Multiple Onload Event - Utilize Two Separate Onloads Events
Aug 10, 2009
I am new to Javascript and am trying to add some functionality to a website but have come across a problem when trying to utilise two seperate Javascript onloads events. I have a text scroller to display the latest news and I also have a javascript lightbox gallery. Both of these events work perfectly on their own but when I try to include both on one page only one of the events is executed. My code is displayed below:
It's from this article here and it appears to be a classic script that's wildly used. [URL]
It makes sense that initOne & InitTwo get called at the same time.. but why doesn't initThree overwrite the previous? And it's strange to me that oldOnload(); is initOne the first time arround. the second time it's == to the functions it's now contained in.
I have a portfolio page that had an onload so that the first image of the thumbnails would automatically load with the page. Worked fine. I added some bells and whistles and now it doesn't work. The bells and whistles being a NiftyCorner JS and an expandable menu. The menu works, but the other two, both with the onload command won't work. I've tried a semicolon between them in all the possible configurations that I can think of and yet no luck. Here's the code...
I have a dinky ajaxSubmit plugin which causes a form submit action to submit that form via AJAX along w/ some validation. Currently, in a global.js file which is included by every page, I have:
Sort of a global onload event. The plugin uses the live() method to bind so that future forms added via any callbacks would be wired up as well. Question is: is this a best practice w/ jQuery? Is there a better way to wire up plug-ins for DOM events w/o using this sorta global onload event?
My problem is that some of these myFunction#s include AJAX calls but the calls depend on each other in such a way that myFunction2 will not work unless myFunction1 has completed. So what is the "nicest" way to make sure of this? I've considered putting a hidden element in the HTML and then changing it at the end of each function call and have the onchange event trigger the next function call. But this seems very hacky and overcomplicated - surely there must be a simpler and better way....?
I'm having a hard time figuring out why the onload event is not being called for the frameset window in the following simple example. It is being called for each of the component frames. Code:
How would I write 2 onload events into the body tag?
I currently use:
onLoad="if (self != top) top.location=self.location" and have found a scroller that may work better than my current one but it has an onload command as well.
I am working on my website and I have it coded to rotate my header banner from one to the other at onload but I would like to run a running scroll in my task bar also. I know both the rotating headers and scrolling called the function from the body tag at on load. Individually they both work but not together.
I have been reading and practicing Javascript for the last month and so far I'm happy with it. I noticed that you can add Event Listeners and trigger a function based on that event but I also noticed that you could add an event directly to any element as an attribute, something like:
Code: <p onclick="doSomething()">Click Me</p> function doSomething(){ //do something }
So my question is why would someone add and event listener instead of adding that event directly in the element (as the sample above)? The reason I'm asking is because adding event listeners involves more code: Code: var elementName= document.getElementById('elemenstsID'); elementName.addEventListener("click", doSomething, false);
I guess what I don't know understand is why would someone choose to add an event listener instead, I know it is more OOP but doesn't the "onclick","onload" etc., do the same thing?
I have made a site with 5 pages, each page contains a form. Each form is a checklist with a dropdown to choose an answer for each individual item.
Here is a same of the form code:
I am trying to write a script that will be called with onclick event from the "Next" button. This script will collect all the "notOK" option value/names and send them to a document, concatenating the info from the next forms until a single report is created with a list of all the "notOK" values. One the user gets to the end of the last form, there will be a submit button which sends the entire report to a specific email address.
Here is the script I have so far, which pulls the "notOK" values for each page:
This piece of code works great for an individual page, but I need to expand it to send the data to a report instead of window.alert, and I need to add some way of concatenating the data from each form to a single page, doc, etc.
I have a web page with two forms. I would like to click on a button and email both forms, one after the other to two different email addresses. I am new to jquery and I can't figure out the syntax but my attempt is below. I can do this with javascript but it only works in IE and FireFox but not in Chrome.
I know this should be simple & intuitive but I'm just not smart enough to make it work.I have a JCarousel Lite install and am trying to convert the effect to bounce. What I have currently can be seen here:hat I want can be seen here (demo):Problem: On the demo page above he lists the code but it's the 1.1 version, and I have the 1.3, and much has changed; i.e. his code doesn't work. Here is the carousel js:
(function($) { $.fn.jCarouselLite = function(o) { o = $.extend({
How would I seperate a text string such that it would appear on seperate lines ie. Initial Input: StrMsg = "This is an example of a string that will appear on seperate lines" "Hoping that this fully works, there will be no errors and all will be well" "This is the last line of text."
Want to know is is possible to have 2 diff. onload events in the same page? I have 2 different scripts for 2 diff. things. They both use onload event.....if so, how can we handle it.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial that shows an example of a Javascript function listening for more than one events? Such as listening to multiple events?
All the examples that I have been able to find were ones that listen to only one event.
I have several pages, each having a button and a textbox. The button has an onclick event directly coded into the HTML markup.The textbox has a onchange event in a similar fashion.What I need to do is create a small javascript snippet which adds another function to the onclick event of the button, and the onchange event of the textbox.I am not allowed to make any changes to the HTML of the pages, or the functions which are called originally by the events.All I can do is place a small javascript file in the head section of the pages.
The code should attach another function which is called during the event, while at the same time preserving the current function attached to the event.
I'm trying to convert an on load event into a function. I think this should be really simple, but I'm new to Javascript. The following works fine as the page loads
var favorite = GetCookie('DemoName');
if (favorite > Ƈ') { window.location.href = 'page2.htm' } else { alert('You must complete the lesson before proceeding'); }
I have tried to make it into a function by adding function CookieRedirect() { at the top and a closing } at the end, and calling it using a form button in the body:
I am new in jQuery. Actually in my application I want open a new tabs on every link. So that is done with following code. It is working fine. I have many textfields and buttons on every tab. So I want to disable those elements on tab loading
I've been developing an application that uses a combination of Javascript and PHP. It's a sizeable form that includes the option for the user, on certain form objects, to add additional text boxes for multiple answers. I created a Javascript function that uses the insertRow() method. The user can click on a link which adds a row with a text box for an additional response. My function works great and, after some work around I got the values to post correctly, but where I'm running into trouble is re-populating those additional fields if I have to bring the user back to edit input that was not put in correctly.
My solution was to have create a PHP varible which is a javascript function call, e.g.: $var = "js_function('varName1','varName2', 'varName3', 1 , '" . $post_val . "')"; Using the posted variables that apply and then echoing that into the onload event handler in the body tag. This calls the same function that was originally used to add the row to have it add the row again and populate it with the already submitted data. It all looks great, like it should work, but it doesn't and I'm wondering if there is something about the onload event handler which I don't know about. It was my understanding that the event handler executes when the page is fully loaded. If that is the case, my solution should work.
I don't know if there's some error I'm not seeing or if I'm trying to make the onload event handler do something it's not supposed to. I used a similar solution on another application and it works there. To give a better understanding, here is the function: function appendIaRow(tblId, valID, oName, Nbr, populate1, populate2) { var tbl = document.getElementById(tblId); var newRow = tbl.insertRow(tbl.rows.length); var numi = document.getElementById(valID); var num = (document.getElementById(valID).value -1)+ 2; numi.value = num; var rowID = 'Row'+num; newRow.setAttribute('id',rowID); var newCell = newRow.insertCell(0); newCell.innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" name=\""+oName+"Name["+num+"]\" value=\""+populate1+"\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"150\"/> <a href=\"Javascript:;\" onclick=\"deleteLastRow('"+tblId+"','"+rowID+"');\" style=\"text-decoration:none\">X</a><br /><br />"; var newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(1); if (Nbr == 1){ newCell2.innerHTML = ""; }else{ newCell2.innerHTML = "# <input type=\"text\" name=\""+oName+"Number["+num+"]\" value=\""+populate2+"\" size=\"17\" maxlength=\"17\"/><br /><br />"; }}
Here is the coding for the event handler('initialize()' is a different function altogether - that works): <body onload="initialize(),<?php echo $init ?>;"> And here is what it looks like from the source code when the page is displaying in a browser: <body onload="initialize(),appendIaRow('AdmTbl','AdmValue','Administrator', 1, 'Joan'),;">