De-constructing A String Into Several Variables

Apr 1, 2009

I have a string that I want to de-construct into several variables. I know I can use Indexof and Slice to do this but was wondering if there is something similar to Indexof that will give me every position of the separator. I know that the separator will always occur a set number of times in the string.

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JQuery :: Constructing A Selector - Get All Hidden Inputs That Have Siblings With Class Of MyClass

Nov 17, 2011

The DOM looks like this. I need to get all hidden inputs that have siblings with class of myClass. So in this example I would like to get the first and third hidden inputs back.

<input type=hidden>
<label class=myClass>

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Concatenate To A String 2 Variables?

Jul 23, 2010

i'm trying to concatenate to a string 2 variables that i'm adding together but i'm getting Nan as the result

what am i doing wrong?
urltoajax=urltoajax + '&amount=' +str_amount +strfeeamount

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Using Variables In A Document.form.value String

Jul 23, 2005

I have a PHP page generating a list of items. I've made it so that
each one has a radiobutton with a unique value. You can click on the
radiobutton and it will change the value of a text field to the value
of the radiobutton--all that works fine!

Now, I need to also have it populate a textfield with the value of a
textfield in the row that's selected.

I can make unique field names, no problem. I think my problem is
getting the javascript written so that it recognizes the variable.

Well, see below. As it's written below, the textfield "itemqty" always
has the value "NaN" (wherever THAT comes from) no matter which
radiobutton I select.

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Dynamic Query String Variables?

Sep 20, 2007

I'm working on a rather complex booking system for building European
trips, in a combination of SQL/VBScript/Javascript. There are tons of
query string variables that get passed back and forth between the
pages, and in almost every case, I can set 'em up fine, provided the
variables are in the link.

The page the *holds* the booking information, though, is problematic.

An example trip might include two European cities or towns with a week
in each in an apartment or cottage that the user selects from a dozen
or properties for each region.

All the information is on one page (all the dozen or so properties for
each weeks, available dates for the trip and for each , max occupancy
per property, pricing per property and per number of passengers,
etc...everything necessary to actually book the trip). If the user
changes party size or chooses a date, properties are hidden or shown
depending on max occupancy and/or availability.

So, a user sets their date and party size (or maybe just the party
size, or maybe has just cleared everything out to start over...) then
wants to view available properties so they can find one they like. The
current pax/date/etc. information is not in the query variables,
because the link was built at runtime.

If I build the link in an onclick event, it breaks if someone right
clicks to open a new page or tab.

I hate sites that disable right click menu. I hate sites where, when
you open a new page with a right click, it generates a javascript
error if the URL is created with an onclick event. I hate that using
an onclick to bring up the page means whatever is showing in the
status bar bears no resemblance to the page that is brought up when
you click on the link.

My client isn't worried about the non-javascript people for this use;
those people are referred to a free spiffy catalog, which frankly, is
how most of this client's customers book their trip anyway. I just
want to be able to carry the variables in such a way as to not break
the site if someone right clicks.

Anybody have any suggestions? Is it hopeless?

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Parse Search String Into Get Variables

Aug 21, 2002

I feel like I have been repeating this code lately, so I cleaned it up and am gonna show it here. This function returns an array (with hash names) containing all the get variables.

function parseGetVars() {
var getVars = new Array();
var qString = unescape(;
var pairs = qString.split(/&/);
for (var i in pairs) {
var nameVal = pairs[i].split(/=/);
getVars[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];
return getVars;
}A simple page to test this looks like<html>

function parseGetVars() {
var getVars = new Array();
var qString = unescape(;
var pairs = qString.split(/&/);
for (var i in pairs) {
var nameVal = pairs[i].split(/=/);
getVars[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];
return getVars;

var g = parseGetVars();
for (var i in g)



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Display Variables Within A String Of Text?

Oct 27, 2010

What is stopping my code from displaying the time, date, and greeting from my stored variables?[code]...

I also tried placing paragraph tags, "", and '' ,respectively, inside the parenthesis as well as using '+variable+' instead of " . variable . "

The word "blah" was used to make sure the marquee tag was supported by browsers I have used to test this. So far I have only run into trouble with my document.write(stuff) not being displayed.

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Passing Variables Through Query String?

May 26, 2009

I want to pass some variables from one page to the other. Question is, why the following won't work?

var sq1;
function assignVar(value){


The value of sq1 will remain undefined. It is updating actually, but why it stays the same in query string?

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Javascript .split() String Into Pairs Of Variables

Sep 4, 2006

The URL is similar to:,val1*l,val2*m,val3*t,val4*d,val5

Within the form, I have the following statement:

<input type="hidden" name="string">With this statement, string should take the value "p,val1*l,val2*m,val3*t,val4*d,val5"

I'm having a problem with the following script:

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Problems Generating Javascript String Variables With Php..

Feb 14, 2005

i'm trying to create some javascript string variables using php. i'm running into a problem because some of the variables span multiple lines and this is causing a problem. here is a sample of what i'm trying to do:

var thetext1=new Array()
thetext1[0]="info for #1 goes here"
thetext1[1]="info for #2 goes here"
thetext1[2]="info for #3 goes here"

etc.... the array values are output from a mysql db using php and used for a script i have on my page.

the problem is some of my strings span multiple lines and end up making it look like:

thetext1[36]= "this is an example
of how some stuff spans
multiple lines"

Using the javascript console in firefox i see the problem is: "Error: unterminated string literal." I believe it is because the string I am trying to input is spanning multiple lines. any idea on how to fix this?

i'm using php/mysql to create these javascript variables so i have access to their functions. i tried doing this:
str_replace( "
", '', $row['text']);
to replace the newlines with nothing but they're still there.

any ideas on how to get around this?

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Get Variables Into PHP Variables Or MySQL Database?

Apr 2, 2009

Anyone know how to get Javascript variables into PHP variables or a MySQL database? Full question in the PHP section.

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Setting Html Variables To URL Variables

Feb 3, 2011

I have some JavaScript which is splitting out the different variable elements from the URL.Now, how do I set the internal variables?Then I want to set the variable ScriptHeading to be Change and the variable ScriptType to be NewThread.I keep finding all sorts of lovely code showing how to split out the various sections in many different ways, but I can't find anything on how to actually set these variables.

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JQuery :: Display The Result Of Ajax Call As Html String And Not Plain String?

Dec 25, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to return ajax call as html value and not plain text, ie all html formatting will be displayed.

My code:

<script src="jquery.js">


String returned from webform4.aspx is html formatted but jquery displayed it as plain text. Is that anyway to display it as html string ?

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Converting Int To String - Variable To Concatenate It As A String To Find An Input Box

Jun 26, 2010

I have a for loop: Code: for( var i = 0; i < aInput.length; i++ ) I want to use this i variable to concatonate it as a string to find an input box

var j = i;
var qualname = "discountqualifier" + j;
if ( inputName == ( qualname ) )

Assuming I have a input box named discountqualifier0, discountqualifier1, discountqualifier2 etc...

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JQuery :: Display Unicode String In Textbox With Ncr String?

Dec 2, 2010

I have some jquery code like this:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1258" />


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JQuery :: String In String An Branch Based On Found?

Oct 18, 2010

I need a simple, quick and efficient way to logically branch if I find a string is contained in another string in jquery Most other languages this can be resolved in one or two lines and it would be readable.

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If Statement To Check Whether String Is A String Is Returning False

Jan 25, 2011

I have a simple example below showing how when I pass in the value of the value attribute of option node, and then use if operator to check whether parameter is a string or not, even though it's a string, it converts it to false boolean and triggers the else statement rather than calling a function.callback should be a string so why is it saying otherwise?

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Convert String Into Array - Break Apart A String Into Characters

Jan 27, 2010

Is it possible to break apart a string into characters, be it a word or a sentence, and store each individual character in an array?

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Combine The Three Values Into A String, Create A Md5 Of The String, Then Call The Value ?

Sep 21, 2010

I have made a basic form, and I need to combine three values within my form, then create an md5 hash of this string.Then assign it to a hidden variable.My form is here...

<label for="firstname">First Name: </label>
<input id="firstname" type="text" name="firstname" /><br />[code]....

Or I have created a pastebin of it here, for easy reading: I need to be able to combine the three values into a string, create a md5 of the string, then call the value of the string into a hidden value all before posting the form.

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PHP Variables To Javascript Variables

May 6, 2006

I have a program written in Javascript and fully functioning which takes a user-selected directory name and then displays all the photos in that directory in a certain format.

I am now wanting to expand the program to allow users to optionally enter their own strings and the program will use all the photos from which use that string as a tag.

I have a PHP interface to flickr (called PHPflickr) which collects all the relevant photo urls. I now need to get these images back into my Javascript so I can process them using the existing functions (rather than rewrite all my functions in PHP code and have two sets of functions in the program). I found on another thread a means to do this for a date variable:

var jsArray = new Array(
$length = count($monthDataArray);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
echo '"' . addslashes($monthDataArray[$i]) . '"' . (($i < $length - 1) ? ',' : '') . "

but being completely new to PHP I'm not sure what "addslashes" might be or what formatting will be necessary if I am starting with an array of urls. Code:

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Substring Or Trim The String - Equate The Selection Value To String "Select State" And Execute Alert Message?

Apr 19, 2010

I need help with substring or trim function in javascript. Find below my code. Selection holds the value Select State, and length of the string is 14. I need to equate the Selection value to string "Select State" and execute alert message.

function selected_item() {
if (Selection=="Select State")
alert("Select the State");[code]....

I tried this:

var state=Selection.substring(0,11); and then string would be equated to state variable. But it is not working.

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Replace Characters / Inner String From A String

Aug 13, 2011

How I would remove characters from a string if they are present?

For example lets say I wanted to remove c:/fakepath/ from the string c:/fakepath/DSF102.jpg and just leave the DSF102.jpg how would I got about this?

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Validation - From String - Check If Some Char In Textbox Contains One Of The Ones In String "allowedChars"

Jul 14, 2011

I have this, VB.Net can i do exact same thing in javascript?

How to check if some char in textbox contains one of the ones in string "allowedChars"

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Modify String - Lowercase Letters And Uppercase Letters In A String And Then Swap Them

Jan 19, 2010

I am currently trying to build a new function in javascript that is supposed to handle a string of text. The idea is that it should find the lowercase letters and uppercase letters in a string and then swap them.

Meaning all lowercase letter becomes uppercase letter and vice versa.

So i am just asking if someone could point me in the right direction or give some tips. I've currently been reading about the toUpperCase(); and toLowerCase(); functions and i am fairly confident i know how to use them for switching, however i still need a way to find the lower , upper character in the string so i later can switch them.

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Use String.replace That Is Not Case Sensitive And Replace Every String Found?

Jul 27, 2010

Here is my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Welcome to Microsoft! Microsoft Microsoft";
var stringToBeFound = 'Microsoft'
var ReplaceString = 'site'
document.write(str.replace(stringToBeFound , ReplaceString ));

My problem is im trying to use string.replace that is not case sensitive and replace every string found. I could use regular expression with it but my stringToBeFound is a dynamic variable im getting it from my database

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Remove A String From Within A String

Jul 23, 2005

How can i remove a string from an existing string in javascript. I have a textbox in a form and want to make sure that when the user clicks a button that certain words are moved, like all instances of "hello" should be taken out of the text the user typed in the textbox.

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