JQuery :: .load() Not Updating Hidden Div
Jan 22, 2010
I have a page that has a a two part div system bioTop (top div) and bioBot(bottom div). The bioBot is hidden (.hide()) and shows with the click of the more text. Also there is clickable text to change the text in the divs from english to spanish and vice versa. The click for the top divs work just fine. The issue presents its self when the english or spanish text is clicked the bottom div does not take the new information or the text int the bottom div does not change. Can a hidden div have new information loaded into it. The page that the action is on is oncalllegal. The jquery for the english and spanish text is.
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Feb 13, 2011
what i want this to do is take the x_cityid and add it to teh hidden field with the id of citiesid (I will do an ajax call before this but my simple javascript is not working)what am i doing wrong?
function addtocitylist() {
var x_cityid = document.getElementById('x_cityid');
var x_areaid = document.getElementById('x_areaid');
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Nov 23, 2005
I am finding some unusual behavior with techniques I am using to
show/hide/update data without having to refresh the page. I'm quite
sure it's developer ignorance on my part and would be grateful for any
My page has 10 tables with their visibility controlled by the user
making a menu selection. For example, selecting menu_1 calls a
function which displays table_1 by setting table_1's style display:
block and hides tables 2-10 by setting their respective styles to
display: none. Everything in this simple navigational approach works
as expected.
I am also using the HTTPRequest object to update relevant objects on
the page based on user input. The problem I am seeing is when the
HTTPRequest object is used to update DOM objects contained within the
"invisible" tables -- or more accurately within those tables having
their style display:none. I have tried using both the HTTPRequest
object's synchronous and asynchronous approach and am seeing the same
I've tested when all of the tables are "visible" by setting their style
settings to display:block and HTTPRequest calls work as expected.
The other twist in my example is that these HTTPRequest calls are each
making a SQL query and updating a chart object within the table, which
may take about 500ms each to return. My initial impression is that it
looks as if the page is being rendered too fast because any more than
three charts on a page is when the charts start getting misplaced on
the page. Again, everything works fine when all tables are visible.
Is this a known problem with HTTPRequest, or do I need to migrate my
coding techniques to the 21th century?
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Sep 11, 2010
I setup a jquery ajax request to update my sql database... (add a product to shopping cart) then after it completes I want to use .load to re-load the shoppingcart (the cart is currently loaded with php include - so it is it's own seperate .php file). The problem is that when it reloads it doesn't have the "current version" If i refresh the page it's fine..
Example -
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#addtocart").click(function() {
url: "addtocart.php",
data: **form data here**,
complete: function() { $("#cart").load("cart.php"); }
<div id="cart">
<? include("cart.php"); ?>
<button id="addtocart">Add to cart</button>
I have also tried to put a variable in front from the $.ajax and then use $("#cart").ajaxComplete(function() { $(this).load("cart.php"); } });
But yet still no luck. How to make ajax load a page after the mysql update has been done then display it?! I used to do this all the time before I started using jquery. When readyState was = 4 { load page code here } it would always work.
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Jun 10, 2011
How do I get the above toexecutea hidden div on page load?
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Dec 23, 2010
I have some contents on my page that are displayed on click or hover.Therefore, initially they are hidden using the hide() method.
They work fine as intended.
But if it is a slow computer, you can see them on the screen for a second or two before they disappear. Or if the user refreshes the page - you get the same thing happen. How can I prevent this?
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Jun 19, 2011
when the page is loading all the hidden divs are coming up first and then it gets hidden.
The problem is I can't use display:block in css file..Is there any other way?
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Mar 3, 2009
I am trying to develop this expanding content as you can see here:
You see when you click on the title, any text below it will slide down and reveal more content, with nice fade-in. Everything works well for me except that when the page is loading, you can see all the hidden contents before they hide themselves. This content should always be hidden.
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Mar 2, 2010
Right I have a process page in php which is fairly long and complex with many options. If a certain option case is met as this ie: we've hit the Note Saved case.
// save notes against company
if ($_POST['a']=="Save Note") {
if (addnote($_POST['notetitle'],$_POST['notebody'])) {
$err = "<p id="returnresults"><font color="red"><strong>Note Saved</strong></font></p>";
} else {
$err = "<p id="returnresults"><font color="red"><strong>Failed to save note.</strong></font></p>";
I want to then wait until the page load is complete and then do the following.
The reason I need to wait for page complete is that the div that needs to be displayed it one of the last parts of the page rendered so triggering the above too soon leads to the div not actually being available to be shown. Now my current fail attempt at doing it was this echo "<script type="text/javascript">if (confirm('You have not yet added a call back event do you wish to do so now?')) { document.getElementById('addevent').style.display='block'; } However it doesn't display the hidden div
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Mar 16, 2010
only first image in the all_images array loads and the rest stays hidden. it works first time i load the page, but any other time it loads only one image. i understand it might have to do with the cache. what could be possible cause for breaking the .each() loop after first iteration? i'm using jquery 1.3.2, png fix and php
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Jan 9, 2010
I am trying to get a simple set of Javascript tabs to work properly. I have just two tabs and I want to set up the script to have the second tab automatically hidden prior to reading the javascript code because right now it shows the contents of both tabs when the page is loading and then the second tab disappears after all the script has loaded.
I have the jquery script linked to on the page and here is the way my script looks to run the tabs:
I want to add something like style="visibility:hidden;" to the DIV that isn't shown on page load and have it added and removed as necessary when users click on the tabs. So basically I would like the generated code to look like this:
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Sep 20, 2005
Specifically, assume I have a div tag of absolute dimensions. I need
to figure out, first, whether or not the text inside the div tag is
partially hidden by the overflow setting, and if so, what the hidden
text is.
Is this even possible? Obviously, the rendering engine in the browser
"knows" this information, but is it accessible through Javascript?
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Mar 11, 2011
I'm using jQuery 1.3.4 right now, and I have the problem where .css is not updating the style information of two items:The code below produces the underlined lines of output. The red parts show where I expect my calls to .css to update the values, and I do not see updated values. I've added '//FAIL' after the lines that aren't doing what I expect them to do, and also highlighted them in red.nyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong, or what might be causing this?
Element X (701.4833374023438) Y (284.41668701171875) W H cont(PM_MENU 499.48333740234375 217.06666564941406 200 47 itc() 501.48333740234375 284.41668701171875 200 13 INITIAL submenu (PM_BC_MENU) 86.58332824707031
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Jan 17, 2011
I am working on submitting a form with various info to update on db using jquery, ajax. The db is updating perfectly when I disable JS on firefox. When enabled, a few fields (adID, userID, comments) are not updating on the db. The field userID updated as zero, but the other two are blank.
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May 15, 2011
currently I have an inventory system which allows me to have it showing, but if something changes it needs to be refreshed to show the changes, how do I make it update?Currently I have :
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE username = '$login'");
$output2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm using jquery-ui 1.6 custom build with jquery 1.2.6 trying to set up a dialog window. Unfortunately I can't update to 1.3.2 since this would trigger some unexpected XHR-related bugs like the following:
So I'm sticking with the 1.2.6 build, which works fine despite a minor/not-critical XHR issue:
Notice that this error is reported in FireBug/Venkman, however Firefox doesn't seem to care and let the XMLHTTPRequest to execute successfully.
The code for the dialog window is given below. I don't seem to understand why posted data cannot be shown on the dialog box twice.
Moreover, it will display it as I want on the first $.post request but any additional requests triggered with a click event don't show any updated data on the dialog box. Venkman reports that the anonymous callback function manages to obtain the updated data, but still nothing get shown on the dialog, just an empty div... ;-)
This is the script that gets evaluated by jQuery (using $.get(...)). A json object is returned by the server either containing form validation errors or a result object that contains simple strings.
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Oct 23, 2011
Im updating a div with a ajax json dataType request i need the div to update to tne new request each time the option input is changed the problem is the div is updated but the first request is in it then the second then the third...so the div keeps on getting populated with each request how can i make so the div is polpulated with each request and not every request added to it? try with many stuff:append, remove but cant get it to work.
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Nov 19, 2010
I'm having a problem. What I'm basically trying to accomplish is a quote function on a forum. When I click the quote button, I want the text for that specific forum post to end up in the textarea field.
<textarea cols='1' rows='1' title='Reply to this post' id='entryField' name='entryField' style="width: 100%;" class='expand20-200'>
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Apr 5, 2010
I have a list of check boxes on a page and disable/enable a button based on if one or more of the check boxes is checked. If something in the list is checked, the button gets enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled. Since the list fairly long and it is also dynamic, this behavior is bound to the click event of each check box using live.
In jQuery 1.3.2 the following check worked as expected (with both actual and programmatic clicks) :
if ($('input:checked').length > 0) {
} else {
$('#button').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
However, in jQuery 1.4.2 this behavior changes slightly. Actual clicks still register correctly and the code above functions as expected. Programmatic .click()s, on the other hand, pass through with the opposite behavior. When checking the state of $('input:checked').length afterward, it reports as I would have originally expected. I use this technique to unit test my code, so it is important that a programmatic click simulates an actual user click. This appears to be related to the known issue with the timing of :checked being switched when checking from a bound click handler.
Although I didn't see this timing issue with the above code in the past, I have seen it when checking the state of a single check box when it was the one that was clicked. When checking a single check box, I could work around this by maintaining a state variable rather than checking the :checked state directly. Now that this same issue is showing up when checking multiple checkboxes (in addition to the one actually receiving the click) that work around becomes much more difficult.
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Oct 6, 2011
I've 2 little problems in my page....i've already done the functional script in php for erasing and inserting a row into a table...but i've a problem...this row contains 2 links that are for erasing and modifying the row.... it happen that when i insert a row (that has class="edit" and it's for working on ajax...) i can erase and modify only the old rows and not the new ones...probably cause javascript takes all the element of a general class only at the loading of the page and link them to the onclick function....
I post the code here...
The html+php table
And when i insert a row into the db i update the table with this script
Where the data appended to the table is a row of the table given from the php script
Another thing,as you can see, is that i would like to know how to pop up a new alert if data from the last function on the $.post is equal to a string
I tried to do it with the compareto js function but it didn't seem to work....
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Jan 4, 2011
I have a button which creates a clone of the current row. Within each row is a drop down box for which the users can select red or yellow, which represent soccer cards. Based on that selection it calls a function which populates a div tag with the appropriate drop down options for that card color. The problem I am having is that the function is updating all div tags with the drop down selections and not the one for my current row. Please note that the drop down selection box is not guaranteed to be the last row in the table. The referee could go back and realize, that he or she made a mistake and make a change to the second row. So I need this to always be applicable to the current row of editing.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have twenty <select> fields on my page, but I want all of them to use one communal list of <option> values.
These values will be something like:
When someone selects a value from one of the <select> fields, I want that <option> value to have a strike through on all of the other <select> fields.
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Feb 18, 2011
I have a button and a table that I want to clone when "Add new" button is pressed, and then append the cloned elements to the "items" container, but with updated id's and names - the update is done by appending the value of "num" attribute of "items". In the end I'll have to clone and update the id's and names for multiple input elements in the table found in the "default_container" - but right now it doesn't work even for direct children. The problem (one of them at least) right now is that the iteration over the children isn't performed.
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Mar 5, 2010
I have the following HTML:
<div id="box">
<div id="inner-new">
This code block occurs several times. Sometime the first div ist just "inner" and the second div is missing.
Now I need to update the "new" DIV based on the height of the previous inner-new DIV. For one it works fine:
var height = $('#inner-new').outerHeight();
$('#new').css('margin-top', height*(-1)-30);
But how could I re-use this universally for all my boxes. It needs to check if the DIV "box" contains the DIV "inner-new" as first element, if that is true it need to update the DIV "new".
I tried several things with $('#box').each(function(i) { ... }); but couldn't come up with a solution.
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Jun 6, 2011
I am (finally) successfully calling and running a php script using $.ajax() and now I need to update a table row as a result of that. In the ajax I have these variables for the updated row: docID, docName, docDescription. Since the docID is used elsewhere on the page, I'll need to start with the table id, which is #docsTable.
The rows that I need to update look like this:
<tr bgcolor="#EFE5D3" style="font-weight: bold;">
<td width="25px"><a class="docEditLink" name="33" href="#">Edit</a></td>
<td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" name="removeDocs[]" value="33" /></td>
<td>Document Name</td>
<td>Document Description</td></tr>
The name attribute is the docID, so that is unique within that table, for that document. So, my question is, how can I build a selector that will allow me to change the 3rd and 4th <td> tags with document name and document description, respectively?
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Jan 12, 2009
I'm trying to get the following code to update two divs at a time rather than one
$(document).ready(function() {
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