JQuery :: Implementing Transitions Into My Current Hide() Show() Code?
Aug 23, 2011
Im developing a site for my company that will contain relevant information on sites we serve (such as login details, passwords, addresses etc). It is available locally on our intranet due to the fact we have login details and such.
Anyway on the sidebar of my site (which is run on Wordpress), I have all the sections for the sites.
When a user clicks item #1, it expands and shows all the sites in that area.
The one problem is that when the sections are clicked on, they just expand in a very plain boring way.
I need it so that there is some sort of smooth transition between opening and closing the <div> sections.
Here is the current code I have now (I tried to edit as much of the comments as possible so it will make sense):
I found it on google, and modified it without having to change anything on the sidebar itself, just a simple paste to the head section.
This code also hides other currently open sections, so that only one may stay open at a time.
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Dec 17, 2011
I have a page that creates 7 div sections and I hide them all except the first one. Each div had 4 questions in it. Once they answer all four questions and click the next button I want to hide that div and show the next one. On the final one I will have the submit button. I can't seem to figure it out.
My latest attempt is below.
jquery call here
Example of first two html divs here with a lot of guts cutout as to save space
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Feb 28, 2011
I have these div tags, they're very similar but I just need to change the IDs.
Is there anyway to condense this code:
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Oct 15, 2009
I found an issue with using embed code and jquery's show()/hide () method. I am using embed code inside of a div. So it looks something like this:
<div id="test">
whatever here
Now on that I want a user to be able to click a button to show/hide the content. So I create a function like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showEmbed(){
} else {
I then binded that to just a basic text link:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showEmbed();">show/hide</a>
Now that works fine as far as showing/hiding the embed code. However, there is one issue with this. When I click the link it reloads the data. I do not want it to reload the data. Say for instance there is a video playing in there. If you click the link it will stop the video
and when you click it again to show it will start again. How to get it not to reload the data.
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Sep 18, 2011
I have to do in plain JavaScript something that I'm much more used to doing in jQuery.. this is for a standard tabbed-content show/hide div switcheroo.. here's the jQuery code:
$('.tabs a').click(function(e) {
'this' evidently does not refer to the element that was clicked on...also, can you refer to elements by their class name? also, is it possible to do event-binding in plain JavaScript w/o using individual id's for the clicked-on elements?
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Nov 12, 2010
I recently learned that the <option> tags can not use the onclick attribute inside of IE.This works great for firefox, but sadly not a single version of internet explorer supports it (from what I am told via countless Google searches).I have been modifying my attempit at a solution to use the <select> tag with the attribute onchange. Maybe I am casing this wrong, or not seeing a solution as the below code does not operate in any browser, and no errors are reported back through firebug or IE.Excuse my sloopy attempt at {smarty tags} this script is written in a bunch of PHP object->vales and to save space cored the issue down to it's basics.On change of the select box, the value="5-28" is sent to javascript showBox to split the number away from the id_trips and only focus on the locations (the number before the '-' . IF the location matches the switch value then the box should show / hide or value change. The IDs are all correct I just think that there is a ' or a " or something off as I am not a javascript expert.
my SQL return values
<code class="php">
//PHP VARIABLES from QUERY sample loop 1
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Feb 2, 2010
I am creating a blog and I thought it would be cool to have the Konami code in it. Basically, I would like is to either show or hide a div when the code is entered. So lets say the Div is hidden, they would enter the code and it would then show. If it was entered while the div was shown, it would then hide. Is there any way to do this? I think there would be, but I don't know how to accomplish it.
Here's a link to the Konami code I'm using:
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Jan 19, 2005
I have this bit of code that shows and hides various spans and it works great in ie. It doesn't work in Newscape of Firefox - havn't tried it in Opera. How can I change this? Code:
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Dec 28, 2010
wrote me jvascript code for show/hide table rows.The situation is:
<table 1>
row 1
row 2
row 3[code]...
row 1 and row 4 are in one looping
row 2, row 3 ,row 5 and row 6 are in another one looping.The picture is like this:
1.when page load..
2.only row 1 and row 4 display
3.when row 1 is clicked row 2 and 3 will display
4.when row 4 is clicked row 5 and 6 will display
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Sep 12, 2011
I am trying to hide/show table when hide/show button is pressed
Problem: The code works fine when I remove 'slow' from line 10. But with 'slow' in line 10 content of toggleButton doesnt change from Hide to Show when pressed.
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May 19, 2011
I'm trying to implement a show/hide toggle for each users profile field in the view body topic of my forum.
I found this thread here @ sitepoint which is close to what I'm working on, but the code I'm working with is different.
What I need are some changes to the JS so that each show/hide works independently, not just the first instance of the show/hide.
How do you call this HTML
With this JS to be independent?
I know that this would have bits of " $(function() and $(this) " but that's about all I know...
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Nov 17, 2011
How to implementing a "google custom search" feature in a jquery code. I am hoping someone could help me out, as the code is pretty short.
I've been trying for a while but it doesn't work.
The HTML of the page is -
The Jquery script of the website is (this is where I need to implement my custom search code somehow) -
The small arrow that marks the active search icon:
This is my Google custom search code, which I need to implement in the above.
I only need the custom search, I don't really care about the "internal search" or the general (where google searches anywhere) google search. I really need this.
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Jan 6, 2011
I am trying to hide this code:
HTML Code:
using this code
HTML Code:
This works fine when I place this code under the html in the main source, but if I try to add this Jquery code to an external js sheet it doesnt seem to work?
Currently my js sheet is called in the header, when I move this link to the footer of my page the code works again, so Im guessing this has something to do with where the jquery code is placed in relation to the code Im trying to hide?
How I can keep my js in the header but still make the content disappear on click?
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Aug 13, 2009
I need to use the this keyword to differentiate which div class name needs to show. Currently, my code below on '.bioclick' click event, every bio_desc is displayed or showed. I just want to show the current clicked'.bioclick' child '.bio_desc'. I tried using the this keyword but it did not work.
$('.bioclick').click(function() {
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May 3, 2011
I have a list of things on a page that are dynamically generated and when I hover each of them I'd like a 'popup' with more info relative to what is hovered to appear.
I don't want to have to specify the rul for every popup separately so my question is how do I target a child div to appear for only the hovered element if there are many divs with the same name on the page?
My code:
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Oct 26, 2009
I'm new to js/jquery and this forum so please forgive my potentially off-scope js/jquery remarks. I've been running a lot of toggles to show, hide, etc... divs and other HTML elements. It's making my application incredibly nice navigation wise.
Now to put myself in my users shoes. Say one user toggles on and off the things they want and don't want until they are satisfied with all the content of the screen. (That is by the way the nature of my application. A user loads in various variables via PHP and other means and when satisfied, a PDF is generated for them containing all their preferred content.)
Because: When a user is at a point where all the content they are viewing is worthy of a PDF, it is also worth saving that HTML 'view' (classes switched, variable adjusted, etc...). I would call it 'Save this workspace' or something along those lines.
I don't have a direct question per se but am more interested in the views of others who have similar thoughts and moreover, what relationship has jQuery had in helping employing some method?
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Jul 20, 2010
I'd like to be able to get Superfish to expand the entire menu and show the current active link in pathlevel 2. I'm using the nav-bar style and it seems that only pathlevel 1 is visible:
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Oct 7, 2011
Between each of my image transitions is a blank period, in which no image is onscreen (verified by rightclicking blank spot).
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Sep 15, 2009
I'm trying to work out some of the variables of a JQuery-based scripts I got here:URL...Specifically I'm trying to work out how to change the delay between slide transition, whether I can disable the auto-transitioning or not (and how), and how to change the sliding speed of the images. Which variables do they rely on?
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Jul 15, 2009
How do I display or hide a Javascript menu based on the current url in a php page?I want to specify when a java menu appears on a page based on the current url - does anyone have a script for the vars and conditional statements to make this happen - it would be something like this in natural language:
if currenturl = http://jemmakidd.com/categories.php
then displaymenu
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Jan 22, 2009
I am having problems, basically I have a set of nested lists I need to show and hide
<ul id="smenu3"><ul id="smenu4">
<li>stuff here..</li>
<li>stuff here..</li>
<li>stuff here..</li>
</ul><ul id="smenu5">
I always want "smenu3" to show with "smenu4" and "smenu5" collapsed... When the user clicks the link, it calls a javascript function to show "smenu4" like so...
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May 24, 2011
I've been working with the Cycle plugin for a while, but the only problem I'm having is that if I pass a string of transition names (comma separated), the next button goes through them in the right order but the prev button does not use the previous transition as one would expect. It uses the next transition in the list given as input. I've looked around but I could only find people fixing it for scrolling horizontally. I want it to maintain the order of transitions passed as input, not a reverse animation effect.
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Aug 30, 2010
I'm looking for a JS code that will check the current browser and then use a different background image accordingly.Mainly for browsers like Flock and etc. that aren't yet CSS3 friendly (background-size:cover; etc.)I'm not looking for an alternative to CSS3, because, well, I like it! Just a way to check if the current browser is CSS3 friendly.[EDIT]I just started reading an article about Object Detection ttp://www.quirksmode.org/js/support.html). Seems like a better alternative to browser detection. However, how do I use JS to check if the browser supports a CSS3 statement???
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Apr 10, 2011
I have some divs laid on top of each other. By clicking somewehre specific I want to hide all the divs but except for one - which is related to the point i clicked - to show up.Here is my code so far:The function will be called by something like this:
<a href="javascript:void(0)"><img src="album_emilia.jpg" width="90px" height="125px" onclick="setAlbum('emilia')"/><p>Emilia</p></a>
function setAlbum(album) {
$('.right_nav').each(function() {[code].....
All these divs are in the same from the right_nav-class.I guess the problem lies within line 6, where I want to select the div that should show up and is given as the argument of the function.The commented lines are things I already tried, but didn't work either, especially $(this).style seems to be invalid.It does hide all divs as i want, but the one i want to show again doesn't show up. It just stays hidden...
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Jul 3, 2009
I got this example code which show rows when click on it, the problem is it shows all but I want if I click on one row it shows that one and hide others.
<title>Jquery Table Display</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.3.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tabledisplay-0.2.js"></script>
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Mar 23, 2011
i searched the forum, but did not find a working solution for my problem. IE6/7 are not hiding the divs in the $(document).ready function. Tried also:
$("#closed").css('display', 'none'); document.getElementById('closed').style.display = 'none'; It is working when i add the ID "closed" to the <li>-Element instead of the <div>-Container. All other browsers are working fine.
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