JQuery :: Form Field Clearing Script?
Apr 4, 2010
I have the following code that I'm using to cycle through each element in a form field, and clear whatever text is in it. If the user clicks out of the field without typing anything then the script is supposed to return to whatever value it started with (e.g. "Enter your name..."). If the user does type something, then it stays in the field even when they click out of it:
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Apr 9, 2001
I have a page with multiple text fields, each of which has an example for an initial value. I've added the appropriate code so that onFocus() the example is cleared away, and a blank field is left behind. Trouble is, I only want that to happen once, so that the field isn't cleared if the user attempts to edit what they wrote earlier. Anybody know of a way to do that with only a few lines of code? Here's my existing code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function clearField(fieldName) {
fieldName.value = "";
// -->
<p>Person's Name: <input type="text" name="name" size="30"
value="John Smith" tabindex="2" onFocus="clearField(this)"></p>
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Mar 30, 2011
I installed a JS form dependency script. Basically if a checkbox is checked Field A will disappear and Field B will take its place.The script appears to work fine. The problem I am having is this. If someone submits the form using the Field B entry and then they need to submit a form using the Field A entry, the Field B entry is still being passed even though is it is not displayed and Field A has a value in it!So I guess my question is, how do I flush out the form field after the form is submitted? This is just happening with the fields where there is the JS Form Dependency script involved.
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Oct 14, 2010
I'm having trouble detecting if there is value in a field when the page loads and manipulating the fields label class accordingly. Below is my code. I'm using it to display the field label inline with the field, and when the user starts typing, the label is hidden. The problem I'm having is, since this is for a login screen, if the user has typed in an incorrect password, the username still remains entered when the page reloads and I see my label stacked underneath.
How can I detect if that field has a value and apply a class to the label to hide it? I don't have to have to specify each field by their ID, because I'd like to use this all over (member profile management area).
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm currently designing a form with client-side validation using javascript. I've set the input property to display as the value (for example, "your name" inside the name field) and I've set the javascript to clear value using name.focus but everytime I reselect the field to edit the value, it clears again, so I'm trying to make it so that on the 2nd time it get's selected, the nameClear funtion doesn't run.Here's what I've got so far, but it's not working. For some reason, the else statement within the function that runs on .focus is showing as invalid in my debugger, but it looks fine to me.
name.focus(function() {
if(name.val("Your name"))
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Jul 24, 2010
I am using jQuery AJAX to submit a form. When the data has been validated successfully and processed, I want to clear the form, but I am unsure how. I have been trying to make it work for a few hours now.
I am showing status messages in the container below:
When everything was successful, it looks like this:
And here is the simple code I use to clear the text fields:
What I need is a way to check if everything was successful and if so, then run the code above. I tried to do it in a few ways, but it kept clearing regardless of the status.
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Jul 4, 2010
I'm using the form validation and it's working great. But the form reset button, although it clears the form fields, does not clear the errors. My page header has this code so far:
I'm trying to understand how to implement the following in order for the reset button to do that:
var validator = $("#myform").validate();
I'm not an experienced JS person but have a lot of other programming experience (vb, vba, mssql, delphi).
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Sep 6, 2007
I have a page with 5 sets of form fields. Each field set has a checkbox that if checked will allow users to utilize it. I want to clear the given field set when the user un-checks the check box. As you can see in the code below this method will make for a very long and cluncky script, I would like to make it more generic.
function clear() {
window.document.roles.foo1.checked = ''
window.document.roles.foo2.checked = ''
<input class="checkBox" />
<input checked name="foo1" type="checkbox" class="checkBox" />
<input checked name="foo2" type="checkbox" class="checkBox" />
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Oct 8, 2010
I've read a few solutions to this, but none seem to fit what I'd like to do. I'm quite new to JavaScript, so I'm trying to learn various solutions to problems and also what can and can't be done.
What I'd like to know is can you, on submit, check all the form values on a page, or indeed within a specific form on a page, for their default values, and if any still have their default values as the text within that box, clear that value.
So using some generic form values as an example, if I had a form that had three text fields Name, Email, and Phone, all by default populated by their respective names, if someone changed the value of Name to "Adenv" but left the other two, on submit the script would change the values to:
With *blank* indicating a blank field. Is this possible?
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Jul 23, 2005
Okay, how do I write a page with a form so that when I click Submit,
the following happens?
1. The data is submitted (of course)
2. The form is cleared (what I've tried results in the form being
cleared first, resulting in an empty submission), and
3. The cursor goes back to the start of the form, ready for more input
(kind of like how Google puts the cursor in the search box at the
I can't seem to find the answer, and I've been looking on the net for a
few hours already.
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Nov 12, 2011
i think this will help people a lot, cuz i couldn't find any simple answer by googling 3 hours...i need a very very simple jquery form field reset.here is the picture what i need:
HTML Code:
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.4.min.js'></script>
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web form with several fields. If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.
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Jun 3, 2011
I've have a function to take the value entered in a form text box, add 50 to it and put the result in another text box.
When I enter 650.5 I get 700.5 exactly how I'd expect. But when I enter -650.5 instead of getting -600.5 I get -650.050 as though it is failing to parse the float due to it being negative. My understanding of parseFloat was that it recognises negative numbers. Is there a nice simple way to get this to work?
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Feb 3, 2009
The following form validation script works, currently if one of the five fields are completed, a message appears the remaining field(s) must be completed etc. Although the information the user has inputted in the first field is cleared. How can this information be available, if there is one problem in the form it doesn't make sense that the user must re-input all the information again. I look forward to hearing your response,
function validate_form ( )
valid = true;
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Aug 17, 2010
my javascript code is only validating one field at a time (as in it validates on field then submits the form, instead of going through the entire thing and then returning it as true and submitting it...) I'm not sure what to do to be honest, I've looked up google to no real avail.. my variables are declared in a seperate file to the actual even handlers and I have heaps of comments through out it, so please don't judge lol i'm still learning Quote:
//Event Registrations (Variable Declarations) found in validation_chkr.js
//Validate Entire Form using validate_join()
function validate_join()
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Jun 9, 2009
how can i clear the feilds in using jquery just like reset form in html.
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a way I can calculate a field in a form based on another field in
the same form. When clicking submit, both values should be posted to the
next page. I want to be able to type in a value in one field, and
automatically in a second field the value*1,36 should appear.
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Feb 15, 2006
I have a site for property bookings with 2 calendars to enter start and end date. The calendar im using doesnt have any obvious facility to copy yhe date to 2 fields so each one has to be done, months in advance this can be a real pain.
Does anyone have any ideas how i can take the data inserted into one field and copy it to the second?
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Aug 17, 2011
So I have a form with a few tables in it. One of these tables is to enter new values, and the rest of the tables are to update existing values. I need to be able to empty all values of elements within the table for entering new values on a button click, but I'm having trouble doing this with jquery.
I'm trying to find all elements inside of the table with id of "new_details" and then set all text box values to "" and uncheck all checkboxes but I'm not getting anywhere.
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Aug 31, 2009
$("textarea").val("");Throws an error in IE6: "Could not set the value property.Unspecified Error"But it works fine in all other browsersanother way of clearing a textarea that works in
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Sep 24, 2010
Trying to create a method/function how ever you want to call it, that will allow me to clear input values on inputs with focus() and restore the input values if nothing is entered or keep what the user types on focusou().[code]
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Feb 15, 2011
I have been trying to use jquery function .html() but I noticed that it clears all events that are attached to the selectors. Is there a way around this issue? I want to change the content and keep the events.
I am aware of live and delegate functions but I am making changes to an external page so I do not have control over attaching events or knowing what they are at the first place.
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Apr 26, 2010
I have a menu (structured in the old fashion UL/LI fashion) that is being controlled by jquery. Initial item selection operates as advertised. But when a "user" selects another menu item, the screen (div) does not reinitalize and react to the click of the new item.Here is my online site that I am working on.In my menu, only the Chemical and Small Arms items are programmed. Here is the code that is controlling say "Bullet" (under Small Arms).
$('#bullet').click(function() {
url: 'weaponLib/AME_sa-bullet.xml',
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.
The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have this script where i call a jquery ajax to calclate something and then put it back in the form input so then i post everything to a php script where it insert it in mysql database. Here is the script :
<!--Date/Time Picker -->
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Jun 4, 2011
Here is my Script
$(function() {
url: "includes/mysql2xml.php",
dataType: "xml",
The xml is valid and I can autocomplete on the names and it fills out the form on the screen with the names of the contact. What I need to do is add the value"" of the input so that it will go into my mysql table when I submit the form.
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