Java Script Function

Sep 11, 2006

How to get the Value from Drop Down list. Using Java Script? In the Drop down list , i want to get the selected value ? How do i get it using JavaScript ??

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Calling Java Function From Vb Sub

Oct 1, 2011

I want to call java function 3 times from vb sub. but i worked one time.

Here i try the following:

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Using XmlHTTP.responseText In Any Other Java Function

Jun 9, 2009

is it possible to use the xmlHTTP.responseText in any other java function, after execuation of stateChanged() function??? example in ajax...


i used many ways (a little bit i know) to do but could not get the success. how can we do???

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Call Java Function In Body Tag?

Feb 20, 2003

I want to take a popup function and cause it to open Xseconds after the parent page has opened.

This is the script i want to run:

PHP Code:

<script type='text/javascript'>
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL)
    newWin = open(theURL);

I altered it a little, just want to check i cut down newWin = open(theURL ,winName, features); not to include features and winName, I assume that these are NOT required attributes?

How do i do this?

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JSP Scriptlet - Pass A Java Object To A Function

Jul 18, 2009

In a JSP, I try to pass a Java object to a javascript function, like this:

Test test = request.getSession().getAttribute("test");
//Test has a field of lasName, such as test.getLastName() will return "john"
//This is for simplizing. In reality this js codes are in different file such as includeFile.js
var obj = <%= test%>;

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What Is An Equivalent TimeSerial() Function Of VBscript In The Java Script??

Sep 21, 2006

What is an equivalent TimeSerial() function of VBscript in the Java

I have two variables hour and minutes.
Timeserial(hour,minutes) returns the time hour : minutes.
But I want to do similar thing using the javascript .

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Call Java Script Function From Address Line

Feb 8, 2010

i try to post java script function from c# code. i success to make regular post data - like has regular html form pages but i have some troubles to post java script data. mybe i can figure this out with calling to function from address line - if it's possible?? some body have ide? there is away to call java script function from address line??

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JQuery :: Concerning $(document).ready(function() - Working In C/C++/Java/asm

Apr 21, 2011

I have inherited some code and have sort of been going through a crash course with JS (typically I'm working in C/C++/Java/asm). The person before me used jQuery, which seems to be basically a convenience thing and for the most part I understand the applications they've used it in. However, one thing scares me. The primary JS file is prefaced with:


And I have no idea what that does. From what I can guess, it probably waits to define the rest of the code until the document has been entirely loaded, but when I wrap it around MY code it just breaks everything.

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Call A Java

Jul 23, 2005

I have a bunch of .js files that I insert into my my html file using
the <script> tag, and this works just fine. The .js files contain
info about the menu, table set up, etc. and take care of the page

But now, I have a tidbit of Javascript in an htm file, and this tidbit
opens up a new window with some information on it. I want to insert
all of the menu and format javascript files on this new window that it
opens. so, my question is: how would I do this: (since this doesn't work!)

output.document.write('<SCRIPT language=JavaScript
src="/scripts/menu_array.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>');

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Java Navigation Bar

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone know a good site that'll teach you how to make a drop-down navigation
bar? I assume it is javascript

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Java Dropdown And XML

May 26, 2009

I have a drop down field that is dynamically populated using an XML sheet that looks like:


I populate the dropdown box using javascript that looks like this:


My the drop down form looks like this:


When a user clicks on the drop down box, all of the values inside "<title>" tags get displayed. Once the user has made their selection, the form is submitted and posts the user's option. My problem is that when the user clicks on the drop down box, I want them to see the content included in the "<title>" text but I want the form to post the data included in the "<xml>" tags.

For example, if the user clicks on the drop down menu and selects the option 'Animals' I want the form to post 'xml/animals.xml'. Any ideas how to handle this?

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Java Timer

Feb 27, 2005

i have found using java script as an exam timer for displaying it to the client is more good than using php..

but i want the page to exit as soon as 40 misn are out...

if java says 40 misn out is there any way for the php to
note that and perform the rquired action?

i am thinking of parallely starting a timer at the server side in php

do u think so? or is htere any way for java script to tlel php the times out

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Java On A Button?

Aug 21, 2005

I have been creating a webpage and I have added some buttons via frontpage and linked them to another page, the thing I cant figure out is how to add commands like a javascript button to enable a smaller window, no toolbars, no scroll bars etc.

is there any way i can make the buttons so when they are pressed a window opens with my dimensions etc?

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Javascript Using Java Methods

Jul 23, 2005

Can Java classes/objects be used from within the javascript code on the
HTML page? I.e., can I call a Java method from the javascript function?

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How To Pass Value From Javascript To Java In Jsp

Jul 23, 2005

in JSP, it's easy to pass value from java-variable to
javascript-variable, like

{ a=<%java-class.A%>

I'm wondering how is the other way around? I tried

{ <%java-class.A=%>a

but there was compiling error.

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Java Based Chat

Mar 12, 2006

how is it possible to backdoor a java based chat room?

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Serialize Objects In Java?

Jun 30, 2006

I basically want to be able to store and retrieve a tree structure in
greasemonkey. Unfortunately the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions
only take string key value pairs. Is there a native javascript function
that will serialize the object so that it can be stored and retrieved
as strings?

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Java Script Returning NaN

Dec 13, 2006

i am calling a javascript which is returning NaN and is getting printed
on the broweser i want to supress it.

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How To Detect Which JAVA VM Is Installed?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm looking for a javascript, that can detect which java VM is installed and
what the current version is. Can any of you give me some details?

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General Use Of

Jul 20, 2005

I'm writing this routine that calls the length() member of Is this object generally available in most mainstream
browsers, or do some of them lock it down?

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How To Include Java In JS File

Jun 3, 2009

I have the following script in my jsp. I want to cut this script and include it in a .js file But it is not working with me.

Here is the script :
<script language="javascript">
function checkForUnaddeditems() {
var mainElement = document.forms.mainentry
var quatityValue = mainElement.<%=quantityelement%>.value
var productIDValue = mainElement.<%=productIDelement%>.value
var price = ""; .....

I copied the previous code into a check.js file and referred to it in the jsp by
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" SRC="check.js"></SCRIPT>

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Closing A Window Using Java

Nov 20, 2006

I need help with some coding (obviously I am messing something up).

I want my visitors to open up a new page .... tdtest.html.

I have it open up into a new window and at the end of the page I am using this coding to close the window:

<a href="javascript:window.close();">Close Window</A><br>

It is not working at all on either IE or Netscape.

What am I doing wrong, and what is the easiest way to do this?

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Combo Box Java Script

Jan 10, 2008

I am trying to use the same DHTML combo box script on a web page for our church server. I post the same script on the page deleted the links and add a new link under the different icon and it shows the same links on the previous icon (Fall.gif). I want to use the same code on a different icon with different links. I know how to move the inner menu to position. I just need to make this work on the different icons, i.e. winter, spring, or summer. Code:

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Java Script Onclick

Feb 16, 2006

I have a table on a html page, on some of the <td>'s are onclick evens ... for example ...


Later on that page is a div which is hidden when the page loads, I have the following javascript that sets its visibility to visible, showing the DIV, as per below.

function add() {'visible'

What I wish to do now is to send a value on the onclick. I have 1 DIV that gets displayed and hidden and several <TD> onclicks that do it. Is there some way to send a variable from the onclick of a <TD> to the div. For example, in the DIV will be a text form field, is there anyway to populate this with a value from the onclick to tell which <TD> has been clicked?

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How To Use Prompt On A Java Applet.=

Jun 22, 2010

Does anyone know how to use a prompt on java applet?

I was to create a very simple calculator. Two prompts will appear asking for inputs. Then the sum, product, difference, and quotient will appear on java applet.

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Pig Latin Programming In JAVA?

Jun 5, 2009

I have to develop a program for translating a word in english into pig latin, I have most of it done, it runs but I can't make it define if the first letter see if it's a consonant or not, if it's a consonant take the consonant out and put"ay" at the end and if it's not consonant just put the "ay" at the end of the word, and it has to give an error message if user puts in more than one word, it's done in 2 classes, been stuck on this for hours now have done a lot of research but seems like everyone is doing a more advanced program. Here's my program:

First class
public class piglataintran
private String translate;


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