JQuery :: Time Specific Notifications (alerts)?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to develop a to-do-notification thing where I can select a specific time to be notified in real-time without any need to reload the page...

My goal is to be notified 1 day ahead the expiration date that I have set. And if the due-date is on a monday, I need to be notified on the friday and not sunday...

I was wondering if this could easy be done with jQuery? I have set up a MySQL table with all of my to-do's. 1 row for each to-do with a date-column.

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Automating Text To Change Daily At Specific Time To Website Viewers Time?

Sep 17, 2011

I do pretty much all the computer related tasks, which includes computer system repair, audio/video editing, cd/dvd printing and duplication, document format and creation, etc etc. But when it comes to HTML (or other codes) I know very little. But we needed a website, so I use Homestead hosting and the Homestead (offline) Site Builder program.

Anyway, inside the sight builder program, they have the option to insert HTML Snippets. Which I use for various objects, off site tools, and other. But now I need to do something for which I have not been able to find a "premade" html code object, that can perform the task desired. I have searched and searched google and went through many sites, including this one. I have tried to take some codes which I thought I could alter to make it perform, but they just wouldn't work for what I needed them to do.

I need a code that will automate a "specific text message" to change daily, and to schedule a "different specific text message" to appear each day. I need to be able to schedule each days "texts" at the very least 31 days in advance. In other words, I need to make an array (I think that's what it is called) for the entire month:

Day 1 "today's text 1"
Day 2 "today's text 2"
Day 3 "today's text 3"


If were possible to make an "array" that would go six months out (or more) that would be very helpful! But the longest that I have seen is one month at a time, so that may be as long as they go, but I'm not sure.On top of all of this, I need these changes to be performed at a specific time of the day. I would like them to be preformed at sunset everyday, but I don't think there is anyway to direct the code to look at like [URL] sunset times or such. So if I can at least choose a specific hour, like 8:00 pm, that will work, I will just have to adjust this every once in a while.

However, I don't want it to change just at 8:00pm in my timezone. I need it to change at 8:00pm according to the website viewers timezone. Is there a way to make the code "look" at the users computer and "get their time" and use that to adjust what text is displayed? In other words, I live in Indiana USA. If someone in Australia looked up the webpage on the 15th day of the month, but it was 9:00pm Their Time. The text I need to be displayed should be for "Day 16" from the array.

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JQuery :: Get Attr Value Every Time Adding By Specific No?

Oct 1, 2011

I have following code,

<div id="SliderContents">


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JQuery :: Simulate A Mouse Rollover For Specific Amount Of Time?

Jun 22, 2010

I am curious if it is possible to use jQuery to simulate a rollover event after a page has loaded entirely.

Essentially, if you had a navigation menu with dropdown lists, could you make the lists drop down in order, one after another, each for 5 seconds, after the page has finished loading entirely?

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Slider - Specific Displaying Time For Each Image

Aug 25, 2011

I need to build a slider. which is not there in the page when it loads. then after few seconds it appears and slides from the right hand side of the window and stops at some position on the screen. then after few seconds it changes its image into another one. each and every one of the images has a different displaying time. that time is a database data and i have to specify it accordingly... I have no idea how to do this and i am a newbie to javascript. i don't know whether javascript can do this, maybe another technology..

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Radio Station - Show Time Specific Content

Jun 11, 2009

I currently use a javascript for a radio station:
It starts:
today = new Date();
day = today.getDay();
hour = today.getHours();
min = today.getMinutes();

Then for each day has:
if (day ==1){
if ((hour >=6) & (hour <=8) ) {document.write(' The Breakfast Show') }
if ((hour >=9) & (hour <=11) ) {document.write(' The Mid Morning Show') }

It all works very well with hourly changes, however I want to make some of the changes on the half hour. The script above shows one thing between 06:00 and 09:00 and something else 09:00 to 12:00. Is there a way I can amend so that it displays one thing from 06:00 to 08:30 and 08:30 to 12:00 instead?

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Mousemove - Left To Right Within A Specific Time And Distance(positive X Coordinate)

Apr 29, 2009

I'm currently doing on a project, frankly speaking i'm new in javascript only know the basics. I'm not even sure whether this thread is suppose to be here or under html.. I'm suppose to create some codes that enable a html page to load to the next html page when the mouse move from left to right within a specific time and distance(positive X coordinate) and also the other way round (right to left) once i figured out this. I've got an example online and edited it. Please take a look at my codes.


test01.html is just blank page created to make sure it loads. However i would like to load from test01 to another html page but no matter how i tried to edit the codes, there's errors. I cant possibly copying and pasting the exact codes to every page i want to load to right? And is it possible to sortof increase mouse sentivity such that i can most probably load to the next page in first few tries of moving the mouse on the first page. Is it common that when i launch the html on IE and Firefox somehow after showing the first page for maybe 1 second, it immediately jumped to 2nd page and i have to go back to 1st page to try out.

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JQuery :: Select A Specific Class Inside A Specific Div Based On The ID From A Button Elsewhere On The Page

Mar 10, 2010

<div class="box top"></div>
<div class="box main">
<div class="box header">
<div class="badge"><ul><li class="active"><span>60</span></li></ul></div>


What is happening is $(this) is no longer based on .expand being the (this) that is clicked.

like if i have a button SOMEWHERE randomly on the page with this

<div onclick="Minimize('_alerts');">Click Here</div> this will minimize alerts but because the (this) in minimize function doesn't actually point to the right button that I want to add a class to.

Is there a way to modify the minimize function so that it finds the <div id="mytoggle"><ul> <li class="expand boxminimize" rel="_alerts"> using the rel toggle, and then changes the class of the li from expand boxminimize to boxexpanded??

just like the .expand click function I posted on the top of the post that works?

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Disable/Suppress Alerts?

Jul 19, 2006

Is it possible to disable/suppress alert popups in javascript? I need
to write a function that will loop through a form's inputs and
"manually" fire their onchange events (if found). Some of those
functions could popup alert boxes which I'd like to be able to
temporarily suppress.

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Create Some Alerts That Can Be Sizeable?

Jul 26, 2009

for debugging, i create some alerts that can be sizeable. see attached for a sample of 1 that got truncated about 50% of total. is there someway to increase the size of the number of characters allowed in the alerts?

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Custom Alerts Not Working In IE

Aug 24, 2011

[URL]. It works awesome in all browsers but IE 7 & 8. The custom "alert" is actually a dialog box, with a background fader underneath it, kind of like lightbox. Why IE doesn't play nice?

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Titles For Alerts In Javascript

Jul 5, 2006

Please tell me how to add our own titles for javascript alerts... i want to create my own style for alerts to be popped using javascript.

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Turn Alerts On / Off With Button

Jun 16, 2011

i am in the middle of creating a members area system which has went well up to now. I need to create a button that will turn alerts on and off for example when the user clicks the button it will show turn on and vice versa however each time they select the button i want it to update the database with its current state so the admin knows who is currently accepting alerts.

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Loading Information Images - Show Up Right Alerts

Aug 29, 2005

Preloading images has got to be JS 101. However, it does not seem to be working. Here is the function that I am using. I added the alerts to make sure it is working and all the right alerts show up, yet when I do my mouseover, it still takes about a second (only the first time) to load the image (thumbnail).

loadims(max, letter) {//loads information images
if (document.images) {
for(i=1; i < max; i++) {
rslt = new Image();
imgn = 'm/' + letter + i + '.jpg'
rslt.src = imgn
} loaded = true;

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Displaying Javascript Alerts In Multiple Languages

Sep 12, 2006

I have a Java-based web application whose interface can be in multiple
languages. My requirement is that the javascript alerts that I display
should be displayed in the language in which the interface has been
generated. The interface language is dynamically loaded and the text is
displayed using Java's <fmttags.

How can I make the Javascript alerts, etc. also change their display
language dynamically? Is it possible in Javascript or do I have to use
another technology to do the same?

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Script Null Parameter - It Works And Alerts 1, But That's Only If 'ifm' Is Set?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm trying to execute the following statement:

<script type='text/javascript'>
var value;
initEditor('tbMsg', true);[code]....

It works and alerts 1, but that's only if 'ifm' is set. If I were to take the above code and backspace out the i in ifm so it was fm, when I refresh my browser neither 1 or 2 gets alerted. Is this javascript's default behaviour, if so how can make it alert 2?

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OnmouseMove Not Work With SetTimeOut And Alerts In Chome?

Apr 7, 2010

What's wrong with this code? It works in IE and FireFox, but Chrome does not work. The idea is that the function fnTimeOut will be triggered in 5 seconds after onmousemove (fnTimeOut was attach in onmousemove in document). It�s ok. But when, in Chrome, I click on the button "ok" to function fnAlert is triggered instantly. It should be shot just 5 seconds after I move the mouse

<input type="button" onclick="alert(1);" value="ok">
document.onmousemove = fnTimeOut;


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Iframe :: Loading Page With Script Alerts?

Nov 25, 2010

i am loading a page into an iframe...

<iframe src="http://www.cult.co.uk/men/shop/hoods-and-sweats/details/25705/75-wings-foil-hood" width="500" height="500" id="iframeTest"/>
the page from cult.co.uk has javascript alert() messages embedded in the code, which are triggered when the page loads via the iframe.is there a way of suppressing the alert() messages?I know i can suppress alerts on my local site by adding the following function:

function alert(){};

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WTF - Firefox 3.6.8 - Alerts Blank Value The InnerHTML Content In All The Browsers

Sep 13, 2010

The following extremely simply JavaScript code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">

alerts the innerHTML content in all the browsers. Except in Firefox 3.6.8, which alerts a blank value. What the f?:confused: I know that innerHTML is not a standard DOM method, but it used to be a crossbrowser one since FF 1.5, right? Edit: It does not work even in case of firstChild.nodeValue or firstChild.data. FF 3.6.8 says that the DIV element has no first child, which is amazing.

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Validate A Web Form - Sending Email Alerts With Every Field Blank

Jul 13, 2011

I am trying to validate a web form. Someone else wrote the Html code and implemented it with an iframe using asp and php. I didn't want to mess too much with the code so I decided to use javascript to make the form validate, before it was sending email alerts with every field blank. For the most part the validation works but it skips the email field for some reasons and is really bugging me to death. this is the code:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/style.css"/>
<title>Bid Form</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script src="gen_validatorv4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

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Alerting User To Invalid Data In Form Field Through Inline Alerts

Oct 3, 2009

I'm a little curious with regards to alerting a user to invalid data in a form field through inline alerts, rather than alert boxes and without a page load.In otherwords, if someone types in invalid data into a form field, before they hit the submit button, I'd like to use javascript the insert some red text on the side saying "this is invalid".I'm concerned that people with visual disabilities wont notice it due to their screen readers.I.e. if the screen doesn't re-load, will the screen read read the nexly inserted text or will it not do anything until a new page loads?

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Running Before The HTML Has Completely Loaded - DOM Nodes - Failing To Receive Browser Alerts?

Dec 3, 2009

I'm coding in Dreamweaver CS3 on a Mac, and am running latest Firefox I am in the DOM chapter of SitePoint's "Simply Javascript", where I'm learning how javascript references elements/nodes from the html (much like CSS) PROBLEM: I am failing to receive browser alerts in the following situation


I'm expecting to get browser alerts saying 'p' and 'this is a test of js...', respectively I get nothing, and nothing on refresh NOTE: when I leave the .properties off target, i do get an alert that reads 'null' Q. is my .js running before the HTML has completely loaded? oorrr am i missing something really basic?


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Browser Detect To Load Specific Code For Specific Browsers?

Oct 6, 2009

Another thing that has been driving me crazy is that css positioning is handled differently by different browsers. JS is not my area, but I can do a lot with CSS, and I do, but cross browser compatibility is killing me.

I can use an IF IE statement and only IE runs that segment of code, but I haven't been able to figure out out how to make ONLY firefox or ONLY opera or safari enact an encapsulated segment of code. The same type of IF statement doesn't work for them.

Is there a single method using JS that works for all browsers?

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JQuery :: Application With PHP - Ajax Doesn't Work Time To Time ?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm writing an application with PHP that let me have statitics about visited pages for my web site. to save informations needed i use an ajax query with the unload event. The problem that i have is titme to time the script uses with that ajax query doesn't work especially when i stay long time in a page.

This is my code?

Why it works most of time but sometime doesn t work? is there any specifications to take for the unload event ?

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Get The InnerHTML Of A Specific Cell In Column 3 And Row 2 Of A Specific Site

Apr 19, 2010

I know this code works just fine:

function result(){
var result = document.getElementById('resss').innerHTML;

But what I actually want is to import data from a table of an external website. E.g. I want to get the innerHTML of a specific cell in column 3 and row 2 of a specific site.

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Script With Document.write Inside Iframe Hangs First Time, Works Second Time (in IE)?

Dec 22, 2010

I have put together a script which does this:

1. Make ajax request (via getHTTPObject(), no libraries is used)

2. Create an iframe with script, src is "blank.html".

3. use iframe.document.write() to execute scripts (inkluding document.write based scripts) in the iframe.

4. call parent window's document to clone the iframe content.

5. Append the content clone to parent body.

Works like a charm in all browsers but IE, where every version - including IE9 beta - hangs on iframeWindow.document.close() with empty cache, leaving the window/tab unresponsible. When I force quit, restart and load the page again (now in cache) it works.What I've tried already:

* Googled.

* called the ajax request callback manually with string instead of request.responseText - it works even with empty cache here.Removed document.close() - resulting in scripts in iframe not executing at all (again, only with empty cache, cached pages works fine).

* Tested to make the ajax request synchronous - no difference.

Console.log trace:

append() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:160 install() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:194 iframe begin[code].....

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