Leaving A Trail On Screen
Dec 15, 2010
I'd like to make a game-like interactive animation with javascript. A car of some sort that will be able to move in all directions is something i have no troubles with. But on top of that i would like to add a trail that this "car" of mine would leave behind it.Keeping in mind that the car is able to move in all direction (by which i mean any angle, not just up-down-left-right), how would i make the parts of the screen that the car "ran over" to have a different color or something, and preferably leaving the option of calculating the surface area of the trail?
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Feb 1, 2010
I am trying to create a breadcrumb trail for a page on a site I am creating.
I have several divs - div1, div2, div3, div4 etc and I need to have the div title at the end. Here is my code, the problem I have is that var theTitle is returning null.
function breadcrumbs() {
var output = "<a href="/">Home</a> > ";
var output2 = " > ";
for( var dnum = 1; dnum < 999999; ++dnum ) {
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Nov 9, 2011
my relative wanted this star trail effect on the site: URL...I did similar effect below but I couldn't make smaller stars on trail, how can I achieve this?
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Nov 26, 2011
I want to insert this star trail effect script, it works fine on blank page but star trail doesn't appear on most areas in this page and script corrupts several objects' position. How can I insert it successfully?
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Nov 26, 2011
I want to insert this star trail effect script, it works fine on blank page but star trail doesn't appear on most areas in this page and script corrupts several objects' position. How can I insert it successfully?
<style type="text/css">
body {overflow: scroll; overflow-x: hidden;}
.anyClass {
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Feb 21, 2005
I've found a lot of scripts out there that will display an alert box when a visitor closes their browser or tries to leave your site. Personally I find that a really annoying tactic, and virtually useless, but I have now found myself in a position where such a thing really makes sense to use. Unfortunately, I can't find a ready-made script that meets the specifications I need.
I need the script to recognize when the browser window is being closed, or when the visitor tries to navigate to a different domain name than mine. I'd want to have a "OK" and "Cancel" button available. Clicking "OK" sends them to specific URL, regardless of where they were headed or if they were closing their browser. Clicking "Cancel" lets them continue as they were.
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Aug 9, 2002
We want to pop up an exit survey, just a general "what did you think of our site" sort of thing. I did the code that when you go to another page it pops up, but that's not great.
Is it possible to, and if so can anyone please tell me how, to have the window popup only when the user closes the window, or navigates to another website. But of course don't want it to pop up when navigating our own website.
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Jun 11, 2010
Need some script that alerts "Are you sure you want to leave this website ... some stuff..." when the user closes the browser (leaving the website for the 1st time)
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a company that gives me this URL to send an SMS [url]...
What I want to happen is that when the submit button is pressed and eMail is sent to the admin and at the same time an SMS is sent. I have the code to send the eMail , but would like for the URL post to be done in the background or silently without moving off the site.
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got a form that's nested in a larger application. I need to
program it so that the user is warned to save upon clicking on any
exit point in the application.
So, if they click on any of the nav buttons in the header/nav bar,
they need to get an alert:
"Would you like to continue without saving your changes?"
_Yes_ _No_
It would be a big pain to retrofit the application's nav
buttons/framework for just these forms, so I'm looking for a solution
that doesn't require editing the source code of the application's
existing navigation.
What are my options?
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm currently trying to refresh a DIV on my page that is linked to MYSQL (changes if database has 1 or more rows) without refreshing the entire page, I've tried using javascript although it didn't seem to work and so Im back to the drawing board, Im not very experienced with Jquery or Javascript to do it on my own, I only know PHP, CSS, HTML the easier ones
how I could possibly go about this... - I don't want to use Iframes either as the the div is a button which opens a hidden div on the page (parent page) so I don't think iframes would be best either
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Nov 17, 2010
Lets say you have a blog and users need to log in before leaving a comment.( This is simplified. There are reasons log in is required here. )I would like to have a link that says "log in to comment".Upon clicking it, a pop up layer comes up.After logging in, the comment box appears.I would like this to all be silky smooth and seamless.Can someone outline the method you would use using jQuery to do this?
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May 14, 2001
My problem is I want to have all the links display in my website itself. That is, if I gave a link to CNN.com, that webpage should display under my logo, menu etc. Hope u can understand and help with my problem.
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Sep 18, 2009
I'm trying to write script for a popup when an external link is clicked telling the user they are leaving the site bla bla and the bank isnt affiliated with the link and do they want to leave "yes" or "no" I see a ton of variations of this online but I cant find one that prevents the external site from loading so the user can decide yes or no on the popup. And the popup will have to be an html page, not a 1 line question so I dont see how 'confirm' would work...
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a customer with an existing classic ASP web app that I have inherited, and he now wants the app to send him an SMS/Text when ever someone posts a comment on the site. I have found a 3rd party provider where by I can send a SMS just by posting to the following URL [URL]..nator=LogicSMS but that would mean that when the customer posts a comment then they would have to leave the site for the SMS to be sent.
I would like the data to be sent to the logic SMS site with out the customer having to leave the site, I am going to assume via some sort async post. I know little to stuff all about Java coding, but I know that this should be possible, so please supply me with an example of how to achieve this.
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Mar 5, 2007
Same thing for the height parameter; for to set in the centre some popup with images what is better? what are the difference?
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Mar 2, 2011
I have 2 monitors from a different size. It is important in my application that I get the screen size of the monitor where the webbrowser is located. When I try to get the screen size (window.screen.height + window.screen.width) only IE gives me always the screen size of the main monitor where my taskbar (windows7) is located, instead of the screen size of the secondary screen where the webbrowser is located.
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Nov 8, 2006
I'm rewriting a cms for Mozilla and it uses designMode. My problem is
that the cursor can leave the editing div-element so the functions
don't work correctly.
How can I prevent the cursor from leaving this html-element?
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Sep 15, 2010
I am wondering if it is possible to have a popup form on entering a page and have users answer say maybe 3 questions and upon hitting submit for the 3rd question the survey hides and then on leaving the page to browse to a new one or on closing the browser the form would pop up again for users to answer a few more additonal questions.
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Apr 18, 2006
I would like to know how to display a confirmation message when a user attempts to navigate away from a page. For example, if a users clicks the X to close the window, or chooses another link from his favorites, I want to display a message that says something like "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page, click OK to continue, or Cancel to remain on this page."
I noticed this on meebo.com. After you log in, when you try to close the window you get a confirmation dialog like I describe above. I didn't think this was possible to show a confirmation dialog using the onunload event, but I could be wrong.
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Sep 22, 2009
I am looking for a pop up to collect emails when a visitor is leaving my site, I don't which pop up software can provide that.I know how annoying pop up can be but I am sure my visitors will be ok with it, they are even asking for it.
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Nov 27, 2002
I am having trouble with a page that has a form on it. What I need to be able to do is to pop up a message on the page (alert or confirm function) that will tell the user that leaving this page is unwise as their information will not be sent. Here is the tricky part:
1. This page has a lot of links on it that can take the user to any number of different pages. I am not able to put any javascript additions to the html of the links.
2. I don't want the message to pop up when the user clicks the Finish button ( a submit or button form input, whichever works best ).
I have added and onunload() javascript to the body of my page so that when any link is pressed (including the finish button) it runs a script to verify the pressing of the finish button. It SHOULD be checking to see if Finish was pressed and if it was continue, if not issue the confirm or alert to warn the user that they should not leave before finishing.
I have already been through the javascript O'reilly guide and can't figure it out. In PHP (which is my primary language) I could say something like:
if (!isset($finishbutton)) { do what I want };
However, PHP won't work for this. I need to be able to have JS do something like this:
if ({formelement finishbutton} has NOT been clicked) { do what I want }
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Mar 18, 2010
I work for an association and we do many conference events. Our web provider has been developing an online registration module for their CMS to make things easier for us. One problem that we have had in the past is that people leave the registration page before completing the registration i.e. select payment method and click 'next button'. I suggested to use Javascript so that when people try to leave the page/close browser before submitting the form, that they get a message saying that their registration is not yet complete and that they will be invoived for the fee unless they cancel. I have been told that this is not possible to do.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have an accordion in which all the data is being populated from a database. The problem is that after it runs through the query and adds my data it leaves alot of extra spaces which leads the user to have to scroll a great deal before finding the next header.
Here is my code.
$sqlQuery = "SELECT id, date, name FROM webinars ";
$result = mysql_query($sqlQuery);
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Jan 13, 2012
I am using an alert dialog function I found online. The support for it has closed.Here is the page showing my alert button:Click here to view my test pageYou can check out the source html and the linked jquery files.The alert button works correctly by displaying an alert box.How do I apply this same behavior to a link?I want a user to click on the link, and:(1) receive the message they are leaving the site, then(2) be redirected to the other URL.
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Mar 26, 2010
The code below is jquery, and uses jquery's extend() [URL] function, but I don't think that the issue has anything to do with that... does it?
var obj1 = {
"name": "spud"
var obj2 = obj1;
$.extend(obj2, {"location": "UK"});
By my reasoning, obj1 shouldn't have location set. But it does. Is the line
var obj2 = obj1;
not making a copy of the original and leaving the original intact? Is it instead making some sort of reference to it? Why is changing the copy having an effect on the original??
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