JQuery :: Doesnt Work When Uploaded To Server?

Jun 30, 2011

it was working fine when i viewed it using my local host but when i uploaded it to the server it doesn't want to work anymore. i made sure all the files are in the proper folder and so on..still no progress. Then uploaded the original or "demo folder" i got from this site and it works, but my site doesnt. I combined 2 jquerys btw, one apycom jquery and one booklet jquery. Both works in local host but in my site, only the apycom works. pls help me out..[URL]...

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Web App Not Working Properly When Uploaded To Server

Mar 10, 2009

I've been working on a college project to rebuild a php/mysql web application. My local dev. environment runs php/mysql on IIS, and the server that hosts the web-app runs php/mysql on Apache. As part of the revamp I've coded a few bits of javascript that works perfectly in my dev machine, but when upload do not work properly. Here is the latest bit:

Form with hidden fields I want to post to the next page.
<form action="ADToDoPrintPage.php" target="_blank" method="post" id="fm">
<input type="hidden" name="TotalHours" id="TtlHour" value="<?php echo
"$total_hours" ?>"><input type="hidden"
name="TotalCycles" id="TtlCycle" value="
<?php echo "$total_cycles"; ?>">

Then a list of links, one of which posts the form to the desired page:
<li><a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('fm').
submit();return false;">
Printer Friendly View</a></li>

Problem is rather than going to the desired page, it simply directs to the homepage. I'm baffled as to why this is happening and dont know where to start looking. Could it be something do to with javascipt not being enable or permitted on the webserver? I've made sure the site is in the 'trusted sites' list in IE but with no joy.

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Get Date File Was Uploaded To Server?

Nov 4, 2010

I would like to create a script that behaves differently according to the date it was uploaded to the webserver. Meaning - if I send the script to my friends and each one uploads it to his server on a different date - each one will get a different behavior.

Something like:uploaddate=getuploaddate();
if uploaddate between Jan 1...Jan15, 2010
do this1;
elseif uploaddate between Jan 16...Jan31, 2010


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Menu Works Locally But Not When Uploaded To Server.

Jul 23, 2005

I have created a site with menu, it is working fine locally but when i
upload it on the server it dosen't work. When I click on submenu under
"Company" or "Products",It will show the actual url in the address bar
but it gives a error "405 - resource not allowed". Kindly check and
let me know the solution for this. If you know any other simple script
similar to this let me know.

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Working Locally But Not When Uploaded To Hosting Server?

Oct 23, 2011

I am working on the following page: [URL]

There is a news script on the right-handside which rotates news items (a kind of scroller).

Locally this works without any problems, but once I've uploaded it to the hosting server this doesn't work. There is no javascript error sign.

I have double checked with the hosting and they support javascript by default.

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Script Working Locally But Not When Uploaded To Hosting Server

Oct 23, 2011

I am working on the following page: [URL]. There is a news script on the right-handside which rotates news items (a kind of scroller). Locally this works without any problems, but once I've uploaded it to the hosting server this doesn't work. There is no javascript error sign. I have double checked with the hosting and they support javascript by default.

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Code Working On Local Server But Not When Uploaded To Webhost?

Mar 5, 2010

I have created a site and on one page it uses 2 divs side by side to display text information. in the left hand div it contains 8 links. these links when clicked load up text stored in separate text files and display it in the right hand div.The code below was working when i ran it from my mac but when i try to load it off the webhost it fails to execute.

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#mc").click(function() {


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JQuery :: Ajax Call Doesnt Work In IE?

Jul 5, 2010

i have a set of select fields, which when selected, send a value via ajax, to return a sub-selection for further choice. I have 3 levels of sub-categories like this. For some reason it works in FF only - not IE. [URl]..

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JQuery :: .animate({}) Doesnt Work With ZIndex?

Apr 10, 2011

Animate doesnt seem to work with zindex. I dont see anywhere this is mentioned on the animate() page.

$("#myelement").animate({zIndex: 10})
.animate({opacity: 1), 1000);

Opacity is affected but not zIndex. I can change zIndex the normal way though:

$("#myelement").css('zIndex', '10');

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JQuery :: Id / Class Given With .hmtl Doesnt Work?

Aug 4, 2011

i just tried creating a bar containing a div that you click on and it enlarges to show something, when clicking again it should collapse.


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JQuery :: Identical JS Doesnt Work In Different Browser?

Jul 4, 2011

Isnt it following two script is identical? but they seems to contradict in different browser.

--following works in IE9 but not chrome
<script type="text/javascript">
var el=document.getElementById('myLink');
window.onload = function(){
el.trigger('click'); };
el.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });


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JQuery :: Lava Lamp Href Doesnt Work?

Jan 4, 2011

Look at :[URL}...prace/2/ When you click some link the floating bar goes there but none site is opened ;/ It seams that the problem is here:


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Jquery :: Sticky Header - Doesnt Work For An IPad?

Dec 16, 2010

I have this jquery code that for a normal browser allows you to have a sticky header. So by default it shows the content of the header wherever you want then as you scroll that header will then stay with you as you scroll. The problem is it doesnt work for an iPad. Can someone look at the code and see if there is something I can change to make this work on an iPad?

// Fixed control bar
var controlBar = $('#control-bar');
if (controlBar.length > 0)[code]......

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JQuery :: Submit Form - Code Doesnt Work Anymore?

Jun 19, 2011

Im trying to use JavaScript to submit this form. Why doesn't this code work anymore? It worked before and now it won't?

JQuery Code


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JQuery :: Rebinding Click Events After AJAX Still Doesnt Work?

Mar 25, 2011

I have an Ajax post that gets 100 records. That runs a callback function called Update(data.d) that loops through and populates a Div container with these records each in their own Div with numbered IDs. (It also removes old Divs so that there are never more than 100 n the container. During this loop I register the click event for each <a> called'Like':

$("#" + items.id + " .vLike").click(function () {
if (this.innerHTML == "Processing') return;


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JQuery :: Setting Css Left As Percentage Doesnt Work In Chrome/safari?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm setting position left to 100% and it works except in Chrome/safari. These browsers set it about 100px from the left not 100%obj.css('left', '100%');Setting the css by itself <img src="" style="left:100%;position:absolute" works fine.I don't know if this is a browser problem or a jquery problem.

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Pop-up Window Doesnt Work In IE8?

Dec 14, 2009

I use a basic pop-up window code that i have used for many years.I probably need to update it, but i was wondering why it will work for every browser but IE8.

function popUp(URL) {
day = new Date();
id = day.getTime();[code].........

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OnClick Doesnt Work In Mac?

Oct 7, 2009

I have this code, and it works fine in windows but not in mac, does anybody know why?


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Doesnt Work In FireFox

Sep 12, 2006

I have some Javascript that takes the input from some textboxes and then puts them all into a sentance automatically. It works perfectly in IE but not with FireFox... does anyone know how to make it work with both browsers?

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Text_Change() {
var TxtFName = document.getElementById("TxtFName");
var TxtSName = document.getElementById("TxtSName");
var TxtAge = document.getElementById("TxtAge");
var TxtLoc = document.getElementById("TxtLoc");

var SpnDisp = document.getElementById("SpnDisp");

var FName = TxtFName.value == "" ? "?" : TxtFName.value;
var SName = TxtSName.value == "" ? "?" : TxtSName.value;
var Age = TxtAge.value == "" ? "?" : TxtAge.value;
var Loc = TxtLoc.value == "" ? "?" : TxtLoc.value;

SpnDisp.innerHTML =
"Hello " + FName + " " + SName + ", " +
"you are " + Age + " years old and " +
"at the moment you live in " + Loc;


<div><input type="text" id="TxtFName" /></div>
<div><input type="text" id="TxtSName" /></div>
<div><input type="text" id="TxtAge" /></div>
<div><input type="text" id="TxtLoc" /></div>

<div><span id="SpnDisp"></span></div>

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Works Sometimes And Doesnt Work Sometimes?

Jun 8, 2011

im working on my online portfolio and I have an external javascript file that has functions to add a piece to the collection...here is the link to my pageillustratorthe javascript file is herehttp://www.freewebs.com/harrisonengl...ngleweb/add.jsas you see some of the pieces will show up, and some wont. they are all going off the same function, and all work when i run the html off my computer harddrive rather than the freewebs server.Also, i understand that formatting of the site will get all messed up when it is ran in different browsers... for instance it works in firefox and safari now, but not IE and Chrome

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Doesnt Work On Firefox?

Sep 29, 2010

I have this simple validation function for my form

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validateyesvalue(document){
if(!document.getElementsByName('RadioGroup2_0')[0].checked && !document.getElementsByName('RadioGroup2_0')[1].checked && !document.getElementsByName('RadioGroup2_0')[2].checked &&


It's only validating in IE not in Google Chrome and not in Firefox, any idea how to fix this ?

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Why Doesnt ONCLICK Work From Some Machines?

Jul 23, 2005

Are there any compatibilty issues associated with teh following command?

<div onclick="open('http://www.mysite.com.htm','','')">Main page </div

It worked on a PC butnot on a MAC (bith with IE).

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Function Doesnt Work Without An Alert()

Apr 25, 2006

I have this code in actionscript that calls javascript:


zoom_in = function () {
var tw1:Tween = new Tween(mc_1, "_width", Regular.easeOut,
mc_1._width, 0, 1, false); //OK
var tw2:Tween = new Tween(mc_1, "_height", Regular.easeOut,
mc_1._height, 0, 1, false); //OK


function zoom()
top.resizeTo(1024, 768);

Everything works perfectly on Firefox 1.5 but not on IE 6+

in IE the "zoom" function doesn't work, but if I add an alert it DOES work:

function zoom()
alert('this works');
top.resizeTo(1024, 768);

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Confirm Box Doesnt Work In FireFox?

Feb 13, 2009

Using Firefox 3, trying to use a confirm box where it says ok or cancel. The box shows up to confirm ok or cancel but if I click cancel it doesnt seem to return false, it just goes to the link of the url set in href. Im including the js file in the page:

<script src="js/forms.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
I then call it in the link:


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Image Link Doesnt Work?

Jul 21, 2010

I have no idea why my image link doesnt work

myimages[{$i1}]=["banners/{$object->image}", "{$object->link}", "_new"] ;

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Click Slide Up And Down Doesnt Work?

Jun 23, 2010

I wanna create a functionality where on clicking a (minus) button a div show slide up and and the image should change to (plus). Again on clicking the plus button. the content div should slide back out


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