JQuery :: Change A Slide At An Arbitrary Position?
Aug 1, 2011
I have a slideshow that I built, and all is good. However, I want to arbitrarily change a slide once the slideshow is underway, and I don't see a mechanism to do that.
I have tried to write two simple functions to achieve this:
function exposeReplaceSlide(opts, els) {
$.fn.cycle.replaceSlide = function (newSlide, location) {
realReplaceSlide ( opts, els, newSlide, location);
but this doesn't seem to do the trick...it can locate the slide position, but the insert of the slide doesn't work...I get a blank slide in place of the html I want to insert.
i'm trying to set the default load position on a slide to the center, instead of the right. Link [URL] At the moment it loads to the right of the three images whereas i want it to load showing the center image then having the ability to scroll to the left and right. I've been messing around with this for about a week now and have no idea if it's possible or not.
I'm a real newbie with Javascript, but I'm having fun. I just bought the book, "Simply Javascript" (have only just cracked it so far). I'm reasonably familiar with PHP (I use a lot of it to do simple things). I'm a Web desinger and do custom CSS Websites (I'm fairly new to that too couple of years or more working with CSS and I've never done a table based layout.
But when the button is clicked, nothing will call the showCaption() function again, and I can't figure out how to call that function as the images advance. I have tried a lot of things with a lot of weird results, one being the tne next caption will display in a blank browser window, without the Webpage! I'm not sure why that happens, but I have a clue.
Is there an easier way to do what I want to do? I only want to show a few lines of text that will describe each image. Seems simple enough to me, but I'm just too new to make it work.
Currently, my custom select drop down slides in from the top/left. How can I make it slide in from the bottom/right?
Here is the code... The toggle sections are bolded.
$.fn.SelectCustomizer = function(){ // Select Customizer jQuery plug-in // based on customselect by Ace Web Design http://www.adelaidewebdesigns.com/2008/ ¦ ith-icons/ // modified by David Vian http://www.ildavid.com/dblog return this.each(function(){
I have 4 images and these images are changing automatically with duration of 2 seconds with show hide animation.and there are 4 bullets with mentioned above 4 images. these bullets are highlighting for example if image number 1 is showing than bullet number 1 is highlighting. same thing for other 3 bullets and images.
I have hidden div, that i want to show by sliding it in from topborder.The problem is that i don't know how to make it "slide in" instead of"wipe in".I want it all to move with it's content instead of showing more andmore of it.
I'm having a little trouble with 2 differentJS scripts. I have a drop down slide menu and a parralex slide gallery. Both work on separate pages and puton the same page they still work however the submenu of the slide down menu does not. if I remove the style sheet that belongs to the gallery
Then the munu works, however (obviously) the page layout goes wrong. if i remove<h1 class="title">Alex Holland Perspective</h1> the menu works however page layout goes wrong andI loose my header
Its a long shot posting here but the task I'm using a jQuery Carousel that has a youTube video embedded on one of the slides:
I have is does any one know a way that when the user clicks a new slide the youTube video pauses, turns off, or at the very least the volume of the video is set equal to zero.
jQuery.crSpline - Smooth 2D animation along paths of multiple waypoints, using Catmull-Rom splines.
Demo GitHub You provide: A series of (x,y) points that the path should follow. Plugin provides: Animation along a smooth 2D path that intersects all points. Check out the demo page to see what it looks like.
I just published an early release of this and am looking for feedback from other developers! I made it because I needed an easy way to make animations out of extended sequences of coordinates (without doing the math to stitch together bezier curves), and as far as I could tell no one else had published an easy method to animate along Catmull-Rom splines using jQuery. This is the result, and the hope is that it will be super easy to use and helpful for people besides just me.
Future plans: More general animations and customizable behavior. The current version only animates top and left properties along whole pixel values. It also assumes that every segment of the path should take equal time, resulting in some strange speed changes when moving from small to large segments. Currently brainstorming good fixes for all of these.
I want to do something but here is an example. (That explain much more) : Here you have a toolbar called content-header. It change from position:static to position:fixed if it leave the screen. (whan you scroll down) I want to do the same thing with my first <tr> : That way on a my long table you will never loose the title of each columns. I tried to copy this website by using his stuff but it didn't work.
I need to change the position for a group as reaction for a mouse movement so I wrote this: this.dragged.attr('transform').baseVal.getItem(0).setTranslate(x, y) But this does not integrate well with the animation this.dragged.animate({svgTransform:'translate('+(-x)+' '+(-y)+')'},delay)
I have this table on my html page: <table id="t_menu_options" width="125" border="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#F9F9F9"> <tr><td colspan="2"><font size="-2" face="Verdana"><strong>Options...</strong></font></td> </tr><tr><td width="15%">></td> <span id="edit"><td><font size="-2" face="Verdana"><span id="et">Edit</span></font></td></span> </tr><tr><td width="15%">></td> <span id="delete"><td><font size="-2" face="Verdana"><span id="dt">Delete</span></font></td></span> </tr></table>
I start the page by hiding the above html by using $('#t_menu_options').hide(); And that works.
Now upon some user mouseclick event, I want to show the html and move it to a position where the user clicked: function showTaskOptionsMenu(e) { alert(e.pageX+" "+e.pageY); $('#t_menu_options').css({'left':e.pageX+'px','top':e.pageY+'px'}).show(); } The alert command works as expected. however, the html is simply showed at the bottom of the page and is not moved to the desired location.
I have been using jquery (which is fantastic) for over a year now, but only basic little bits of code. Now I want to try something a little bigger but I can't get it to work. The problem is, I have a fixed background with position to the left which when scrolling horizontally it sits flush against the left, I want it so when you get to the end of the document it smoothly carries on to the right and then sits flush against the right. And when you scroll back towards the start it bounces back to where it was before. The code I've tried so far which works, but whenever I try 'click' instead of 'hover' nothing works? Also it just jumps to the other side, I'm not sure how to make it scroll to the other side smoothly.
I'm very new to Jquery but have finally worked out how to change the background-image (a sprite) of my #contentContainer when hovering over a separate 'trigger' image. However, for the life of me I cannot work out how to apply a fade effect to the transition. Basically, instead of the current abrupt background image transition I would like it to fade in smoothly on mouseover and mouseout.
Can anyone suggest how to create an arbitrary object at runtime WITHOUT using the deprecated eval() function. The eval() method works ok (see below), but is not ideal.
function Client() { } Client.prototype.fullname = "John Smith"; var s = "Client"; eval("var o = new " + s + "();"); alert(o.fullname);
Note: I want the type name of the object to be represented as a string (in this case "Client" -- this is a non-negotiable requirement).
I also tried the following (which appears to fail):
function Client() { } Client.prototype.fullname = "John Smith"; var s = "Client"; var o = new Object(); o.construct = s; alert(o.fullname);
eval() is handy but not future-proof, so any suggestions would be welcome.
I have this code which shows a slidebar, adjusting it shows a number, 0-100 depending on where the bar is. Is there anything I can do to set the width of the slider, or replace the slider with a graphic of my choice. Code:
how to properly add some text content before and after a user's selection?I am working with the TinyMCE editor, and I can get the following from it:
* User's selection as a W3C compatible range * User's selection as a browser selection object * User's selection as a node (element) that encompasses the user's selection
I also need the user's selection to remain selected after being wrapped.I've looked all over the web and could find nothing (except running into my OWN previous questions about this).Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
First line is original text, second line a part is selected, third line the selection is wrapped and the selection remains selected.
I want a slide show that changes the URL so each slide has a unique bookmarkable URL.
But I want to really understand this and I don't even know what this method is called (otherwise I'd search for it). So is there a term for this partial-updating-of-a-page-with-URL-updating? And what is the term for the part of the URL right of the '#'?
I'm making a form with some fields. Once the form is submitted it updates the page with a new div containing the data entered without refreshing. Im using jquery form plugin. What I'd like to achieve is the new div(.record) to .slideDown. I guess I need to somehow specify the exact div by giving it an id or number. I'm not sure and why im here.
At the moment when i submit all of the divs(.record) are hidden with .hide, then they all slide down with .slide. Best i can understand is to hide the last div then slide down. But again.. I don't know how to specify to only slide down the last div added and not the current .record divs on the page.
I'm using jQuery cycle plugin right now, and I want to add a new slide based on the newly created image and I want to replace this slide later if the user has updated the image. I read the document of jQuery cycle, and I found it's using onBefore callback to do the job, but it's not on the fly, how could I do it on the fly?