Price Quote Generator With Variable Rates?

Oct 23, 2009

i need, requires a little extra tweaking. Its a price quote generator (package price x number of pages = price) However if the customer has more pages over a set amount (2000) the package price changes. So the formula becomes (package price x pages (upto 2000) = price + number of pages over 2000 x new package price = Total price. Does that make sense?

So i can do a flat rate with this code but if anyone has suggestions on how to do the rest? I would be eternaly grateful as my head really hurts.

<script type="text/javascript">
function update(){
var price = document.getElementById("Package").value;
var pages = document.getElementById("pages").value;
var Tprice = (price * pages).toFixed(2) ;


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Random Quote Generator, Make Quote In Bold?

Jun 12, 2009

Below is a Random Quote generator script I found on the net, its a great script, but I want the quote to be in bold, how is that done please?

<font color="#71025F" size="2" face="Verdana,Arial">
<script language="JavaScript">
var Quotation=new Array() // do not change this!


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Random Quote Generator Script (For Uni Project)?

Jul 19, 2011

I have to create a website as a project for my university course. Said course has nothing at all to do with computers really so it's really throwing us into the deep end as the majority of us have/had no interest in this particular field.

Regardless, I am creating a website that uses the Random Quote Generator Javascript that I copied from the Hotscripts website. The code details are below and my question is: is there any way I could change the formatting for each quote? For example, change quote 1 to be, say, yellow or bold and change quote 3 to be aligned right and blue? I mainly want to change the colour for each quote but having any other info on how to format it would be really helpful.

var quotes=new Array();
quotes[0] = "This is quote 1.";
quotes[1] = "This is quote 2.";
quotes[2] = "This is quote 3.";


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Code For A Price Quote Calculator?

Mar 4, 2010

I need a code for my online blind shop so that customers can get a quote without having to go through the order process. They would need to enter their fabric range, style and width and drop.

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Getting Simple Instant Price Quote Calculator?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to come up with an instant price quote calculator in would be a simple one with only three fields:

"label" -Number of Shirts
"label" -Number of Colors on Front
"label" -Number of Colors on Back
"button" calculate total
"results" total: $xx per bagxx

total price would decrease based on the number of shirts (more volume) / increase based on the number of colors both front and back.

something i found online that is 100% what i want:[URL]i am not too familiar with javascript. ok tinkering with jquery but that's it.i am obviously not asking anyone to work for free but if someone could point me to a semblance of a solution, some code, something online that i could modify etc. i would love to learn javascript in the process and ideally come up with a working version of the calculator.

i tried to work with the .js from that website but it calls in some qq2.php page. so i haven't been able to replicate the solution. plus, i would assume that their price structure would be different than mine.

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JQuery :: Use .html() When Have Quote And Double Quote?

Sep 17, 2011

i have a long string contain html tags, javascript code, in a variable, & of corse it contain both ' & " in i want to put all the stuff somewhere in my page, so i assume should use .html() for this. but i think because of this ' & " it does not working. what should i do?

var content_area = $('div#zone1');
content = ' stuff contain quote & double quote';

remember i have both quote & double quote i can't convert all of them to ' or ".

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Syntax For Double Quote, Single Quote?

Aug 9, 2010

am writing a function in js that requires me to assign an javascript value to an html element. But I am stuck at a point where I have to assign document.write value to embed object.

function ytEmbedPlayer(videoUrl,w,h){
var flashvars = {};
var params = {allowFullScreen:'true',wmode:'transparent'};
params.allowscriptaccess = "always";


I am having issue here were, I have to print videoUrl value as an embed src.

<embed src="document.write(videoUrl)"

I think I am messing up with the single quote and double quote.

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Price Calculation - Calculates The Price Of A Journey From A To B

Jan 16, 2010

[url] I found a script that calculates the price of a journey from A to B using this formula:


This current formula is not accurate.

Here is what I need:
First 2 Miles = £5
Each mile after that = £3

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Getting A Program That Will Compare Loans With Various Interest Rates?

Nov 15, 2011

monthly payment = c*r*(1+r)^n /(1+r)^n

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Getting The Table Underneath The <h3> Tag "Delivery Rates" To Show In The Right Place

Oct 31, 2010

I'm having trouble getting the table underneath the <h3> tag "Delivery rates" to show in the right place. Also the "Delivery Rates" is not showing either. This is starting down at line 86. I've tried adding <p>/</p> elements as my book mentions but they do not seem to work or rather I'm putting them in the wrong spots(?).


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Replace Single Quote "'" With "`" (reverse Single Quote)?

Apr 29, 2010

I have an asp form where one field has potential for entry of single quote (usually a possessive -bob's-).How can I replace "'"with "`" before it is passed forward generating an error.

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Color Generator

Apr 1, 2006

My form allows the user to assign colors to different fields that are then
used in a java piechart/barchart applet as the colors of the different pie
sections/bars. It can be tedious assigning colors even with my color pic
tool especially as the number of different colors increases. The application
is data driven so it may end up requiring any number of colors up to about
100. Of course you want the colors to be as different as possible.

It would be nice to have an "Auto" button to click that will then fill out all the
color fields with a properly generated set of colors - that is colors that
are as different from each other as possible. Random colors won't do as you
might end up with very similar colors. Is such a program possible?

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Name Generator Won't Validate

Jul 6, 2006

I'm building a name generator where a person puts their name in and gets a different name out. I've set it up so you have to put in something.

When I test it it tells me I haven't put a name in, but obviuosly I have. I can't see where the code is wrong. Here are the relevant bits, I've cut out all the other code:

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Using Indexof To Find A Quote

Jul 23, 2005

how can i use the .indexof function to check if there is a quote in the string. i can't seem to find the correct syntax for do this without an error occuring

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Getting Random Line Generator Bug / Why Is So?

Dec 21, 2009

I have a piece of code that randomly picks a line from a preset list and displays it whenever the page is loaded. I'm using it to generate random quotes on my pages.

At the moment, there seems to be a good chance that when the page loads no quote appears at all, just a blank space.

Anyone know why this could be happening?code...

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Random Link Generator Within A DIV (CSS)?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a problem with a random link generator within a DIV. When I try it on my desktop it works fine, but does nothing once I upload it to the to explain what happens, but here is it, more or less:The website is this: http:[url]....

Via an Ajax script, http:[url]..... is loaded into DIV "menu". Here's the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
ajaxpage('menu.html', 'menu') //load "menu.html" into "menu" DIV

Well, there's another load of stuff inside the <head> tag. You may see it from the main page source code.Anyway, if you go to the menu.html, the link generator will work there as it is intended; however, if you try it from the main page, it won't do anything. But people are not suppossed to go to menu.html. They are suppossed to load it from the index.html (I mean, plain http:url....)So, here's the link generator code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function randomlinks(){[code].....

I believe this could be solved if I could target the generator to the whole window, 'cause maybe it's trying to open the new page inside the DIV. Well, I don't know...

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Styles Generator And Firefox Add-on

Jul 20, 2010

I'm programming a styles generator for the Stylish add-on. What I want is the same thing that when I click on the button "Install with Stylish" : A Window appear to ask user if he wants to install the script with Stylish. I saved the website page on my desktop and opened it. Obviously it did not worked, nothing happens when i click. I also changed the path for javascript file in the html and so on.. There is a XMLhttprequest() function wich opens the url of the style ending by ".css". But I replaced the url by my file path (by a locally file) and I replaced the statut (200 by 0, because I'm working on a local file).

But whatever I do, nothing happens when I click. There is also a function called firecustomevent() who creates the event, but my knowledges are limited at this point. I read document on mozilla website on how to call an event but i can't get it to work. How to display a windows asking the user if he wants to install the style. The url containing the javascript is a simple style url like this one : [URL] where you can see the "install with stylish" button. I also attached the concerned javascript in a txt file.

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Javascript Table Generator

Nov 9, 2006

I am looking for a table generator that works with prompts. Something like this the first prompt asks How many rows? second prompt How many columns? third prompt Border size fourth prompt Bgcolor and fifth prompt Create table.

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Javascript Html Tag Generator

Feb 16, 2005

Im using a php simple cms program which allows me to use templates to format my content.

I need help in stripping out (removing) the generated <img src="url"> tag when i insert image. I want to use javacript so its post processed (after the server has interpreted the php code) because I only need to do this in one category of my content.

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Javascript Gradient Generator

Jan 20, 2006

I want a generator to take a two colors, just say 000000 and FFFFFF. Then I want to find 8 colors in between. In the end, it will be 10 different colors. I then want to place the 10 colors in 10 different variables. color1, color2, color3, etc. Im then going to put those 10 colors into 10 different boxes in a table, but i can do that myself

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Experience Generator Not Working?

Oct 1, 2010

I decided to make an Experience Generator for my site. I started simple by making one that uses a prompt. First it prompts for your level, then it multiplies it by using a random number function. This code below.

<title>Experience Generator</title>
<script type="text/javascript">


BUT this code pulls up and error at the line of var B.. What I am trying to do is pass the form to the var B and then goes on from there to do the Experience Generator.

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Random Link Generator A Dud?

May 24, 2010

I used the code on this website [URL]... but it doesn't work. I have 167 links and placed the code correctly but nothing. What am I doing wrong?

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Single To Double Quote Conversion

Sep 8, 2010

I ran into this issue yesterday, and no matter what I try I can't seem to get it work correctly.

I need to parse out single quotes from a field, and replace them with double quotes, so it doesn't blow up later, like it did yesterday.

I've tried using regex, but I'm sure its not the correct syntax.

javascript Code:

document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value = document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value.replace(/'/g,""");
document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value = document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value.replace(/'/g,""");

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Change JS Random Quote To XML Caller?

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to take code that I have and change it to be called from an XML file.

Right now I have random quote and random author arrays stored in an external .js file. And then a function to make everything random. Then I have it called and modified using the innerhtml method. All of this works fine and I will be including that code.

Now I want to modify this and change it to where I can store my quotes and my quote authors in an xml file. Then called through the JS. (more info under this code)


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Regex - To Add Slash Before Double Quote Only

Jan 9, 2009

I'm looking for a wee bit of regex help as I need to add a slash before any instances of double quotes in a string. I'm using an AJAX in place editor which is cutting off strings at double quotes - the following line is giving me problems when the text being edited has a double quote in it:


I have this function, but this is for adding slashes to single quotes and my regex ability is so inept i don't know how to amend it for double quotes only.


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Using Quote In Bad Character Validation String

Sep 17, 2001

I've got the following form validation script. How can I include the quote marks as
a bad character?

I tried:
var bad_email_chars="/!#$%&*+^ ()_-=|~`?;:,'"""
It didn't help.

var bad_email_chars="/!#$%&*+^ ()_-=|~`?;:,'"
var h,j
alert("you have atleast one bad character in you website address. You may not submit this form until you correct this.")

Also, How do I format with indentations and as non wraping text the messages I send to this forum?

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