Looping Through Object Fails
Apr 25, 2011
I have a list of input1's and inputs2's. The input ones are an accept button and the input2's are a deny button. However, I set up an alert to tell me the name of the input 1's but I am only told the name of the last input1 in my list.
I would like input1.name to show me... something like accept[3]. Where 3 is the uid of the user being accepted or denied. The name works when I look at the source code, but fails when I try to create the alert.
How can I achieve this result?
So what to do here, thats the question:
- You want to get the data of the button that has been pressed, if such function exists.
- Then use AJAX to send the form data to some file that probably doesnt exist yet.
- Give the PHP a responce, and echot he response to replace the buttons.
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to populate page elements from an AJAX call, which returns JSON.
For some reason, JSON that looks like this, fails to evaluate, I'd like to understand what's wrong with it.
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Nov 24, 2009
I have an object: Myobject and properties for the object: Myobject.color, Myobject.width, Myobject.height The scripts returns TRUE if I query Myobject.color or Myobject.width etc. I want to loop through de properties like so:
var properties = ['color', 'width', 'height']
for (var i=0; i<properties.length; i++) {
Myobject.properties[i]; // Returns UNDEFINED
How to make it works? (Should returns TRUE)
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Aug 21, 2011
I have a JS HTML editor (not a WYSIWYG) that I downloaded and it works fine, except that any input with quotes causes it to break. I need the quotes for things like HTML and CSS classes etc.If I have quotes inside the onClick, it fails completely with an Object expected error. If the quotes are escaped with a , I get an "unterminated string constant" error, with this showing where a button should be
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Jul 23, 2005
Hopefully I 'm missing something silly, but I can't find an easy way to loop
all list items in a simple <ol>. I was hoping a for loop as shown below
would be enough, however clicking "alert all" in the following example gives
me all but the first <li> element. The alertfirst() function finds the first
<li> with no problem. There are multiple lists on the page, so
getElementsByTagName('li') is probably not the most elegant solution. Btw.
my Mozilla crashed when I tried this code, but this is for IE only.
<script type="text/javascript">
function alertfirst() {
var ol=document.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0];
alert( ol.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue );
function alertall() {
var ol=document.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0];
for( var i=ol.firstChild; i=i.nextSibling; i!==null) {
alert( i.firstChild.nodeValue );
<a href="" onclick="alertfirst();return false">alert first</a>
<a href="" onclick="alertall();return false">alert all</a>
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Jun 6, 2007
This has been frustrating. Works perfectly fine in Firefox, but just dies in IE. The onload doesn't seem to want to work when the function is in the head script, but if I put all the script in the body, it loads slower. I've tried window.onload, but it doesn't seem to work well since my images need to be modified after it loads.
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Jun 21, 2011
I have a bunch of text that I want to split into an array of sentences. I have the following code that works just fine on FF and Chromium, but ofc has to fail on the pile of *** that is IE [code]...
It does not produce any errors, but the resulting array often has empty strings as value instead of the sentences that should be there. how to do this in a way it also works on IE?
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Dec 23, 2010
I have this code..
javascript:function showMore() {ProfileStream.getInstance().showMore(); setTimeout(showMore, 2000)}; showMore();
i want to loop it 10 times, but do not know how to do it.I have been told that the for var command is what I want, but I cannot get it to work.
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Nov 7, 2011
function funt()
var link = document.getElementsByClassName("class")[0];
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Mar 1, 2005
i am fairly new to javascript and XML. i'm trying to loop through some nodes and drop the output into a series of DIVs using getElementById. here's the code for that: Code:
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Oct 25, 2011
So, the aim of what I'm doing is to take any amount of text that's in a <textarea>, split it wherever there's a '=====\n' and then call each element of the newly created array back into the <textarea> in a sequential manner.[code]For some reason, my for loop doesn't work. It's only returning the last value in the array and disregarding the previous ones.
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Mar 2, 2007
How can I loop inside UL's LI elements in javascript?
<script type="text/javascript">
function TagSecildi(oLink) {
var content = oLink.innerHTML + ";";
var myString = $('mytags').value;
var Pos = myString.indexOf(icerik)
if( Pos == -1 ) { // not available
$('mytags').value = $('mytags').value + content;
oLink.className = 'MySelectedTag'
} else { // Var
myString = myString.substring(0, Pos) + myString.substring(Pos + content.length);
$('mytags').value = myString;
oLink.className = 'MyNormalTag'
<input name="mytags" type="text" id="mytags" style="width:500px" value="Ajax; Java;">
<ul id='mevcutlar'>
<li onClick="TagSecildi(this);">Ajax</li>
<li onClick="TagSecildi(this);">Delphi</li>
<li onClick="TagSecildi(this);">JavaScript</li>
I want to change LI tag's style if my input named "mytags" value (spereated with ; ) is equal to LI's content.
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Mar 9, 2007
<script language="javascript">
function copy_tag1()
{ document.form_tag1.tag.select();
document.form_tag1.tag.value); }
function copy_tag2()
{ document.form_tag2.tag.select();
document.form_tag2.tag.value); }
function copy_tag3()
{ document.form_tag3.tag.select();
document.form_tag3.tag.value); }
function copy_tag4()
{ document.form_tag4.tag.select();
document.form_tag4.tag.value); }
<form name="form_tag1">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag1()">
<form name="form_tag2">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag2()">
<form name="form_tag3">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag3()">
<form name="form_tag4">
<input type='text' name="tag" value=��'>
<input type=button value="copy" onclick="copy_tag4()">
The code above make it copy each tag value by clicking each copy button.
There are four copy_tag functions in the javascript.
If I have more forms to copy, I have to make more copy_tag functions.
Can I make the javascript to loop for many many copy forms with your help?
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Dec 12, 2011
Im trying to make a sticky footer and it works fine in all fo the browsers except ie, it wont add the needed height, when using height() it works but if i use innerHeight() it wont work, heres the code
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Apr 7, 2010
I'm trying to use the Alt+keyCode in my web-app and want to prevent the event from bubbling up to the browser.
The following works fine in FF & Chrome, no event propagation, but fails in IE8:
$().ready(function() {
$('html').keydown(function(event) {
if (event.altKey) {
if (event.altKey && event.keyCode == 83) { // 'S'
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Jun 30, 2009
I'm working on a script for Hulu that will present the user with some options, then automatically sort their queue depending on those options (a blessing for someone like me with 450+ entries). The sequence is as such:Read and store all entry rowsPresent user with a form to assign shows to categoriesPresent user with a form to assign weights to categories (so something can show up more or less often in a "block") as well as options for how to sort entriesSort previous row listings based on user inputDecide the order of shows and change the values of their respective "Order" boxesI've gotten it to work up until this last part. I'm creating the dialogue boxes using proper DOM input (at least, I believe so), but for some reason I can't use getElementById() or getElementsByName(). I can use getElementsByClassName() and getElementsByTagName(). When trying to use the first two, I'm just told that it isn't a function.
Here's the code section itself, the problem line is Line 3:
Javascript Code:
This is inside an onclick event; finalBox is declared outside of that handler. I'm able to use finalBox.getElementsByClassName in the same function about 20 lines up. For reference, here's where I create the elements I'm trying to find:
Javascript Code:
CustRow is a function that helps me shorten the code of adding a cell to a row (with addCell()); it creates a row element and attaches it to the given table element.
That first piece of code is the only place where I use getElementById. My main thought is that I'm doing the ID wrong and, for some reason, it's not registering with the DOM (though that doesn't explain why getElementById() still fails instead of returning null/undefined). Also, while I hope to eventually make this a FireFox add-on, I'm executing all of this through the FireBug console, so I don't know if that would affect it or not.
Any insights? I can change it to use getElementsByClassName (and it appears to work), but this is really frustrating me and I'd prefer not to use a messy work-around. (Actually, getElementsByName would be best, but I thought that getElementById would at least work.)
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Mar 10, 2010
I have created a simple form for uploading text files.You can see two versions of this it at: http:[url]....The form created with static HTML, works fine in current versions of the major browsers.However the dynamic form, fails (only) in IE.It fails because IE does not send the file at all when the form is submitted.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have an XML tag that looks like this.
And I'm testing if I have an attribute in the image tag like below. All is fine in FireFox but in IE it fails on the hasAttribute test. why IE is not accepting it?
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Aug 16, 2006
I need to loop through all form elements such as text, radios, check boxes and the like and to save their state in a file. does anyone have JS code to do this ?
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Feb 14, 2007
I need to be able to display any and all element ID's with yellow background whereever they appear on the screen.
Is this possible ?
I will be turning a flag in my URL to instruct the page to display all emements that have ID associated with them.
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Jul 20, 2005
I am looking for advice on what is "best practice" regarding looping
through a form to check its checkboxes and associated data fields.
Here is what I am trying to do (Here is the page I am working on:
I provide a form for a user to enter up to twenty (M = 20) data pairs.
The user need not enter data for all twenty pairs, but
the user must indicate that data is present by checking the checkbox
beside each valid pair.
If a checkbox is checked, two things happen:
i) a counter, numRows, is incremented to keep track of the total
number of valid pairs entered.
ii) the associated two data values (being x and y) are checked to
ensure that they are valid numbers and, if so, are entered in an array
for use later.
Previously, my forms were small, and I was able to examine each
checkbox of a form individually:
"if (checkbox1.checked) do action A;
if (checkbox2.checked) do action B;
if (checkbox3.checked) do action C;
However, now that my form has twenty checkboxes, and may get bigger, I
would like to learn how to accomplish this task with a concise loop.
Following is my first attempt and it seems to work. If anyone can
suggest improvements for this code ....
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Jan 26, 2011
If got problem with .each looping in jquery. im am trying to make a animation with jQuery. And i want to switch between three quotes of the array. and now it only works for the first quote of the array.
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Mar 25, 2010
in my code below I am using inlinecontent from thickbox thickbox/) which works but inside the <div id="myOnPageContent"> only shows the first Category Name and doesn't loop through but it is looping outside as it shows a different Category Name at teh top of my inline content
<td class="smallcelltext"><input alt="#TB_inline?height=150&width=400&inlineId=myOnPageContent" title="Edit <%= rs1("CategoryName") %> Category" class="thickbox" type="button" value="edit" />
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Feb 4, 2006
I have a form and I want to loop through the elements to give them the .onfocus and .onblur attribute. how can I do this?
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Mar 25, 2011
I am practicing looping through a document, finding certain tags and then manipulating them. I have a document with several select tags. 5 of them are very similar showing pirate names. 2 shows pirate ships. The action I would like is if you select a pirate from any select menu, all the other pirate select menus show the same pirate.
This worked as intended until I added the pirate ship select menu to the document. Now for some reason when the script loops through the select tags it is missing some of the pirate ones. The error message I get is that my variable subSelect is null, though it works for some of the loop. I'm not sure why it is dropping it's value.
<head><title>DropDown Test</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Mar 26, 2011
I have a php page which displays records on the page. I have pagination in these pages which limits the output to a set amount of records per page. As i am designing a display only screen i want it to constantly loop through the links on the page after a set time. My code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function delay(){
so now it opens screen.php then after 5 secs it goes to screen.php?page=1 (same page) then just keeps refreshing after 5 secs the same page. E.g if i had 10 links on the page i want it to go screen.php?page=2 then page=3 and so on until page=10 then it goes back to the first link i.e page=1 and continuously do this.
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