JQuery :: Way To Use A Textarea For Keeping A Log?
May 17, 2010
I need to keep a log in a test application, so I'm using a textarea for that, and I'm appending text using the+= operator.Follows the trace function which fills the textarea:
window.trace = function(s) {
if ($('#enableLogCheckBox').attr("checked")) {
var logArea = $('#logArea')[0];
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May 13, 2011
How would i change back to the default length of textarea?
I have this comment area that after clicking submit i will append the new comment in the list of comments through ajax... i got one problem though, everything is working perfectly well except for the textarea that won't change back to it's default size...
The problem is that the textareawon't change back to it's default size // let's say that the default size is rows=3
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Sep 15, 2009
I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top of a div while I scroll the table rows. I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top. I already use for the table tablesorter so the solution must be
compatible with that plug-in.
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Nov 24, 2010
I have around 30 check boxes in a form and I need to keep track of their status if they are checked or not and based on that change the data in the dom.
I am stuck on the logic of how to implement or code for 30 check boxes. I was using the below example code but there will be a lot of if statements as I need to always know what their status is. Is there a better way I can manage so many check boxes ?
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Jun 11, 2009
Can I remove div1 but div2 keep there?
<div id="1">
<div id="2"></div>
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May 13, 2009
I have several conditional select boxes that populate from a database, using .ajax(). When the first select has an onchange, the second select populates normally. The same goes for the second and third selects. When I change the value of the second select box, the third box drops all dynamically created options and repopulates. When I change the value of the first select box, I can only empty the second box and repopulate. The third and future boxes keep their values.
The delete and repopulate piece of my function uses this bit of code: var dynamic_options = $("#" + next_dropdown_ID).children(".dynamic_option"); if ( dynamic_options ){ $("#"+ next_dropdown_ID + " .dynamic_option").remove()};
where next_dropdown_ID is the ID of the child select box. I've played with .find() and .filter() but the results are always either (a) ALL options with this class are removed, including the select I'm currently in, or (b)NO options with this class are removed.
Is it possible to delete ALL options on the page that have the ".dynamic_option" class, except for the children of the select box I'm currently in? I was hoping to be somewhat dynamic about it and not have to write an IF statement for every potential select box, so the code will be reusable. I can post the full function and HTML if more context is needed.
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm working on a mysql browser / edit-in-place app which presents the user with a floating UI (think lightbox), that contains widgets appropriate for the given field they've clicked on.
Presently, rather than centering the UI element like a lightbox however, I find it best to keep it relative to their mouse, so that they don't have to traverse halfway across the screen with their mouse to interact with the interface if they've clicked something (for instance) on the bottom left.
The problem however should be apparent: if they click something towards the bottom of the screen, we need to adjust the css top/left properties so that the UI remains within the viewable area and doesn't run beyond the viewport, if possible. I've seen this done tons of times with tooltips.
I've thrown some basic awareness together using$(window).height() / width(), but if anyone could point me to a maturealgorithmfor harvesting the appropriate offset.
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May 4, 2011
I am currently using:
$("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show();
$("ul.tabs li").click(function() {
$("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active");
There are 2 options I could use but I don't know how to do it.
1. Using a get parameter to select the tab
2. Using the cookie plugin (not sure how that works)
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Aug 9, 2011
I have a site that I'm building at [URL] which use the jquery cycle plugin for a slideshow. I won't post the code here because it's all there with view source at the above address. It's a work in progress. The slideshow is full width (the images in it are actually 2000px wide but looks full width), and works fine apart from when the browser window is resized. This is most noticable when you start with a smaller browser window and then resize it to be bigger.
The slides stay the same width as when the page loaded - I need them to adapt to the new width. I need the slideshow to be centered at all widths, so I've put the images in as backgrounds to divs with center positioning on them. I've tried getting the window width on resize and then applying it to the slides using jQuery, but the original calculated size overrides it when the slide changes.
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Jun 2, 2009
i have created an option on a website to give the possibity to the user to change the font size (smaller, bigger, reset), like the famous x3 'A' that we see in most of the websites. the code i have is based on a plugin copywrite to [URL]. now i'm facing a problem with different font size for different elements. to make the text bigger and smaller works like a charm but to reset the font size is not working so good. here is the code of the plug in the reset part:
//on clicking default font size button, font size is reset
jQuery(container + " .defaultFont").click(function(){
jQuery("#content *").css('font-size', defSize);
// coockie to rememebr the selected font size
updatefontCookie(target, defSize);
here is how i'm calling the function: fontSize("#container", "#content *", 8, 12, 20); container is where i have the images to make the text smaller or bigger content is the div that has the content that i want it to be changed 8 is the smallest fonr size 12 default 20 max now the thing is that i have different font sizes in the page and some of them don't have a class just the <font> ....</font> when i'm clicking the rest button then i'm getting everything with size 12 and this is what i want to change. i want to remember the current font size and set it back.
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Jul 5, 2011
I'm having a really hard time trying to solve a problem. I have a container DIV aligned center that holds an image. The container is max 940 X 609. The image is set to be 100% width and height.
The objective is to have the container shrink as the user resizes the browser up until a minimum size - say, 400 X 259. I also need the container to stay centered with consistent margins on the right and left.
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Nov 25, 2011
I'm currently redesigning a forms in which one ore more objects (eg members) can be added to a selection. JQuery is a huge help with that, but now I don't know *how* to achieve the following:
Currently I add the selected members to an selection-list with option value = memberID and option label = memberName. I want to change that to the following:
AAutocomplete search inputto find a member. On select I want the memberName to be added to a span (or something) as text with an X-to delete (just like tagify does for instance). I could use tagify, but I don't know how to keep the memberID field coupled with the selected tags (and especially how to get the memberID removed when removing a value).
And for bonus points: I'd like to make the selected values draggable so I can change the order (and of course: on submittal my form must know the order too).
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Jul 23, 2005
I was trying to "pin" a menubar to the top of a site. It should allways stay on its absolute position. Especially when the user scrolls the page...
I did like this:
<div id="object1" style="position:absolute; visibility:left:50px;
top:50px"> MENU </div>
called from a timer:
none of them worked...now what?
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Aug 24, 2006
I'm trying to access the source of an HTML page with as few alterations
from the actual source (as in, that seen from the View Source option)
as I can. The method document.documentElement.innerHTML returns the
HTML source, but adds HEAD and other elements if they are absent from
the source, and takes out whitespace (i.e., line feeds, carriage
returns and tabs) within tags and between tags. The follow function:
function xhr() {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState==4) {
doesn't add or alter any tags that are absent in the source, and does
not take out line feeds within tags; it does, however, still take out
all non-line-feed whitespace within tags and all whitespace in general
between tags.
It seems that preserving whitespace is all that I need, but I haven't
found a way to do that through my searches. So is there any way to get
the unaltered HTML source of a page without innerHTML or applets, like
a better version of the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText method?
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Mar 22, 2007
I am using a pre-built javascript DatePicker. It uses window.open to display
the Calendar and works fine if the user clicks on a link for a specific
date. The proper textbox in the parent window form is populated and the
DatePicker closes.
The problem is when a user clicks on the parent window, the datepicker is
hidden behind the parent window. Beleieve it or not, this creates a real
problem for many users.
Is there any way to put up an alert to the user and then set focus back to
the datepicker if the user clicks on the parent window by mistake?
In the datepicker.js there is a reference to the window created:
ggwindow = window.open(..parameters)
So I tried something like ggwindow.onblur=dont_close_me() referring to a
function that displays an Alert and then sets focus back to the datepicker
window. I know that onblur is an event and not a property or method of the
Window object, but I have also seen mentioned that the onblur event can be
applied to the Window object.
During window creation I don't see a way to set the onblur event for the
created window.
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Dec 13, 2009
I've noticed that if you declare a variable in one function, then call another function, the variables cannot be accessed in that function. Is there any way to get the value of a variable declared in a different function?
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May 19, 2005
<title>Snapitup Script</title>
<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
/* script made by gmn17@hotmail.com © 2005 free to use */
/* keep this script credit intact,thanx, a script to show/hide */
/* any html in IE Safari and Firefox, if you wish to preload */
/* just put it in the target, stripped out table and eval */
/* statements from 2 scripts and combined them, then altered */
/* part of a www.shawnolson.net script took eval statement out */
function snapitup(target,statement){
string = 'theTarget = document.getElementById("'+target+'");'
if(theTarget != null){
theTarget.innerHTML = statement;
var el=document.getElementById(target);
var theTarget=document.getElementById(target);
theTarget.innerHTML = statement;
/* use this to preload content */
function hideShow(target){
theTarget = 'document.getElementById("'+target+'");'
var el=document.getElementById(target);
var theTarget=document.getElementById(target);
<a href="#null" onclick="snapitup('row22','<iframe src=http://www.yahoo.com width=100% height=500px frameborder=none style=border:0></iframe>')">Category 1</a><br>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideShow(ཝ')">Category 2</a><br>
<div id="33" width="100%" style="display:none;"><img src="tn_1_books.gif"></div>
<p id="row22" width="100%" style="display:none;"></p>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="snapitup('row11','<table id=nTable border=2 width=500 height=400 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>Data One</td><td>Data Two</td><td>Data Three</td><td><a href=# class=button>More</a></td></tr></table>');">Category 3</a><br>
<div id="row11" width="100%" bgcolor="#b9b9b9" style="display:none;position:absolute;left:100px;top:100px;"></div>
Ok first the bad, it will not work from a stylesheet, you have to use style="display:none" all over the place, I will try to fix that without adding more than 2 lines to the script somehow, I hope. you can not have line breaks in the innerHtml statements in your links(I think that's normal anyway). javascript:void(0); will not work for an iframe, you have to use #(or #null to keep from clicking up to the top of the page) for the hrefs, I don't know if that is a bad thing or not, there has to be something better than both of those options. now the good, if you do not have access to the head of a page, everything works from the body of a page. it is good for making ul/ol tags for a vertical menu without that complicated scripting having to differentiate ul/ol text and li links in those scripts for just a simple menu, the ecmascriptmenu is the only one that makes sense to me, hope he gets his server fixed. the script seems to work with or without a doctype in IE6 firefox and safari. people always wonder why I try to make these type of scripts, I usually maintain long lists of links so I like to provide small previews(iframes that do not load until clicked) for each link, the best part is that IE firefox and safari react to it flawlessly unlike most other types of scripting, one script had an eval statement that gave me tons of trouble taking it out and the other script I took out a server sql proprietary call to a rowid for a table and made almost any html element be a target(a p tag for instance).
here at :
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Dec 4, 2009
i have developed an application that allows users to post code on their profile on various social networks, and activate the application by submitting data via an html form from within their profile. the application works fine.the form action is processed on my server the problem is that after they submit the form, the users are directed to my website and the display of the results are presented on my website - at hxxp/xxxxxxxx.com/process.php.
i am trying to keep the users on their profile on their social network. i tried unsuccessfully using targret="_self" and target="_blank" as part of the code they are posting on their profile I am trying to figure out a way that they will not be directed back to my website.
here is the way the code posted on the users profile on their social network looks like:
<form action="hxxp://xxxxxxxx.com/process.php" method="post" name="process" target="_self">
<textarea name="somename" id="somename" rows="5" cols="5">blah blah
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Apr 30, 2010
I have a menu with a horizontal submenu. What I want is for the submenu to stay active if the mainmenu link is activated... This I got so far. Now what I cant figure out is how to make the active submenu hide when hovering over the other mainmenu links... And show again when not hovering...
Here is what I have tryid so far:
Code CSS:
#navbar {
top: 0;
left: 0;
Now this allmost does the part except hidding the active submenu when hovering...
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Feb 5, 2004
What I would like to achieve is that when a user goes back to the first page that his/her selection of the cities is still available. All items that have been selected are in the right hand box. This list is again empty when they return to this page via the "history.go(-1)" link.
The page is in dev status and in german, but it is very easy to understand, so it shouldn't be any problem for you guys. The javascript code can be seen in the source code on the first page. The left list is filled with a mySQL statement in the first place.
Of course I can to some PHP workaround by evaluating the submitted variables, but this would be much more work. I want to know if there is an easier approach? Code:
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Jul 13, 2006
Is it possible to keep values in the status bar an then get them?
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Nov 8, 2010
On the iphone I can keep a object on the top of the page by using the following in a interval:
document.getElementById('object').style.top = window.pageYOffset+'px';
I cannot figure out how to keep it at the bottom (to replicate fixed positioning)
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Jul 23, 2005
Here's my HTML code. What I'm trying to do is when the button is
pushed to refresh the popup window information, I want the popup to
return to the front. The way my code is now, when refreshed the popup
stays in the background confusing the users.....
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May 29, 2006
Assuming I have the functions, "isNumber" and "isEmpty", how would I write the HTML INPUT type="text" element such that a person cannot exit the element unless they have typed in a valid number (as defined by the function isNumber) or left the field empty (as defined by isEmpty)? Thus, if they have typed in "aaa" and then pressed "Tab" to go the next element, they'd get a warning message, and be returned to the old element?
Ideally, this solution would work for both the latest versions of Firefox and IE.
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Jun 20, 2007
Right now, I have multiple draggable windows on my site. The problem is, that only the most recently created box is draggable and I clicking the other box doesn't work.
Where you can click and drag different boxes. The problem is I don't know how to implement this. When the two boxes are up and I click on one box, it completly ignores the other box. I realize in my code I need to update widget1 but I'm not entirely sure how I can do that. I call the method below using: document.onmousedown=selectMouse; in my javascript
If it helps, the windows are all contained in a <div> tag with the id 'closewid'
Each of the new windows that opens had the id "widget"+a number.
46 function selectMouse(e)
47 {
48 if(firefox)
49 {
50 var p=e.target;
51 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
52 {
53 //document.write(p.attributes[0].nodeValue);
54 isDrag=true;
55 x=e.clientX;
56 y=e.clientY;
57 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
58 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.top);
59 }
60 }
61 else
62 {
63 var p=event.srcElement;
64 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
65 {
66 isDrag=true;
67 x=event.clientX;
68 y=event.clientY;
69 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
70 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.top);
71 }
72 }
73 }
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Feb 7, 2010
I have a complex form and a 'Print' button which should print only the contents of a specific DIV. I am using the following function (i found on another forum):
function PrintContent() {
var DocumentContainer = document.getElementById('divName');
var WindowObject = window.open('', 'PrintWindow',
While using this, the CSS styling of the DIV are missing.How can I print the DIV's contents and keep the CSS styling.Before using that function, I tried "execCommand("Print")" but the results weren't good at all. it printed only a small part of the content.
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