JQuery :: Making Onmouseover / Onmouseout Work?
Jul 14, 2010
I am trying to build my first interface using jQuery. I will have some icons on the page. When user hovers the mouse on an image, it should display a list of menu options (some more icons). Like:
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Apr 1, 2011
I had a quick question about the function onmouseover you can apply to html. I have a slideshow at [URL] that I want to start when the mouse is moved over the images and to automatically flip through the images after this initial movement. The images are put on a delay in my separate javascript file. However, whenever I move the mouse over the image again, the slideshow jumps ahead. Is there a way to make onmouseover work the first time and then to not work every other time?
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Apr 21, 2010
I'm working on a couple of pages that look like this: [URL] As the visitor mouses over the month name, the image to the right is supposed to change to show the cover of that month's magazine issue. The onmouseover/onmouseout code has been working fine for months, but I recently added a couple new JS elements to the page, and now when the visit stops hovering over Sep/Oct, the image doesn't change.
I'm thinking that the way to fix this is by converting this action to jQuery, which is loaded on the page anyway, but I'm struggling to get a concise expression of what I want to happen. That is, I can do it by brute force with dozens of lines of code, but there must be a better way.
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Aug 15, 2009
Heyho. Well I'm rather new to JavaScripting, so don't be harsh on me :).
Well I'm trying to make a 'onMouseOver & onMouseOut' event, where you hold the cursor over a image, it will change to another.
So, here is my code:
It works fine when I use it for 1 picture, but it really mess up when I use it more then 1 time.
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Jul 23, 2005
What can I add to this script to make it stop scrolling onmouseover, and
resume onmouseout?
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May 23, 2006
How can I add an onMouseout event to this code? I have only used this script with the onClick enent. If there is a simpler way, please let me know that. Code:
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Oct 11, 2006
I've been implementing a drop menu in javascript, and I'm finding it difficult to understand why the event bubbling system is implemented as it is. In summary, I want an event to occur when the mouse enters/exits a large div or table that contains many descendent elements.
It appears to me, from experimenting with IE6 and Moz 5, that the event is generated *only* on the lowest element, thus given a table which contains tbody, tr and tds, with an onmouseover listener assigned to the table element (as a property), the onmouseover event is generated only for the td, although the mouse actually entered all these elements.
If there is a slight gap between elements you sometimes get events for the higher element. I guess this is a side-effect of the browser's implementation - sampling the mouse position.
My understanding of event bubbling from "JavaScript the definitive guide" is that events should bubble up the heirarchy unless they are stopped by the stopPropagation() method.
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Jan 16, 2010
I wanna change classes with 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout'
Here's my code:
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Apr 25, 2011
This is probably very simple but I really cant find the answer. I have a text box, and I am wanting the same mouseover and onclick functionality as Money Supermarket; [URL]... When I rollover the text box/table row then I want the area to display one colour and when I roll off then it goes back to normal. However, when I click on it I also want it to display the colour and remain that way until I click another element. How do I achieve this?
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Jun 23, 2011
I have a menu with a div displaying onmouseover, and hiding onmouseout, it works great except in IE if I click on the <select> tag, it triggers the mouseout event, interestingly enough the same does not happen when I click on a text field..
Code Example:
This is obviously not the real code, it's just to give you an idea, I don't think I can post the real code, cuz it's really long and complicated...
I'm using the prototype framework, and I'd like to keep it that way if possible...
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Nov 12, 2010
I have the following in the head of my page
function over(shID) {
if (document.getElementById(shID)) {
document.getElementById(shID).style.display = 'inline';
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a webpage with addition questions for numeracy training. I am storing the sums in a table(id="sums"), with an empty textbox(id=ans1) for the user to type the answer. After the user types an answer and moves onto the next Q, I want to activate a popup dispaying if the answer is correct or not. I am tackling this with onmouseout. The script checks the answer, then displays a confirm message if correct or and alert message if wrong. The onmouseout is not working
input type="text" name="ans1" size="1" maxlength="2" id="ans1" onmouseout="checkAns1();"
function checkAns1(){
if(document.sums.ans1.value==(document.sums.Q1R1.value + document.sums.Q1R2.value)){
var confirm("correct");
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Jul 14, 2010
I currently have a couple old plugins (autocomplete 1.1 by Joern Zaefferer - json version, and datepick by Keith Wood) that do not work with 1.4.2, but do with 1.3.2. I'm wondering if it's possible to somehow force or modify them to work with the new version of jQuery.I know they both have new versions, and are now a part of jQuery UI, but I can't seem to get the UI versions to work. UI also seems more bloated than I need, for just a few functions.
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Aug 17, 2011
I'm trying to add a slideToggle to a paragraph in a Wordpress blog page. The following code works for triggering an alert, but when I replace the alert with the slideToggle, nothing happens.Here's the alert:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#principles").mouseover(function() {
Taken right off a jQuery API page, inserting my own id names .The "#principles" is the id of a span of text just above a paragraph with an id of "p=principles".
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Jun 19, 2011
I am calling a page which uses a jquery plugin(lightbox) which functions perfectly by itself, but whenever an ajax call is made and this page is retrieved the plugin stops functioning.
This is the line for using the plugin which i have stored in a .js file which is imported in all html files, but still it does not work.
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Dec 5, 2010
1) OnMouseOver is working well on Chrome, but does not do anything on IE. What am I doing wrong?
2) I want to put sound on OnMouseOver. I tried using different examples, but no luck. Can you help me with the code?
Here's the full code just in case:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
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Apr 7, 2010
So my htaccess file has this:
when I go to:
My javascript stops working. I can't even run an alert() statement.
However, when I go to [url]everything works. why is that?
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Jul 20, 2005
Why doesn't a onmouseover function work in a function?
(It's prob due to my code being wrong more than anything else!)
I've got the following code (snippet):
<!-- Begin
var image0 = new Image(); image0.src = "blank.jpg";
var image1 = new Image(); image1.src = "map.jpg";
// End -->
function swapTheImages()
image0.src=Ƈ.jpg' image1.src=ƈ.jpg' image2.src=ƈ.jpg'
When I do an onmouseover and call the function, it doesn't work.
BUT if I put the code in directly - it works!
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Sep 11, 2009
this simple code generates a dropdown box with two entries. When I mouseover either of them in Firefox, an image will appear, which then disappears when I mouseout. This won't work in any other browser so far as I can tell, although they all support onmouseover in the option element. Nothing at all happens.
<title>MouseOver test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function picPW() {document.getElementById("picA").style.visibility="visible";}
function picCT() {document.getElementById("picB").style.visibility="visible";}
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Apr 5, 2009
I'm using code below to run a function when the user move the mousepointer from within a DIV and outside it:The idea is that that mousepointer motion shall hide the DIV.
document.getElementById(theID).onmouseout = hideDiv;
if (document.getElementById(theID).captureEvents) document.getElementById(theID).captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOUT);
It kind of works, but the problem is that if I move the mousepointer to fast out of the DIV then it will not trigger.The div in question has some elements within it, and originally it was allmost fully covered by those element... and then the onmouseout did not work that good....So I had to create some padding for the div to make it detect the onmouseout better... kind of work... but sometimes failes to trigger on the onmouseout.That padding also make the div not look that good ... so would like to get rid of all the padding as well, and make it work, if possible.I have tested this in the following browsers and get pretty much same behaviour in them all:IE8, Firefox (latest), Chrome (latest), Safari for win (latest beta)...
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm having a problem with .attr(). I will explain it whith code.I have this HTML code:
<p id="textoMarca0" onmouseover="muestraDialog('textoMarca0');">
this is an example paragraph
So now the onmouseover has again its value [the original one, copied by doing an alert($("#"+elem+i).attr('onmouseover')) when i disable the onmouseover event], but it doesn't work
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May 17, 2010
making a slideshow script which could work with IE and Firefox, the code I have for it is work only on the IE
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Aug 2, 2011
making a script work with a 3-tier menu?
Right now, it's only programmed for two. I need to be able to expand like this:
+ Item
...+ Item
......- Item
......- Item
Here it is in practice: [URL]
If you expand Direct Lending you'll see that Industry Verticals opens already expanded and can't be closed.
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Oct 13, 2011
I have a link that has an mp3 sound as its href:<a href="sounds/genealogy.mp3" class="track track-default"> this is a link</a>. Unfortunately, I also need that same link to go to a part on the site (href=#greenhouse) so that the sound plays on that part of the site.
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Jul 23, 2005
I encoded the action = of my form using GET and I can't seem
to get the property/value stuff from it using a JavaScript script I got from
the web.
I want to create a trivia game where the user gets 1 question at a time and
it keeps scoring until the end and gives a summary and I want to do it only
in JavaScript (no ASP, PHP, JSP, etc).
I tried submitting the quiz page to itself using a query string to keep
track of question # but no joy.
I can post code if necessary or is there a trivia game engine made for 1
question at a time instead of all on 1 page?
Anyway, I looked on Google at the query string issue til I'm sick of it. I
found a Beatles trivia game but it was using frames and hidden JavaScript
source files and that's too much work to try and figure out all of that.
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Nov 27, 2007
I had help with the following script. But, it only works with specific ID, which I have to specify in the javascript code. If I wanted to have multiple sets of selection lists, I would have to duplicate the entire javascript block, which I do not want to do.
My question is, how can I make this script not have hardcoded IDs, and let those be declared where my onchange is? Is this possible? Code:
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