JQuery :: Load Specific Content From A Dynamic Page Into A Static One?
Nov 8, 2010
The original question was: does anybody know how to load a specific content and not an entire web page when using the jQuery.get below?
$.get('filename.html', function(data) {
and was given this code to use/try:
$.get('filename.html', function(data) {
$('.class_name',data).html(); //returns the HTML of .class_name inside of filename.html
but it didn't quite work. It loads the entire web page into the defined class name rather than loading a specific content (Look below for further understanding)The filename.html which has content tag names like "[Copyright Year] that goes in the footer position of the site gets dynamically generated.I've created another static page help.html that has pretty much the same content overall except the dynamic content won't get loaded with the content tag (the system doesn't allow static pages to load them). This is what brought me to this solution. So now that I've added a class name to the indicated class that I want to load it pulls all the content and styling of the site rather than just the dynamically generated content of (filename.html) .
<div class="adp_footer">[Copyright Footer]</div> <---- Doesn't get loaded when I used any of the above mention jquery strings,
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Mar 20, 2011
I would like to use ajax to load a html page and get the content of a specific div. Is it possible to do this?
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Feb 9, 2011
I have jQuery loading content from an aspx page - however, once this is loaded, jQuery doesn't appear to "see" the content. For example, in the code below, I am retrieving a table, with the class "stripeme" from the aspx page - I then try to add the mouseover/alternate row scripts, but my table does not change.
My main page is:
(page head info removed for length)
<script type="text/javascript">
function showDetails() {
var div = $("#divResult");
div.slideUp(function () {
div.load("getContent.aspx", .....
Should I add dynamic content, that I then want to manipulate using jQuery, in some other way?
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Oct 22, 2005
I have PAGE1 with the link to PAGE2 with iframe. (iframe load several
naked html). I want to add directive to the link to point sprcific
content of iframe. to make it clear
link on PAGE1 -> load PAGE2 with iframe -> iframe content is specified
on link = whole PAGE2 with iframe with desired content...
solving problem with creating several different PAGEs2 poining wanted
iframe src is not the case.
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Nov 2, 2009
I need a java bookmarklet that does a real simple thing. I need to take the current URL (ie, where the user is when they click the bookmarklet) and append it to a static URL and return the text on the resulting page.For example:
The user is at http:[url]....
The user clicks the bookmarklet.
the bookmarklet takes http:[url].... and appends it to http:[url]... HERE where you see the URL HERE text.That PHP script echos a simple line of text (a shortened URL actually).Then I want that result from the outside_create.php file to be displayed in a window back to the user.Is this even possible? Basically I need to know how to append location.href to a static URL and how to get the resulting content from the static URL..
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Jun 24, 2010
I'm using a function to load a page into a div. When I add the class of the element I want to show (.contentpaneopen) Chrome and Safari show no content. It works OK in IE and FF.When I ommit the class it works on all browsers.
function loadContent(elementSelector, sourceUrl) {
//Works in Chrome en Safari:
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May 31, 2011
I'm trying to make an accordion structure, load dinamically content. This what i done, and that's work, but now i need to improve it.
Here the css
.project { display:none; }
<div id="project-box">
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May 29, 2009
I am trying to create portlets that dynamically load their content (usinq jQuery). My first approach was to leave the header + footer + decorations of the portlet OUTSIDE of the dynamically loadable content. It worked just fine but I had to abandon that approach so that I could use the same code both for statically- and dynamically-loaded content (e.g. when no AJAX support was available). So far so good.
Now to my problem: I use the following code for loading my dynamic content
The loading works fine, but after the dynamic content has been loaded I can not seem to get access to it using jQuery!
Short description: Line 3 clears the content (I know! There are better solutions!) Line 4 loads the content Line 6 dumps the data on the console; this is for debuging only, so that I can establish that the correct content is loaded
After the data is properly loaded I did expect to be able to find it by traversing the DOM tree in traditional jQuery fashion (like in Line 10). However, dumping the contents of the 'tag' shows it containing no content at all; it is empty even though the browser renders the expected new result. I thought: Well! The browser holds two copies of the DOM tree; one that is the original page and one that is the modified content used for rendering". Therefore I attempted to manipulate the loaded content within the function (Line 8). The content is visible there, that I have established in Line 6. But I do not know how to access it jQuery-style.
(Why am I trying to modify the loaded content? I want to inject a title row with various decorations and clickable content.)
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Feb 17, 2010
i have a form of different fields when it is submitted the fields should be validated from the database and and url should look static.
for eg:
<form action="abc.php" method="post">
<input type= text .....>
<input type=text....>
the values passed through post method...should contain in the url,so that the data can be retrieved and database processing is done...
dont tell to use get method in the form..
i will be changing the url using htaccess file...
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Jul 19, 2010
My goal is to load the JS for a specific element before displaying that element. I integrated a third part script, and it works well. I set the timer here:
The JS is in my heading as <script type="text/javascript" src="countdownpro.js"></script>
About mid-body I have: <span id="countdown1">2010-07-20 00:00:00 GMT+00:00</span> which allows for the setting of a target date to countdown to.
When the page first loads it shows the above long format target time, until the js/meta tags kick in to modify it to just show the actual countdown as 00:00:00.
I have attached countdownpro.js to this post. I tried shifting the function CD_Init() to the top of the script, and also appended it inline with the .html. I tried setting the big external script to "defer", but neither arrangement worked. I also tried placing the src file right at the top.
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Sep 16, 2010
I'd like to place an AJAX call to load another SELECT menu in my form, and I'm having trouble finding a tutorial. For your Copying/Pasting pleasure :rolleyes:, here's an example button for which I'd include the onclick():
<button type="button" >Add</button>
And here's an example SELECT menu:
<select id="idNumber" name="weekday_1['workPeriod_new'][] >
<option value="1" >one</option>
<option value="2" >2</option>
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Jul 31, 2008
Does anyone know if there are any ajax functions that would allow me to pull certain content from one page and display on another in a named <div>?
I currently have some code that pulls all the content and works very well. I am looking to enhance this to say only pull the first <div></div> content.
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Jun 26, 2009
can a web parser differentiate between static and dynamic text on a webpage? for example there is a string on a webpage Hello "Fantastic Four"In this "Hello" is a static data and "Fantastic Four" is a dynamic data (say being populated form a database value)Is it possible for web parser to detect whcih is a static and dynamic content?
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Aug 28, 2009
I've written a small plugin to serve as a feature rotator and am having one strange problem.You can see some demos of the plugin and documentation here:
http://pbskids.org/pbskidswidgets/carousel.html.The plugin does a number of things that involve reading the width and height of DOM elements and using them to set the width and height of other elements. The problem is that sometimes in Firefox and Safari, when the page loads, the widths and heights of panels in the carousel are fracked.
Reload the page and the problem's fixed. In Safari, I can't get it to happen again on many reloads. In Firefox, though, if I reload repeatedly, I can get the problem to happen again: maybe once every seven or eight times.It looks like something's happening with page loading, but I'm at a loss to diagnose it further: is the script firing before the elements have fully loaded sometimes, and then works on subsequent tries because those elements are in the cache? Also: I've never seen this error in any of the IE versions.
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Apr 25, 2009
how to make div load content after page done, the content I'll give it from external page
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Apr 5, 2011
Guys sorry I am to 100% new to this and this code landed in my lap today. The problem is the content switches fine after the user clicks on each menu item, but the content window is empty when the page first loads. I would like to set page1 content to be visible when the page first loads.
<div class="wrapper">
<h1><a href="index.html"><img src="images/logo.png" alt=""></a></h1>
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May 6, 2011
I'm trying to load content from an external page into a div on my page.
Can any one point me to a simple solution.
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Apr 23, 2010
Before the tab ui is loaded, I see the content of both tabs on the front page. Is there a way to fix this?[url]...
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Aug 3, 2011
I am current building an information database for the company I work at...basically just a place for employees to get information and answers from. It is all hosted on a local server and I can only use javascript, html, and css. I've got everything made there is just one thing i want to add to it. Basically an "alerts and updates" page that only some people can edit without having to know html so if im not there they can post important updates. No computers have access to the internet so I did try some rich text editors but none of them worked. The layout I'm going for is kind of like this.
Alerts and Updates
Click on links to show updates: update 1 * update 2 * update 3 * update 4
Stuff goes in the update
[edit button]
You click edit it prompts you to login, bring up something to edit the text in that specific update you hit submit and it changes the info that was on there. The update links are linked to a script I wrote that just display the info below so when the page loads you see whats in update 1 then you click update and it changes the content to the next one.
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Jun 23, 2011
I'm using Dynamic ajax content to load .php files into a div section, and everything is going fine, but the only problem is I don't know how to have the index page to load a certain file when the page loads. As for jquery code, this is all I have regarding my problem, and I'm not even sure I've used it right:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.get("content/home.php", function(returnedData) {
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a site which loads a couple of Jquery animations on a page load. What I cant figure out is how to play a .fadeOut animation on the content when a link is clicked and before the new page is loaded.
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May 31, 2010
Lets say i have a menu with elements "A", "B" and "C" on index.html (my homepage).So classically I should createa.htm, b.htm and c.htm.and link to menu. but rather, I want to have a single "home.htm" that would do all this purpose.My home.htm has all contents same for a,b & c except a "div element" whose content i want to load from different files, different for all the three pages.
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Apr 5, 2011
I am trying to get a content of a php page(Dynamic) with the help of Ajax by sending Get request to the server page.Like the script should fetch the content of server page (Can be changeable with time )into a certain div tag that i will define. I dont wanna use prototype.js to make the script little bit faster.
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Jun 24, 2011
I've gotten .load to load content into a div but if the window is not at the top of the page it scrolls back to the top each time the new content is loaded but I wanted to avoid any sort of change on the page other than the content in the div. It seems pointless if the user has to scroll back down to the div where the content is each time? code...
Is there a way to keep the window in the same position? Also while I'm at it - is there a more efficient way to write this considering I have 9 pages or should I just write this code out for each instance?
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May 1, 2010
I have a question about loading an external .html page into another page.Presumably, I need to accomplish this by using iframes, right? I have a lot of files (around 1000 files) that I need to load into the same iframe. It's only a part of the total page I need to load and to create over 1000 pages instead of using an iframe (or another way to load a page into a page, which I don't know yet?) is much more work than using the frames.
Anyway, that for background. Now to the reason why I need dynamic height. Some of the pages are like 500 px in height, while the other half of my pages have a height of around 1500px (though the height of 80% of the pages vary per page! but approximately these heights as an example).If I'm viewing a small page with a predetermined set of height of 1500px, I'll be viewing a lot of blank space. Which is why I need to get around the fixed height, so the solution is a dynamic height. Another reason why I need a dynamic height, is because I have a 'back' button function which will lead you to the previous visited page when clicked. So if you were viewing a small page, then clicked a link to view a large page.... and then click on the back button at the bottom of the large page... You'll be taken back to the small page, but viewing it from the same point as you were on the large page, so you'll be actually viewing the huge blank space.
So... I've searched the web endlessly for a script to let me predetermine the height of the loaded pages, but none of them actually give me what I want.I need the script to work in at least the three main browsers (IE, FF and Chrone) at the same time. I've only found scripts that'll only work for IE, or only for Chrome and a lot of scripts that don't even work at all. I could give you some of the codings I've found, but they still don't work well enough. Also, some of those will lead me to the top of the page when you click a link. Since there's a lot more on the main page, I either need it to stay at the same position as the previous page visited, or at the top of the iframe, not the top of the parent page.I've been searching endlessly on the web and I cannot find something that works good enough. It doesn't have to be a frame, but so far, that's only way I've found to load a page into another page.
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Oct 6, 2009
Another thing that has been driving me crazy is that css positioning is handled differently by different browsers. JS is not my area, but I can do a lot with CSS, and I do, but cross browser compatibility is killing me.
I can use an IF IE statement and only IE runs that segment of code, but I haven't been able to figure out out how to make ONLY firefox or ONLY opera or safari enact an encapsulated segment of code. The same type of IF statement doesn't work for them.
Is there a single method using JS that works for all browsers?
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