Jquery :: Script To Display When On Mobile Devices And Flash When On Computer Browser?
Sep 14, 2010I just want to know if there is a script to display jquery when on mobile devices and flash when on computer browser?
View 1 RepliesI just want to know if there is a script to display jquery when on mobile devices and flash when on computer browser?
View 1 RepliesIm working on a mobile site for a friend and im curious, can i trigger javascript events on screen flick (By flick i mean the way to scroll through homepage screens). Id love to run a few things like that but i dont know if thats possible. If it is is there a tutorial about i could look at?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a quiz embedded on my site that originates elsewhere (QuizRevolution.com) and is embedded on my site via a link (plus some other code), part of that code being in an iframe. The quiz contains YouTube videos that, because of how the quiz is set up by QuizRevolution, will not play in browsers/devices without Flash (for example, the iPad). What I would like to do is put some script on my site that will load a SECOND quiz from QuizRevolution (this one without video) for browsers/devices without Flash. This second quiz will substitute for the first one. Does anyone know how to do this? The tricky part seems to be how I have embedded the quiz in my site, so I have included that part of the page here:
How can we diff access web browser and mobile browser. E.g. if I access my web using mobile browser I want it redirect to my mobile web and if I access my web using web browser it redirect to my website.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know jqm can do it, but it's also force to add many template and format to the page, all I want is a simple web site structure, how to do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs JQuery live() supported in mobile app browsers? I am having a difficult time getting an application to work. I've posted some code to illustrate/test the problem below. Three lists, #1 using bind(), #2 using live(), and #3 using live() whilst allowing to add list elements. Clicking the list item should just bring you to a second page that displays your selection (it updates whatever was there before, original text is 'original' text). Works great on my PC in all browsers except IE, and on Android/FireFox, but not with IPhone/Safari and Andrpid/WebKit: ot only is the event not triggered on dynamically added list elements, it's not triggered on the 'static' elements in lists #2 and #3. The app was written using JQTouch; wondering if that disrupts somehow JQuery functions.
<title>Ozone 2</title>
I voluntarily contribute on eBay's member-to-member Photos/HTML community forums along with a handful of other contributors.We often have eBay members that post on the forums that have trouble uploading images to eBay for the items that they want to sell. To properly help and diagnose these member's issues, we need to know information about their system, such as the browser that they are using, browser version, Adobe flash version, etc.
I've been seeking for an online tool that can detect info regarding one's system. There are various tools online to detect detailed info about one's system, such as this one, but they either give out too much information, or does detect everything I'd like to see answered.
I would like to have a custom script made that will detect the following information:web browser
browser version, including sub-version
OS platform
adobe flash version, including sub-version
the tool will detect the above information automatically, or upon user input, and send the info to a text box where the user can copy the generated info regarding their system and paste it on the forums for volunteer helpers to look at.
Can anyone shed some light on the JavaScript support on many of the
most common mobile browsers (the newest versions of Blazer, Blackberry
and Pocket IE)? Specifically, I am trying to render some content using
innerHTML when the page loads without success. document.write is
supported but does not meet my needs.
We run a click and sales tracking solution for our advertisers and as such we are having a few issues with browser compatability for certian sites that are ont eh Magento platform. Essentially we are just trying to create an image call in javascript that uses a few pre-populated variables from the checkout process.
So teh issue we are having doesn't seem to be broser specific. We are trying to simplify the javascript call to ensure we have the highest possible chance of compatiablity. Obviously now with so many differnt browsers and also mobile devide connectivity this is making things even harder. We know that our javascript calls are failing as we've been monitoring our IIS logs and can see the image calls are being made with blank variables. There are 3 different elements to our checkout calls that maybe you guys have experience of with possible issues or fixes:
1. unescape function
2. onload event function for images
3. creating images dynamically
these are very basic elements of the javascript core but aout 5-10% of our calls are failing with blank variables being passed into the image call. So the questions is what elements of our call will be the possibel sources of failure?
I am looking for a piece of code where I can find out if client browser (any) supports flash. If no, then I need to display message.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have a small (LAN only) web server running on my computer, and i would like to be able to make a web page in which i can run a program on the server computer from another compuer. say, for instance, i click a button on the web page running on the server, i want that action to run a .exe on the server. i came up with this code, but it doesn't run it server side, it runs it on the computer with the browser.
<TITLE>Run Executable HTA</TITLE>
I'm looking to duplicate the video-embedding technique shown on revision5.com, whereby they show the flash video to all platforms where flash is available, and only show the HTML5 player on mobile devices. Is there a browser-sniffing framework, or some other method available to accomplish this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor my Dreamweaver program I want to update to the latest version so I can build within it, but I'm confused as to what are the latest versions of jquery.mobile-min.js and jquery.mobile-min.css. The site has 1.0 as the latest stable build. But Dreamweaver's third-party folder (the place that houses jQuery mobile scripts) has 1.0a3 for the css and 1.5 for the mobile.min file. I was told by Adobe that they do not update jQuery scripts when updating their program. I think that's a mistake, myself. Whether it is or not, it sure would be useful now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe very simple code (below) works fine in Safari (and Chrome, Firefox etc.), but it doesn't work in Mobile Safari. Why?(You can find a working example at: http:[url]....)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
Do you know of any best practice here?Expanding on the question, if an end user is viewing content with touch-based device, such as an iX or Android X, then hover type events (such as hover/hoverIntent, mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter, mouseleave, and perhaps other events that I haven't listed) don't make sense.Forthwith, what's the best usability practice in lieu of these events?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere is flash content on my page but it's not loading as it's going though final testing and I can't figure it out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using an onLoad script to resize a browser window for a flash player -
function ResizeOpen(){
Works fine, but in IE & FF it causes second browser windows to open to the same size after it's been called, requiring users to resize the second windows.
Tried using an onUnload with following script -
function ResizeClose(){
window.resizeTo(window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight)
Doesn't work. They're both in the <body> element -
<body ........ onLoad="ResizeOpen()" onUnload="ResizeClose()">
I am interested in using a popup to show flash games in it, so I did then my interest went to make all games playable in full screen so I did that too and got success, but I am facing issues due to wmode, if you visit my this site link [URL] and click on play game for other browsers while using google chrome browser, you will see the error there will be blocks appearing in the game, while if click on play for google chrome then this error is not there, its just because of WMODE, for google chrome button I am using wmode while for all other browsers I am not doing this.
The reason for not using wmode to my other browser play button is that if I add wmode to the games then the performance of the game is highly damaged in fireforx and internet explorer, and also to some extent in other browsers including google chrome. It is that I want to get rid of this wmode=opaque thing as it makes the game slow even in google chrome which is effecting game playing quality, I used window,transparent too but nothing good came out of it. Only google chrome is asking for the wmode, while our step child internet explorer is happy with it. Some more information I would like to provide so that things work fast, I am using blogger blog, I have knowledge of html, xhtml, css and for java or jquery its hint and trial.
I must admit that I'm a newbie in writing javascript.
Can anyone help me with a script that will enable me to display a flash movie on one of my sites.
i have a little quiz about controlling hardware devices from java script
so .. can i use java script to control CD-ROM or printer or any thing pluged into serial port ?
I have embed a flash player known as: JW player into my website and put it into a div. Now my problem is I want javascript to hide the div containing the flash player for atleast a few seconds to display a loading image.gif. How would I set this up?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNotice: This is a discussion thread for comments about the SitePoint article, Adapting an Interface for Touch Devices.
Interesting technique!
Is there any jquery script that would detect a browser. What I exactly mean is when a visitor opens a website, the script detects the browser and if it's IE6-7, the message to upgrade/change the browser is displayed. It'd be nice if the rest of the screen got blurred, as it is in some jquery photo galleries.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to display XML in a browser. Also if possible to maniuplate the XML elements. Havent touched based with XML in awhile and still abit rusty.
Below is the listed code and below is the wished output.
Code :
jQuery script I wrote works nicely on one computer, fails on 3 othersManaged to get jQuery datepicker to work nicely with $wpdb.This all seems correct to me:
<li><label for="from">From</label>
<input readonly="true" type="text" name="from" id="from" value="Click here to choose!" class="requiredField" style="position: relative; z-index: 100000;" />
I having a hard time to know how to present checkboxes injava script.
If you take a look here :
If you notice, each checkbox has a different id than the other. how i represent them in javascript or get them together as one for one id. also, how do i represent them in mysql. As you know in simple html form, the checkboxes has one id.