JQuery :: Sorting Resort The Div Id After Sort?

Jun 3, 2009

im learning jquery at the moment (and english ...*g*, no clue where i suck more...) and now ive got following problem: i make use of the jquery ui and there specially i use the sortable thingy...

so now the problem: im trying to sort some divs. after sorting i want to sort the order of the divs in a new way (simple from 0 - x).


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Shadowbox - Passing Parameters / Flashvars To JWPlayer (posting Here As Last Resort)

Jul 2, 2009

I'm hoping someone might be able to clue me in on how the proper syntax for passing "flashvars" and "flash parameters" via Shadowbox to the JW FLV player should look. There is nothing in their docs that actually indicates exactly how one would properly format multiple variables and then send to the FLV player via flashvars. I've already posted to their forums but no response (typical). There is indication that this can be done on a per-link basis or via the Shadowbox.init() function; but again, though examples exist, none represent the type of situation I'm attempting to achieve. I've spent a ton of time combing their forums for some sort of clue and there are little nuggets but nothing definitive. My goal is to achieve the re-skining of the JWPlayer which is possible. I'm able to achieve this re-skining of the JWPlayer outside of the Shadowbox environment so I'm confident it can be done but I'm perplexed as to how to achieve.


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JQuery :: Drag & Drop To Sort Categories And Post This New Sort Order To DB?

Jun 9, 2009

OK so Ive been using jquery for a little bit now and love it. I am a ColdFusion developer. I have a need where I would like to present the user with a list of categories and the user can drag and drop to sort, but then I need to post this new sort order to the database. So I see there are a ton of cool drag & drop plugins for jquery. I understand how they work and I can get it to work as far as spitting out DIVS or spitting out ULs that can be sorted, but then what? So now they are sorted on my screen and not really part of the form. How do I translate that into something I can do a post to the database with? Do I do an AJAX call every time they drop an item and try to extrapolate the sort order on that item after they drop it? Do I populate a hidden form field with the constantly updating sort order list? MAybe a list of ID's? How does everyone else go about this this task? I'm sure there is more than one way and I'm sure this is a common task.

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Date Sorting - Sort Style Of The Code From European "yyyy/mm/dd" To US "mm/dd/yyyy"

Jan 31, 2011

I am having trouble changing the sort style of the following code from European yyyy/mm/dd to Us mm/dd/yyyy.

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JQuery :: Sorting Div By Class?

Nov 16, 2010

i`m having two kind of divs with different classes. Like:

<div class="test class1
">Class 1</div>
<div class="test class1
">Class 1</div>
<div class="test class2
">Class 2</div>


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JQuery :: Sorting DIVs On The Fly?

Sep 21, 2009

html Code:
- html Code


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JQuery :: Sorting Data Within An Iteration?

Dec 9, 2010

I have this source code (I get "data" via AJAX / JSON and it has the properties person.id and person.lastname).


I searched for sorting them in an alpabetical order. I saw solutions, fetching the whole data, but I am rendering the HTML ul list, so perhaps there are better ways to sort it? Or is it necessary, first to push all the li's to the ul? Isn't there a jQuery basic function for it?

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JQuery :: Sorting Event Not Working?

May 17, 2011

I am setting wordpresscommunityand off course love using jquery.I have a peace of code that really should be fine according to jquery documentation.So my html part

<div id
" class


that is linked to google ajax jquery right and that is all working just fine. I have sortable interaction. So the problem is that I can not catch ANY event from it. Please take a look at it.

disabled: false,
axis: 'y',


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JQuery :: Tablesorter - How To Use TextExtraction For Sorting

Jun 17, 2011

Assuming a structure like:
<ul><li>Some Name</li>

How can I use textExtraction to sort based on whatever number is in that first LI element? I have tried various things, but just can't seem to get it.
//Various forms of the below... trying to find the right path to the element.
textExtractionCustom: { 0: function(o) { return $('li','ul.serversgs',o).html(); } }
textExtraction: { 0: function(o) { return $('li','ul.serversgs',o).html(); } }

// This from within my own function called by whatever column I'm sorting by (0 above).
Am I wrong and I cannot do this, even though the sample above is directly from the Tablesorter site as an example of bypassing HTML markup inside the TDs?

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Ip Address Sorting?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using tablesorter in my app and it's working great except.. the ip address sorting seems to be slightly broken. It will sort on the first two groups fine, on the third group it tries to sort once and gets it wrong and on the last group it won't sort at all.bob

After a bit of debugging the issue is that an ip address is being detected as a digit, i.e is detected as the number 192.168 and hence only sorting on the first two groups. I fixed this by moving the digit to the end of the parsers. This is not a proper fix but works for me. Secondly the parser needs to be changed as follows. Without the debug line obviously. It was limiting each group to 2 characters and only sorting the first two groups.


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Jquery :: Getting A Plugin For Table Sorting?

Feb 15, 2010

share some best jQuery plugin for table sorting?

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JQuery :: Disable Column From Sorting In Tablesorter?

Jan 17, 2009

I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always from 1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular
sort. Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values in the first column after tablesorter did it's work? I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what I want.

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JQuery :: Grid Sorting Stuffs Up My Checkboxes?

Jun 25, 2009

am using jqgrid within my web app.now my record contains a checkbox followed by some string data. if the user checks some (say 5) checkboxes and then click on the table heading to sort, i lose track of all my checkboxes. this seems to be happening on all my grids.

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JQuery :: Make Td Clickable For Table Sorting?

Apr 30, 2009

I want to make the table header clickable and used the sample code from Textbook Learning JQuery I am not sure where is the class 'clickable'present. Does anybody know how can I get this working. I loaded the JQuery.js and its linked properly.


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JQuery :: Exclude A Table Row From The Sorting With Tablesorter?

Nov 17, 2010

I need to exclude a table row from the sorting with tablesorter.

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JQuery :: Sorting A List - In Alphabetical Order

Aug 11, 2011

I'm using jQuery for a two dropdown lists in the header of my site (not yet live.)

I was wondering if it was possible to sort the lists in alphabetical order, if so how?

Here is the current code:

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JQuery :: Sorting And Hiding List Elements

Apr 14, 2011

Let's say I have two lists for menus and one list for sortable content.

If I click on "A" in the #type list, the content list is sorted, the li's with the classes "B" and "D" are hidden by attaching a class of .hidden to display:none. In turn becoming:

My question is, how do I apply the new content results to the #location menu? If "B" and "D" are hidden then numbers "3" and "4" shouldn't be displayed. I'm having trouble getting the two to talk to each other. I've tried .is(':visible"), .each(), etc. and can't quite crack it.

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Not Correctly Sorting Money?

Sep 20, 2010

I have some vaules such as:


As you can see it's fine up to the point where I get into 100's as it seems to put them lower than the 90's.

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JQuery :: Disable Sorting Of One Column In 3 Col Table?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm trying to disable sorting of one column in my 3 col table. Following the docs I came up with this:



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JQuery :: Disable Sorting On Specific Rows Using Tablesorter?

Apr 19, 2011

I have been using tablesorter2.0 plugin to sort the table. My requirement is such that I don't want few rows to be sorted. Like i can add a class like <tr class="nosort"> for rows to whom sorting should not be applied. And rest all rows should be sorted. Can't find a way to do this.

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JQuery :: Cannot Get Columns With Rowspan To Not Be Included In Sorting (Tablesorter 2.0)

Aug 21, 2009

I've been working on getting a table with a super header and sub headers to only sort by the sub headers. The example at [URL] shows this is possible but everytime I try to run the code the items in the top row are used to sort columns starting with 0. I've tried two different versions of jquery and re-downloaded Tablesorter twice now. It seems as if this should be easy and I'm just missing some amazingly simple thing.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/
TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html>


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JQuery :: QuickSearch Plugin - Sorting Table Row In Textbox

May 15, 2009

I don't know how get a data of a row and passing the result to a textbox located in my form. For example:
I use this jquery plug-in [URL].

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JQuery :: Tablesorter - Disable Sorting When Only Single Row In Table

Dec 16, 2011

I would like it very much if there was an option to have sorting disabled when there is only a single row in the table.

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Not Sorting Table Returned Via Ajax?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a div container that is used to specify where the table I retrieve via ajax is placed $("#div_reveal").html(AjaxResponse). I have tried to add an onSuccess function to update the table function (){ $("table").trigger("update"); } but the table does not sort. When I copy the output table directly into the page (static) it sorts. Therefore, I am assuming that the new table is not being added to the Dom and and is not being "recognized" by tablesorter. Does anyone know of a solution to retrieve and display a full html table via ajax and get tablesorter to sort it.

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JQuery :: Sorting A Nested Loop Of Unordered Lists?

Jan 20, 2011

What I have is a dynamically created group of unordered lists. My jQuery code allows the user to "add" forms that essentially create a new unordered list per form. The first list item is displayed in a heading 2 tag strictly for the style formatting the h2 tag gives.

The user enters data in the forms which are then passed via url.data method to my action page. This is where my code loops(nested loop) through the lists, inserts the appropriate items in either the heading 2 tag or the rest of the list item tags. Then this(these) lists are saved in a temporary file and then called and displayed back by way of an include. The problem is I want these lists to be sorted alphabetically. I have a function that I am close to getting it working, but the problem I think is the fact that I have the special "first" list item within a heading tag.

Here is the function:

var items = [];
$('li').each(function() {


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JQuery :: Sorting Dynamically Created Unordered Lists?

Jan 17, 2011

I have some code that creates form fields as needed, then the once the user inputs data the values are stored in my action page as an unordered list. The list is then displayed back on my page with an ajax call. All this works fine, but now I wanted and need to have the lists sorted alphabetically. I actually found a thread here and some code someone posted to do this. I thought at first it worked, but it seems to be if'y. Maybe it has to do with the order in which I might add an item to my form. I also wanted to sort by more than the first letter. When I thought, and Im pretty sure it was, working, it seemed it only sorted up to the first letter. Ex:


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