I'm using open source '4images' image gallery that uses a popup PHP window to show upload the image, and then goes away once complete. It works fine only if popup windows are enabled in the internet browser. If its disabled then it doesn't work. I've tried a few fixes no success as I'm not that good with javascript yet. Have tried the ;return false; but can't seem to get it right.
This is what I've got that works when popups are enabled in the browser
I have a jsp page, which click a link and refresh the current page, and ALSO create a popup window which links to other jsp file to generate a file for download.My problem is I must create such popup window, with out blocked by IE-browser, any method, javascript, css....servlet, is ok.
I dont know much about the functionality on what causes some popups to trigger a browsers blocker and some not to.
Situation: I have an account information page (where users can edit their account details) one of the fields the user can edit comes at a cost. For billing I am using a 3rd party billing portal (standard form action pointing to the service & value is passed via post variable)
-user hits submit (not on the 3rd party billing form, my fake ajax button)a service is selected that cost $1 (lets say)verification DB is updated (no page reload)value field is updated in the 3rd party billing form to reflect the additional service I then initiate the form submit on the 3rd party billing form into a popup window I do not want to user to leave the site, I want the $1 billing window to pop up, they take care of it then close the window returning back to the site. In order to get the form to popup in a window I set the forms target to the popup window:
Code: window.open("", paysys, "width=760,height=550"); functionality everything is working perfect, except most browsers catch the popped up window in their popup blockers. Anyone know how I can create a popup that isnt flagged by the browsers?
I have a chat application where when a button is click a pop up window for chat will appear. I want to bypass any pop up blocker so that my chat app will always show when my button is clicked. Is this possible?
How can I bypass the validation for a specific email address? Let's say "if the user submits abc@test.com" then I do not want to validate this address and accept it as it is.
Now I'm not much of a javascript guru but I am trying to create a custom function that will allow me to specify the width and height and all other options for opening a popup window via a link. I need ot be able to obviously specify the location, width, and height, and be able to specify if I want things like the address bar, toolbar, status bar, and all that with either a 1 for yes, and 0 for no. Is that possible? How should I start.
Also, say the pop up will hold an image 500px in width. Now I know that if I set the size to 500, it will not hold the whole image because 500 accounts for the window border and other things. How much do I really have to put for a window that has to hold an image 500x400.
I have a web form with several fields. If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.
function test1(){ window.open('about:blank','TEST','width=300,height=300,resizable=1'); } function test2(){ window.open('about:blank','TEST','width=300,height=400,resizable=1'); }
I create 2 buttons and set onclick to test1() , test2() respectively but I tried to click on button1 (call test1()) and click on button2 (call test2()) the windows popup which call from test2() has height=300. I want to popup with height =400 and I don't want to close window popup which call from test1().
1. Call test1 function (the windows's popup width = 300 ,height=300) 2. Call test2 function (the windows's popup width = 300 , height =300 <= I want height =400)
im using the following javascript function to popup a new window that will display the full size of thumbnail images.
However, whenever I click on an image, the full image will not appear. Only a very small window will appear. How can I alter the function below so that the full image will appear?
function popUp(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=100%,height=100%');"); }
I have used a Javascript function for temperature conversion(attached with an external js file). When the temp is converted we are supposed to get a message box if the temps fall under a certain amount. Example: <90 degrees celcius : a message is supposed pop up. I haven't been able to code the message box correctly for it to work.
We want to load the popup window when the page is loaded but this popup window must not be visible to the end user. We need this to do some processing in the popup window which is hidden.
i am using popupwindow.document.write(html_text); all the html of the pop-up goes into html_text.how can i build a function inside the html_text that can be called within the popup window?
I am trying to dynamically open a popup window but ie8 blocks it with the popup blocker. basically within a ajax fuction I have a confirm button and if the user clicks yes it opens a popup window. now I tried it with a javascript function but it got blocked, so I have tried it by creating a form with a button in it and instead of calling the popup function direct I call document.form.button.click and in the form my button has onclick"popup('<? echo url; ?>')" but this also is detected as a unwarranted popup and is blocked.
now I understand that the popup blocker works when a popup is called without user interaction, but allows popups on say button clicks. how can I get the popup to work
In my application i use window.showmodaldialog() to pop up a window. When i run it in IE pop up blocker wont blocks the window... But when run it in FireFox pop up blocker will blocks the pop up window.. is there any way to open a window with out blocking(avoiding ) by the pop up blocker?
From a parent window, I open two child windows.In the second child, you complete some data, and then it closes the window. I'm trying to figure out how to find and close the first popup window at the same time (as that is used for reference but no action necessary on it).As near as I can tell window.open should let me set a handle that I can then reference later on to close that window (or am I misunderstanding that), but i cannot figure out how to reference that window.
As per the rather long subject, I would like to (well, my boss would like me to...) on a popup have one button to close and another to close but then redirect to another page.
I just am curious as to whether online advertising software is not doing as well because of popup advertisement blockers, such as on Mozilla and on the Google popup blocker. Would it not be advisable to work for SpecificPOP or SpecificMEDIA, leaders in direct-response, online marketing specializing in innovative technology that maximizes ROI revenue for marketers?
SpecificPOP helps sites like wunderground.com, a site about weather, produce windows that offer gift coupons of one hundred dollars or more, based on whether you check if President Bush is good for America.
I have some javascript the works in conjunction with a flash video player. When a user selects a video in the Flash video list and new video is called and begins to play. Also, when that video is selected a function called "doOnMediaLoad()" is called and inside of that function I have put a call to another function that I wrote in the same script.function that is called when user selects flash player video list.
function doOnMediaLoad(e) { vcomments_changed(e.id); //call to my function }
I have some javascript the works in conjunction with a flash video player. When a user selects a video in the Flash video list and new video is called and begins to play. Also, when that video is selected a function called "doOnMediaLoad()" is called and inside of that function I have put a call to another function that I wrote in the same script.
The question has to do with the use of popup windows in a web page. I have heard that popup windows should be avoided; due to use of popup blockers and browser that do not process javascript.
Is the use of popup windows bad design? Will it severly reduce the usage of our web page?
Note, The popup windows are created using only onClick events, not onLoad or onClose events. Do popup blockers make any distinction between the two?
I have a button that pops up a calender popup window. One of the arguments to the openCalendar() is the name of the element to insert the selected date into i.e a readonly text box - this works fine!
What I want to do is to detect when a value is inserted in to this box from the popup so I can make visible a "save" button - trouble is though the onfocus() & onchanged events are not fired when it's value changes.
Is there anyway to get some sort of event fired when a popup closes so I can test if the text box has changed? - or more likely am I overlooking something really obvious?