JQuery :: "Timers" Plugin And IE8 Trouble

Sep 7, 2009

I'm using "timers" plugin (URL...),so far it worked great. But lately, I'm having trouble with IE8 which doesn't trigger everyTime event.Firefox, IE7 and Chrome updates the "sidebar" div every second, but IE8 does not.

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JQuery :: Animate Color Over Time Using Timers Plugin

Apr 24, 2009

I'm using the Timers plugin to do a count down timer.I would like to enhance my UI by having the numbering being counted down transition from black to red as it gets closer to 0.The jQuery UI demo for animate seems to be what I need, but what I'm having trouble figuring out is how to have it transition gracefully over time. It seems like the animation is a one-shot deal.

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JQuery :: Timers Plugin - Continuous Loop Through Animation

May 25, 2009

I've used the jQuery Timers plugin [URL] to animate through my client's "five steps" on this page: [URL] but is there a way to get it to continuously loop through the animation? The documentation page [URL] doesn't seem to cover anything like that.

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JQuery :: Multiple (Realtime) Countdown Timers ?

Aug 17, 2010

I am going to be doing a simple page where I can add (for example) an item what will be visible for 60 Minutes and then dissapear, then simply I will ammend the content and put it on for a further 60 Minutes.

There will be a few Instances of this on one page and I am very new to jQuery but I am good at HTML / CSS and pick it up easy. The countdowns that I have seen on the internet dont seem to be what im looking for.

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JQuery :: Trouble With Php While Loop And $.post

Aug 4, 2011

My website is an Magic the Gathering website, so it involves card,cardsid,decks etc.I have a searchresult.php page, which shows the results(cards) after you an SQL query has searched through my SQL database.Then every result get's a links(add card to deck) behind it which opens an unique popup window.Now my problem is, in this popup there must be an unique form which check via ajax whether the 'card' is already in the deck. Well I got as far as this works, well it does for my first search result.Altough the input's are unique in every popup, as they should be. Only the values of the input's of my first searchresult are submitted to the process form.

The includes of the Jquery files is not included in this code, but it is included in the real code. it is in a seperate file, it would be stupid to just show I include the jquery library and files xP, because that IS the case.[code]

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JQuery :: ClueTip Focus / Blur Trouble

Oct 22, 2009

I'm working with ClueTip and have run into some oddities.In particular, I want to show ClueTip when a textbox receives focus.The source shows me that I can use activation:'focus' for this and that will result in the cluetip showing on focus and disappearing on blur. Showing the cluetip is working fine, blurring is not.[code]

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Run Two Timers On The Same Web Page?

Apr 2, 2010

How do you run two timers on the same web page using javascript?

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JQuery :: Multiple Classes Selector Causing Trouble?

Sep 19, 2009

In order to allow users to filter content, I've created a small checkbox list. To each checkbox is attached an ID, and too some divs on the page are attached these id's too (in the class attr that is); one div can be attached to multiple id's, and so have multiple classes.

In order to show or hide my div's I wrote :
function couponsVisibles(){
var coche = $(this).attr("checked");
if (coche) {
var idCoupons = $(this).attr("id");
$(".zoneCoupon , div[class='" +idCoupons+ "']").each(function(){
var coche = $(this).attr("checked");
if (!coche) {
var idCoupons = $(this).attr("id");
$(".zoneCoupon , div[class='" +idCoupons+ "']").each(function(){
It looks like my selector "$(".zoneCoupon , div[class='" +idCoupons+"']")" doesn't work, but I can't figure out why. I've started using the [attribute*=value] selector, but this selector doesn't seem to make a difference beetween class='8 10' and class='8 1'...

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JQuery :: Trouble Combining Flash's Externalinterface.callback

Feb 1, 2010

I have two swf using AS 2.0 in a webpage. One of them is hidden at the start, but when I rollover on the other one, the hidden one is supposed to show up and the visible one is supposed to hide.However, everytime I rollover it, it says peelOff() is not a function. Although it is a function, since I'm able to control it with any other events such as "click".I could use the callback of a mouseover to call the peelOff() function?

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Multi Timers That Will Loop?

Feb 5, 2010

Anyone have a script that has multi timers that will loop; Sort of like the ones used in reverse auctions.

First timer 1:24:59:59 (days/h/m/s)
Second timer 1:00:00 (h/m/s)
Third timer 1:59 (m/s)
Forth timer 59 (s)

I have one now that I found here and makes no sense to me;

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

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Clear ALL Timers In JS Without TImerID's?

Apr 23, 2010

I see the clearTimeout() function, but it takes ID's, I really just want to clear ALL the timers in my code w/out knowing Timer ID's.

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List Running Timers In JavaScript

Jul 23, 2005

Does anybody know a way to retreive the running timers (their ids) in a html

I cannot find something in the html dom at first sight.
Is there collection of timers available (like window.all[], forms[],
frames[] and such)? Some other way?

When you create a timer (setTimeout), the return value is the timer id.
Suppose that some script (which you do not own and cannot change) calls
setTimeout but doesn't store the id. How to retreive it, to stop the timer (clearTimeout(id))?

I though to override the "setTimeout" like below, but that doesn't work.
Probably since the original setTimeout is used before I declare this new

var oldSetTimeout=setTimeout;
var timerSaved=0;
setTimeout = new function(arg,time)
/*alert('timer: '+arg+', '+time);*/
return timerSaved;

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Working With Timers - Run The Song In The Jukebox

Jun 17, 2010

To recap: I've built a music jukebox on my experimental website, url removed. Each song in the Jukebox has it's own html file and in that html file a few things are done to run the song in the jukebox. The type of media player requested by the user is determined. Then, that media player is activated playing the song requested. After the amount of seconds needed to play the song have passed a function then calls the next html file which will then play the next song. When any html file for a song loads, the <body> tag reads:

<body onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 413000)";>

In the above code the delayer() function (below) is called to open the next html file which will play the next song ("SunrEyes.html" in this case). But first, using the javascript setTimeout() function, 413000 milliseconds (or 6 mins. 53 secs) must pass(in this case). This is the length of the current song being played.


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Timer Script Does Not Advance Timers

Apr 5, 2011

I'm using javascript to create timers that will start a count down after the page is loaded. I need to do the calculation of seconds for the timers in php on the page that calls this page with the javascript. I then pass the seconds when I write the javascript using php. Here I'm just showing the javascript with the seconds hard-coded for each timer. I've tried testing this as is (with the javascript hard-coded just as shown here), but all it will do is display the starting point for each timer but won't advance beyond that. It is supposed to show the timers counting down each second.

<script type='text/javascript'>
function GetCount(secondsPassed, iid){
amount = secondsPassed;
if(amount < 0){

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Interval Timers And The Value Of Them - Get -1 As The Output When ValueOf() The Variable

Nov 26, 2011

Here is a bit of a conundrum, it you have an interval timer and it is interrupted say by a clearInterval call, how can you tell how far along the interval the timer was when it was canceled? When I look at an object that is an setInterval() event timer, I get -1 as the output when I valueOf() the variable. What I am wondering is if for example the following

var thisIntervalTimer = setInterval("onceAminute()",60000); the interval of one minute passes between updates, apart from setting up a tracking variable to track milliseconds, does the thisIntervalTimer possess any user accessible values like thisIntervalTimer.getMilliseconds; to return the current 'tick' value of the interval timer attached to the variable thisIntervalTimer. What I would be interested in is if any method exists to access any properties of this object, they must exist in some form as how would the browser know what event timer to update or trigger.

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Multiple Countdown Timers From A Set Time On A Single Page

Aug 17, 2010

I'm new to javascript. I want to make multiple adjustable countdown timers on a single page. I've got a single timer working:

<script type="text/javascript">
var sec = 10; // set the seconds
var min = 00; // set the minutes
function countDown() {
if (sec == -01) {

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Trouble With <OBJECT>

Jul 20, 2005

I would live to find a different way to do this, but evidentially I am not able
to open a Text-File in JAVASCRIPT and fill an Array with the Values, so I have
to do it this way.

I am doing the following:

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Onclick Trouble

Aug 27, 2007

I'm using 'this' so that only the element that is clicked changes, what I need is some way of specifying a background color for anything that isn't 'this' and then continue to change the clicked element. Is this possible? The only other way I can think of is to add a class to each menu item and then only apply the backgroundColor = "Transparent" if the class of the clicked element matches that stored in a variable and other wise apply the standard background color. Though I may be shooting wide of the mark. Code:

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IE DOM Iframe Trouble

Mar 30, 2007

I know this is really more of a DOM or IE DOM question than a js one but the js forum seems to be the most fitting...

I am working on a page where I have included an instance of FCK Editor (which is just a script that creates your standard Rich Text Editor interface inside a form).

What I want to do is call a function which retrieves the newly typed data (along with the formatting) and does something with it.

The "problem" is that FCK creates it interface inside an Iframe inside another IFrame. No problem for FireFox, Netscape, etc... It just a matter of a couple "getElementById()"s and "contentDocument"s. However IE does not support contentDocument. Instead IE puts all Frames (including IFrames) in the frames array. Which is fine, I can still navigate my way down the tree to my target Iframe with document.frames[0].frames[0]... the trouble is, you cannot (or I can't figure out how) to access elements on the page inside the nested Iframes. I can access properties of the Iframes (such as location).

I'm thinking that this is how IE is "supposed" to work but is there any way that I can access elements inside a page inside of an Iframe or nested Iframes? Code:

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Cookie Trouble In IE

Dec 20, 2007

I'm using the following line to delete cookies. It works great in Firefox, but in IE the cookie still exists, it's just lost all of its data. I can check to see if the data is there, and ignore the cookie if it isn't, but since I'm looping through my cookies when the page builds, I rather it be completely removed.


document.cookie = name + "=noop; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + "; path=" + path;

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Trouble With .getElementId() In Firefox

Dec 12, 2006

I have a cgi program which outputs a fairly hefty amount of
html/javascript for doing a complex slide show sorta thing in a variety
of areas in the browser. I accomplish this by creating a series of
iframes and populating each iframe which its own copy of the code and a
list of items to display. It previously had it working tickety-boo
with both IE 6 and Firefox. I've had to concentrate on adding new
features to the IE side and am now attempting to get everything working
properly in Firefox.

The issue I'm running into is when I use the form
document.getElementById('some_id').someFunction Firefox often replies
that the object has no properties. I've handcoded some smaller
versions of the my program in straight html and, sure enough, they work
great. So, I'm screwing something up in my main program whereby
Firefox can't see the objects. Code:

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Page Linking Trouble

Jul 20, 2005

How can I use Javascript to look at variables passed from another page
using the GET method( a website address) and load that website?

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Trouble With Loop With Conditional In It

Mar 26, 2010

This is the loop I'm trying to use to check for bullets hitting rocks. the function worked if I used actual numbers instead of the j variable, but I wanted to loop through all the rocks.Can anyone see why the inner function loses the j index and says asteroids[j] is undefined? the hit test is removing the bullets! it's working! the asteroids[j] was used in the hit test!

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Ajax Timers - Refresh The Data Every 5 Second To Provide Slick Real Time Availability Info

Aug 17, 2009

I have a small app, my first real ajax project, which gives you details for product availability, for each day. The user selects a day (from a calendar) and then a time slot within the day. The app then displays how many slots are available for purchase, on that day, for that time... I wanted to refresh the data, every 5s, to provide slick real time availability info... but alas, when you change day (look at another day and time), the old timer still runs with the old arguments, and so it keeps resetting the 'details' panel to the previous day's details... how do I reset the timer? or delete the old one?

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Trouble With Loops And Arrays In Java

Nov 14, 2000

I've been working on trying to compile this bit of Java code. It's taken from an existing code (with permission) that I know works. The problems started when I added an array. Code:

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Submit() Trouble In Iframe - Firefox

Nov 5, 2007

I have a hidden "in between" page where I dynamically create a form and
hidden inputs using ASP that should submit to a second page where this data
will be used.

The form is automatically submitted using javascript. This code works in IE
and in Firefox.

The problem I am facing now is that the series of these same pages I am working with are now being used inside an iframe. Since this change, the javascript submit no longer works in Firefox, but does in IE. Code:

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