Javascript .split() String Into Pairs Of Variables
Sep 4, 2006
The URL is similar to:,val1*l,val2*m,val3*t,val4*d,val5
Within the form, I have the following statement:
<input type="hidden" name="string">With this statement, string should take the value "p,val1*l,val2*m,val3*t,val4*d,val5"
I'm having a problem with the following script:
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Feb 14, 2005
i'm trying to create some javascript string variables using php. i'm running into a problem because some of the variables span multiple lines and this is causing a problem. here is a sample of what i'm trying to do:
var thetext1=new Array()
thetext1[0]="info for #1 goes here"
thetext1[1]="info for #2 goes here"
thetext1[2]="info for #3 goes here"
etc.... the array values are output from a mysql db using php and used for a script i have on my page.
the problem is some of my strings span multiple lines and end up making it look like:
thetext1[36]= "this is an example
of how some stuff spans
multiple lines"
Using the javascript console in firefox i see the problem is: "Error: unterminated string literal." I believe it is because the string I am trying to input is spanning multiple lines. any idea on how to fix this?
i'm using php/mysql to create these javascript variables so i have access to their functions. i tried doing this:
str_replace( "
", '', $row['text']);
to replace the newlines with nothing but they're still there.
any ideas on how to get around this?
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Jul 9, 2005
basically i am getting an elements width value like this:
HTML Code:
var aElementWidth =;
which returns 颼px'. I want to split the data into two variables a = 100 & b = px.
I thought about using split(); but i couldnt get it to work.
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Oct 5, 2011
I'm working on redesign of a vacation rental company web site, and I'm looking to use a drop down calendar to select the arrival/departure date on the search form. getting the number of nights difference between dates (though I think the code/labels are slightly backward in that example), but I don't know where to start to split off the variables I need. Basically, the search.php file I'm passing the variables to need to be in this format:
search.php?month=(arrival month digit)&day=(arrival day digit)&year=(arrival year, 4 digits)&days_count=(number of nights)( some other variables...)
how to split things off properly and get a properly formatted URL? I'll experiment a bit, and come back here with sample code
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Sep 28, 2005
I have a string I have to parse
I need to split the string into groups of letters and numbers..
"AB" "1.2" "CD" "34"
What is the best way of doing this ?
I've looked at string.split using a regex, but that doesn't output the
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Apr 26, 2011
I have code...
how can I convert these to an array so I can loop through the values?
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Nov 25, 2009
I have this string: field = "due_date31"; is there a way to split it into two vars so it will be like:
var 1 = "due_date";
var 2 = "31";
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Jun 27, 2010
I have this function: when a user fill a field with this "c 10 20 30" i need to sum just the numbers and show the result.I have this but is NOT working...
Code JavaScript:
function escaja(str, prefix) {
if (str.indexOf(prefix)===0){
var sumar = str.split(" ");
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Oct 5, 2010
this is not working. it's a list of client names, (lawyers.....blehh!) separated by an * (asterisk), the second line is the problem(?),[code]
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Sep 18, 2011
I'm working on a function that checks the css href in an included html file and if it is incorrect it adjusts it. my problem is in this piece of code
hrefrege = /href="[^ ]+"/i;
originalHref = m[0].match(hrefrege);
originalHrefArray = originalHref.split("/");
Why doesn't it recognise it and how do i fix my problem?
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Aug 11, 2010
How can I split a piece of text like the following : /mysite/subSection into an array like the following :
[0] => mysite
[1] => subSection
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Apr 12, 2011
How can I split a string like this:
IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari
I want the string to be splitted after each ,
Then I want that each splitted part is placed in a variable, preferable in an array, so I can loop through the array with an foreach or something.
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Jul 23, 2005
Data I'm saving to a Cookie looks like this: "A,B,C^1,2,3" I need
everything to the left of the "^" to go in one input box, and
everything to the right in another input box when I load the Cookies
into my page. Any suggestions using Javascript? I think I can use
"split" somehow, but not sure exactly how to proceed.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have a string that I want to de-construct into several variables. I know I can use Indexof and Slice to do this but was wondering if there is something similar to Indexof that will give me every position of the separator. I know that the separator will always occur a set number of times in the string.
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Jul 23, 2010
i'm trying to concatenate to a string 2 variables that i'm adding together but i'm getting Nan as the result
what am i doing wrong?
urltoajax=urltoajax + '&amount=' +str_amount +strfeeamount
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a PHP page generating a list of items. I've made it so that
each one has a radiobutton with a unique value. You can click on the
radiobutton and it will change the value of a text field to the value
of the radiobutton--all that works fine!
Now, I need to also have it populate a textfield with the value of a
textfield in the row that's selected.
I can make unique field names, no problem. I think my problem is
getting the javascript written so that it recognizes the variable.
Well, see below. As it's written below, the textfield "itemqty" always
has the value "NaN" (wherever THAT comes from) no matter which
radiobutton I select.
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Sep 20, 2007
I'm working on a rather complex booking system for building European
trips, in a combination of SQL/VBScript/Javascript. There are tons of
query string variables that get passed back and forth between the
pages, and in almost every case, I can set 'em up fine, provided the
variables are in the link.
The page the *holds* the booking information, though, is problematic.
An example trip might include two European cities or towns with a week
in each in an apartment or cottage that the user selects from a dozen
or properties for each region.
All the information is on one page (all the dozen or so properties for
each weeks, available dates for the trip and for each , max occupancy
per property, pricing per property and per number of passengers,
etc...everything necessary to actually book the trip). If the user
changes party size or chooses a date, properties are hidden or shown
depending on max occupancy and/or availability.
So, a user sets their date and party size (or maybe just the party
size, or maybe has just cleared everything out to start over...) then
wants to view available properties so they can find one they like. The
current pax/date/etc. information is not in the query variables,
because the link was built at runtime.
If I build the link in an onclick event, it breaks if someone right
clicks to open a new page or tab.
I hate sites that disable right click menu. I hate sites where, when
you open a new page with a right click, it generates a javascript
error if the URL is created with an onclick event. I hate that using
an onclick to bring up the page means whatever is showing in the
status bar bears no resemblance to the page that is brought up when
you click on the link.
My client isn't worried about the non-javascript people for this use;
those people are referred to a free spiffy catalog, which frankly, is
how most of this client's customers book their trip anyway. I just
want to be able to carry the variables in such a way as to not break
the site if someone right clicks.
Anybody have any suggestions? Is it hopeless?
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Aug 21, 2002
I feel like I have been repeating this code lately, so I cleaned it up and am gonna show it here. This function returns an array (with hash names) containing all the get variables.
function parseGetVars() {
var getVars = new Array();
var qString = unescape(;
var pairs = qString.split(/&/);
for (var i in pairs) {
var nameVal = pairs[i].split(/=/);
getVars[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];
return getVars;
}A simple page to test this looks like<html>
function parseGetVars() {
var getVars = new Array();
var qString = unescape(;
var pairs = qString.split(/&/);
for (var i in pairs) {
var nameVal = pairs[i].split(/=/);
getVars[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];
return getVars;
var g = parseGetVars();
for (var i in g)
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Oct 27, 2010
What is stopping my code from displaying the time, date, and greeting from my stored variables?[code]...
I also tried placing paragraph tags, "", and '' ,respectively, inside the parenthesis as well as using '+variable+' instead of " . variable . "
The word "blah" was used to make sure the marquee tag was supported by browsers I have used to test this. So far I have only run into trouble with my document.write(stuff) not being displayed.
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May 26, 2009
I want to pass some variables from one page to the other. Question is, why the following won't work?
var sq1;
function assignVar(value){
The value of sq1 will remain undefined. It is updating actually, but why it stays the same in query string?
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May 6, 2006
I have a program written in Javascript and fully functioning which takes a user-selected directory name and then displays all the photos in that directory in a certain format.
I am now wanting to expand the program to allow users to optionally enter their own strings and the program will use all the photos from which use that string as a tag.
I have a PHP interface to flickr (called PHPflickr) which collects all the relevant photo urls. I now need to get these images back into my Javascript so I can process them using the existing functions (rather than rewrite all my functions in PHP code and have two sets of functions in the program). I found on another thread a means to do this for a date variable:
var jsArray = new Array(
$length = count($monthDataArray);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
echo '"' . addslashes($monthDataArray[$i]) . '"' . (($i < $length - 1) ? ',' : '') . "
but being completely new to PHP I'm not sure what "addslashes" might be or what formatting will be necessary if I am starting with an array of urls. Code:
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Jul 26, 2006
let me say up front that my experience with JavaScript and "Ajax"
interactions has been horrific. There are weeks I will never get back
because of it. Whenever I encounter something so horrific that it
makes me blank my memories of the event, I find myself going back and
trying to take different approaches to understanding what happens.
This current round of experiments involves sending and receiving what
is effectively an associative array. That is, I want to send dom names
and the associated values via XMLHttpRequest calls and on return, get a
set of dom value pairs and push them back into the current environment
in the browser.
what I need to figure out how to do is associate a series of DOM's with
a button, extract the information when the button is pressed, and then
present the entire array to a CGI. On return, I would need to take the
same array from the CGI and transfer the contents into the specified
if this is not practical, tell me so and I go do something else which
is probably more fun. If it is practical and has been implemented in
some toolkit, fantastic. It saves me some pain. If it hasn't been
implemented, well, there goes the more hours that I will never get
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Feb 4, 2006
I have the following javascript function: Code:
function updateParent(dvalue, dfield) {
var field = dfield;
window.opener.document.form.field.value = dvalue;
alert("Value: " + dvalue + " Field: " + field);
I'm calling it as so:
<a onClick="javascript: updateParent(30,'image_id');">Update</a>
But I get the following error:
Error: window.opener.document.form.field has no properties
Why is it not picking up that I have defined the variable field as image_id?
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Apr 5, 2006
Say I have:
<option value='a' > First
<option value='b' > Second
<option value='c' > Third
Is there a way I can access the values First, Second and Third from an array ? I want to write a javascript function that can automatically select one option based on a regular expression match of First Second or Third.
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Mar 28, 2010
I have the following form:
<form id="registrationForm">
<input id="forename" type="text"></input>
<input id="surname" type="text"></input>[code].....
...which suggests my JavaScript is partially working, but is failing on my attempt to make Key/Value pairs. Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable enough on JavaScript/DOM to identify an error and would be grateful if a more seasoned programmer could let me know the error of my ways.
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Sep 11, 2010
I'm trying to figure out how I can create javascript code in a bookmark that pulls the names and values from the form inputs in a loaded document.In addition it would also be nice if the code knew which form has focus and just pulled the input names and values from that form.I've been trying to figure it out, but the only portion I could get to work so far is:
I don't really know where to go from here. Writing javascript in a javascript:() seems to be different and beyond my level.
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