JQuery :: Assign A Method To Themeswitcher OnSelect Event?

Jun 22, 2011

I have this code where we initialize the themeswitcher


where themeSwitcherSelect is my function, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

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JQuery :: Inline Datepicker - Implemented The OnSelect Method

Oct 22, 2009

I have an inline datepicker on my page...I need two things:

1.) I've implemented the onSelect method, but what I really want to do is do a non-modal popup for the user to see what calendar events from the database that are on the date selected. I've worked out all the database and json parts, but now I need to make the popup near the calendar. I'm surprised that there isn't any mouse coordinates passed to the onSelect function. Anyone ever attempted something like this?

What I'm looking for is something similar to this: [url]

2.) Also from the link above, you see how they have a star on the dates that have events associated with that date? How can we modify the date so that there is some way to distinguish days that have events associated with them versus ones that don't.

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JQuery :: Datepicker OnSelect Event?

Jul 18, 2009

I'm trying to make use of jQuery's datepicker. The hidden field is used to make the datepicker appear and stores the date data that will be sent to the server. The SPAN tag will show the "pretty" date format for the user.

The altField option doesn't seem to work, as the SPAN tag is not an INPUT tag. So, I saw that I could add a custom function using the onSelect event, so I attempted to write what you see below. I can't seem to find any clear documentation on how to handle the "inst" variable or how to pull the date from it so it can be formatted.

If I use the "dateText" variable, that only seems to contain the date as a formatted string, and not as a Date() object that I can format.


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JQuery :: Select's OnSelect Event Doesn't Work In IE And Chrome

Sep 23, 2010

I'm using my custom component that has a combo box (jsf's h:selectOneMenu, which has a onselect event)in it and it already has a onchange event, so I want the onchange event to trigger another onselect event with jQuery and it only works in Firefox.

I tried it without the component and it looks like this:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


and again works only in Firefox, and not IE and Chrome. It works with onblur event, but the onselect is closer to what I need.

Is it not working because the html <select> tag doesn't have a select event but Firefox can do it for some reason?

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JQuery :: Positioning A Themeswitcher In A Menu Bar

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to position a themeswitcher widget (jquery.themeswitcher.js) near the right edge of a menu widget (jquery.menubar.js). Here is the HTML:

<h1>Menubar tryout</h1>
<h2>Last action:</h2>
<p id="menubar-command">nothing clicked yet</p>


The menu bar works OK. But the themeswitcher resolutely locates in a screen-wide "overflow" of the menubar div, and doesn't have the correct nifty dropdown (it is squashed up to the height of a single line).

I expect the root of my problem is a misunderstanding on my part of the CSS.

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Assign Prototype To Event

Mar 12, 2007

I am wondering why the following works, on IE6, but with an error : "Not

function TEST(){}
TEST.prototype.Initialize = function()
var mImage = new Image();
var mDate = new Date();
var start = mDate.getTime();
mImage.onload = this.Alerting(start);//WORKS with ERROR "Not implemented"
//mImage.onload = function(){this.Alerting(start);}//ERROR "Object doesn't
support this property or method"
mImage.src = "winxp.gif";
TEST.prototype.Alerting = function(i_string){alert(i_string);}
var mTest = new TEST();

Can anybody guess why?

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How Can I Assign Event Handlers Externaly?

Jul 23, 2005

I have written a script that gets trigered by IE's toolbar button. In
this script I would like to asign an event handler to an element of the
document currently open in IE. The way one access the document object
from a toolbar button script is:

var doc = external.menuArguments.document;

Now assuming the document has an element called TextArea1, the logical
thing to do would be:

parentwin.document.all('TextArea1').onkeypress = new

Which goes compiles and runs, except the event handler does not get

Another trick i tried is as follows:

var s = parentwin.document.createElement('script');
s.text = 'window.alert('asdf')'
s.htmlFor = 'TextArea1'
s.event = 'onclick'
parentwin.document.scripts[0] = s;

Same result.

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Dynamic Assign Keypress Event

Jul 25, 2006

Hi have an event called function allownumberonly(evt);

My html text input onkeypress calls this function.

I want to create a text input dynamically and set its onkeypress event
to the above function also passing the event.

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Assign Onclick Event To A Cell

May 9, 2007

I'm having troubles assigning an onclick event to a cell. Im trying
something like:

cursorPoint.cells[3].style.cursor = "hand";
cursorPoint.cells[3].width = "20";
cursorPoint.cells[3].onclick = "alert('this is a test');"
cursorPoint.cells[3].alt = "Select the columns";
cursorPoint.cells[3].innerHTML = "&nbsp;"

Everything is just working fine except the onclick. I also tried:

cursorPoint.cells[3].click = "alert('this is a test');" (without the
"on") but also didnt work.

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Can I Assign An Event To A Global Variable?

Oct 4, 2007

I was wondering if anyone knew if/how to assign an event to
a global variable?

I tried to do it and IE 7 came back with an error saying "Member not
My code looked similar to the following:

var globalEvevnt;
function showPopup(event){
globalEvent = event;
setTimeout(function(){unhideDiv()}, 2000 );


function unhideDiv(){
alert(globalEvent.type); //Member not found error found on this

I was wondering if I had declared the globalEvent = new Object();
would that make any difference? I thought everything in JS was an
object so the event could be stored to one as well?

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Assign And Event To A Tag During The Onload Function?

Dec 4, 2011

I'm trying to assign and event to a tag during the onload function,but I don't seem to be using the correct syntax.

<title> Test Event Assignment </title>


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Cannot Find Body Node Of The DOM To Assign Event-handlers

Jun 9, 2011

What I am coding now is a piece of a much larger project that I am, for the moment, developing on my own. This code, relatively useless on its own, is essentially practice or proof -of-concept. Much of it will probably be used in the larger project. If at times, it seems that I am using a cannon to kill a fly, this is why.

Additionally, I do not claim credit for all the code here. Some of it is copied from other sources. I have studied it, understood it , then modified it appropriately, making it my own.

However, the code is broken. I have tested it on Internet Explorer 9.0.??? and Firefox 4.0.1. It breaks in both browsers. I have previously tested it in Chrome, but not recently. On IE I have used the built in debugger, and I have been using Firebug in Firefox. I have also used the debugger at [URL] quite frequently. JSLINT returns some 'Bad Type' errors regarding 12 lines in the html body, each having the structure: <td><input /></td>. I can find no explanation for the 'Bad Type' errors. Otherwise, according to JSLINT, the code is fine.

The predecessor to this code worked fine. I had been using inline event handlers (onblur and oninput) that called the doMath function when one enters data into the table. The values are then averaged and summed. All this is extremely basic. The problem began when I removed the inline event handlers and began to use window.onload (I believe I am using document.onload now, but the problem has not changed.)

I have adopted Douglas Crockford's 'walkTheDom' recursive function to find all tags with a particular class name. I would like to assign every element in the array returned by this function an event handler.

This is the problem: This script simply cannot find the body node of the DOM ( and, seemingly, none of its child nodes either). Initially I tried 'document.body', which failed. I then began with 'this' (essentially 'document') and tried walking the DOM to get to it ('body') eventually. This, too, failed. I tried array index notation to refer to it(I forget the specific syntax), and most recently, I've given it ('body') an id and referred to it directly using 'document.getElementById()'. These most recent attempts also failed.

After hours of figuratively bashing my head against the wall looking at code and probably even more time doing research online, I am extremely frustrated. As often seems to be the case, my problem is probably simple

I have included most of the code, even though it is a little long. This way you may easily copy the code and reproduce the problem yourself. I do not often post to forums, and, more relevant, I have no idea where the error may be located.

Potential problem areas are in RED.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">


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JQuery :: Only Call One Event Method?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a problem with jquery and events.if a html file where i some structured divs like:

<div id="foo">
test <div id="bar"> test2</div>

i have 2 jquery function for every div. but if i click the div with the id bar. both functions gets called.Is there any way to block the first event?

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JQuery :: Use Dblclick And Click In Datepicker Instead Of OnSelect?

Aug 5, 2011

How can I possibly use dblclick and click in Datepicker instead of onSelect ?

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JQuery :: Value Set In An Event Handler Using Css() Method Is Not Get Next Time?

Mar 21, 2011

I've a very simple code where i am setting the font-size to currect font-size + 2 for a paragraph. Its set first time but when next time event handler is called it gets the same old value.code is ...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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JQuery :: Triggering An Event Which Method Based On The Keycode?

May 5, 2011

I must be writing this wrong.

<script type=text/javascript >
$(document).ready(function() {
if(event.charCode || event.charCode !==13) {


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JQuery :: Make Datepicker Create Month And Week Links / OnSelect?

Aug 22, 2011

We're using the Datepicker plugin, and it works great. We don't have any text input field tied to it, instead we have associated our own js-function with the onSelect attribute. But now the client wants to be able to click on the week number, or the month and then do something based on that. Preferably some onSelect function, just like when a user selects a specific day. Is this possible?

A very simplistic example of what I would want to be able to do, all with one single datepicker instance [code]...

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OnSelect OnUnSelect Events For Checkbox?

May 9, 2006

I am trying to activate a javascript behavior when the user selects a checkbox, and another behavior when the user un-select the checkbox.

I know the "onSelect" event exists, although after some testing, it does not seem to work when applied to a checkbox. Then it seems the onUnSelect event does not exist.

So how can I acheive this?

<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" onSelect="doSomething()" onUnSelect="doSomethingElse()">

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Object Method As Event Listener

Oct 16, 2006

I want each instance of an object to be able to listen for input events.
When the event occurs, a method of the object should be called, such
that "this" is in scope and refers to the object instance.

Is this possible? Example:

function MyConstructor(element)
//element is some HTML element

this.foo = "Bar";

return this;

MyConstructor.prototype.addListeners = function(element)
element.addEventListener("keypress", this.doSomething, true);

MyConstructor.prototype.doSomething = function(e)

alert(this.foo.length); //Error: this.foo has no properties

//shows the HTML element that triggered the event

Is there any way to get "this" to refer to the object in the event listener?

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Binding Object Method To Event

Jun 24, 2002

I'm trying to build a Validation object, where you pass an object id and event name in the constructor. Then, you call an add_rule method to add validation rules. The constructor code looks something like:

function Validation(id, event, ...)
this.object = document.all[id];
this.event = event;
var obj = this.object;
obj[event] = this.validate;

So the actual validation function is dynamically bound to the appropriate event. The problem is that when the validate method is called, "this" no longer refers to the Validation object; it refers to the object to whose event it was bound. So, for instance, in the following code, the validate function's "this" refers to frmSubmit, not objValidate:

objValidate = new Validation ("frmSubmit", "onsubmit", ...);

Of course, I need to refer to the actual validation object's properties, but I can't figure out how. Any suggestions?

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JQuery :: Events/live And Default - Method To Bind A Handler To A Click-event For All Links With Class "userDiv"

Jun 10, 2009

I use the live - method to bind a handler to a click-event for all links with class "userDiv"

When I DON'T use this and use instead the "normal" click handler

I can still use the middle Mouse-Button in Firefox to open the link in a new tab without any jquery-stuff

But when I use the live-method (and it would be nice to use it) the middle Mouse-Button behaves like the left one.

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JQuery :: Call A Method From Within Another Method?

Aug 16, 2011

I have two methods and I would like to call somename1 method from within somename2 method. I have tried several ways to do so however I keep getting "TypeError" or "RefernceError" I have tried several ways to reference but I am still unable. What am I doing wrong. I would think this would be easy to do.

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[<input Type="checkbox">] OnSelect Vs. OnClick

Jul 20, 2005

Does the following indeed imply that this event is NOT called when an <input type="checkbox" is toggled?

This would thus imply the usage of the onClick handler instead (assuming an action needs to be invoked on check/ uncheck).

W3C Recomendation:
18 Scripts

onselect = script [CT]
The onselect event occurs when a user selects some text in a text field. This attribute may be used with the INPUT
and TEXTAREA elements.

I *know* the onClick can be used, I am just wondering about the use og onSelect.

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Public Static Method Accessing Private Method

Aug 3, 2006

I'm trying to do something, but I don't know if it's possible.
Basically, I want to have a public static class method that could
access a private object's method. I would like to be able to do :


The method would then access a private function from Class by doing
something like

function method(param) {

I've done a lot research and experimentations but just can't come up
with a solution... I don't even know if what I'm trying to do is

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Why Is The Callwhy Is The Slice Method Only A Method Of An Array Instance?

Jan 31, 2011

Why is the callwhy is the slice method only a method of an Array instance? The reason why I ask is because if you want to use it for the arguments property of function object, or a string, or an object, or a number instance, you are forced to use Array .prototype slice.call(). And by doing that, you can pass in any type of object instance (Array, Number, String, Object) into it. So why not just default it as a method of all object instances built into the language?In other words, instead of doing this:

function Core(){
var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'};
var num = 1;[code]....

//right now none of the above would work but it's more convenient than using the call alternative.


Why did the designers of the javascript scripting language make this decision?

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JQuery :: Assign Variable To Function?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm trying to assign IPAddress to using the code below:

function GetIP() {
//var IPAddr;


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