JQuery :: Using A Callback Function To Add A Class After Animation Is Complete?
Aug 17, 2011
I'm trying to create a two-part animation: On mouseenter over a thumbnail image, the background area expands. Then, once the background has reached full size, I add a class to the text content so that it gets displayed.My problem is that the text content only displays sometimes and I can't determine why this is the case other than that it has something to do with the callback. If you roll over the thumbnails, sometimes you see some text information below the image and sometimes you don't. Why? You should always see that text information.
I have a slogan that is supposed be animated so that one part slides onto the screen, followed by the other part. My understanding of the 'callback function' parameter on the .animate() function is that it's not supposed to execute until the animation is finished. The trouble is, the two functions seem to be executing at the same time (that is, the two parts of the slogan appear on the screen at the same time.) Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() { // hide slogan text $('#slogan_1').css('left','270px'); $('#slogan_2').css('top','75px');});
Is there any way to tell the cycle-plugin to wait with the next slide when the previous one is still animating?When i use the default animation with a next and prev button and I click quickly on the next button the slides start flicker.
I've searched the whole internet, but couldn't find anything regarding this.
Why the following doesn't work??? It alert n times (with n=arrIDPortletNavigationDependent.length) the same element of the array: the last one.
function FadeOutAnyPortletAndAFTERalertTheirID() { for (i=0; i<arrIDPortletNavigationDependent.length; i++ ) //arrIDPortletNavigationDependent exists and contain 4 items
I've set the animation to large numbers (1000) to make it very obvious.
The helper will show before the other fieldSets have been hidden. The show animation begins about half way through the hide animation. Since both elements are occupying the same space, this makes the container jump around in size as it breifly expands to fit one under the other.
how can i write a function that accepts a callback function?[URL].. i want myFunction to load some data via(an unordored list actually) load method end then somehow to return the wrapped elements for the callback function, exactly like load() does.
How might I go about getting the parsed JSON object in the complete function? The json param shown below seems to just receive the http status text message.
My 2nd question would be how should I knwo if the first place what params I can receive to a callback function like this?
i have this type ofsituationin my code, now many time function three is called before first and second complete execution.i want third to wait until first and second finish execution, dont want to use delay
I am new to this discussion but hope you would post reply for my query and encourage me to keep in touch with this discussion. Well here is my problem. I have made an edit in place form in which we can add and remove the elements. I have used jquery.jeditable.mini.js and jquery.duplicate-remove.js plugins for edit in place and add and remove action. I have live() function to access the dynamically ganerated elements like this. $(".addressDiv span").live("mouseover", function(){ clickable function here...
I'm trying to do some animation designs. Basically where I'm stuck is I have a bunch of things I want to do, but not until the duration of the switchClass method is complete. Looking at the UI documentation site, there doesn't appear to be a callback ability. how I can make a callback on the switchClass?
I have some problem using the $.post function. I wrote a function that test if a username is already used in my database. That function must return true if the username is free and false in the other case. My problem is that I use the $.post function and I put the return true; and return false; in the callback function. So it's the callback function that returns true/false instead of my function !
Here is my code : function validateName(){ $.post("ajax_is_name_used.php", {name: $form_name.val()}, function(data) { if (data.success == 1) { $form_name.addClass("error"); return false; // Problem, we are in the callback function ! } else { return true; // Problem, we are in the callback function ! }}, "json");}
I'm a jQuery novice and I think I've gotten myself in over my head here. I have a #Calculatebutton with a click function attached which, when clicked, iterates through a form and sends the users input values, via $_GET, to a php script called'prepsession.php'. Here the inputs are validated and sanitized, a session is started and some session variables are created using the form input values. If there are any errors I want error messages displayed beside the form. Everything works fine up to this point.
If this script runs ok without giving any errors I would like to fire another php script called'printsummary.php'which accesses the previously created session variables and inserts them into a div #PanelContent. The reason I am usingseparatephp scripts for this is that I would like to be able to print my data in various different ways so I have numerous php print scripts accessing the session variables.
$("#scroll").hover(function(){ $(this).find(".front").stop().animate({ top:"184px"},500,function(){ $(this).find(".front").stop().animate({ top : "7px"}, 300); }); });
I try to make a scrolling picture. when mouse roll over the image with .front class will scroll down, but it has to come back after mouse roll out. the scroll down is working but I wrote a callback function, but it doesn't work.
html part <div id="scroll"> <a href="../images/big_html/babytracker_b.png"> <img src="../images/thumb_html/jukebox.jpg" /> <img src="../images/thumb_html/Tracker.jpg" class="front"/> </a> </div>
I'm trying to build a confirm dialog box. If found a nice plugin [URL] but the behavior is not like a normal confirm dialog box. You have to add a callback function to react on the ok/cancel buttons. Is it possible the simulate this behavior so I can have a function like this: function showConfirmation(title, text){ //this displays a jQuery Dialog form and returns true/false return myjQueryConfirm(title, text); }
I tried this with the plugin: function showConfirmation(title, text){ var res; jConfirm(title, text, function (r) { res = r;}); return res; } But after the jConfirm is executed, the function proceeds and immediately returns res which is not defined.
I'm trying to execute a simple JSON request using getJSON but I can't get a successful response. My code is below. If I run this I always receive an error. If I add "callback?" (making it JSONP) then I can see the correct results in Firebug but the call back function is never executed. function getResults(url) { var gptUrl = "[URL]"; $.getJSON(url, {f: "json"}, function() { alert("success"); }) .success(function() { alert("second success"); }) .error(function() { alert("error"); }) .complete(function() { alert("complete"); });}
I have following code in Javascript. I m calling live handler using jquery and get responsein json format but I get following problem while getting json response:When I call tnSearchClick() function on button’s click at that time the handler will call usinggetJSON method of jQuery but the response will take some seconds of time to returns response so that after few seconds the callback function will call and response can be accessed from callback function but because of handler get some seconds to execute remaining code in tnSearchClick() function after handler call code get executed before callback unction(before resonse will come) The following code will be executed before callback function will call(before response will return from handler)