JQuery :: Using Tablesorter To Sort ShortDates?
Oct 6, 2011
According to the documentation, tablesorter plugin should be able to sort by shortdates (Both UK and US formats).The user can select a dateFormat, like "dd/mm/yyy" when setting up the sorter.I've tried to do this - but it has no effect at all.I've looked at the DEMO for tablesorter, and even-though they write "We sort UK shortDates", they actually filled the table with US formatted dates... So, I have never actually seen this function working Anyway, I've done as I believe is right according to the documentation - but I cannot get it to sort by the dateFormat "dd/mm/yyyy".[URL]
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May 21, 2009
I found tablesorter plugin failed to sort the float if the float is in scientific notation? Eg. the tablesorter asc sorted result of float list is : [ 7e-06,4e-05,0.051116,0.00518,0.0].
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Jul 24, 2009
I have data that looks like that
<a href='myURL/myapp?name=myname¶m1=val'>23</a>
<a href='myURL/myapp?name=hisname¶m1=val1'>9</a>
I need it to be sorted numericaly by values between ></a>. How do I do that?
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May 27, 2009
With a tablesorter config that looks something like this:
cssHeader: "sortAble",
cssAsc: "sortAsc",
cssDesc: "sortDesc",
headers: {3: {sorter: 'time'}},
sortList: sortOrder,
widgets: ['zebra'],
widgetZebra: { css: ['','alt'] },
debug: true
The alternating row style is not applied to the odd/even rows on the initial display of the table. If a user clicks any of the headers to change the sort-by column, or to change the sort-order, then the striping is applied. I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and tablesorter 2.0.3. Searching the list for "tablesorter zebra", I found mention of needing to patch tablesorter 2.0.3 for 1.3.2 [URL] - does this still apply?
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May 13, 2009
I am using the excellent jquery.tablesorter successfully for a large number of 40-row tables that live together on one page. So far I'm very happy with the plugin. My users also need the ability to apply any column sort they invoke automatically to *all* tables on the pae. They do not wish to sort the tables individually. As recommended in another thread, I have been looking at sortStart and sortEnd, but have been pulling my hair out trying to get this working. My JS:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
// extend the default setting to always sort on the first column
$.tablesorter.defaults.sortList = [[0,0]];
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Aug 27, 2009
The default sort (when clicking on any of the headers in the tablesorter table) is ascending. Now, I want to change that to descending for ALL columns, not just the initial sort column (defined in sortList). I've tried editing sortInitialOrder parameter in the .js itself, and nothing. I've tried adding it as a parameter in my html page when defining and assigning tablesorter, and nothing. What am I missing? And how do I accomplish this?
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Jan 26, 2010
I am using Jquery and the tablesorter plugin to sort a table of information. Within the table i have a column of checkboxes. A user can check the boxes and press the submit button which will $_POST the checked boxes onto the next page. Everything works if i dont sort the table, but if i sort the table and then check a few boxes the $_POST array is empty.
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Jun 9, 2009
OK so Ive been using jquery for a little bit now and love it. I am a ColdFusion developer. I have a need where I would like to present the user with a list of categories and the user can drag and drop to sort, but then I need to post this new sort order to the database. So I see there are a ton of cool drag & drop plugins for jquery. I understand how they work and I can get it to work as far as spitting out DIVS or spitting out ULs that can be sorted, but then what? So now they are sorted on my screen and not really part of the form. How do I translate that into something I can do a post to the database with? Do I do an AJAX call every time they drop an item and try to extrapolate the sort order on that item after they drop it? Do I populate a hidden form field with the constantly updating sort order list? MAybe a list of ID's? How does everyone else go about this this task? I'm sure there is more than one way and I'm sure this is a common task.
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm trying to get tablesorter working on my site, as per [URL]
Here's the page I'm working on: [URL]
I've included references to jquery-1.5.1.min.js and jquery.tablesorter.min.js in the page header, and uploaded the files to my site. I'm sure the references are OK, because if I use firefox web developer to view javascript it can find both of these.
I've included a script in the header to sort the table:
<script type="text/javascript">
The table has an id of "myTable" and is of class "tablesorter".
I've uploaded the css file, and again, I'm sure this is being located OK, because the table has the look and feel of a tablesorter class, and again web Developer is able to display the css correctly.
BUT, the icons aren't appearing, and the table is not sorting. I've put copies of the icons in root, in the same directory as the page and the same directory as the jquery files for good measure, but they're not being found. And no amount of clicking will sort the columns.
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Dec 31, 2010
I use table sorter ( latest 2.0.5) and Jquery latest for sort table !
It works fine!
BUT! in some tables, I've link for open image in a light box !
On the first page, all works fine !
But, as soon as i set the second ( or more ) page in the table, the link work like a classic link, not like a "lightbox class" link !
I've try with fancybox => same !
with shadowbox => same !
and with lightbox => same !
So, the problem come from tablesorter or the pager !
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Apr 30, 2009
I'm trying to get tablesorter [URL] working but pasting the example table, when the given document.ready() function fires, I get a javascript error saying that $ ("myTable").tablesorter(); is not a function. Can anyone confirm this works with Jquery 1.2.3?
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Jun 3, 2009
The tablesorter plug-in by Christian Bach has what I think are a couple of bugs/anomalies. 1) a column that starts with a zero is not identified as a 'digit'. I think it should be. 2) a column that starts with an IP address that looks like or -- that is any IP with a single digit is not identified as an IP address because the "is" function only looks for d{2,3} instead of d{1,3}. 3) some of the examples in the source code are wrong. Otherwise a great plug-in and worth the effort to debug.
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May 27, 2009
I am trying out the Tablesorter in Wordpress 2.7.1 to make a membership list sortable. For some reason the sortable features isn't being enabled (or at least visible). Here are the steps I've taken so far: 1) In the header.php file I added the following code between the head
<script type="text/javascript" src="library/scripts/jquery-
<script type="text/javascript" src="library/scripts/
But, while the table shows up on the page, the sortable features are not visible. NOTE: In Wordpress I have the WP-Table Reloaded plugin activated, but to trouble shoot this issue, I am not using the shortcode and using a HTML table directly in the page, for now.
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May 29, 2009
at least going to be a double post from in the jQuery Plugin list. I'm being moderated yet on that list, and it doesn't seem to get much activity.I'm going to post this here since the Tablesorter developer hasn't gotten back to me yet.I took a copy of the latest version in SVN and modified it to have jQuery UI Theme support. It seems to work very well and anyone is welcome to use it.[code]I was hoping this would be included into tablesorter so I just threw up the modified version on my work site for now.
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May 15, 2009
I am trying to use the plugin tablesorter that has a pager, for one table in a page it works fine, but when I put two tables, the pager links [next, previous,....] for the first table is moved under the
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Feb 20, 2011
i have two table header rows, one with Captions and one with controls, dropdown, checkbox etc like this:
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Jul 21, 2010
I have a table where the first column is mixed with words and dollar amounts and by default, before you sort, it looks like this:
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Jun 17, 2011
Assuming a structure like:
<ul><li>Some Name</li>
How can I use textExtraction to sort based on whatever number is in that first LI element? I have tried various things, but just can't seem to get it.
//Various forms of the below... trying to find the right path to the element.
textExtractionCustom: { 0: function(o) { return $('li','ul.serversgs',o).html(); } }
textExtraction: { 0: function(o) { return $('li','ul.serversgs',o).html(); } }
// This from within my own function called by whatever column I'm sorting by (0 above).
Am I wrong and I cannot do this, even though the sample above is directly from the Tablesorter site as an example of bypassing HTML markup inside the TDs?
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm using tablesorter in my app and it's working great except.. the ip address sorting seems to be slightly broken. It will sort on the first two groups fine, on the third group it tries to sort once and gets it wrong and on the last group it won't sort at all.bob
After a bit of debugging the issue is that an ip address is being detected as a digit, i.e is detected as the number 192.168 and hence only sorting on the first two groups. I fixed this by moving the digit to the end of the parsers. This is not a proper fix but works for me. Secondly the parser needs to be changed as follows. Without the debug line obviously. It was limiting each group to 2 characters and only sorting the first two groups.
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Oct 10, 2011
I've implemented tablesorter in my page using links to do the sorting rather than table headers. The reason being that the visible columns have the data in such a way that sorting on them is non-intuitive (the first column has both a job title and department title, so how to specify to sort on one or the other? I created hidden columns one for each data element and hid them).This works beautifully in Firefox and webkit browsers, but IE 7 and 8 are returning the following error when trying to sort on a hidden column that isn't the last column in the table. If I display a column, the sorting works fine on it, but hidden and not last, it errors. Changing the order of the hidden columns doesn't change the behavior, last column works and the other three error.Line: 552Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object.the line is referring to jquery.tablesorter.js here:
function setHeadersCss(table, $headers, list, css) {
// remove all header information
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Apr 30, 2009
I'm using jQuery's tablesorter.js to create tables with sortable rows. It works fine on both text and numerals - but only if they have no commas. For example, the following column would sort properly:
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Apr 28, 2011
I am using the tablesorter and tablesorterpager plugin and I really like it.However I need help with a problem I have. I use checkboxes for every rowin a table for selecting items.I also have a “select all” checkbox in the table header. When looking at the pager script I understand that the plugin completely removes all the table rows from the DOM and only renders the visible rows, the rest of the table is cached. So when using code similar to this:
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Jan 17, 2009
I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always from 1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular
sort. Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values in the first column after tablesorter did it's work? I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what I want.
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Nov 17, 2010
I need to exclude a table row from the sorting with tablesorter.
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May 11, 2009
Does tablesorter support nested tables? I'm only trying to sort the outer table, but tablesorter seems confused by tables nested within my <td>'s.
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Jun 15, 2009
I have a table, 10 cols, 200 rows. Using tablesorter causes a memory leak on every page refresh of almost 2mB. A smaller table causes a proportionately smaller memory leak. Is there way to clear this memory? I've tried setting inner html of the table to '', but it makes no difference. Is there even a universal method i can call to remove any trace of any jquery plugin I have on the page?
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