Pass Selected Value To Flash Using Javascript

Jan 28, 2005

I have a multiple select list box that gets its values using mysql+php. What I'm trying to do is pass the selected value as a variable into flash with the onChange event.

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Pass Js Value To Flash Parameter?

Sep 27, 2010

How to pass the var sc to para res?code....

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Pass Value To Flash Parameter?

Sep 27, 2010

how to pass the var sc to para res?

if (window.screen.width < 1000) {
var sc = 'error';
else {
var sc = 'ok';


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JQuery :: Pass Values From Selected Row?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a dynamic html table with an Edit link for each row. I can pass the ID for the selected row to hit the database to get all the values for the ID to populate controls to allow the user to edit the row. Is it possible to pass the cell values of the selected row from the html table to populate controls without hitting the database?

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Pass Selected Value From Listbox To PHP SQL Statement?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a table displaying records from query, now i want to have a small dropdown listbox on the top right corner called "sort by". The list index would be "date modified", "Price(High-low)" and "Price(Low-High)".
I want my order by clause in my SQL to change according to the values in the dropdownlistbox. code...

How can i pass my selected value from the listbox to my PHP SQL statement?

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Pass Selected Radio Button Value From Js To Script?

Sep 20, 2010

I have two radio button yes,no in a.jsp.
var IncludeCharges = document.getElementById("IncludeCharges_no").value;

If i select yes i need to pass 1 to the java file and in case of no i need to pass 0. but when i retrive the radio button value using code...

It shows undefined...

How could i get the value

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JQuery :: Pass All Selected Checkboxes In One Post Method?

Jan 1, 2012

I have used the following in retrieving selected checkboxes:

Now, I would like to post all of them (simultaneously) to a php file.

$.post('form.php', { /* How can I pass all selected checkboxes in one post method? */ });

I tried using arrays but unfortunately failed.

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Run Flash Using Javascript

Feb 6, 2006

Using javascript I'd like to run multiple istances of flash in order to
watch differents video at same time. Is there anyone that can help me?

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Javascript And Flash

Mar 27, 2006

Here is the script I have in my page :

<!-- Begin
function popUp(URL) {
day = new Date();
id = day.getTime();
eval("page" + id + " =, '" + id + "',
'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,men ubar=0,resizable=0,width=194,height=146,left
= 440,top = 288');");

// End -->

It opens a new window when the user clicks on a certain link.

Well, somewhere else in the page, I embeded a flash media object and
found out now that everytime the page opens, the pop up window opens
too which is NOT what I want. I want the Popup window to only open
when the user clicks on a text link (which it did work perfectly until
I put in the flash object).

So why is the flash object calling the popup window instead of just
playing like it is supposed to?

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Javascript / Flash

Jan 15, 2007

im trying to load a flash intro movie, i got it to work for me on ie7 and the newest firefox, and a few other ppl can see it but there are some that can, and it is just a blank page, here is my .js file called intromovie.js

// JavaScript Document

document.write('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="700" height="450">');
document.write('<param name="movie" value="intromovie.swf"');
document.write('<param name="autoStart" value="-1"></object>');

and here is my html code to pull that file

<td width="700" height="450" valign="top">

<script type="text/javascript" src="intromovie.js"></script>


like i said it works for some ppl, and not for others. it works for me so i can't find a problem at all. and the other ppl that can't see it use the same browsers, and im doing it this way to prevent the extra click and when you move your mouse over it you don't get the boarder.,

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Javascript Function In Flash

Jul 23, 2005

Hello, i have a flash menu, but i want to open a javascript popup. How can
i use this function that i'll use for TML in flash?

<SCRIPT language="javascript">

//if (self != top) {top.location.href = self.location.href}
function Pop550Picture(fname,breedte,hoogte){
var file = fname;,
'popup','width=600,height=550,toolbar=no,location= no,directories=no,status=n
o,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,copyhistory=no,resizab le=no');


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Controling Flash Via Javascript

Dec 28, 2004

I'd like to have a drop-down form pass a variable to an embedded flash file. I know the basic idea of how to stop, rewind and play a flash file via JS, and I obviously know how to pass a variable into Flash, but my experience in forms is keeping me from understanding how I would use the form to pass a javascript variable to the flash file.

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Javascript Detecting Flash

Jul 5, 2007

can i know what is wrong with this script? cause my ie6 doesnt seem to be able to detect the flash and i dont know why.. or is there any other recommedation of site that i can read up from?

and by detecting flash, will it slow down the whole site?? i am a beginner in this area.

function message()
if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"])
do something......
do other stuff...

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Javascript Vs Flash Based WebUI

Jan 30, 2006

I have a web-application project which requires interactive User
Interfaces. It is more like a web based xml content editor. I have seen
a few javascript based text editors but not much flash based ones. I
dont have much experience on neither of the technologies so I have to
spent some time to develop my skills on them (your suggestions are
wellcome:) my questions are:

1. Is JavaScript and the today's internet users's enveronment
(browser-speed-security) mature enough to run a heavy javascript based
web application ?

2. I have the "sceptic feeling" that with Javascript, programmers have
very little control on runtime environment or javascript behaviours,
errors are not so predictable on client site. (Still I see lots of
websites with javascript and a yellow Error sign on my browsers left
bottom corner). Is it still quite complicated task to make the
javascript run properly on most of the users site (say 90%) without
complicated browser/version/DOM tricks and customisation?

3. Is Flash a better option for a interactive UI application? If so why
is it still just an "animation" technology?

4. Is it possible (and easy) to mix the Flash with other technologies
like Ajax or ASP.NET ? Is it possible (and available) to make
flash-based components (like special behaviour combo box, or new kind
of UI components) which can be used in an web application?

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JavaScript For Flash Detection On Click

Jul 20, 2005

meta refresh tag is failing , it is supposed to go to the entry1.htm
site which is the flash swf file but it doesn't Code:

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Calling Flash With Javascript Onclick()

May 23, 2009

I am designing a template for File Hosting site but the flash uploader is breaking the design

This is what it looks like

When the button (white box) is clicked it opens a file selecting box

How can i replace that box with image, i tried placing a image over it with help of wmode transparent but when clicked on image flash doesnt open up the file selection box

How this can be done?

Is there any way i can run the flash when clicked on image because this doesnt looks good.

Little detail as i am more a designer than a coder.

This is my flash

Code HTML4Strict:

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Javascript Menu Over Flash In Firefox

May 13, 2005

I've been using the very cool Transmenu javascript drop down menu that I heard about on this forum. Below the menu is a flash movie that I set to 'transparent' so that the menu will display on top of the movie. This works GREAT on internet explorer, however I've recently become a big fan of firefox and the menu still seems to fall behind the flash movie in that browser.

Has anyone had experience with this issue? I could really use a solution here to get the menu to display on top of the flash.

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Setting WMODE In A Flash Object With JavaScript?

Jul 23, 2005

Is this possible? Basically I need to grab all the flash objects on the page (done) and then set the wmode to transparent so it doesn't mess up my DHTML menu.

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How To Pass Value From Javascript To Java In Jsp

Jul 23, 2005

in JSP, it's easy to pass value from java-variable to
javascript-variable, like

{ a=<%java-class.A%>

I'm wondering how is the other way around? I tried

{ <%java-class.A=%>a

but there was compiling error.

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Pass Values From Javascript To PHP

Apr 24, 2006

I would like to have my javascript pass some variables it gets to a php
page I have to log the inputs. The inputs are collected in forms but I
want the logging to be completely hidden from the user. Any

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Make The Front Page Image Transition In - Like Flash - But Without Flash?

Apr 13, 2009

Doing my own fitness bootcamp site and want to fancy up my front page. My front page loads a picture and I want it to load like flash. What could I do? I have all the Adobe Software, just don't know how to use it.

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How To Pass Parameters In URL For Javascript Refresh?

Jul 23, 2005

I have an easy question, likely, that has me in a headspin. I have an
include file to a frames based site that basically forces frames on
the end user if they visit the site and hit a non-frames created

Simply, it is:

if (parent != self)

However, now I would like to force an inner frame to populate based on
what frame someone was redirected from the include (above). So, if I
visit http://domain/frame/innerframe_3.html, then I want to redirect
to the above, but pass in /frame/innerframe_3.html to be included as a
URL parameter for an inner frame to be populated.

When I modify this link to:

if (parent != self)
self.parent.location.replace("/index.php?redir=" & location.href);

Then, the replaced location doesn't seem to recognize the ?redir=
portion of the new location.

Is there a different way to do this? I can't use a META tag because I
want the TARGET to be _TOP, basically.

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Would Like To Pass An Array In To A Javascript Function

Mar 2, 2006

i had write my code by using php language and i would like to pass in an array that generated by using php programming language from a select box through the onchange method.

i had try it but it cant be pass in. how should i code it?

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Pass A PHP Array To A Javascript Function

Oct 12, 2005

I was wanting to build a javascript error checker function for several forms.
Because each form has different inputs (ie, text, radio, select) i'm trying to figure out a way to pass some dynamic data to the function.

The way i'm currently doing it is by passing a long string to the JS function and then tokenising it into element names. However this is going to get very messy ....

I was thinking that, using PHP, i could build a list of the objects to be checked.

Is it possible to pass a PHP array to a Javascript function ...

So i've got in PHP

$array= {field1,field2,field3}

Which i want to pass (in a some manner)

<form name = 'formName' onsubmit='errorChecker(formName, $array)'

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Flash Plugin Detect, Redirect To Non Flash Page?

Jun 24, 2010

I need a simple javascript that I can use in my HOME page.index.html has a flash animationnoflash.html is a page without flash animationKindle does not support Flash and therefore i want to redirect my index.html to noflash.html page.

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Detecting Flash And Changing The HTML If No Flash Found?

May 9, 2011

I work for a company called Best of the Best ( We use Flash countdown clocks to mark the end of our competitions. The issue we now have is that our clients are using mobile platforms more and more and as bloody Apple wont support flash (not fully anyway) we need the option to detect whether our users have flash and if not then replace the current <OBJECT>Blah Blah Parameters etc</OBJECT> with <DIVCLASS="NON_FLASH_CONTAINER">All other bits in middle</DIV>Is this at all possible?

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