JQuery :: Display Accordion In Community Home Page In Open Text
Nov 10, 2011
I have posted in my community in Open Text an accordion, but only the text is displayed like a bloc, no accordion effect.on this community the Module header look and feel is based on a CSS. It seems that i have some conflicts between both (no error message displayed).
Currently the page has some divs' displays set to none. When a user clicks an anchored link, it displays the appropriate div. Here is the script I'm currently using, which works fine:
function showApp(whichApp) { document.getElementById('dTips').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('dCaseStudies').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('dWebinars').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('dReports').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('dDigimags').style.display='none'; [Code]...
Is there any way to modify it so that if the user clicks a link on a different page, it goes to the APPS page and displays the requested div? If not, is there another way to accomplish this task?
The accordion-menu I created works nice from the bottom, but if the mouse comes from top it isn't functional. Do you know a trick to let the bullets open if the mouse comes from the top?[code]
Im trying to get a link one one page to activate/open a specifik accordian but i cant get i to work
my accordion looks like this
<div id="newsfolders"> <h1><a href="#">NEWS 1</a><span class="newsdate">21/10/1969</span></h1> <div> <p>Curabitur massa mauris, feugiat ut consectetur eu ullamcorper eget quam.</p>
I'm new to java script and am desperately trying to understand it all. My first question is, I'm trying to create a "rotator" for my companies home page, much like the one on [URL]. And by rotators, I am referring the the deal that right underneath the nav bar that is rotating pics, etc. I found one I like at a different site as well, so I talked to the web developer and he graciously supplied me with the java script code for it. The code is fine, but when I place it in a document, it has the pics and text underneath each other instead if rotating the pics.
i have a website where i have on the left side a button menu and on the right side an accordion menu. how can i get it to work, that when a user clicks on a button in the left menu, the associated entry in the accordion menu will open?
Before the home page of a site i've developed appears, I want the logo of the company to appear on the screen, then fade out to reveal the web page with full functionality. I also could do this be fading out the logo to reveal a static image of the home page which then could redirect to actual home page.
I dont have experience in jquery , and as far i know by default all panels inherit the height of the 1st panel ,depending of the quantity of the content inside it.In the content of each panel will be dynamic content, of different size thats why im intrested in this.
I cannot get the first photo of the first Accordion container to display in the enlargement area. What I get are FOUR of the same enlarged images (not even the correct image) vertically displayed down the page. The rest seems to be working OK. Here is the website and page: [URL] Here are the links to the css and various .js pages Gallerific CSS: [URL] Gallerific JS: [URL] Gallerific history JS: [URL]
I need to use a piece of Javascript similar to "this.setHomePage(url)" that works in Firefox (and IE7)
There have been other threads on this topic, but they descend into "let the user do what they want with their browser" or end with a piece of script for adding bookmarks/favourites...
Does anyone have a solution for this? Or is it something that can no longer be done with the security of new browsers?
I have a standard HTML form that asks the user for a dollar amount and a payment date. On the same page I want to display some acknowledgement text which displays to the user what they entered above.
For example, lets say the user entered 10.00 as the dollar amount, and 03/01/2011 as the payment date in separate HTML form text fields. Right before the submit button I would like to display to the user "By clicking on the submit button below, I agree to pay $10.00 to Company, Inc. on 03/01/2011".
I'm sure this can be done using jQuery... I'm just having a hard time finding an example.
I'm having trouble trying to figure out why on the home page there's a script error from both IE7 & IE8
"An error has occurred in the script on this page. Line: 49 Char: 5 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method Code: 0 URL: http://gopureenergy.com/ ..."
I'm not familiar with how the IE Debugging tool works
When someone comes to my site I would like to check to see if their homepage is set to my site. If it is then nothing is done. If it is not then I'd like a link to appear that asks if they'd like to set their home page to my site.
Can this be done? If so can someone post the code to do it?
i need a script that allows users to make my page as browser homepage, (i.e, when users click a link, the page will be their home page e.x (Make anairat page as homepage.
I have a button in my site which when clicked, will set the current page to be the home page for the user. I use the following code:
var hiddenLink = document.getElementById('dummyLink'); hiddenLink.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)' hiddenLink.setHomePage('http://www.123.com'); somewhere in my <body>, I have the following link definition:
<a href="#" id="'dummyLink'" style="display:none"></a> Now, this solution works fine for IE But I need to have a working solution for Firefox and Opera too. Does anyone know how to solve this in these 2 browers?
I mainly do PHP/MySQL coding, but I wanted to add this Javascript Accordion Menu to my site:
Javascript And CSS Tutorial - Accordion Menus | Switch on the Code [URL]
It works fine, but I was wondering if there was a simple way to modify the code so that the currently open menu stays open from page to page instead of closing upon each page reload?
I have a javascript error in my home page. Which is annoying. I am having hard time debugging it. [URL] FF is not showing it. IE7, 8 shows the error. I just launched the website and I do not want users noticing an error.
how to make a particular website their default home page when they click the button "Make this site your homepage" using javascript. This sample code works in IE, but other browsers doesn't know this code.
how to do this stuff on other browsers. I've research on this but still can't find good codes that do something like the code mentioned above. Others are redirecting the users to do something to make the website their home page.