JQuery :: Multiple Handlers On Same Element And Event?

Dec 6, 2010

having multiple event handlers which are bind on the same event on the same element.

1) are those handlers called in a particular order? can I espect to see them called in the same order I bind them?

2) is it possible for one such handlers to prevent the execution of all the other handlers?

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JQuery :: Attaching Multiple Event Handlers?

Oct 13, 2011

I have a piece of javascript which does not work as intended. The code is:

var v = document.getElementById('ReportViewer1');
if (v) { v.ClientController.CustomOnReportLoaded = endPoll;

The endPoll event handler should be added to the list of event handlers for CustomOnReportLoaded. In the code about, it removes all other event handlers and just adds itself. Looking through JQuery i found:

$('#foo').bind('click', function() {

this will add the new event handler to the collection of event handlers already attached to the click event.how do I select the ClientController through JQuery's selectors?

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JQuery :: Assigning Different Event Handlers To Multiple Items

Feb 8, 2011

I have a simple filmstrip that uses getJSON to return data. The data is an array containing two arrays. The first, is the base path to photos. The second is a list of the photo file names. I am trying to loop through the array of photos and set them in divs. Then I need to attach an event to popup a larger view of the image placed in a dynamically generated div containing the image and initially hidden.

So what I am trying to accomplish is:
1. get JSON data from server.
2. get base image path from json data array
3. get list of images from json data array
4. Loop through list of images, prepend base path and assign to hard coded div.
5. create a dynamically generated div with larger version of same image.
6. Attach hover action to cause a mouse-over action on the hard coded div to popup the dynamically generated div containing the larger version of the image.

My issue is that once my code runs, no matter what image in the filmstrip I mouse over I always get a popup with the last image in it. Here is my code:
<script language="javascript">
$.getJSON("<?php echo site_url('filmstrip/index');?>",
var dir = data['dir'];
var imgs = data['imgs'];
var i =0; .....

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JQuery :: Multiple Event Handlers On Form.submit()

Mar 11, 2010

I would like to add an event handler to the submit() method on the form. If the form contains an elemant recaptcha, it should show a recpatcha in a modal, and upon completing that recaptcha, assign the entered captcha to that element to be submitted long the form.

Basically, I would be able to attach the code that renders the modal and the recaptcha form in the .submit event handler.

I was just wondering; if we have multiple form.submit() handlers that we attach to the forms. in what order are they executed? and what if one of the handlers return false - will the others still be executed? What if we add the "preventDefault" call in any of these handlers?

Basically - I need to know how I can make sure that this handler I'm attaching to the form does not interfere with any other handlers that may have been attached to the forms submit event...

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Form With Multiple Functions And Event Handlers?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm having a problem creating a Javascript form.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


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JQuery :: Binding/stacking Multiple Actions To One Event On An Element At Two Different Times?

Jan 20, 2011

We know that multiple calls to $(document).ready(); in the same page is possible.

I have a situation where another team implemented a $('#element').live('click', function() { /* Do this */} ); call on #element. I cannot modify this code, but I need to take an additional action on the same element on the same event. So, two actions will occur when #element is clicked.

I tried making $('#element').live('click', function() { /* Do that */} ); but this call does not fire.

It needs to be .live() since #element is being dynamically added.

Is there any way to add more actions to the same event on #element?

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JQuery :: Append() Doesn't Add Event Handlers?

Apr 6, 2010

Trying to add new HTML elements to the document using the jQuery append() function it seems it doesn't add event handlers to the newly created elements.jQuery only seems to add these in Internet Explorer:

<a href="#" onclick="alert('...'); return false;">Test</a>

In Opera, Safari and Google, all my hyperlinks look something like this:

<a href="#">Test</a>

This code is similar to what I have written:

href="#" onclick="alert('...'); return false;">Test</a>');

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JQuery :: Bind Event Handlers To Elements?

Aug 10, 2009

which is the recommended way to bind event handlers to elements. Preferably without giving each of them an id. As far as I know, the "classic" way (<input onchange="...">) is considered deprecated and evil. So what is the jQuery way of doing this?

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JQuery :: Why Event Handlers Firing More Than Once After Ajax

Jul 14, 2010

I'll start off by saying I'm a novice developer. I'm building an mvc application and recently started using the jquery hotness. I've set up a right hand nav and bound click events for collapsible panes. Inside one of those divs (action pane) I've bound click events which will open a modal dialog with a form. The form is submitted with $.post(). Then I've used $.get() to refresh several divs with the new content. Once that happens, all of my links begin to fire twice (collapsible panes and the links in the action pane) in ie8 and the latest firefox but not in chrome. I pulled out all the markup and js and put it on a static test site: [URL].

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JQuery :: Remove Handlers Before Removing A DOM Element?

Apr 30, 2010

if i use jquery to attach a click or keyup handler to an element, and then later remove that element form the DOM, do i need to clean up/remove the handler first?

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JQuery :: Use Event Handlers To Update DOM After Changing Contents Of A UI Tab

Oct 1, 2011

Trying to get a handle on the basic syntax.

I want to use .ajax instead of the following js function so that I can use the event handlers to update the DOM after changing the contents of a jQuery UI tab. What happens now is that the DOM only contains the first loading of the JQuery UI tab (fragment-3 in this example). Once the tab is changed by the displayfrag3 function (a table is rewritten with new <td ids>) the DOM doesn't see any new id tags so "on click" functions using the new ids don't work.

My Call to this Function:

My Attempt at using jQuery .ajax:

What is the call statement for this and how do I pass a variable to it?

Could someone show me the correct jQuery .ajax code and explain how to add the success handler to update the DOM.

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JQuery :: Event Handlers That Run After The Browser's Default Action?

Aug 20, 2009

is there a way to set up a page so that a event handler function is bound to a DOM object and event but it runs _after_ the browser's default action is complete?

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JQuery :: Duplicate Event Handlers, Loading Divs With Ajax, $('#div').load()

Apr 28, 2010

I'm loading a list of elements into mydiv with ajax, I want them to be selectable so I call the UI plugin selectable after the list has loaded.

The list building function produces this:

<div id='mydiv'>
<ul id='mylist'>


The problem is, every time I click the link to reload the list via ajax, I get a duplicate selectable event handler created. Should I be removing the old event handlers before reloading the div ? if so, how?

Everything works, as in selectable still works, and only seems to fire once but I get ever growing memory usage in firefox and an ever growing list of event handlers in the firebug script tab. Eventually firefox starts to crawl and I have to restart the browser.

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Event Handlers In IE5

Jul 23, 2005

Sorry for the re-post but the original message subject no longer
applies. If I try this in IE5, it doesn't work:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = foo;

whereas this does work:

<body onload="javascript:foo();">

This is not the way I want to handle events. I checked MSDN and it seems
to indicate that the first way should work. Is there something I can do
to get the first way (event handlers?) to work in IE5?

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Can I Use CSS To Specify Event Handlers ?

Jul 20, 2005

Can I use CSS to set onmouseover ?

In HTML I have a bunch of <A HREF="whatever"
onmouseover=eventhandler(this)">stuff</A>. I would prefer not to have the
onmouseover 'pollution'

Is it possible to specify the eventhandler using css ? i.e.

<A HREF="whatever" class="foo">stuff</A>.

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Scope Of Event Handlers?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a script in which a function launched by a START button
continuously calculates and writes a value to a text box. The
calculation is done in a for loop. In the loop is a conditional that is
a global variable, a boolean. If the boolean is true, break ends the
loop (or is supposed to!). A STOP button has an onclick function that
sets the global variable to true.

What happens, though, is that the function for the STOP button is
not executed until the for loop reaches the maximum value set for i.
Anyone know how you can get one button to stop a process started by

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Return Value From Event Handlers Necessary?

Apr 18, 2006

Is it necessary to return a value from the event handlers? For
instance, what does the return value in the following code signify?
What will be its impact if it returned otherwise (true)?

<a href="http://www.w3schools.com"
onmouseover="alert('An onMouseOver event'); return true">
<img src="Click.gif" width="100" height="30">

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Dynamic Event Handlers

Jun 1, 2006

Here is a little sample code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function BodyClick() {
// How to access the event object here?
function WindowLoad() {
document.body.onclick = BodyClick;
window.onload = WindowLoad;

It does not work in FireFox. How to make it work?

My only requirement is that I need to assign the BodyClick() handler
dynamically in script (not statically in HTML). So I cannot use this solution:
<body onclick="BodyClick(event)">

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Use Inline Event Handlers ?

Feb 9, 2011

I've been teaching myself javascript and I'm a bit confused about the whole events business. I've been reading the Sitepoint book (among a bunch of others) and when it gets to Ch 4 things get down right confusing. They claim that inline event handlers are "so 1998", something I've heard before and then they proceed to write some pretty complex library files to get around the fact that IE <= 7 doesn't support much of the alternative ways of handling events--a familiar enough story. Anyhow, it seems that many many tutorials all over the internet (and countless pages) resort to inline event handlers as the standard. So, I'm confused. I obviously need to know inline event handlers if I intend to work as a web developer even though it's so 1998. Obviously inline even handlers are not quite on par with inline font attributes and transparent gif files despite the language one often hears. Can someone set me straight, and if possible suggest a brilliant tutorial, book chapter, or website that lays everything crystal clear for me?

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Adding Event Handlers

Dec 2, 2005

I wanted to add a onclick event handler to an image in a loop cos I have a dynamic number of images. The problem is I also need to pass a parameter. This works in Opera 8, but doesn't work in IE:

document.images[i].onclick = "javscript: ShowDesc(" + i + ");";

What am I missing?

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Accessing Event Handlers

Jul 15, 2006

I've been reading this page on accessing event handlers and avoiding the inline ones. Suppose I want to hover over a link and make it display something else, I thought this is what I would put in the <head>:

<script type="text/javascript">
var x = document.getElementById('question');
x.onmouseover = function() {document.getElementById('answer').style.display='inline'}
x.onmouseout = function() {document.getElementById('answer').style.display='none'}

The HTML being:

<a id="question" href="#">Question</a>
<span id="answer" style="display:none;">The answer is 42</span>

I've reread the article in the link but to no avail, I don't know what is wrong.

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Does Event Handlers Work In Netscape.

Jul 23, 2005

Does Event handlers work in netscape.

function mouseclick() {
alert("I was clicked on " + window.event.srcElement.tagName);
<P>This is a very <B>short</B> document.


The above script works fine in IE But not in Netscape 7.2 :((

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How Can I Assign Event Handlers Externaly?

Jul 23, 2005

I have written a script that gets trigered by IE's toolbar button. In
this script I would like to asign an event handler to an element of the
document currently open in IE. The way one access the document object
from a toolbar button script is:

var doc = external.menuArguments.document;

Now assuming the document has an element called TextArea1, the logical
thing to do would be:

parentwin.document.all('TextArea1').onkeypress = new

Which goes compiles and runs, except the event handler does not get

Another trick i tried is as follows:

var s = parentwin.document.createElement('script');
s.text = 'window.alert('asdf')'
s.htmlFor = 'TextArea1'
s.event = 'onclick'
parentwin.document.scripts[0] = s;

Same result.

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Associating Event Handlers With Elements

Aug 9, 2005

I want to build a table that knows where it has been clicked. I found the
following solution myself. Are there better ones?

(tested on Mozilla 1.7.8/Linux)

It sets the event handlers for each TD in the build() loop, including a
parameter in the function call that is different for each TD.

The whole thing is a simple example with a table with 5 by 5 cells. If you
click on a cell it's supposed to change color. Naturally, my question is
one more general terms. How to make big tables that associate various
event handlers with various cells, and where you will know exactly which
element triggered the event? How to make it simple and maintainable?

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Event Handlers, OO And Function Context

Sep 11, 2007

I am writing a javascript code that parses dom and finds event
handlers attached to mouseover events. Then i will replace the
existing handler say B() with my own function say A(). When the event
happen and control comes to my function A(), after doing required
processing i will call B() as shown below

<a href = "abc.com" mouseover = "B();"link </a>

while parsing i will have (trimmed down version)

var oldHandler = node.onmouseover;

function A()
/ * my code */

This was working fine as long as B() was a global function. I started
getting problems when B was a member function. For eg:

function Alerter(text)
var me=this;
this.invoke=function ()
var sayHi = new Alerter('Hello, world!');

The web developer would have code like
<a href = "abc.com" mouseover = "sayHi.invoke()"link </a>

But this time around, my function A() fails since although i have
handler to sayHi.invoke(), it has to be executed in correct context.
Other wise "this.text" is giving me error because when i say
oldHandler.call(this), i am executing the sayHi.invoke() with the html
element being passed as this.

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Get Event Handlers For HTML Table?

Jan 22, 2011

I want to create a HTML Table and correspondingly have 2 buttons. One would be add button and other would be remove button. I have few text boxes where I will fill the data and later on clicking Add these text boxes details would be added to the Table. I am using javascript code to handle the event (on click event handler) Similarly I wanted to delete an entry from the table. This is where I am having a problem. The requirement is: In the table if I click on any row I want that row to be highlighted. I can use any color to highlight the row. Then on clicking Remove Button I want to delete that row that is highlighted. I am unable to solve this as I dont know what event handler to use to perform this action and also how to code for this. I am not sure about the events the HTML table can handle and how the selected row can be deleted.

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