JQuery :: Plugin That Can Show The X,y Coordinates Of A Draggable Div?
Nov 13, 2010
Is there some type of plugin available that can dynamically track and output x,y coordinates of a box I set using .draggable(). I'd like the coordinates to show inside the box as it is being dragged. Check out this practice site:[URL]
I wrote I simple scripts and I'd like to be able to drag any box I add and show the x,y coordinates inside of each one.
Is it possible to have a draggable div that will only be draggable between certain coordinates? in other words create a window through which the draggable div is visible and draggable. Would you use a stop drag when cursor hits a certain point? my div is a map and will be about 2000px by 2000px and want to have a fixed position and size of 500px by 500px so that that is all the user will see or be able to interact with. I know in image slider plugins that the divs scroll to the side or up and down through what appears to be a window so it should be possible?
Is there some type of plugin available that can dynamically track and output x,y coordinates of a box I set using .draggable(). I'd like the coordinates to show inside the box as it is being dragged.[URL]...I wrote I simple scripts and I'd like to be able to drag any box I add and show the x,y coordinates inside of each one.
I am using the jquery-ui resizable plugin, but I encountered some issues :
1) I had to add the ".ui-resizable" css for that plugin to work (hopefully I found a website explaining that workaround)
2) there is no "scroll" option like in draggable (!?)
3) the containment option does not work vertically on the official example [url] you are constrained horizontally, but not vertically. In my application, the containment option is buggy too : it seems to take into account the container outer margins, or something else, I don't know what, but my windows are constrained far too soon (no it's not maxWidth/maxHeight)
4) the alsoResize option is buggy : when the containment option is used, the "alsoResized" element is not constrained as well :-( Am I missing something ? Does someone have info on what's going on with this plugin ? (1.7.1, it's not an alpha version). if there is another resizable plugin available out there ? (like the one used in [url])
1. create a select list that changes the photo showing, (which I have) 2. create script so that when the user hovers over the image it shows a div 3. when the users mouse is off the image/div shows the coordinates where it last left 4. on mouseout hides the div again (this is the part I'm stuck on)
i have to draw a line between to different coordinates which are going on google maps so for example :
the above coordinates are in xml format which, i later call in Java script functions and display them on the map as a simple pointers what i need is from one point of coordinates to another point of coordinates Java script would draw a line which would represent the direction from one coordinate to other .
I am unable to see, or rather the plugin does not display in myadmin...I uploaded the plugin into my plugins folder (i have the latest WP)and i still cannot see it?
the validator plugin for jquery is really cool, but i need the possibility to also mark a field as valid (not only disappear the invalid message), a simple "is valid" label would be sufficient..i tried to change the sources, but that seems rather complicated
Still a bit of a jquery newbie here, I'm making a form and using the date picker plugin by eyecon. But when the calendar pops out, instead of seeing the month and dates, It just repeatedly prints 'NaN'. This is super freaky and I cant figure out why.
Here is a link to the page [URL]... Just scroll down to start day and end day under trip information and click on the input box and you'll see what I mean.
I hope someone out there is familiar with this plugin because it was super easy to implement and the code is really clean. [URL].. Here is my js invocation code looks like $('.startDay').DatePicker({
I have a working registration form and now i want to add this wonderful jquery form valitation plugin to validate the user input before sending the form.
So far so good all is working and btw. it was easy to setup even for some one with very poor js skill.
My question is now: can i hide the label for the input fields and dropdowns, i mean the labels i have in the form - not the error labels created by the jquery form valitation plugin, when the jquery generated labels appear? Like a switch show the default labels when no error and hide if an error?
When i use this code, then on submit / on error all the labels are gone because it hides all the labels. So far i understand my own code but i have no idead how to manage to just hide specific labels, the labels with errors? I took a look into the jquery.validate.js file and found on line 596 the "showLabel" function. Maybe i have to rewrite this one but as i wrote before: i have no idea where to start.
I have a set of Div's which are all draggable, the coordinates of the div's are stored in a DB, so each time the page is reloaded the div's will have the same pos as they have when previous visitor left it.
There's one area on the page which uses the droppable function, when you place an div within the area the div, which is placed within the area. changes color.
My problem is that if a place a div in that area and then reload the page i find the div within the area but the div has the same color as if it would have when it's not located in the droppable area. In other words, It only changes color when I use the mouse to drag the div to the area not when it's positioned in the area with the coordinates from the DB.
It works fine but I like to have the draggable div over the content div. I tried to set the position (in my css file) as "absolute" with "top: 1px" und "right: 1px" but then the div is no longer draggable. Also tried to set the z-index on 1 and 2 for the draggable div. It's not working..
In the above code i have a list of sortables, i want to add the draggable($obj) to a sortable, even though i add to the sortable in the add method, that gets added but does not play as a draggable,Do i need to call any method of sortable after adding the draggable ?
at the moment i work at a little "game" where the user of the website can drag arround divs. the function is
$ ( document )
and this works fine. the div containers contain transparent png images like circles, triangles an poligons are draggable by the user. but the whole div is draggable. it would be great if its possible to only drag the div arround while klicking on the image (triangle,...)
i have two div's that is drag'n'drop with[URL].. script for easy drag and drop. In div #1 i have a list of items that also is dragable and a list that is droppable in div #2 The problem is that if i move div #2 (also movable), the Jquery-code does not "know" that it moved and the droppable list is visualy in the right place but jquery thinks its in the upper left corner (where the start-place is), so i cant drop in the box. Making both divs movable
I want to use .css() to restyle list elements, I have 4 lists, they are connected. But I need to know where element dropped. I can read where it comes from with this code: ui.sender.attr('id') How can I know where it dropped?
This is the code if it's necessary; $(function() { $("#sol, #sag, #orta, #deaktif").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, connectWith: '.bagla', scroll: false, receive: function(event, ui) { var ComeID = ui.sender.attr('id'); alert(ComeID); //just for test }}).disableSelection(); });
Let's say I have two images. I make one dragable. I physically move one image directly over the other. While my mouse is pressed I release it. The image underneath recognizes and gives a message indicating it's covered by the other????
I am a total newbie and am trying to get a google maps type draggable div working for this site www.bingbangbosh.ie. Wondering is it possible to have the div set to a certain width, then when dragged the larger image within the div is dragged around until the cursor meets the edge of the div. would it also be possible to contain this draggable div to a larger div so that it would not be possible for it to disappear off the visible 'window'.[URL]..
I am making a inner DIV to be draggable using jQuery UI Draggable.The inner DIV can only move horizonally and fit within the outer DIV(parent). I want to have some detection mechanism so that if the innerDIV moved further left or right of the outer DIV, I will showsomething (<< and >> arrow).
I am using jQuery UI's Draggable plugin to allow the user to drag an image from a box onto a google map to set a marker... the image they were dragging then snaps back to the box it was originally inside of. I'm running the code that updates the map using the draggable's 'dragend' event, but that callback doesn't seem to fire until the draggable has finished reverting to its original position. I've set the revertDuration to 0, 1, and other small numbers, but there seems to be a minimum duration for its animation. Is there a way to remove the animation entirely? The reason it matters is because the marker is set using the latlong the mouse is hovering over at the time of the callback, but the user can't be expected to hold their cursor exactly still for the fraction of a second it takes for the draggable to revert. I glanced through the google map API and didn't see any way of dragging something from outside the map into/onto the map.
I am working on a project that will involve large amounts of data. We have discussed how to summarize for the end user. Final presentation will be something like a bar chart with 15-30 bars. Each bar will be built by blocks whose height and column will be determined by formulas applied to data in the database. A static report is obviously no problem.
I want to develop a sandbox where the end user can drag and drop blocks from one column onto a different column. Others on the team think this can only be done with AJAX while I think jQuery will work and actually be better.
I'm new to this jquery and still learning, i having a question on how to make sortable list draggable? For e.g drag a list from sortable list to droppable zone and drop it, after drag or drop the list will back to sortable list.