Jquery :: Submit Form When Hitting Enter
May 20, 2009
I have a form that I built, and I replaced the submit button with an image.When you click the image, it calls the .submit() jQuery function and submits the form.Because I am not using the normal submit input button, hitting enter in most browsers won't submit the form.I think that users are used to this happening, so I would like to replicate this.Can I trigger the .submit() function when the enter button is hit?
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Oct 31, 2011
I have this code, but the second button is the default when the huser hits enter on their keyboad.How can I set the first button to be default?
PHP Code:
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<input id="value" name="value" type="text" value="">
<button id="search" type="button">Search</button>
<input id="reserve" name="reserve" type="submit" value="Reserve" />
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Apr 7, 2009
Im working on a real basic image viewer and im finally making some headway on this project. It works if I click search but not if i hit enter... heres my code:
<script Language="JavaScript">
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Feb 17, 2011
I'm trying to create an internal web app to work with Opera Mobile (in this case I am able to restrict the user base to just one browser, so not too worried about other cross browser issues). I need to be able to capture when the user hits the Enter key in a form field. I was intending just to use the standard Javascript event.keycode/which == 13 method. The issue I am having is that hitting the Enter key doesn't seem to trigger as a keypress, keydown, keyup event.My guess is it has something to do with the keypad that automatically pops up. I'm happy for any work around here, whether it is able to be done in Opera Mobile settings or by doing something different/firing a different event in Javascript.Example code:
<form name="myform" method="post" action="next.php">
<input type="text" id="mtID" onkeypress="alert('ok');"><br>
<input type="text" id="mtID" onkeydown="alert('ok');"><br>[code]..
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May 20, 2011
This program below switches what is entered into the text filed to caps when hitting the enter button or the tab button.
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Oct 12, 2011
I have Validation working across a form (I fire it several times before Submit to check sections of the form), and a tinyMCE editor working in 1 textarea.I want to move the contents of the tinyMCE iframe into the textarea before (that's the key here - before) the Submit button is pressed so that the contents can be validated in the section before Submit. I've used tinyMCE.triggerSave(); in several ways to move contents and then fire Validation before Submit. None work. I am beginning to believe that tinyMCE contents cannot be moved by any Javascript other than Submit, but I don't see that stated anywhere. In tinyMCE, I've tried onchange_callback: and handle_node_ change_callback: to fire functions with triggerSave and other saving commands. I can get the contents of tinyMCE to validate when I press Submit twice (others have noted this peculiarity), but not in any other way. Also, when errors are corrected in tinyMCE, Validation does not revalidate until Submit is pressed.
2 questions - how to move tinyMCE contents into the textarea without hitting Submit? Does CKEditor allow updates other than via Submit, and if so, where's a tutorial or example? Here's an example of code that is supposed to be triggered by tinyMCE's onchange_callback, but only triggers upon the second click on Submit.
function tinyMCESetValue(inst)
var content = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent();[code].....
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Aug 27, 2010
I am trying to get my form which is in PHP to submit when pressing the Enter key.Seems to be an issue with the "text" input
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Dec 4, 2009
May I know how can I actually let the user submit a form by punching the enter key instead of clicking on the submit button.
It works in the single textfield but it doesn't once we changed it to multiple lines textfields form element.
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Mar 28, 2008
I am using the following script on a password form. When the user types in the correct password and clicks on the LOGIN button eveythings works like it should (index2.htm comes up). I would like it to do the same thing if the user presses the ENTER key after typing in the password. I am not a JAVASCRIPT Programmer. I found some examples and encorporated them below. When you type in the wrong password and hit ENTER, you get the proper alert message. however, when you type in the right password and hit ENTER, the screen just refreshes and stays with index.htm. I need to to display index2.htm in the same window. Any thoughts?
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function entsub(event,lform) {
if (event && event.which == 13)
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Mar 28, 2011
I know this is a very common problem people are having, but I can't seem to find a fix that works for me.
I'm have a simple text search box with a submit button with the following code:
<FORM NAME ="courseSearchBox" METHOD ="POST" ACTION = "search.php">
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" NAME="courseSearchText" onkeypress="entersub(this.form)">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "courseSearch" VALUE = "Search For Courses">
<script type="text/javascript">
function entersub(formz) {
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Oct 13, 2005
I have a user who wants his form submitted when he presses [Enter].
Is it possible? If so, how?
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Nov 23, 2005
How do I make ENTER key act as a submit request?
As it is now, the user has to actually click "submit" for the form to
be submitted (in IE at least).
Is there any way to make the enter key submit the form? Code:
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Mar 30, 2010
I am trying to submit form on press Enter but its does not work in IE8, works in chrome, and mozilla, I dont know what I made the mistake in my coding.
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Mar 13, 2010
I have a form, which has a textarea. Though I'm wanting it to be able to submit with the enter key. Can anyone help me? Everything I've tried either refreshes, or does a linebreak.
Heres the code to the whole page, seeing as the form takes up most of it.
$username = $x;
$password = $y;
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Feb 3, 2010
I wanted to replace the textfield in the script below to textarea but then the javascript function will stop working. How can I make the textarea works as the textfield when the enter key is pressed ? Please advise. or is there any way i can increase the lines of the textfield?
function handleEnter(e)
var characterCode;
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Oct 18, 2004
I am trying to get a form to submit when the user hits enter. I am only using one input, a text box.
I have tried countless scripts to do this.... obviously it's not the scripts, it's me. If someone could point out what's wrong with my code, why its not submitting the form, please post! Thanks
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function submitForm() {
if (window.event.keyCode == 13)
<form name="form" method="post" action="">
<input style="width: 454px;" type="text" name="new_message" onKeyPress="submitForm()">
<input style="width: 40px;" type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">
That one was the most simple. I tried a few others too, some more complex.
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Mar 31, 2010
Wondering if there's a better way than what I'm doing to disable that when a user presses Enter, the form is submitted.
I'm catching the enter key onkeydown events. And it works fine on input boxes but I noticed that if a user selects something on a drop down menu and presses the enter key, the form is also submitted. As far as I know drop downs don't have an onkeypress event.
Is there a way to cancel form submission when the Enter key is pressed? Or any ideas how to catch this event on a drop down?
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Jul 9, 2007
My form isn't returning any results when submitting the form if the user hits the <spacebar> or the <enter> key on the keyboard when tabbed over the image submit button.
<input name="Submit_notes" type="image" value="Submit_notes" src="images/pp_but_blu_addentry.gif" />
Should I make it so the user can't submit with the keyboard? (if so how) or is there another way?
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Feb 8, 2007
I need a piece of javascript that will allow a form to be submitted
when Enter is pressed for IE6 and 7, Firefox 2, and recent versions of
Safari. It is for a login page that has two textboxes: a "Login" and
a "Password". The "Login Button" is actually a standard image with an
onClick event handler to submit the form, because we use a mouseover
effect. (That is, it is not INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" but rather an IMAGE
tag with added.)
I found some code that works in IE, which is below, but it only works
in IE. I am sure there is a simple cross-browser fragment of
Javascript that will do the trick, so please point me in the right
direction. Code:
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Mar 15, 2009
I am a graphic designer who has been stuck with creating a voting system for my son's school newspaper website.
Here is what I have so far: [url]
You will see that it is a 1-10 voting system where the user drags the choices into the order of his preference then hits submit. It is working on on a functional level, but I have no idea how to make it work on the backend. I need to somehow accomplish the following:
1. Either get rid of the numbers on the left or somehow stop them from all becoming "1" when dragged.
2. Upon hitting "submit" the votes should be added to a database. I can create a database but I have no idea how to get these numbers into it.
3. The 10 choices will change each week for at least 13 weeks so the database needs to adapt to this.
Here is a zip file with all of the files used on the voting page: [url]
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Jul 22, 2010
i'm using this shoutbox script since a while and it is really annoying because we can't submit the form just by pressing "enter" on the keyboard...
here is the full script:
* Project: QShout - Shoutbox Widget for jQuery
* Version: v1.0 (03/01/2010, 12:02:23 PM)
* URL : http://qshout.borisding.com
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Jun 9, 2010
I have a form with a bunch of selects and a single text input.Form data is sent via $.post whenever the inputs are changed, so a submit button isn't needed. The form does contain one regular button (using the button tag, not the input tag). The button shows a jQuery UI dialog when clicked.
If you press the enter key in the text field, the browser submits the form but it also acts like you clicked the button (the dialog appears). That makes no sense to me. Why is this happening and how can I stop it?I've already tried adding a few things to the form's submit handler, but they don't make a difference.
$('#filters').submit(function(event) {
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Jun 8, 2011
I would like to allow the user to be able to use the Enter key in lieu of the submit button on a page that has several forms.I'm assuming that toaccomplish that I need to detect which form's elements are being edited (have focus?) and programmatically fire the submit button's action for that form.How do I do something like that?
f u cn rd ths u cn gt a gd jb n prgrmmng
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Jan 3, 2010
i have a search form, and the default value is "enter text here"when the user click the submit button, i would like to check if the value of my text input is "enter text here" and if it is, then don't submit the form (popup a warning or something)
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Oct 10, 2009
I currently have a form that uses ajax to check the entered values to validate them. My problem is that I want the js function to run when the enter key is pressed.
I had this:
My idea was that when they press enter, it will run loginUser(), and not reload the page.
It works in Chrome perfectly. In IE and FF though loginUser() doesn't get ran. The return false though works, so the page isn't being reloaded.
I've also tried this (Without the space in javascript of course):
That didn't work in any browser (loginUser() was never ran).
So does anyone have a way to get this to work? I also have jQuery included in case someone knows a way to do it with jQuery.
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Oct 27, 2011
I've been trying to figure out with a search box I've added how it can submit by pressing the 'enter' key rather than just clicking a 'submit' button beside a form. I've tried onkeypress but as soon as you press one button the field submits. I've also seen you can do with keycode==13 but I'm not sure how to add it into my code.
<input type="text" name="Search" id="Search" class="searchBox" />
<a href="#" onclick="getContentURL(Search.value);"><img src="/img/magnifying-glass.gif" class="searchImg" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getContentURL(sSearch){
window.location ="/search/pages/Results.aspx?k="+sSearch+"&s=All%20Sites";
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