which is the recommended way to bind event handlers to elements. Preferably without giving each of them an id. As far as I know, the "classic" way (<input onchange="...">) is considered deprecated and evil. So what is the jQuery way of doing this?
in the language menu shown below, I would like to show the "current_menu" whenit's not visible and clicking on the "current_page" element, and to hide it whenclicking everywhere except in the "current_menu" element.I tried with the "not" selector:
I want to build a table that knows where it has been clicked. I found the following solution myself. Are there better ones?
http://www.student.oulu.fi/~pkarjala/question1.html (tested on Mozilla 1.7.8/Linux)
It sets the event handlers for each TD in the build() loop, including a parameter in the function call that is different for each TD.
The whole thing is a simple example with a table with 5 by 5 cells. If you click on a cell it's supposed to change color. Naturally, my question is one more general terms. How to make big tables that associate various event handlers with various cells, and where you will know exactly which element triggered the event? How to make it simple and maintainable?
I'm trying to load some html content into a page via the ajax .load() method (wrapped within the $(document).ready() function).After I execute this, I'd like to bind all new span elements from the loaded content to a context menu plugin like this:
$("#selector").contextMenu({ menu: ''myMenu'' },
Unfortunately since the span elements are coming from the ajax request,I don't think I can bind a normal event handler as per the plugin. [URL] how to use event bubbling in this situation.
I have nested markup like this Code HTML4Strict: <li><span></span></li> I have different click functions, one attached to the li and the other to the span.
When I click on the span they both run. Ending the span's event handler with return false; prevented that from happening, which is what I want. But I'm not sure I understand why it worked.. I know, for example, if I was clicking on an anchor, return false would stop the browsers default action of following the href value. Same for submitting a form, return false will stop this. I don't think I understand why this would stop a completely different function from being triggered..
Im working on a ajax app and not sure what is the best way to bind events to elements (performance wise).I have a number of elements with 'click', 'focus', 'keydown' events which can be assigned though the delegate to the parent, like so:$('#parent').delegate('#child', 'click', func.....)but is it better to add a delegate to the 'document' for multiple events and use IF statement to filter for elements which should fire an event, like so:[code]Each element can be replaced with an updated version retrieved from the server.
It looks like when I do $("object").bind("<mouse-event>") the event isn't actually being bound to the element in Chrome and Firefox (not sure about IE). Using $("object").each(function()
Trying to add new HTML elements to the document using the jQuery append() function it seems it doesn't add event handlers to the newly created elements.jQuery only seems to add these in Internet Explorer:
I have a piece of javascript which does not work as intended. The code is:
var v = document.getElementById('ReportViewer1'); if (v) { v.ClientController.CustomOnReportLoaded = endPoll; }
The endPoll event handler should be added to the list of event handlers for CustomOnReportLoaded. In the code about, it removes all other event handlers and just adds itself. Looking through JQuery i found:
this will add the new event handler to the collection of event handlers already attached to the click event.how do I select the ClientController through JQuery's selectors?
I'll start off by saying I'm a novice developer. I'm building an mvc application and recently started using the jquery hotness. I've set up a right hand nav and bound click events for collapsible panes. Inside one of those divs (action pane) I've bound click events which will open a modal dialog with a form. The form is submitted with $.post(). Then I've used $.get() to refresh several divs with the new content. Once that happens, all of my links begin to fire twice (collapsible panes and the links in the action pane) in ie8 and the latest firefox but not in chrome. I pulled out all the markup and js and put it on a static test site: [URL].
To make it simpler, i've got a div that I populate with buttons (via AJAX), each button has an ID of some table row. It looks like this:
<div id="mydiv"> </div> and buttons are defined like this: <input type="button" id="1" do_something="1" />
Now what happens - when page loads, I'm inserting buttons in that div with "id" attribute changed depending on some row within the database table.
it all works fine. Now, when I add another entry in the database and when I dynamically append yet another button - even tho it has the attribute "do_something" - the click action on it does nothing. I know how to get around this "problem" by adding bind action after I've inserted that button but it's literally duplicating my work. Is there way around this so that every newly inserted element has the action "click" bound to it if it fits the selector?
I want to use .ajax instead of the following js function so that I can use the event handlers to update the DOM after changing the contents of a jQuery UI tab. What happens now is that the DOM only contains the first loading of the JQuery UI tab (fragment-3 in this example). Once the tab is changed by the displayfrag3 function (a table is rewritten with new <td ids>) the DOM doesn't see any new id tags so "on click" functions using the new ids don't work.
My Call to this Function:
My Attempt at using jQuery .ajax:
What is the call statement for this and how do I pass a variable to it?
Could someone show me the correct jQuery .ajax code and explain how to add the success handler to update the DOM.
I have a simple filmstrip that uses getJSON to return data. The data is an array containing two arrays. The first, is the base path to photos. The second is a list of the photo file names. I am trying to loop through the array of photos and set them in divs. Then I need to attach an event to popup a larger view of the image placed in a dynamically generated div containing the image and initially hidden.
So what I am trying to accomplish is: 1. get JSON data from server. 2. get base image path from json data array 3. get list of images from json data array 4. Loop through list of images, prepend base path and assign to hard coded div. 5. create a dynamically generated div with larger version of same image. 6. Attach hover action to cause a mouse-over action on the hard coded div to popup the dynamically generated div containing the larger version of the image.
My issue is that once my code runs, no matter what image in the filmstrip I mouse over I always get a popup with the last image in it. Here is my code: <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready( function(){ $.getJSON("<?php echo site_url('filmstrip/index');?>", function(data){ var dir = data['dir']; var imgs = data['imgs']; var i =0; .....
is there a way to set up a page so that a event handler function is bound to a DOM object and event but it runs _after_ the browser's default action is complete?
I would like to add an event handler to the submit() method on the form. If the form contains an elemant recaptcha, it should show a recpatcha in a modal, and upon completing that recaptcha, assign the entered captcha to that element to be submitted long the form.
Basically, I would be able to attach the code that renders the modal and the recaptcha form in the .submit event handler.
I was just wondering; if we have multiple form.submit() handlers that we attach to the forms. in what order are they executed? and what if one of the handlers return false - will the others still be executed? What if we add the "preventDefault" call in any of these handlers?
Basically - I need to know how I can make sure that this handler I'm attaching to the form does not interfere with any other handlers that may have been attached to the forms submit event...
I'm attempting to bind an event to a combo box, so that when a value is selected I can kick off a function. I cannot seem to bind an event successfully. I have looked at the .select event and tried it, and perhaps I don't understand how this code is to be used:
Supply a callback function to handle theselectevent as an init option.$( ".selector" ).autocomplete({ select: function(event, ui) { ... } });Bind to theselectevent by type:autocompleteselect.$( ".selector" ).bind( "autocompleteselect", function(event, ui) { ... });
Do I need to add both of these? Just one? I've found the place in the combobox code where the underlying select box changes, but I don't want to hack at this code. I'd be happy to look at a successful implementation.
Im working on a Grid system, which has the following features: On tr hover I have added a click event, which triggers an edit mode When switching to edit mode, the click event is unbind, so that one cannot edit multiple rows simultaniously After update, I'd like to re-bind the previous click functionality. However, I cant seem to do that. My code either does nothing, or Im getting an Jquery error below. Trying to define the original click event again does not work either. So what am I missing here? How can I re-bind an un-bind event ? Or can I?
i need to know how i can bind browser event for: Don't show previous insert when i click two times inside input box; Don't show title when i place mouse over input box. I successfully bind context menu with:
I would like to substitute the following lines with a loop, such that I do not have to copy them countless times... (array stores jQuery-objects / with the $ in front)array[0].click(function() { someFunction(0); });
Can someone please explain the reason for this (I'm guessing the assignment only 'lives' during execution of the loop-cycle) and maybe suggest a way around it?
I was wondering if there is a way to simplify or clean up the code, since they are all doing the same thing and responding to the same event. This is just for refactoring reasons because my code is getting too long/messy.
Internet Explorer can't bind events to absolute positioned elements ? can't bind a "click" to an element that is overlapping another.Have tried loads of different ways, here are 5 of them:
version 1: $(".classHolder").click(function(){ alert( $(this).html() ); }); version 2:
I'm loading a list of elements into mydiv with ajax, I want them to be selectable so I call the UI plugin selectable after the list has loaded.
The list building function produces this:
<div id='mydiv'> <ul id='mylist'> .... </ul>
The problem is, every time I click the link to reload the list via ajax, I get a duplicate selectable event handler created. Should I be removing the old event handlers before reloading the div ? if so, how?
Everything works, as in selectable still works, and only seems to fire once but I get ever growing memory usage in firefox and an ever growing list of event handlers in the firebug script tab. Eventually firefox starts to crawl and I have to restart the browser.