JQuery :: Select Text From Another Webpage?

Jul 10, 2010

How can I do that? How do I use the selector to select from other web pages other than the current page?

I know that you can select all p elements on the current page by doing this: $("p").doSomething But what if I want to select from another web page?

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Use The Values Of Text Boxes On My HTML Webpage To Create A Webpage URL

Nov 23, 2011

I want to use the values of text boxes on my HTML webpage to create a webpage URL (like below):

<script type="text/javascript">

My text boxes are as follows:

Now this all works and the result webpage URL prints to id='ID1', but the big question is how do I use this resulting URL in another Javascript section as the src="?

For example:

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JQuery :: Select All / Select None *text* Links In A Form That Call A Jquery Function To Select All Or Select No Checkboxes?

Jun 16, 2011

I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:

$(function() {
//function for selecting all or none...is there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....

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JQuery :: How To Select Elements In A Webpage

Oct 15, 2011

is there a way where I can have the mouse when it right clicks anything in a webpage that it would have a drop down menu appear or fade in the drop down menu. In the menu I want to have buttons that once clicked it will run a function but it will send some values to the function as an argument. Now one value it will send to the function will be either the name or id of the element selected for example lets say for example a user image 1 got selected and only has a name. How can I select the name? like if the person right clicked this element how can I select the elements name or id ? I know how to pass it to the function but don't know how I can select the element without doing this manually in the code.

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JQuery :: Select All Hyperlinks In A Webpage?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm trying to select all hyperlinks in a webpage, and making the text all CAPS as an exercise. However, simply selecting $('a[href]') selects ALL hyperlinks, including hidden ones, pushing the text to the front. My css-fu is not very good, this is what I have so far.

$('a[href]').each(function(index,element){ if (!element.parents().css('display:none'){ element.text(element.text().toUpperCase());
} };

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Create A Chrome Extension That Can Pass Text From A Text Box To A Webpage Text Box

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to create a chrome extension that can pass text from a text box to a webpage text box. Basically my company has an intranet site where you can search for an employee. The url does not display the search terms so i cant just append to it. Since I cant really work on this outside of work (its an intranet site) i have tried replicating it from home using the let me google that for you (www.lmgtfy.com) site.

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Text Box Input Searching For The Entered Text On Another Webpage In The Same Way Find In Page Would Do?

Apr 2, 2011

Is it possible to have a text box input searching for the entered text on another webpage in the same way Find In Page would do? I have a webpage that I want users to input an item, and that this will open the targeted webpage and bring you to (and highlight) the matched item(s) like find in page does. Is this possible or is the easiest way to just make users open the link to the target page and just complete the find in page search there?

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Select Elements On Webpage In Same Way As With The Explorer

Jan 6, 2006

I was wondering if anyone know if (and how) it is possible to make an
html/css/js area on a webpage where you can select items by clicking in the
upper left, draggin the cursor to the lower right, leaving element in
between selected in a way a form can post? Exactly the same way as you
select a number of icons in the explorer or on your desktop.

Imagine an imagegallery with a list of thumbnails, I would like to let the
user mark a number of images and only view these selected ones. Preferably
it should work with the ctrl- and shift-button as well, but thats a minor
detail. As I can se, drag and drop of elements is possible (ex.
netvibes.com), but I have never seen any select-solution that works as in
your explorer. I'm sure it could be done in flash or java, but i'd rather
keep it in pure html/css/js.

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Select From Webpage Then Print Selected Items?

Dec 1, 2010

I am a beginner with JavaScript. I have modified a script or two, but have no real JavaScript knowledge. Others with more knowledge than I have suggested that I check here.

I am building a website for my daughter. She wants to put up a list of items (groceries). The visitors would select the items they want to buy, and then print a shopping list. If there is an available online coupon, that may also be printed. There would be no need to remember the information after the visitor prints. I will be getting a JavaScript book(s) to teach myself something about the language, but for this project, I don't know where to start?

Do I need to have the items in a database, or just program a button in front of each item?

Do I need two different (or more) scripts? One to select items, one to display the items, and one to print (or use the browser print)?

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Finding Text On Webpage

Sep 11, 2005

How would I access the source of a webpage? I would like to get the source,
then use a regexp to find text on a webpage. For example, retrieving a
counter, or some other text that dynamically changes. I'm implementing this
for firefox.

right now, i have a web page opening that contains that info, but i would
rather have a pop up alert() that shows that info.

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Retrieving Certain Text From A Webpage

Dec 27, 2010

For a personal project, I want to see if I can make a Greasemonkey userscript (or eventually a Firefox add-on) to list how far a certain ad on Craigslist is from where the user is (by the city listed beside the ad). My question is really just looking for ideas on how I can parse out the city's from the webpage text (with javascript or some other language?). Not even sure if this is possible.

The city's or ads aren't their own div elements or anything (nothing can ever be so simple) - but the city's listed are formatted by <font size="-1"></font>, and each ad is in it's own paragraph tag.. maybe I can use that somehow?

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Searching For Highlighted Text On Webpage?

Feb 24, 2009

Is there a way of searching for highlighted words on a webpage?

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Check If Text Appears On Webpage?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to write a macro, but I'm lost. So say if I have an array of keywords to check for on a web page,
var keywords=new Array();
keywords[0]="You are a cat";
keywords[1]="Are you a robot";
keywords[2]="Have a good summer";
How would I make a function that checks the currently opened web page for one of the specific keywords. And if that keyword is found, then execute some action - and if not, then execute some other action?

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Display A Text Or Doc File In A Webpage

Nov 15, 2011

I maintain a website for a small local restaurant. I do this with FrontPage so I know very little coding.

I have an upload manager so the owner can remotely upload a txt or doc file of daily specials to a folder on the server.

I would like to put a java script into one of the web pages that would open and display this file on page load.

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Javascript Text Displayed On Webpage

Jun 29, 2006

Im doing a webpage, which will call the window.open to link to another page. my code is like this:

<script>window.open("../../mySite/index.jsp?link=<%=link%>","_parent","status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location =no","true");</script>

bt when i view bak the page,

this line displayed in the page. wat happen to the line of code?

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Conditional Text Display On Webpage

Dec 7, 2009

The red part of the code below doesn't work correctly, but I hope it shows what I want.
<div id="container" style="float:left;">
my<br> dynamic<br> contents
<script type=text/javascript>
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var containerHeight = container.clientHeight;
if (containerHeight >= 100) {
dispaly("big sideBanner");
} else if (containerHeight > 50 && containerHeight < 100) {
display("middle sideBanner");
} else {
display("small sideBanner");

I like to display "big sideBanner" on the webpage if containerHeight is 100 or containerHeight is more than 100 and "middle sideBanner" if containerHeight is more than 50 and containerHeight is less than 100 and "small Banner" if containerHeight is less than 50. How can I make it work?

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Grabbing Text From Webpage To Display On Another Page

Aug 19, 2011

I am trying to place text output from a url on another webpage.The output is the status of an alarm system.hash and mac info remove for security reasons.I would like to place these three outputs on another page.

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Changing Text Box To Input And Ouput In A WebPage?

Jan 4, 2011

I created a web page having textbox and an update button. My need is to display data in the text box when page is loaded. After that when I click on the textbox it will become an input textbox and can enter data. when data entered completely, click on the update button, after that newly entered data must be displayed on the text box. i.e same text box will be used for input and output data.

I created my web page using html. I knew that, by using ajax i can implement the above functionality. but i didn't get any idea to write the code.

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Pass Text From One Select Box To Another Select Box Using The For Loop To Check The Existence Of An Item But It Is Not Working?

Aug 28, 2010

i am trying to pass text from one select box to another select box. The logic is if 10 are added, no more passing must happen. Also if an item is already added, it mustn't be added again.I am using the for loop to check the existence of an item but it is not working: what am i doing wrong?

function PassSelectValues(){
//pass values from select boxes to select boxes
var counter;[code]....

why isn't counter incrementing at all? The alert message box does appear saying item exists but the item gets added anyway.

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How To Change Menu Text Color With Mouseover On Webpage

Mar 14, 2009

I can't figure out the code to perform this task. I need to change the menu's text color with a mouseover on a webpage. The menu consists of 7 text links. Each one is a different color. The mouseover is to change the text link to orange while the other 6 menu items change to purple.

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Can A Web Parser Differentiate Between Static And Dynamic Text On A Webpage?

Jun 26, 2009

can a web parser differentiate between static and dynamic text on a webpage? for example there is a string on a webpage Hello "Fantastic Four"In this "Hello" is a static data and "Fantastic Four" is a dynamic data (say being populated form a database value)Is it possible for web parser to detect whcih is a static and dynamic content?

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Get A Select Box To Display Text From A Database In A Div Tag From The Select Box Populated By A While Loop

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to get a select box to display text from a database in a div tag from the select box populated by a while loop that also pulls from the database. The only way I can do this is from a javascript written by sending it over to a second page and I need it on just one page. Here is my code below:

$num = $_GET['num'];
$test = $_GET['oneGram1'];

Even if this is a wrong way to go about doing this can someone post just a simple script using a select box and displaying data on the same page?

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Change Image On Webpage By Checking Text File On Site?

May 18, 2010

I'm try to set up a webpge that will play a live flash video on the left-hand side(got that part working) and display one slide of a presentation(jpg) to the right of the video. I would like to be able to control when the slide image changes by having some js check a text file on my server. The text file could contain something as simple as "Slide1.jpg". I will manipulate the text file with some code I've already written. Is there some simple js code I can put in my page that will cause it to check the text file every 5 seconds, and if the content of the file has changed, to refresh the image on the page with the new image? I'm try to get away from the "clicking" sound that is caused by doing a simple refresh of an Iframe.

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Values Of The Form Update Text In The Same Webpage - Document.write Possibly?

Jan 21, 2004

I have a form which calculates values and gives the user a total depending on their selection in the drop down box. At the moment the value is displayed in a text field and I have got all the javascript to do this.

What I would ideally want is to embed the total in the page, rather than a text field. The total appears to the user like it is normal text in a page, only it will update when the form values are changed.

I presume that I want document.write to do this? Does anyone know how I could do this/ or if there is a page that does this sort of thing where i can 'borrow' the code?

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Loading File From Disk - Select A File From A List And Load It Into A Webpage

Jan 1, 2011

I am looking for a way to select a file from a list and load it into a webpage. The page and the files are stored on a sd-card for off-line usage, I know that listing files remote dynamicly needs a scripting engine but since the sd-card is on the client side that is not possible, but I can make a list of those files when creating them.

It is intended for a datalogger on a tractor-puller, I create csv files with a bash script on the logger and for off-line viewing I use a javascript charting engine which loads the csv file, the files have the creation date as filename and I can make (and maintain) a list of files when creating them. The plan is that the we can select another data set (run) from within the browser and show that one. I have setup an example at [URL]

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Window.location.href ... Flush - Webpage To Launch Setup.exe Then Go To Another Webpage On CD

Aug 10, 2010

It launches in IE and give the user instructions, then at the click of a button, launches my setup.exe. I want my webpage to launch setup.exe then go to another webpage on my CD, congratulations.html, which says "installation is complete etc". Here's what I am trying to do through JAvascript. It doesn't work. Should the first instruction be flushed in order for the 2nd one to work?


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