Multiple Widgets On Page - Updating Fields?

May 17, 2011

I have a page, that will contain up to a couple hundred different widgets on it, that an individual will be able to browse through and choose the size and quantity of the ones they want. Each widget will have form fields associated with it: "size" (small, medium, large) and "quantity", with a "total cost" field underneath that. As the individual looks through the widgets, choosing the size and quantity of the ones they want, I'd like for the "total cost" field to be updated under each widget. I'd also like a "total order cost" field that sums up all the costs of the widgets they want.

I need the script to basically say:
If size = small, then multiply $1 by the quantity.
If size = medium, then multiply $2 by the quantity.
If size = large, then multiply $3 by the quantity.

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.load Page Without External Widgets?

May 7, 2010

I'm using jquery to improve user experience on a website I'm building Some of these bits of jquery work much better (more consistantly) if I launch them on a .load (rather than a .ready)

There are several external widgets (things like a review summary from trip advisor) some of which take an age to load forcing the page to hang

<div class="box"><script [external widget]></script></div>

Is there any way to ignore these external widgets and load the page (initially) without them and then just let them turn up in their own sweet time? Could I wrap them in a div (with a class) and somehow except that from the .load event? or am I going to have to resort to iframes?

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Ajax :: Updating Two Fields With Call

May 2, 2011

I am trying to alter some code used. The code currently will look in db for records matching what user is tying in. If they select it it fills that field in with the data selected. I want it to also change the next input field as that is the id of that record.


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AJAX Updating Multiple Div's

Mar 25, 2007

What's the easiest way to update multiple div's with AJAX? Right now I'm using the following code to update one div, but right after I've updated that div I would need to update another div that is dependent on the first div that is updated. Code:

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Netscape Hidden Fields - Array - Multiple Fields With Same Name

Jul 20, 2005

I have multiple fields in a form with the same name. Lets call the fields with the same name "junk_array". My first field of junk_array is a input type=hidden. All the others fields in junk_array that follow are type=text. I can reference this first hidden field in IE with document.form.field[0].value. In, fact my form works absolutely wonderful in IE 6. However, netscape 4.7 does not recognize my first field in the array as the hidden field. Netscape sees the first visible text field as the first field in the array, subscript 0. What totally and utterly perplexes me, is that, from a previous thread, I can do this and get 9999 back in an alert
box in Netscape and IE. So, this proves Netscape doesn't have some evil code that disregards hidden fields. I guess...

<body onload="alert(document.myForm.test[0].value);">
<form name="myForm">
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="9999">
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="8888">
<input type="text" name="test" value="6">
<input type="text" name="test" value="3">

I even copied these fields directly below the opening <form> tag in my form and both Netscape and IE see the first hidden field as as
subscript 0.

However, my form is much more complicated. I have tables within tables and about 30 other fields. In my form I cannot for the life of me get Netscape to recognize the first hidden field of junk_array to zed as index 0.

Somehow, If I make the first type=hidden fields visible, netscape does work nicely. Why when I toggle type=hidden to type=text does Netscape cooperate. What is happening here? Anyone else have this problem with hidden fields in Netscape? I could post the code to my form but it is

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Updating Multiple DIVs With Ajax?

May 10, 2011

I've created an ajax function which retrieves comments from a news article. But if I am logged in I will also have access to an input field for posting comments. The problem / question is that if I use Ajax I can only update one div with the responseText? How would I go about updating another one where I want to insert my form field. Can I make multiple requests in some certain manner or do I simply create another ajax function updating it separately?

http.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(http.readyState == 4){
document.getElementById(newsId).innerHTML = http.responseText;
}}"GET", "AjaxController.php?func=newsGetComments&showcomments="+newsId, true)

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JQuery :: Updating Multiple DIV Based On The Previous DIV?

Mar 5, 2010

I have the following HTML:

<div id="box">
<div id="inner-new">


This code block occurs several times. Sometime the first div ist just "inner" and the second div is missing.

Now I need to update the "new" DIV based on the height of the previous inner-new DIV. For one it works fine:

var height = $('#inner-new').outerHeight();
$('#new').css('margin-top', height*(-1)-30);

But how could I re-use this universally for all my boxes. It needs to check if the DIV "box" contains the DIV "inner-new" as first element, if that is true it need to update the DIV "new".

I tried several things with $('#box').each(function(i) { ... }); but couldn't come up with a solution.

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JQuery :: UI Tabs Updating Multiple DIVS?

Jan 12, 2009

I'm trying to get the following code to update two divs at a time rather than one

$(document).ready(function() {

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Updating Multiple Elements Using One Ajax Call?

Dec 1, 2009

How could I go about doing this?

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JQuery :: How To Get UI Widgets Via Ajax Call

May 10, 2011

My goal is to get some HTML content including some UI widgets and other stuff via an ajax call. To clarify my goal and the strange behavior, I attached some HTML files, that you can run for yourself. Open the index.html will show you some UI widgets, which are pulled from the ajax.html via ajax. When you scroll to the bottom you can see the same content inserted a second time. But this time, the widgets are not "rendered". It looks if the "button()" calls etc. are not executed.

The only difference is the way I insert the result of the ajax call. The first time I insert the hole content received by the ajax call, the second time I only insert the content of a special div. The goal in this is to get various chunks of content with one ajax request and replace "div#one" and "div#two" with different parts of my site. Which is not working. Is it generally okay to receive html content which has some script parts to be executed via ajax and what is wrong with my second approach?

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JQuery :: Custom Download Only Relevant Part To Widgets

Feb 23, 2011

I am using just three components of jquery - Datepicker, Slider and Autocomplete. To download jquery to client machine I use google CDN which downloads two js files which takes time to download and most of the data are not useful for me as I am using only 3 widgets of jquery. I want to download only the part of jquery relevent to my 3 widgets. How should I achieve this?

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JQuery :: Way To Get The Animation Style Used In The Apple Dashboard Widgets

Aug 30, 2007

Is there an easy way to get the animation style used in the Apple dashboard widgets that flips the widget over to reveal the 'back'? [code]

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Updating The PHP Information Without Refreshing The Page?

Apr 28, 2011

writing the script to be able to pull the information from the database without refreshing everytime something new has been added?

My codes at the moment read:

$recentupdates = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM status NATURAL JOIN users WHERE user_id = ORDER BY status_id DESC LIMIT 0, 5");
$recentnumrows = mysql_num_rows($recentupdates);


the codes works of course. But I want it to be updated automatically when a new post has been made.

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Live Updating Table Instead Of Having To Refresh The Page?

Mar 22, 2010

i have a table, with records pulled from a mysql database with users who can earn points. is there anyway i could have the points update live, insted of having to refresh the page?

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ERROR: Updating Database Data, Then Update Page Without Reloading?

May 4, 2011

I have a problem, I am by no means new to PHP/Javascript but am finding an error that I cannot ridicule how to stop.Ok Ill try and explain it in simple terms:I have two divs, div1 and div2,In div1 there are links whitch are fetched from the databaseIn div2, content from links href ? in div1 is collected through AJAX.No I have a php preg_replace function that replaces it to look like <a href='#' onclick=\"showTopic(0,$char,'$1');\">$1</a> Now when you click this, it inserts into the "tpm" table in the database,(this table holds the links for div1) But it will not update the links unless i refresh the page? I would like to knoe how to update the links in div1 without refreshing, because refreshing = going back to the start of the code i am working on.

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Ajax: Server Response Correct - Viewed In Firebug - Page Not Updating

Feb 23, 2010

A couple of months ago I posted a question in these forums pertaining to some trouble I've been having with a webpage utilizing Javascript and PHP to implement AJAX.

Quote: I'm having two Ajax-related problems on a page I am working on at the moment. (Can't include the link since I'm a new Dev Shed member)

On this page, I have two buttons that use Ajax to fetch two separate forms and put them into a chosen div; that part works like a charm.

On said forms, there is a div that is meant to display any necessary error messages when the submit button is clicked. However, on the first time the page is visited and the form is chosen, the div won't display the error message. Only after refreshing the page/choosing the form a second time will the message show. I've been checking the response from the server via Firebug and the response is correct, it just seems like the page isn't updating correctly.

Secondly, once I refresh or choose the form again and the error message begins to show, if I enter values into the form fields and should be getting a different error message, it never updates. Once again, the server response is correct, but for some reason the page just isn't updating to reflect the new message.

I have been using the date field on the New Event form for testing; if you have Firebug, you should be able to see that I am getting the desired response from the server (look in the allErr div), but the HTML isn't changing with it. I have tried both using my own Ajax functions and using jQuery's Ajax implementation, but both give me the same problems. What am I doing wrong?


PHP Code:

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Sum Fields On Multiple Forms?

Nov 19, 2010

I have been looking around on the webs but have not found anything. I can find how to add multiple fields, but what if they reside on different forms on the same page?

For example, here is my code with two forms:
<FORM name="form1">
<b>Size</b><input type="text" size="12" value="" name="size">*
<b>Qty</b><input type="text" size="4" value="" name="qty"


In this example, I want to sum the two fields named "tw1" (the last field on each form) into a text box.

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Validate Multiple Fields That Have Same Name

Jun 29, 2009

I am trying to validate the text fields in this form.


In my head section I have


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JQuery :: XML Looping Through Nested XML Document And Updating Page Elements Dynamically With XML Data?

Jan 26, 2010

I have created two onClick events that i need to combine into one with jQuery. I am not sure how to do this.I have an unordered list:

<ul id="coverTabs">
<li class="currentTab"><a href="#">Individual</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Couple</a></li>


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Onclick Events For Multiple Fields

May 30, 2009

I am working on a simple control panel where I have text input fields in which a user can click on a text box and the text will automatically focus and select. I have done this fine. However, when I use the same onclick event for multiple fields, only the last one created works. So, if I were to comment out the password and email field additions, then the userName field would work correctly. If I were to just comment out the email field, password would work correctly but userName would not. And finally, if I have the code as is, userName and password do not function correctly while email does.

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Multiple Required Fields Using This Script?

Dec 24, 2009

I found this "required fields" script for a form I built, and I'd like to know how to convert it to accept multiple required fields. I'm a total novice at JavaScriptHere's the script:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function check(form) {


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Multiple Autocomplete Fields By Same Function

Nov 24, 2011

So, I have a working single autocomplete function, but I want to use the same function on different fields.... this is my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function lookup(inputString) {
if(inputString.length == 0) {
// Hide the suggestion box.
} else {
$.post("rpc.php", {queryString: ""+inputString+""}, function(data){

I know the id's are the same in this, but I tried changing them and it still seems to make little difference.. I did wonder if I could add something variable to the id's and pass that in the function call, but could not figure it out.... the above gives me autocomplete on two fields, but will only fill one of them...

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Transfer The Value Of Multiple Fields In A Form To A Div?

Jul 12, 2010

I wonder can someone help me. [onkeyup] I am trying to transfer user input fields from a form so that the user can preview what they have entered in a div on the same page (i.e. prior to submiting).

1st Line - Name: This is my Name
2nd Line - Profession: This is my Profession
Copy of 1st Line - Name: This is my Name
Copy of 2nd Line - Profession: This is my Profession

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Multiple Form Fields To Clipboard?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to create a form with multiple fields, and instead of mailing it, I want it to save to clipboard. The only thing I have now is things others tried.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">


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Adding Together Multiple Fields On A Screen?

Feb 23, 2011

we use sage crm which has a back end sql database and a web front end which is a combination of html and java script.on a particular screen we have 24 numeric fields, these have names / IDs which are flq_glh1flq_glh2flq_glh3.... and so oni would like to total these 24 fields and display the result in another numeric field called total_glh

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Autocomplete Multiple Fields Php MYSQL

Apr 2, 2011

I'm trying to use autocomplete on multiple fields within the same page. I have the following Autocomplete script:

<script type="text/javascript">
function lookup(inputString) {
if(inputString.length == 0) {
// Hide the suggestion box.
} else {

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