We have jcarousel on our forum site which rotates automatically. It is vbulleting forum. In fact originally it was working fine with old design and rotating images automatically in horizontal direction with a set of 5 images visible at a time and total 12 images in set.
But we have upgraded our forum design in last week and I started getting issues with Jcarousel scroller.
Our site URL is [URL]
While old site design is still active at Parenting Forums - Natural Parenting Forum
At new design when we implemented jcarousel scroller it is showing only one image in a horizontal row at jscroller and it disappears immediately and after 3-4 min it do reappear again. When I inspected it using firebug I have noticed that other images are coming below vertically not horizontally, really strange. Also I noticed another thing is that it is not updating width at element.style in firebug for UL tag. It is showing fix width 220 px all time. I think due to that all images appearing vertically one after one rather than horizontally.
I am using jcarousel for a scrollable list of images (vertical). Unfortunately, when you try to scroll it the first time you enter the website its not working properly. Just when you try to visit the site the second time it the scrolling will work as intended (when cache deleted, again, it will not work). [URL]. To load the script earlier, I tried to already put it in the head of the index page (starting page), but this had no effect. The Problem is for IE and Firefox the same. I am using Dreamweaver CS4.
When formattedHtmlText is, say, "<STRONG><BUTTON class=placeHolder>[[ContAmt]]</BUTTON> text</STRONG>" the HTML is pasted properly and the UI is changed accordingly.
However, if formattedHtmlText is "<BUTTON class=placeHolder>[[ContAmt]]</BUTTON> text" the HTML is not pasted and there is no change in the UI.
I am having two divs with ids nav and navLinks, that contain unordered lists of hyper links. I am calling a onload function named displayID that accepts div's id as a argument/parameter (nav and navLinks) twice with different parameters. the function is firing only once with the parameter that i first specify, even though i call the function twice. Am i doing anything wrong in calling the same function twice with different parameters? Code:
I have the following code which works fine in FF but not in IE. code...
In FF, when you change the Fund dropdown to be Romanian Floods, the location dropdown disappears and the location_box text box appears which displays the second part of the value (Romania). If you select another value from the Fund dropdown again, this box disappears and the location dropdown box would appear again. This is exactly what I need it to do.
In IE, whenever you select anything in the Fund dropdown (doesn't matter whether it is Romanian Floods or anything else), the value in the Fund dropdown disappears and thus when I press submit it doesn't work!
I've been working on a college project to rebuild a php/mysql web application. My local dev. environment runs php/mysql on IIS, and the server that hosts the web-app runs php/mysql on Apache. As part of the revamp I've coded a few bits of javascript that works perfectly in my dev machine, but when upload do not work properly. Here is the latest bit:
Form with hidden fields I want to post to the next page. <form action="ADToDoPrintPage.php" target="_blank" method="post" id="fm"> <input type="hidden" name="TotalHours" id="TtlHour" value="<?php echo "$total_hours" ?>"><input type="hidden" name="TotalCycles" id="TtlCycle" value=" <?php echo "$total_cycles"; ?>">
Then a list of links, one of which posts the form to the desired page: <li><a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('fm'). submit();return false;"> Printer Friendly View</a></li>
Problem is rather than going to the desired page, it simply directs to the homepage. I'm baffled as to why this is happening and dont know where to start looking. Could it be something do to with javascipt not being enable or permitted on the webserver? I've made sure the site is in the 'trusted sites' list in IE but with no joy.
I had to switch to Mootools, because the current company I am working for uses MooTools. Till thus far I haven't had any problems with MooTools until about 10min ago.
I am using a plug in called noobSlide, You can check it out here code...
My problem is that for some or other reason it displays 5 images instead of 4 images(the amount I am using), leaving the lastly displayed image blank. code...
I am having a problem where the sorting function I have designed is supposed to sort an array of records into descending order in terms of each record's "score" value, I would expect the below code to alert 2,1,0 in that order but it's as if the code didn't even sort it.
var g=[{score:0,index:0},{score:2,index:1},{score:1,index:2}] function sortScores(scoreRecs){ var swapped;
I am having an issue with some javascript that works fine in IE, but in FF is not working properly. The script is used to display a list of check boxes, the user can expand, which can checked to enable a users selection of products.
This is the script: <script type="text/javascript"> var xcNode = []; // m = Parent UL ID // c = function xcSet(m, c, q, isCompletedLength) { if (document.getElementById && document.createElement) { .....
Works fine in IE, but not in Firefox where the expanded list is not showing the current number of items (checkboxes), it shows 34 check boxes in IE but only 17 in firefox.
I have 2 tables with Add/Remove Row buttons. The first table's Add Row button adds a row that belongs in the second table, and the Remove Row button gives me an Object Error. The second table works properly. The JavaScript for both tables is identical except for the ID's. When the tables are put into seperate html files both of the Add buttons work properly, but the remove row button from table one is still giving me the Object Error.
Let me explain the scenario. I have a main html (e.g. main.html) page, which includes a link to inner.html page. Clicking this link will load the inner page, containing a tree structure. [URL] The loading method is such that only the body content from inner page is loaded to the main page, without refreshing the main page.I believe this method is called partial rendering of pages.
While i am binding a value to a text box using java script. It will properly in all browsers other than IE. In IE the value bind as 'undefined' in the text box . so please provide solution for this one. The code sample is given below.In this "Flight Search " is the text box id . I have to bind that value from the previous page selected value.
function SelectAirport(val) { var id = val + "_lnkCity"; var lnk = document.getElementById(id);
I'm using the lastest version of jquery and I themed a list of checkbox with it. Im IE7 every time a user clicks on the buttonset span(which is pretty much the whole button as far as the users are concerned) the page gets scrolled up about 600pixels up.
This is really not a good thing, especially since those radios are located pretty far down a page with a scrolling bar, can you image the users who want to select 60 options? Having to scroll back down every time? How do I stop this infernal Jquery behavior? I literally use nothing else but this to these my radios:
I have a lot of images on a page and the have to be a little bit larger, so i dont want to change all of the css.I have made a couple of lines of code which doesn't give the right values back.The images have all diffrent sizes.
$('.imgbox').each(function(){ var getX = $(this).width(); var getY = $(this).height();[code]....
there's probably some thing wrong because it gives me very big values back.
I have a slight problem in FF3.5 that unbind('keydown'); is not working properly.. $("#q").unbind('keydown'); $("#q").keydown(function(e){ var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if(code==40 || code==38) { var totalResults=$("#quick-search-results li"); var selectedResults=$("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected"); if(code==40) { var nodeIndex=($("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected").length<=0) ? 0 : $("#quick-search-results").index('li.qs-selected'); alert(nodeIndex); }}}); // end keydown
The above code alerts once on first keydown (with the down arrow key [code==40]), twice on the second, three times on the third and so on.. it worked fine in FF3 but a recent upgrade to FF3.5 seems to have broken the functionality..
i m using jslider on my page working properly on my localhost server but after uploading files through ftp it is not working, only the left and right arrows have been shown.
When I click Existing members, it dissapears and Close Login appears. When I click Clos Login panel it dissapears but Existing Members does not re-appear.
I have tried using toggleClass() as well as using :hidden & :visible selectors. I am at wits end.
my image veiwer has stopped working properly, I dont know why. It resizes as its meant to, but dosent pop the veiwer window.
<script type='text/javascript'> var popbackground="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a345/Instar/greenbgfade17oi.jpg"; //specify backcolor or background image for pop window[code]........
I have a div (#disclaimer) that has the css property of "display:none." The following jquery script is supposed to show it when the #test select option is clicked. The #quest,#comp,and #other divs are supposed to hide it again. It works fine in FF but does not work in IE. I have narrowed the reason down to the .click event on the select menu because it works fine on regular text.