site I show low quality pictures. When someone right clicks an
image and selects 'Save Picture As...', I wish to let him save the
high quality picture.
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Jun 29, 2000
When you right click on a link you get the option to save target as...(ie) and save link as...(netscape). Is there some JavaScript to call this function like the JavaScript to open a new window?
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Dec 6, 2010
Code: //Define the class
class author{
function author(a:String,b:String,c:int)
{ = a;
this.lastname = b;
this.age = c;
in this code the variable "newBook" to save the whole object, returns to save only the last one that was created...
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to make a prompt that will ask the user for some input...
If I just use var input = prompt("dafa") everything works fine but the
box is put in the top left corner of the window. I need it to be
centered so... I was doing some research on the net (never really used
much JavaScript before) and was reading the only way to do this is by
making your own custom prompt. In my attempts of doing so I came up
with this code below. The problem I am having now is that when
onMaxLoad_Click() occurs the prompt appears for a split second and then
it goes back to being hidden. Code:
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Oct 3, 2005
for some reason, when I do this...
var email= prompt("Enter the email address you want to send the test
it's opening the prompt window in the top left of the screen. How can I
put it in the center?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a form that the user can edit data in. However, there are a couple
of links on the page. The user can edit the data and click on a link, not
submitting the form.
Is there some code out there that will check to see if they changed the
form, and prompt them to submit it if they try to exit the page any other
Perfect example:
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Jul 20, 2005
here's what we have in an html file.
<form .....
<input type=button name="comment" onclick=" prompt('enter comment','
' )" >
Is there anyway to get the value returned from the prompt in the statement
above, into the value of the statement below ?
<input type=hidden name="comment_text" value = ???? >
We would like the user to click the "comment" button, have another window
popup where they enter their comment, and then take the comment text and
append it to the value parameter of the hidden statement.
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Oct 14, 2009
I'm working on an html form that will be launched from within another application, but every time it launches the form none of the JS coding works because of the stupid IE security. If I launch the form from outside the application I just have to select "allow blocked content" from that stupid information bar that says "to help protect your security IE has restricted the webpage from running scripts...."
I added the application site to our trusted sites and basically turned off security for that zone but it still doesn't work. Obviously there is a way to run JS without allowing the content, but I don't do enough coding to know how that is done.I need the JS to run automatically without that information bar appearing at all.
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Oct 15, 2010
How do i use html forms in the same way as prompts? I want to do something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var cpu= prompt("What brand of CPU would you like?");
var ram= prompt("What brand of RAM would you like?");
var hdd= prompt("What brand of Hard Drive would you like?");
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Nov 25, 2006
is there a way to have this field with focus (and cursor), when window opens?
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Dec 12, 2011
I can run MS-Dos using JavaScript with this codes:
<script type="text/javascript">
var cmd = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");"cmd /c echo It works! CMD opened but is visible.");
I wonder if I can run MS-Dos hidden like in Visual Basic 6.0?
Dim command As String command = "echo It also works!" Shell "cmd /c " & command, vbHide Is it also possible to fetch the result and insert to a DIV? I'm sorry, I'm just a new web developer and really want to learn.
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Feb 18, 2011
I have some jQuery
var firm = $('#firm$_GET').attr('value');[code]....
if there's a way to prompt me with the value of data just so that I can validate the link that's going to go through with this?
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Jun 9, 2010
I have a very simple jquery RTE I've built. When adding a link I currently do this ( $.iframeread is just a function to pick the right way to "find" the iframe content for the browser being used)
I can obviously create this and show() it when I need to - what I don't know how to do is pass $('select[name="type"]').val() + $('input[name="link"]').val() back to the orginal function - ie how do I capture $link
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