JQuery :: Get Information From The Database Using A Ajax Request?
Jan 28, 2011
I'm learning Jquery, I was trying to get a information in the database, below theblocks of code will show it:
But the big problem is that this function do not return the information, the function: public static string getNameClient(stringidUser) is never called. How Can I solve this problem ?
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm trying to populate a form with information from a database based on a textbox entry. However, when I begin to key in the textbox I receive "undefined" in each textbox throughout the form.
Take a look at my code for any errors? It also appears that my $_GET['jobid'] is not working properly.
And here is my php:
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Mar 31, 2009
I have a situation where I need to populate form fields by grabbing information from a database when the user enters information in a specific field. I got this to work with a single field just to make sure I had the basics in place:
* User fills out "Field A" onchange event triggers Javascript function that uses Ajax to search and retrieve info from database (PHP/MySQL) Javascript function autofills "Field B" with Ajax response
Works perfectly. My trouble is that I need to do this with a whole series of fields at once, not just one. I tried using the PHP to output a Javascript array and then use the values from the array to populate the fields, but that didn't work. I got a message saying that my array was undefined. I'm not even sure this was the proper way to approach this, but it's all I could think of.
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Jun 2, 2009
I worked with now in jQuery. Property however at present the following problem: [i]I provide a AJAX Request. the side is loaded, the parameters all conveyed and back receives I a complete HTML side. Now I would like to have only certain elements however from this side, like DIV, SPAN etc. How can I make with the AJAX Request return in such a way best, which I can select these elements thereby? Simply it would be unfortunately not functioned over the function $ (element), it even if I indicate the HTML Request as secondly parameter.[/i] Excused, for my bad English. ;-) Translatertool. There is unfortunately too many words, in order to describe my problem. ^^
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Oct 30, 2010
Replace a text box with a select that gets information from a database using jquery. the query from the database takes an argument
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Oct 8, 2010
I was wondering if someone could help me out with the following.I'm developing a webshop CMS in which you can create categories. By using jquery's ajax method I'm making a POST request to a PHP script which then handles all the data supplied to it. This works good and all except for the fact that after the query is being executed my HTML doesn't get updated, at least not as well as I want it to.I understand that the common way of working here is to update HTML in the success callback of the ajax method. But the thing is that every category is being displayed as a list item with an id attribute, this id corresponds to the id the category has in the database.If$.ajax tells me that everything went down smoothly and my query has been executed then there's still no way for me to know which id this new category has been given so that I can update the HTML accordingly.
What would be a "smart" way to tackle this? The first thing that comes to my mind is simply calling another script which figures out the last inserted id on the db but that would mean doing an ajax request in the callback of another ajax request? That doesn't sound right to me..
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Jul 23, 2005
The only way i can think of doing such a thing is having an active
server page that returns an image, that is generated on the fly. As
long as there is no caching on the client this in theory will allow
the client to perform an action on the server and display an image
generated on the fly as a result of this action without actually
reloading the page, simply by requesting an image.
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm trying to make some information from a database convert to JS
include ("Scripts/connection.php");
$qry1 = "SELECT * FROM news";
$result1 = mysql_query($qry1);
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Mar 9, 2011
I'm in the process of building a web application designed that allows users to embed it into their site using XSS (like adsense, Digg, Reddit, etc). Since XSS requires a Javascript file, I'm having difficulty figuring out how to implement information from a database. In a nutshell, what I'd like to be able to do is allow for accepted users to run my application on their webpage. Which means I will need to pull a client ID from a database, and only allow the user to run the file if their client ID is valid.
However, I haven't the slightest clue how I can perform this since there doesn't seem to be any means of running PHP inside my JS file and have that transfer over to the other user's site. I'd also like to avoid having every single valid ID directly listed in the JS file if possible for the sake of security and avoiding massive clutter and file size. Does anyone know a good way to achieve this, or an alternative way to achieve essentially the same result?
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Oct 16, 2010
I have a php page which returns a table representing a query sent to a MySQL database. So far it has worked in every case except now that I'm trying to use it to call a stored procedure, in which case the readystate is staying at 1 and never completing.
I have logged the results of the php file both in an error log and looked at the response from the request using firebug, both of which show a correct result.
Why isn't this returning properly?
Here are the relevant javascript functions:
function customizeType()
$("custom-header").innerHTML = "";
$("custom-top").innerHTML = "";
After the page loads, the error log shows correct results for all queries.
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Jul 30, 2011
I have built search form that it retrieves information from database. for ex: when i click axtar (search) button it retrieves normally but when i click ENTER button via keyboard instead of axtar (search) button but it only displays results with white blank page
Here is web page address. [url]
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Nov 12, 2005
Is there a way to read a csv database then transfer the relevant information into an html form field client side.
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Nov 29, 2011
i am making a request using Ajax (JQuery) and it keeps repeating the request, it almost seems like it is inside a loop even though it is not inside a loop.
type: "GET",
cache: false,
url: "<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>/member/updatememberinfobox/query/",
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Nov 29, 2011
I have the following test-script working:
$('#up').mouseenter(function() {
$("#results").append('<div id="test123"></div>');
url: "http://someurl.de/some.htm",
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Jul 13, 2010
Is there an way to cancel AJAX request?
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Oct 13, 2009
XP IE6 virtual PC for test, latest version of jquery the browser hangs after an ajax request. $.get("/myurl", {random: $.random()}, mycallback); I read that IE6 hangs for some cache searching stuff, that is why I added a randomstring with my $.random() but keeps hanging the browser.
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Nov 17, 2010
I have a problem with ajax URL, I need to change and append "/" before the reale URL. Below the example ajax request:
I need to append "/" before mypage.php, and so modify the ajax url request. I tried with ajaxSetup beforesend without success...
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Jan 25, 2011
I'm writing a little application with JSF 2.0 + jQuery. My page contains a simple input form, a submit button and a div containing one div for each string that the user type in the input text field. i'm using JSF 2.0 ajax to send the request to the server and rerendering only the div-container, with the updated content. Initially the div contains a single div with a text example for the user. Every div inserted by the user has the style-class "user", so with jquery I manipulate all off them through a simple function.
Here my code:
But i've encountered this problem when I started using ajax: my jquery function doesn't work on the new content, so I started trying to resolve the problem with live() method as suggested in the FAQ and on several posts
So my code changed a little:
This code doesn't work at all after the submit event, so for test purpose only i've changed the event to click and ,using the event generated from the mouse click, it's working.
But obviously i need to apply my jquery function right after the ajax request and without the user's partecipation.
I'm testing this code on Firefox 3.6.13, but i need it to work correctly also on IE8, Chrome 8 and Opera 10
What's wrong in my code?I have bound the wrong event to the div-container and instead I have to bind the submit-event to the form?
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Nov 22, 2010
I use JQuery validation plugin to handle my forms, and I'm using the remote
option for some inputs, aside from the usual 'true/false' to detect if the field is valide or not, I need to get a php variable generated on the server, but I don't know how to do it
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Aug 11, 2011
I am struggeling to get an ajax request to work. The main issue here is that I can't fill in a select box from jquery for some reason. I was working before without jquery and used the method innerHTML() to paste options into the box, which worked fine, but now it's stuck. Here is a snippet of my code
function showResults(source){
var xmlData = $.ajax({
I call showResults() on window.onload and debugging with firefox shows me that everything works fine, but the insertion, the browser just steps over the last line without inserting anything. The particular html code is
<select id="list1" size="6" class="box190" multiple="multiple"></select>
I am trying now since yesterday various variations, but none of them worked.
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May 11, 2007
I'm trying to update my page with either a yes or a no, I'm using Ajax for the request to the server. The request works perfectly, however when I try to update the DOM with the server response using $(this).text(response.waiting); and $(this).html(response.waiting);.
I've tried alert(response.waiting); and returns a valid response. So, the problem probably stems from the DOM.
$("#data a.waiting").each(function(i){
$(this).click(function() {
$(this).html('<img src="../img/loading.gif" id="loadwait" alt="Loading..." />').fadeIn("slow");
type: "POST",
url: "waiting/ajax/",
data: "id=" + $(this).attr("name"),
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {
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Jan 14, 2011
So I have an odd round about fix that i'm using to get data from one server to another. First I have a classic asp file that does an http request to a different server (it's all on an intranet so I can't share the exact code) like this:
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xml.Open "GET", "https://www.externalurl.com/getData?value1=this&value2=that", False
Response.Write xml.responseText
Set xml = Nothing
This external URL returns an XML document that's written on the page. Pretty basic stuff.
Then I created another page with this jquery:
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May 24, 2010
I'm really having trouble to put it to work in Chrome. It runs great in IE and Firefox.
Here is the code:
The return of get_xml_oid.php is in XML.
Chrome Error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<a Document> has no method 'search'
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm busy making a project which needs to be ran locally. It has to work on Firefox only.
I've ran into the problem I can't load local XML files from another directory then the html file is located.
When I try loading XML trough an ajax request with the url "content.xml" everything works fine. As soon as I want the XML to be loaded from another folder, e.g. "../../../content.xml" it doesnt enter my success function.
cache: "false",
type: "GET",
url: "../../../content.xml?r=" + Math.random(),
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Mar 22, 2010
i have a very simple ajax request, on Chrome and FF, IE 8 it works very well. IE 8 returns "error", "complete"
the content /test.php :
Ajax request:
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a webpage that makes a request to my server to get news posts. The request is made by using $.ajax(). If I change the page (e.g. click on a link) before the request is returned, the onerror handler gets called, raising an error! Any idea why is this happening? For your information, when onerror gets called, the 'xhr' and 'errorThrown' parameters are 'undefined' and the 'status' parameter contains the value 'error' (which I produced using JavaScript's alert).
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