I know that to run jQuery when the document is ready, you just use $(function() { ...jquery code... });
but that isn't allways what I want, sometimes I want to one or more jQuery codes when for a example a div (with a class or id) has been created, or when an image has loaded.
I'm writing this in case it might help someone who hates Internet Explorer as much as I do. I'm fairly new to jquery so many people may already know this but this one stumped me pretty good.I had my code in document ready but for some reason all of it wasn't executing. It would just stop at a certain point. All the code executed fine in Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Safari. Only internet explorer got hung up on a line of code that i wrote in regular javascript and not in jquery syntax and just would not continue after that. After changing it to jquery syntax it worked.[code]
I am needing to use both functions, as shown below, which are within the <head> section of my code. However, I find that if I do both, neither works. If I do only one, it works.Apparently, I don't know how to properly use $(document).ready(function(). What should I do?
I am getting $document.ready(function() not defined in the firebug console. I have seen that in most cases this is caused when the jQuery core is missing or the path is invalid. I do not believe this is the problem in my case becuase firebug shows the code as being loaded successfully and it is readable.
I have the following scripts in my head; <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.validator.addMethod( "selectNone", function(value, element) { if (element.value == "none") { return false; }}, .....
This question may be simple, but I don't know how to do it. (I'm getting hava script error) I have 04 master pages and around 100s of ASPX pages. So when I want to work in some conent page where should I use my $(document).ready(function(). I already have used this in Master pages. [code]...
I've got a number of divs with the prefix menu and the suffix where is say 1-10. My code is below. It assigns the click function fine to each, but assigns them all the function based on the last value of the for loop. (It calls the current value, while I want the value from when the code was originally executed to set up the click function). Scratching my head on how to accomplish this.$(function(){
I have inherited some code and have sort of been going through a crash course with JS (typically I'm working in C/C++/Java/asm). The person before me used jQuery, which seems to be basically a convenience thing and for the most part I understand the applications they've used it in. However, one thing scares me. The primary JS file is prefaced with:
And I have no idea what that does. From what I can guess, it probably waits to define the rest of the code until the document has been entirely loaded, but when I wrap it around MY code it just breaks everything.
My change function allows users to switch from country to country and get different text and features. It works when changing country selections. But at initial page load, it does not fire jQuery change to set the text for the default / initial country. When I change away and then back to the default/initial country, change fires and shows the proper information and features. I have tried document.ready with a change function both inside the switch selections and outside the change function. Neither work - they don't fire the hide, show and other jQuery in the switch cases at doc ready. Its not clear to me what function will fire the jQuery change function at doc ready. Here's the code. The country selection below is just 2 countries to keep it simple, but actually, there are many.
In my application i am using two jquery scripts .One is for accordian and another one is for drillMenu . Both js files are having "jQuery(document).ready(function($)".
If i use both the js file in my application only one functionality is working. For suppose if menu drill is working then it is not supporting another one.
I use the following code to add a "click" behaviour to an element:
$(document).ready(function(){ $("#element_id").click (function(){ ...... do something ....
Part of the node I clone is the element from the first piece of code I quoted. The addRowJob function also changed the ID of every element in the node I cloned. This way all IDs remain unique. Lets say the element in question has the ID "#element_id". Now I clone the node (which includes the element) and the cloned element gets its ID changed to "#element_id_new".
Of course I now want this newly append element ("#element_id_new") to have a click event attached to, but even if extend my $(document).ready(function() to:
$(document).ready(function(){ $("#element_id").click (function(){ ...... do something .... });
I simply doesn't work for the appended element.
My guess is that the $(document).ready(function(){ only fires when the document is finished loading. At this stage there is no element with the ID "#element_id_new" and therefore the click event can't be attached to the element. Makes senses...
But how do I get this click event attached to the newly appended element with the ID "#element_id_new"?
I am VERY NEW to javascript programming as I am to web development. I am pretty decent with VB.Net though. My question is, what are the different ways to call a JavaScript Function either from within XHTML Markup code or from a VB.Net Code-Behind file?
I have a few document ready functions on my page. I don't want the functions to get executed if the page is loaded because the user clicks on the browser forward/back button. Is there a way to prevent the document ready functions from getting executed if the user clicks on the forward/back button?
I am having a strange problem with a javascript function that does not return the value but returns the code inside the function. My best guess is that I am incorrectly calling the function hasLandedOn()and jquery is interpeting it. Why is this happening? I highlighted the parts in red.-Tom ReeseThe following is returned NOT the variable imageName.
function hasLandedOn(){ var selectorLoc = $("#selector").offset(); var imageName = "";
i have two html files index and index1. on index javascript works but after a 1 sec or so redirects to something wired. index1 doesnt work at all.
<p>It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
I'm using the Google AJAX APIs, but some reason google.load works when run through normal javascript, but if I call the method from my jquery ready function it doesn't work. Code and output is below
window.loadFirebugConsole is not a function If I comment out line 3 in code.js, the console debug runs okay, so the ready function is running okay. Even though there's a reference to Firebug, the same error occurs in Safari too. Nothing on the page loads.
I have 2 javascript files: 1 containing generic functions for my site used sitewide and another for a particular web page containing just the javascript for that page. The page is also calling the jQuery javascript file.
What I want to do is have a javascript function in my main javascript file which uses features of jQuery such as show, hide etc. and then I want to call this javascript function from the other page specific javascript file.
This does not work and so was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as to how to achieve this or something similar.
I'm new to jQuery but pretty familiar with JavaScript. I would like to convert the code below to a function that can be used like "$("#member-feedback li ").rotateElements()". I've looked at some examples, but I'm not sure where to start.