Popup Window With Options To Populate Textbox
Jan 23, 2010
Actually this is the same like the pop-up calendar but the only difference is I don't want numbers, I need a list of options so user can choose and when they select, it will transfer to the textbox right away like the calendar. I have a form and trying to use a pop-up window to select an option then transfer the option selected to show on the textbox. I have 10 textboxes and all of them has a "Select" button to pop-up the option list. BTW, the "SELECT" button will populate the same option list.
Here is my html code:
<select id="droplist" name="droplist" size="1" >
<option>Click to select...</option>
<?php foreach ($designation_list as $descode => $prompt) : ?>
<option <?php echo helper_selected($prompt == $form['droplist']); ?> value="<?php echo $prompt; ?>" style="width:500"><?php safeEcho($prompt); ?> </option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Below is array:
$designation_list = array(
"00111" =>"Aloha of the Pacific/Transfer Assistance Program for High Income Students",
"71122" =>"Aloha",
"71231" =>"Free Housing Information",
"71232" => "Drama Queen and King",
"98765" => "Aloha Boy Home of the Land",
"12345" => "Aloha Home",
I wanted to use the option list over and over again for the 10 textboxes. Is that possible?
Below is my sample code but didn't work.
var testpopup5 = new PopupWindow("testdiv5");
var testpopup5input=null; .....
I get this code from somewhere else but it doesn't work on me.
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Dec 16, 2011
I have these two pages which I want to link...the index.html is the main page. I want the list.html page to pop up when names is clicked..Then I want to be able to select all or some of the name from the list.html page and inset into the textbox on the index.html page, separated by commas with the list.html closing on insert. hope my ambition is clear enough...
Add contacts:<br />
<input name="" type="text" /><br />
<a href="list.html" target="_new">names </a>
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Jan 16, 2011
I have a product select page that is really slow to use because 6 dropdowns must be populated and the page reloads after selecting each box, to get the options for the next box.
I want to speed it up as follows:
1) User selects one of 50 products from a dropdown list.
2) Page reloads, and all the possible options for the remaining 5 dropdown boxes are now populated (ie. list options all stored client side)
3) User can freely input the remaining 5 dropdowns without the page reloading.
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May 21, 2009
I have two select lists, the first one has three options in it, What I need to have happen is once a option is selected in the first drop down, the second drop down will be populated with the remaining two options.
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Jun 16, 2010
I am populating a number of Select boxes on the server-side with a large number of options. I'd like to get the response size down without taxing the client browser too much. What do you think is the most efficient way to approach this problem?
Here are some considerations: The option text/values do not change very often, but could potentially change in the future. The page that holds the select boxes should never be cached, there are other aspects of the page that need to remain fresh. Firebug with YSlow is saying that the primed cache size of the page is 300Kb with all the select dropdowns and options, if I remove the options, the primed cache size of the page is 80Kb. I am considering breaking out the text/value pairs for the select boxes into a separate file that is cache-able calling it "valueTextPairs.js" and referencing it with a query string and some sort of server-generated MD5 hash of the data, so that if any of the values change, the client's cached version will be replaced by the latest version. Like so:[URL]...
Provided I do this, I anticipate that the primed cache size of the page will be reduced down to 80Kb (which I like) -- however, before I take the plunge, I am curious what you all think the performance effect will be?
I know the number of bytes on the wire will be reduced, but will this put a lot of additional pressure on the client's browser because I'd need to traverse the name/value pairs and add the options to the select boxes dynamically on the client end? If it seems reasonable to do this, what jQuery approach would be the most efficient? $('#selectId').html(options) with options = one big string? Adding each child option to the select in a loop? Something else?
Some client end folks are using IE6 so I am trying to tax the browser as little as possible, while also reducing the size of each request, trying to find a happy medium..
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Apr 3, 2011
I have a page that runs a lot of calculations.The math is computed on the fly using java scriptwhen all the calcs are in, prior to form submission the user needs to evaluate which numbers they prefer, and from there, once they select them, the form, based on those choices, will perform one last calclets say we have 3 result fields
r1 = 2000
r2 = 3000
r3 = 4000
what i want to do is have a select field be able to display those values at the bottom of the page;for example
<select name="s1">
<option value=[field contents of r1 above]>[field contents of r1 above]</option>
<option value=[field contents of r2 above]>[field contents of r2 above]</option>
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Jul 5, 2011
The following PHP code populates a dropdown list of Projects. I would like to be able to click on a Project Name in the list and have its corresponding list of Characters appear beside it. How can I tie jquery into this as it's running? All the jquery examples I see are for hard coded HTML data instead of a PHP loop grabbing from a database.
//creates the Project dropdown list
while ($proj = mysql_fetch_array($project)){
$id_proj = $proj['projid'];
$name_proj = htmlspecialchars($proj['projectName']);
I don't care if it's a clickable list of anchors instead of a dropdown. Also, I don't care whether people have javascript enabled as this is for my personal use.
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Feb 8, 2011
I want to populate the right text box with the result of the drop down multiplied by the left text box. I'm able to do this already but with only one set. I want to be able to have multiple rows.
Here is the code I currently am using for the single.
$(function() {
$('#DropDownList1').click(function() {
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Oct 11, 2010
I have a page where a user can enter info into a text box named (usertext). Below the box I have a link that takes the user to another page.
This page is just a test page for proof of concept.
I am wondering if there is a way that I can dynamically populate a variable located within the url of my link. The info that will populate the variable will be whatever the user types into the text box.
For example my link will be <a href="nextpage.cfm?textvariable='#usertext#'> So when the user clicks this link, it goes to the next page already populated by the value of the info the user typed into the text box. I am thinking javascript will be involved, but I am not really sure.
I am using coldfusion 8.
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Apr 13, 2011
how to get a drop down box to populate using a value from a text box with out a page refresh.
I can get a value from a drop down box to populate another drop down box, but can't quite figure out how to get text value to populate a drop down menu.
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Mar 2, 2011
[URL] Refer to the link, using the sample, I'm able to use php ajax to populate 1 text box which I've already pre-define (not using "echo '<input type='text'..") -- the info came from a table
Search: [jo ]
Name: [John doe]
select name from customer where name like '%jo%';
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Sep 4, 2010
i want to create some radio buttons associated to a textbox, and onchange the radio buttons this would put the value of the radiobutton in the textbox automatically. I.E: Imagine i selected the radio button "Option 1", i want this one to fill the textbox with his value that would be "option1".
* Option 1
* Option 2
* Option 3
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Jun 26, 2011
based on dropdown selection i need to fill two text box in sharepoint 2007 using jquery.
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Jun 28, 2011
populate textbox based on dropdown selection index change. populate two text box on the dropdown box value selected index change dynamically.
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm trying to populate a form with information from a database based on a textbox entry. However, when I begin to key in the textbox I receive "undefined" in each textbox throughout the form.
Take a look at my code for any errors? It also appears that my $_GET['jobid'] is not working properly.
And here is my php:
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Aug 29, 2011
I want to make a popup helps the user select a value for an input field in a html form.
For example, if the field is for a customer code - the user can either type in the customer code directly, or use the popup to search on available customer codes using various criteria and finally select the customer code he or she wants to use, and have that customer code populate back into the original input field.
I have been looking around the various components in jquery but can't quite see how to do this.
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Jun 9, 2009
1)i need to create a form with few fields like phoneno,website,address etc and one text area.
2) i copy n paste the details in the textarea n when i click d button. it should automatically populate things into the respective fields.
here s my logic wt i taught of:
1)read the first line in the textbox and load it into contact person field.
2)find the @ symbol and put it into the respective field and if there are more than 1 mail id load it into the same feild using commas.
3)if the phone no is 10 digits then load it into the mobile field else load the rest it into phone field.
4)find for words like road,street,block,stage,floor etc,if present then load it into the address field till the last comma is encountered.
5)the last digits in the address should be loaded into the pincode field.
6)the last word present in the address after the last comma and before the hyphen should be loaded into the city field.
7)find for www or http and load it into the website field,if not found leave it blank.
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Jan 22, 2010
I am trying to dynamically open a popup window but ie8 blocks it with the popup blocker. basically within a ajax fuction I have a confirm button and if the user clicks yes it opens a popup window. now I tried it with a javascript function but it got blocked, so I have tried it by creating a form with a button in it and instead of calling the popup function direct I call document.form.button.click and in the form my button has onclick"popup('<? echo url; ?>')" but this also is detected as a unwarranted popup and is blocked.
now I understand that the popup blocker works when a popup is called without user interaction, but allows popups on say button clicks. how can I get the popup to work
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Sep 22, 2010
In my application i use window.showmodaldialog() to pop up a window. When i run it in IE pop up blocker wont blocks the window... But when run it in FireFox pop up blocker will blocks the pop up window.. is there any way to open a window with out blocking(avoiding ) by the pop up blocker?
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Jul 15, 2011
If the screen resolution is small enough, or the window is small enough the calendar that appears when a user clicks the textbox for the datepicker appears on top of the textbox - usually it appears below.
I have some text links at the top-right of my page, and if the window is small enough, the datepicker calendar goes underneath these text links.
Is there a way to have the popup calendar ALWAYS on top of every element on the page? If not, is there a way to have the datepicker popup calendar ALWAYS appear below the textbox?
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Jan 8, 2004
I have a popup window which has the search form in. What I want to do is for the popup window to close once the form is submitted, and to post the form data to a page on the main window.
Is anyone able to advise. As the main page is dynamic, it is not possible to give the page a name.
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Jun 13, 2011
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
Code JavaScript:
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a couple of utility windows - a calculator and a calendar that popup
from my main window. I would like them to always stay in front of the parent
window until they are shut down with there own close buttons. As it is, when
you click back to the parent window, of course it comes in front of the
child windows. Can I do this?
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Apr 7, 2007
My problem is that ..... I have to select Data from Popup Window and get that Data back to my Parent window's textarea field..
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Sep 23, 2010
I need to open a popup window from a PHP site and pass in some parameters to use in the pop up window. I have the params in an input box and need to get the val of the box into a param and pass it to the new popup window. All pages are local and in the same folder. The id of the input box is 'ddutykey'. The name of the new window would be showduty.php if possible.
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Apr 8, 2011
I have the code below in my popup window which currently brings up a blank page in the background as the main window. Instead I want the popup to come up but the original page I left is in the background as the main window. Does anyone know how I can do that with the code I currently have.
<title>JavaScript Popup Example 3</title>
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